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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, September 6, 2012

{Our Indonesian House Gecko & Green Crested Lizard}

Back again to Indonesia... where we always enjoyed living and working. When we came home from work in the afternoon, we settled down on our patio with a coffee. As soon as we sat there, the Indonesian House Gecko did hurry down from the roof area, under the gable where they hid. We treated Our Indonesian House Gecko on some coffee as well! Not the Green Crested Lizard, he/she only enjoyed being there with us together. Friendly and not scared at all. Catching mosquitoes and flies and that was very much appreciated by both of us.
  • Green Crested Lizard on our patio. We loved this creature for its brilliant colors!

  • The door opening goes into our kitchen dining area.

Oh, they came hurrying down the rainwater pipe to the saucer where we poured some coffee with cream. This was sweet condensed milk, as that was the only one available locally.
Wish we had a photo from its tongue in action!
The Indonesian name is 'Cicak', pronounced Chichak. That's exactly the sound they make, calling their own name. They can be rather loud.
  • Oh, this is yummy!

There is an even larger Gecko variety, the Tokay, in Indonesian called Tokek. Sadly this is being hunted down and becoming extinct. They are being exported to China, Japan and other Southeast Asian countries where their dried skin is being used in medicine and skincare products. 
Let's hope the best for this typical Gecko! 
See the video below for hearing its call, it too calls its own name Tokek...
At least we did enjoy nature in Indonesia and respect it too, but the Indonesian people have very little respect for wildlife habitats. Just read the article below about where all the Geckos have gone... SAD!
What is your opinion about his?...

Related links:

Gecko Sound | Gecko Effect | Pictures of Geckos - Tokek video link and you can hear its typical call Tokek...


  1. Hi Mariette,

    I loved your lizard post, and it's funny that we both posted about those little reptiles and that you fed yours coffee! I actually have a pet leopard gecko named Miles :-) That is so sad that the geckos are in danger of becoming extinct. I think we should treat all creatures on this earth with care.
    ~Jess from Red Rose Alley

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    what a lovely little thing!
    And so sad, to read that they now live in danger, because they get hunted....
    Love and hugs,

  3. Liebe Mariette,


    Alles Liebe


  4. Liebe Mariette,
    ich mag die kleine Geckos, wo immer ich sie treffe. In Italien, Griechenland und in Australien gab es welche. Wie lustig, dass deiner Kaffee mit Milch mochte. So ein Leckermäulchen.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  5. ¸.♫°`♡
    Bom diaaaaaaaaaaaa!
    Muito lindo!

  6. It's a beautiful lizard and so nice of you to feed it.


  7. Yakkes!!...ik vind ze eng....!!...xxx....

  8. What a little cutie! It's sad that these little creatures are captured for pets. :(
    xo Catherine

  9. Dear Mariette, I love both these creatures - your photographs are awesome! The green is so striking on both the lizard and the gecko. We have what I call a very light pinkish brown coloured gecko here. We get quite a few in the house and I just adore the sound they make. Sometimes {because they are loud} you can hear them calling from the neighbours house :) I was once told that we have a couple of varieties of gecko here. One is a native to Australia, and the other somehow ended up here from another country. I guess they adapted to Australian climate well. I like the Indonesian name "Cicak" - I've tried to imitate the sound when having a chat with one and greeting it. Hehe, sound like I've gone crazy. No, just a huge animal lover, as you know. Such horror! to think they capture and kill the geckos to make skincare products. I never buy products tested on animals. I agree with you, SAD! Sending you smiles and sunshine, Kerrie xoxo

  10. What a beautiful creature! And so cute they came to your house and had some coffee :-)
    We have some lizards with beautiful blue tail come around on our deck.
    It is too sad they are hunted down for money :-(

  11. My father lived in Indonesia in his youth. Some time ago now. Like you he told us about the Gheko's, which climbed the walls of the house. I believe they called them tjitjaks.

    It sounds special to have one of your own. Such a beautiful animal! I hope Indonesian people will come to realise soon how precious wildlife is.

    Madelief x

  12. Questi grandi Gecki a me piacciono tanto,o Iguana,io li ho visti così grandi alle Maldive,erano bellissimi!!
    Una mia amica lo ha allevato a casa con una grande gabbia piena di verde come la natura!!
    Sono bellissimi e molto utili!!;)
    Un bacio cara amica!!

  13. Dearest Mariette, why am I not surprised that you would have a wild gingko as a pet, with your sweet and tender heart? A very handsome lizard and how kind of you to give him a little treat of coffee with cream! When I lived in the desert South West in Arizona, we had little lizards that came to drink out of a saucer of water we set out for them. They were not tame like yours, though. I am heartbroken for all the wild things in this world. Why do humans feel that they are the most important form of life? We just have to continue to respect all life in our own little ways. It all starts with each of us, as you have shown.

    Hugs to you for being so kind to these innocent creatures. xx

  14. oh how super sweet!!! love these...

  15. Hallo Mariette,

    die Fotos sind sehr schön und ich mag die kleinen Gecko´s besonders auch weil ich auch solch einen Freund hatte, als ich in damals noch Jugoslawien im Krankenhaus lag - er spazierte an der Decke und lenkte mich ab :) - einfach schöne Erinnerungen.

    Lieber Wochenendgruß von Senna

  16. I can't believe the gecko liked to slurp on sweetened coffee. So funny! It's always sad when wild animals and the environment are exploited by man for his own gains. Best wishes, Tammy

  17. Hoi Mariette,

    Moet eerlijk bekennen dat ik de eerste dagen tijdens onze rondreis over de Indonesische eilanden niet echt gecharmeerd was van deze beestjes....
    de eerste nacht zat er al een tegen de muur van onze slaapkamer en ik deed geen oog dicht.
    Toen ik het die volgende ochtend tegen onze reisleider vertelden moest hij hartelijk lachen.....ja logisch hij groeide op in dat tropische land,zijn advies was: geef hem een naam want ''hij'' zal de hele reis bij je zijn, de beestjes doen jou niks,lopen niet in de nacht over jou bed en hangen enkel aan muur of plafond en vangen de insecten vooral muggen voor je weg.

    In onze villa op Lombok met soort van halfopen badkamer waarvan de douche geen plafond had maar speciaal gaas en je tijden het badderen in de jacuzzi naar de sterrenhemel kon kijken zaten eens 2 van die grote knapen tussen de randen van dubbel plafond,geloof dat ik toen heel snel klaar was en enkel wat pannetjes water over me heen gegooid heb tijdens het mandiën;-)

    Maar alles wendt en je moet wel flexibel zijn en de ''angst'' voor beestjes van je afzetten want in tropische landen kom je van alles tegen op je weg in de natuur.

    Je vraag over dat boodschappenbriefje in theepot.....ik schrijf in mijn post over speciale theezakjes die je kan vullen met losse thee en in pot hangen, dat is wat jij ziet.
    De zwarte Ostfriese thee melange,theezeefje en suiker kluntjes kocht ik daar.....rest had ik al,servies heb ik van mijn Moeke geërfd:-)

    Fijne dag en lieve groeten!!

  18. Darest Mariette
    The little lizard is too cute! Like having a pet to keep away insects.
    Animal life is perhaps not quite as much worth in some countries. Using animal parts as medicine is also totally ineffective.
    Hugs to you


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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