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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, July 28, 2012

{HELP NEEDED Identifying this Plant!}

After searching in vain for the name of this huge pot plant, I  now resort to my world wide readers...  Indeed: HELP NEEDED identifying this plant. It was given as a birthday present to Pieter in April, so we've tried for three months now to determine its name. The leaves are kind of leathery and in the center something is growing. Not a blossom I think as it started in May already.
It is not rhubarb... But WHAT is it?
Does anyone know; please help me out!
My guess is that it is some tropical variety...
Above two photos were taken on May 20.
June 26...
July 5...
THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR NAMING THIS ONE... and solving the mystery!

Thanks to Ger from Hoorn Des Overvloeds, a Dutch blogger friend, she pointed me into the right direction. With some more research I've found out that it is an Anthurium Plowmanii Fruffles
It is native in Brasil, Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay. Just click the above link for finding out more.


  1. no idea, but it is pretty and healthy. :)

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, this is a birthday present to Pieter! It sure look tropical plant and rare one since even you don't know the name. I DO hope you can solve the mystery!
    Haha, as you know I am the wrong person(^^;)
    Take Care of Yourselves, unbelievably hot here...

    Lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  3. I would take a wild guess and say "Anthurium"? Tropical plant originating in Hawaii. The tall spike makes me think this. Also known as "Little Boy" plant. :) xo

  4. Hi Mariette,

    At my parents home we had a plant that looked a little like this and it was called Monstera Deliciosa ( fruit salad plant) The fruit from this was actually edible.

    Enjoy the weekend

  5. Liebe Mariette, leider kann ich dir bei deiner Frage nicht helfen, aber ich denke, das www wird dir Hilfe bringen - wenn nicht hier, dann in einem Internet-Pflanzenforum. Die Pflanze sieht jedenfalls gut aus! Ja, und du hast natürlich Recht, ich hatte mich bei deiner Heidelbeer-Geschichte verlesen - ich dachte, die Fotos wären seit dem Vorjahr verloren gewesen...
    Genieße den Sommer und deinen schönen Garten!
    Alles Liebe, Traude

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    in gewohnter Schönheit.

    Sonnige Grüße


  7. Liebe Mariette,

    ich hab meine gartenbücher gewälzt, kann aber eine solche Pflanze da auch nciht finden. Sie hat ein wenig Ähnlichkeit mit Aronstab, aber die blühen anders....

    Auf jeden Fall ist es eine Schönheit und sie siet sehre kräftig und gesund aus!

    Ich wünsch Dir einen guten Start in ein wunderschönes Wochenende!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  8. Ciao Mariette, credo sia la Monstera Deliciosa come dice Carolyn...nel mio dizionario delle piante è quella che le assomiglia di più!
    Un bacione e buon weekend!

  9. I've seen it before, but don't know what it is. Has that middle section bloomed or stayed the same?

    My father had bypass surgery when he was 45 and all of his brothers and sisters but one had heart disease. I have my cholesterol checked every year and so far haven't had any problems. I changed my eating habits completely when I turned 40 so I am hoping that helped. I try to be good most of the time, but a little splurge here and there is okay, I hope.

    Have a great day. Tammy

  10. Ik zou het niet weten...dat is hier dus wrs een kamerplant, heb hem nog nooit gezien.

  11. Dearest Mariette
    Such a thing I have never seen
    It was a nice birthday present.
    Some of the comments have probably already responded to what kind of plant it is.

  12. Hej Marriëtte, hopelijk wordt de naam gevonden, want ik ben nu ook wel heel erg benieuwd. Ik heb al zitten speuren op internet, maarkan het ook niet vinden. Is het niet terug te vinden via de gever?
    lieve groet,

  13. This might remain a mystery as I think you have everybody completely stumped! But it is such fun to be plant detectives with you and for you that I think you should make this into a regular column! I am sorry, but I can't help you about the name of this plant.. it looks pretty healthy though.DFon't eat it if you not sure what it is!! But I am sure you are very sensible and you won't !
    Much love

  14. Volgens mij is het een Monsteria...weet niet zeker...zal straks aan hemmes vragen die weet het vast wel !!...liefs Ria...xxx...

  15. Dear Readers: the suggestions about Monstera Deliciosa did NOT solve the mystery. All Monstera's have 'holes' in their leaves. In Dutch it is called 'Gatenplant'... Neither is it an Anthurium, they are way too small in comparison.
    So we keep hoping and trying to solve the mystery.
    THANKS a lot!

