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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, April 25, 2013

{Sisters Dressed Like Twins}

Most of us that do have sisters probably have been dressed by our parents like twins. At least, my sister Diny, 19 months younger than I am, and I have been dressed like that by our Mom. Even in later life we did manage to get back to that 'TWIN' feeling...
This was in February 1999, when we just had arrived from Atlanta, Georgia/USA to the Netherlands. This is at my parents' home. Diny just received my gift of a Laurèl (by Escada) jeans suit with top. The price tags are still  on the table, next to my elbow... That was fun! For me a size 34, American 4 and for Diny a size 38 or 8.
 I still have mine and it fits.
This outfit I had bought also at the Escada Outlet and mailed it to my sister Diny in The Netherlands in December of 1996. This photos shows us getting together as TWINS once more on April 3, 1997.
Fun again. Even though I could not get the same rib cord top for her, it is still the very same collection.
The skirt came unlined but I guess Diny is showing here some kind of slip...
The men wanted to see who is the tallest of the two...
Guess there was no difference in height!
It sure was fun  to pull this off once more! 
Have you dressed like TWINS in your later years?

Related link:
Tweeling? | Twins? post by Willy from De Tante van Tjorven


  1. So pretty! You two look so happy. I am 11 months younger than my sister, and my grandmother always made us matching clothes. We were so close in age that people thought we were twins. <3

  2. You gals look stunning as twins.
    My sister is nine years younger than me so I never had a chance to dress up like twins with her. Alas.

  3. Dear Mariette,

    You look so very pretty and lovely to see you in matching outfits.
    My sister Gracie who is 2 years older than me, we used to wear matching outfits up until we were about 16. It was always a lot of fun.

    Hope that you are enjoying the week

  4. Wow what a fun!! I love the "dressing like twins" idea! You and your sister Diny are so lovely dressing like twins ;-)
    I have sister but as far as I remember, we never dressed like twins. I think it is because we are 6 years apart...it was big age difference as a child. But maybe I can suggest that when we meet next time :-)

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind beeindruckende Fotos.

    Sonnige Grüße


  6. Wat een leuke foto's Mariette.
    Ik scheel 6 en 9 jaar met mijn zussen en we hebben nooit hetzelfde aan gehad.
    Ook later niet, we hebben ook een heel andere smaak.
    Terwijl ik van ingetogen kleuren hou, niet alleen in huis maar ook in kleding, houden mijn zussen van veel kleur.
    Lieve groet, Mea

  7. Lovely oictures!
    Me and my sister never have been dressed like twins ;O)
    Love and hugs

  8. You are so lovely!Ihaven' t sister,but I have 2 best friends (for all my life) and my mother always made us matching clothes!Kisses from Greece.Georgia (Armonia).

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    das sind schöne Fotos von euch beiden. Die Kleidung ist sehr schick, wie bei dir üblich. Ich war nie wie ein Zwilling angezogen aber ich habe meinen Kindern, als sie klein waren, oft gleiche Kleidung in verschiedenen Farben gekauft.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    What a lovely beautiful your sister twins and same dressed!
    I feel like to have sister or boy but only myself.
    You are very happy lady Mariette!

  11. Leuke post, ik heb een zuster die 5 jaar ouder is, maar wij hebben nooit hetzelfde gedragen, we hebben een heel verschillende smaak. Maar als kind heb ik wel eens haar afdragertjes moeten dragen...

  12. Dearest Mariette,

    How sweet to see you and your sister as twins.

    My sister and I were eight years apart. When I was little she used to make us 'sister outfits'. They were made from the same fabric with enough of the same design to look like sisters.

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    Wow, how wonderful to have a sister to wear matching dresses♡♡♡ Your sister Diny looks SO sweet♬♬♬ For me, 2 years older brother was not so much a lovely company when child p;) Seeing how close my cousins (2 sisters) was, I always was hoping to have a sister.
    Lucky You(^_^)v

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    du verstehst es immer wieder, uns wunderschöne Einblicke
    in dein Leben zu geben. Die Bilder mit deiner Schwester sind
    Liebe Abendgrüße schickt Dir

  15. Leuke foto's van jou en je zus Mariette. Je ziet de gelijkenis! Fijne dag!

    Madelief x

  16. Dear Mariette,you both look so beautiful!I have only one brother and i do'nt know "dressing like twins"!Lovely outfit!Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog!Hope you have a great weekend!Hugs!

