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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, September 15, 2012

{Night Blooming Cereus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) Orchid Cactus}

Finally on August 6, we got to see our: Night Blooming Cereus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) Orchid Cactus in full bloom around midnight! It was worth it for staying around and making these photos of a flower so exotic and spectacular. Above all, its fragrance is heavenly! My husband Pieter also did get to see its flowers, later in the night when he woke up. Both of us are so glad we got to see this. Taking photos in the dark is not easy. I had a flashlight for pointing at the blossoms but I did shoot some images for sharing with you. Below this post you also find the link to YouTube where I put more photos as a video presentation.
Don't you think this flower is exotic looking?
The heavenly fragrance is out of this world...!
Below this post I also placed a link where you can order this plant.
A very nice view inside this huge flower.
And yes, it is a pure white one!
Here you can partly see three of those beauties.
Just wondering which insects will visit this flower during the night.
It is obvious that some have been inside as there is pollen spilled on the lower petals...
It was almost a pity for going to bed that night.. because in the morning the flowers are closed up again!
With my flashlight I aimed at the flowers and I had to squat down for capturing them...
Sideways and here you still see the pink outer petals.
Very nice detail of the center of this Orchid Cactus.
All FIVE of them...
So what do you think of this exotic Orchid Cactus?
Too bad that it opens up around midnight and closes again by morning...

Related links:
Night Blooming Cereus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) 2 | short YouTube video by me made during thunder...
Night Blooming Cereus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) | Logee's Plants for Home & Garden


  1. Wow fantastic!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  2. really beautiful. look so delicate.

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    OMG, SO beautiful and stunning♡♡♡ I wish to tell you the Japanese name of this flower. ”月下美人”means "beautiful lady under the moon". Isn't that sweet name, I love the sounds of it in Japanese as well, haha. I never knew this splendid flower has the orchid in its name p;) Oh, and have the heavenly fragrance!!!
    Although I wish to comment after watching the video, I need to go out for errand. Lovely weekend for you, my friend.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  4. Dear Mariette,

    Your pure white orchid cactus is so beautiful and worth getting up in the night to photograph it. Great too, that it has a heavenly fragrance.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    You are having a beautiful plant in Escondido,California.
    I love in full bloom around midnight Aren't you weak up in the night.
    When you will come home that may be miss your lot of flowers...
    Hugs and love to you always!

  6. Preciosa flor, me encanta, es una maravilla!!!!!!

  7. Dear Mariette,
    That is a beautiful flower! First time for me to see it.
    I do wonder what bird or maybe a bat? comes to see it.
    You do have a wonderful variety of flowers in your garden.

  8. Dear Mariette
    It looks like no real !!!Is so exotic , I never seen another like this !For a while I was thinking that is from other material... opal may be ..You did a great job with your camera !

  9. Hallo lieve Mariette
    Dat is echt wel de moeite om uit je bed te komen.
    Het is een prachtige bloem,spijtig dat je ze alleen s'nachts kunt zien.Fijn je reactie op mijn blog.Het is inderdaad zo, hier is de herfst al begonnen zoals je op de foto kunt zien.Gisteren was het zelfs echt koud hier in de voormiddag haalde we maar een negen graden, we zullen vlug de kachels moeten aandoen denk ik.Maar dat geeft niet want de natuur is dan ook heel mooi hé.
    Fijn weekend nog en geniet nog veel van je mooie bloemen.
    Lieve groetjes Carine

  10. Liebe Mariette,

    die Blüte ist ein Traum in weiß - eine vollendete Schönheit und muss einfach bewundert werden -

    lg. Ruth

  11. Soooo wundervolle, schöne, riesige, strahlende Blüten, liebe Mariete. Ja, es ist wirklich schade, dass sie sich nur bei Nacht zeigen - aber dann leuchten sie wie Sterne am Himmel!
    Herzliche Grüße, Traude

  12. Oh, Mariette, this is worth staying up late for! So exquisite - floral perfection! Thank you for sharing this, I have never heard of such a flower before. Have a lovely weekend! xx

  13. You have green fingers! Very beautiful.
    Today I send your wabbies by mail. In the middle of next week, they should be there in Germany.
    Have a nice weekend!