  16. 彡✿✿⊱╮
    Infelizmente também não conheço essa planta. Tem uma folhagem muito bonita.
    Bom fim de semana!
    Beijinhos do Brasil

  17. non conosco il nome di questa bellissima pianta...mi dispiace...ti auguro un bellissimo fine settimana Lory

  18. non conosco il nome di questa bellissima pianta...mi dispiace...ti auguro un bellissimo fine settimana Lory

  19. Cara amica NON penso che sia una Monstera Deliciosa,
    ma credo che sia una CALLA GIGANTE!!
    Fammi sapere se ho indovinato!!;D
    Un bacione!!

  20. Dear friend, I think it is NOT a Monstera deliciosa,
    but I think it's a GIANT CALLA!
    Let me know if I guessed it!; D
    A big kiss!

  21. Hi Mariette,

    I just found this link and don't know if some of the Monstera deliciosa come without the holes in their leaves. You may need to put it in your browser to see this.


    There is probably a site that you could ask someone who would know what your plant is.
    Good luck with finding out.

    Happy weekend

  22. Dearest Carolyn,

    No sorry, this is not it... The leaves are too thick and leathery and they are HUGE.
    Let's hope that one day we will find out.
    Love to all who did search for it.

  23. Lieve Mariette,

    Het is in elk geval een prachtige (tropische)plant die er gezond uitziet.

    Na wat speurwerk begin ik toch aan Anthurium soort te denken, als ik het blad zie zeker,en heel voorzichtig wanneer ik de aren bekijk aan Anthurium Cubense...
    Wat denk jij als je met deze plantnaam gaat Google?

    Ben heel benieuwd.

    Zal straks nog een verder zoeken, ga nu eerst slapen in de hoop dat het na een fikse onweersbui wat afkoeling mag geven na ruim 30 graden in het Brabantse.


  24. Dearest Mariette,
    I was writing about yesterday.
    but I just looking mind in here..
    It is winter and cold,but there is plenty of work to do in preparation with your tales of new names.ha ha..
    I read about plants over 250 trouble
    free plants for a beautiful plants.
    Have a nice day,

  25. This is quite a mystery! I have never seen anything like it. I do hope you find out soon. It sure is pretty. xx

  26. Wow, the mystery is solved! Thanks to Ger from Hoorn Des Overvloeds.
    This made my day. What a great community Bloggers are.
    Perfect day's ending...

  27. Dearest Mariette,Please, Please tell us. What is the name of the plant.
    Love to you, Ginger

  28. What a beautiful plant, I have never seen one like this before. What a nice gift. Have a nice weekend.


  29. I saw the blueberries in your previous post. Here in Sweden we have something called "allemansrätten" (public right). That means that anyone can pick berries. It does not matter who owns the forest.

  30. Wow, 2 meters! I´ve heard of American blueberries, but I didn´t know that!
    Have a nice weekend!

  31. Liebe Mariette,
    heute schaffe ich es einmal wieder hier vorbei. Interessiert mich doch auch alles Botanische ...

    Das Aronstabgewächs "Monstera deliciosa" hat nur in der Jugend herzförmige Blätter, später sind sie durchlöchert und fiedrig-gelappt.



    Schon von den Blättern her ist es keine Calla! Die sind nicht so gewellt am Rand!


    Ich meine eher, es ist eine Philodendron-Art (ebenfalls ein Aronstab-Gewächs!) - schau einmal hier:


    Aber wenn Du mal nach "Araceae" googelst, dürftest Du fündig werden - schau mal, was ich bspw. gefunden habe:


    und leicht geadert schaut Dein Aronstab auch aus. Eine Giftpflanze in jedem Fall!

    Liebe Grüße

  32. Ach, jetzt habe ich noch mal in Deinen Text reingelesen, liebe Mariette und ganz am Ende hattest Du ja die Lösung schon gewusst. Leider ist die weisse Schrift auf dem Schwarz schwierig zu lesen, so daß man leicht etwas übersieht. Meine Mutti mit ihrem Augenleiden würde sie jedoch gut entziffern können.

    Waves of Love ... das ist ja genau das Richtige ...


    Alles Liebe nochmal

  33. ....oh.....Mariette...je hebt de juiste naam gevonden van het mysterie plant:-)goed van je zeg!!!

    Weet je dat ik ook op die site waarna jij linkt heb zitten kijken op die bewuste avond/nacht toen ik zoekende was.....maar dacht bij het zien van die bloeiende rode aren met bloemetjes....dat is hem niet....
    maar lees nu daar dat de vrouwelijke aren wanneer een insect haar bestuift met stuifmeel van mannelijke aren bloemen krijgt.
    Hahaha.....hoe kon ik het bloemetjes en bijtjes verhaal vergeten;-))



Thanks for your visit and comment.



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