  17. Lieve Mariette,

    Wat zien jullie er leuk uit als ''tweeling zussen''.

    Ik vind niet dat jullie op elkaar lijken.

    Mijn oudste zus is 14 maanden ouder dan ik,we hebben toen we 6/7 jaar waren wel eens dezelfde jurkjes gedragen en vestjes gebreid door mijn Duitse oma,onze matrozenpakken waren ook eender toen mijn zus haar Eerste H.Communie deed met een verschil haar schoenen waren wit(omdat zij die 's morgens aan had onder haar lange witte jurk) en de mijne zwart.


  18. Dear Blogger Friends,
    Thanks for reading and commenting; quite interesting to learn about other's experience for being dressed like twins.
    Wishing you a lovely Friday and a Happy Weekend.

  19. Dearest Mariette, I grew up an only child so didn't get to dress the twin thingie. You two sure look as if you are having fun. Seems that you are playful and happy and that is a blessing,
    Love to you, Ginger

  20. Liebe Mariette, schöne Zwillinge seid ihr und gernefröhlich , wie man sieht! Sei ganz lieb gegrüßt und danke für deine lieben Worte, die du immer wieder für mich findest. Ich wünsche dir und deinem Mann ein gesegnetes Jahr 2015.
    GGLG Astrid

  21. Hello dear Mariette!
    It must be so much fun not only to have a sister but to be twins!!
    You both look so good on these pictures, congratulations to still be able to wear these outfits :)
    Many thanks for that video you sent me, how right Clay Christensen is...
    He spoke few words but they are so true, strong and meaningful.
    Marx said it all: religion is the people's opium...
    So naturally churches will dictate to the people what to believe and how to surrender their freedom, as if it weren't enough to surrender this freedom to the states...
    Much love, Mariette and keep well :)

  22. Liebe Mariette,
    das macht bestimmt Spaß - auch der Größenvergleich zu früher.
    Ich habe das nie gemacht. Denn meine Schwester und ich sind völlig unterschiedlich, auch im Geschmack. Wir würden beide kaum das Gleiche tragen.
    Mit einer Freundin habe ich es einmal gehandhabt, als wir noch sehr jung, 17 oder 19 waren ... doch ich stellte fest, daß es auch nicht "meins" war - nicht mein Kleidungsstück. Ich bin da sehr individuell und mag es an sich nicht, wenn jemand sich ganz genauso anzieht wie ich. Wobei - heute ist es mir schon eher egal, denn ich trage ja überwiegend Outdoor-Pullover und schlichte Hosen oder Leggings dazu und so laufen hier viele herum im Winter. Aber bei anderen individuelleren Kleidungsstücken war es mir schon wichtig.

    Danke auch noch für Deinen Kommentar in meinem Blog. Ich meinte eigentlich die Seitenbreite und die Schrift, die sehr in die Breite geht. Das wollte ich verändern, da kaum jemand fast über den gesamten Bildschirm einem Text mit den Augen folgen mag.

    Liebe Grüße und noch einen schönen Sonntag

  23. Sweet post! My two sisters and me was dress like triplets when we are little. Before Chinese New Year... a woman visit us with three pretty dresses to say thank you for the help my mum give her, she been doing that for a good few years. I still remember the colour and the style of those pretty dresses she gave us... Burgundy velvet dress with a little top. O... I do miss that velvet dress moment with my two sisters. Would be nice to dress up again in triplets! :-)

  24. My dear friend Mariette:
    You look so beautiful in your Escada jeans suit and top, it is awesome that still fits!!! and you still look so beautiful. I never dressed like twins in my older years, but I did when I was in kinder garden, with one of my sisters. But it looks that you 2 did have so much fun doing it.
    Send you a bug hug


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