  14. Dearest Mariette
    What wonderful flowers! It's almost paradise to see something like that. And it's definitely worth staying up at night to experience their flowering.
    Hugs to you

  15. God's creation is beautiful...

  16. Dearest Mariette, I knew what was coming and I was eagerly awaiting. It was well worth the wait. I can almost smell them now. I have two plants just now but they haven't bloomed. Lost a twenty five year old plant a couple of years ago. I guess it was just like me. Worn out.
    I have never put mine out in the sunlite, always kept them on the porch. I will try your method as I consider you the expert. Do you feed them orchid food or what?
    I can remember when my children were young waiting up with me to see the blooms. I figured it would be fun to stay up together, experience the beauty and it was also educational. I have never looked up the official name before. We always called it "Night Blooming Cereus.
    Thanks for sharing and evoking sweet memories. Love to you Ginger

    1. Dearest Ginger,
      Our Orchid Cactus are in the greenhouse during the winter season, to prevent frost damage as we do have an automatic heater that comes on if temps drop too low. From spring through autumn, they are outside. All plants do benefit from natural light, that's the best stimulant for growth and budding. As you perhaps know, there comes down some nitrogen with the rain. For that reason, we never give additional fertilizer, although the good potting soil has sufficient nutrients. In our opinion, most Americans overdo with fertilizer, which will stimulate mainly vegetative growth but not blooming.
      Hope this did answer your question sufficient.
      Hugs to you,
      Pieter & Mariette

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    die Blüten sehen toll aus. Ich finde es aufregend, dass sie nur nachts blühen. Das macht in warmen Sommernächten eine ausgesprochen exotische Stimmung. Ein Grund, mal nachts ein Gläschen Sekt zu trinken.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  18. They're worthy of an impromtu party. The fragrance compared to Datura and Brugmansia is spicier. All are intoxicating.

    Direct sunlight makes the leaves yellow. I keep mine in light shade and they still bloom.

    Young plants are sometimes slow bloomers, but I have a year-old plant with a bud. A big piece broke off last year and I rooted the whole thing.I never throw away a piece, some visitor will always want one.

    I use no fertilizer except to top off the pot with fresh potting soil in the spring.

  19. Mariette,

    The flowers are absolutely exquisite, and you take the prettiest pictures!

    Have a wonderful day,

    Kristina :)

  20. bellissimi i fiori!!!! complimenti baci lu.

  21. It is amazing to me that while most flowers open up to the sun, but this gorgeous plant blooms at midnite. Incredible! It is so very beautiful. Thanks for the link you left in a comment for me today. It's time for me to hit the hay now, way past my bedtime. But I will definitely be checking it out tomorrow after school. Best wishes, Tammy

  22. Weer zo'n prachtige bloem! En ik vind het ook altijd zo heerlijk als ze 's avonds of 's nachts lekker geuren.

    Groeten Janny

  23. Liebe Mariette,

    der Umgang mit Menschen fällt mir nicht schwer. Ich sehe den Menschen an, und dann sehe ich seine Not.
    Ich leide mit...

    Dir schreibe ich liebe Worte:
    Du bist immer ausgeglichen. Das gefällt mir, und ich möchte deinen Blog nicht
    missen. - Du zählst zu den Menschen,
    die ich achte und schätze.

    Alles Liebe

  24. Hoi lieve Mariette,

    Dat is dan weer het voordeel wanneer ik paar dagen achter ben met jou posten lezen,kan ik nu in een adem....bijna ademloos...het vervolg bekijken en lezen van dit prachtige SPROOKJE IN DE NACHT...wat een geweldige mooie bloemen,ik ken de plant wel maar zag nog nooit bij iemand de knop van uur tot uur bezig met haar openen.Keek ook op filmpje YouTube,van een grote schoonheid!!!
    Hartelijk dank voor het delen, XXX!!!


  25. Wonderful, georgeous, outstanding...
    what a BEAUTY!
    Thanks for sharing those wonderful flowers with us!
    Love and hugs, and a happy new week,

  26. Hej Mariëtte, ik was er zo benieuwd naar en nu had ik het bijna gemist. Wat een bijzondere plant. De bloem is prachtig en het nachtelijk avontuur meer dan waard.

  27. Beautiful flowers. I've never seen anything like these before.


  28. Wat een mooie bloem! Jullie hebben overigens een hele mooie tuin met schitterende planten!
    Groetjes Sandy

  29. Dearest Mariette, Woohoo - magical!!! I LOVE the blooms, big, big, big! The details in each bloom. Oh boy, God sure does love detail. Thank you my dear friend, I have loved every second spent here with you reading all three blog posts! You have left a great big smile on my heart! God bless. Love, Kerrie xoxo


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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