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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

{RAIN and MUD}

You might be wondering why I have not yet shown you my SAVED cushions for the gazebo that I posted about on July 8. Well, the answer is quite simple: because of lots of RAIN and MUD. Not the best ingredients for a photo shoot. Don't you agree? 
After husband Pieter redid our Power Wiring from the house to the Gazebo, those washed concrete tiles got all muddy from the heavy rain that came down from the garden...
Planter boxes all muddy and the plank floor from the gazebo got splashed on.
Not yet the time for putting the cushions in those chairs...
A very strange summer where we could not enjoy our gazebo for breakfast, tea, coffee, lunch or supper.
Aside from the fact that this very wet summer created millions of bugs and mosquitoes...
Have you been able to live outdoors?

Related link:
{What is THIS?} | previous post by me showing the SAVED cushions
{New Power Wiring to Our Gazebo} | previous post by me showing Pieter having laid the Power Line.


  1. really sad that you've gotten so much rain - too much. i'd love to have some of that to refill our pond - or better, to send it further west to help fight fires.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Oh, we wish we could send it all the way west for helping fight the fires!
      But there is hope; today was a sunny day and we could walk...

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    We've had less rain than we had in June (Thank heavens because we'd be building an ark otherwise.) But we still have huge puddles in the yard when it does rain which have killed off a great deal of what we have for grass. The mosquitos have been the size of B52's, not to mention dear flies and other bugs. Lots of Lyme Disease around but thankfully no Triple E. So no. we have not done a lot of outside living this summer.
    Still we have not gone through what you have been experiencing. How frustrating to have your newly redone gazebo unusable this summer. I hope the house is okay. Perhaps you will have a long, lovely fall.
    Enjoy your week..........*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      We worked 24/7 this week and used the wet vacs (2) and were mopping up water. No damage, only annoying for not being able to go to bed. There is hope though as today we had a lovely, sunny day! We took a nice walk and viewed all the water that is sitting in our neighborhood, it is not yet receding. Poor farmers!

  3. Sounds like a very wet Summer. Perhaps you need to go into duck breeding. I hope the days ahead will give you some nice time to enjoy eating out side. Even if you have to use the air-O-gard.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Don't know about duck breeding as we have lost 63 ducklings in one breeding season (from a tame 'wild' duck) to hawks, snapping turtles and the like. That was too cruel to watch.
      We might enjoy still some outside eating later in early fall. I'm not much for insecticide but more for tea tree oil or other natural repellents, considering carcinogens in certain insect repellents.
      Hugs to you,

  4. I agree. The rain has made being outdoors impossible. Hope that does not means a colder Winter (and more snow than usual) too.

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      Missing out on a real summer would be punishment enough... let's hope our reward will be a great Indian Summer and a nice fall and winter!

  5. Hi dear Mariette, I actually love the rain...not mud, though. :) I often go out in light rain to take photos; during heavy rains I take photos after the rain. Hope the weather will be good for you.

    1. Dearest Linda,
      Yeah, soft rain is fine but not the type of tropical thunderstorms and heavy rains we have had all summer... I too take photos after the rain. Today we had all day sunshine (Sunday that is) and we cold walk.

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    well, we had rain too, but not as heavy as you had.
    A soft summerrain always is nice.. ;O)
    Happy new week to you, hope it will stay dry in your region!

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Yesterday and today look like perfect summer days; finally!
      We hope it will finally dry out.
      Hugs and a happy and sunny week for you!

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    nach Regen kommt Sonne.

    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Normaler Weise ja aber es hat sehr lange gedauert. Gestern war es sonnig und heute auch.
      Lieber sonniger Gruß,

  8. After a very cold spring we enjoy a pretty summer now for weeks already. Diner in the garden almost every night, which is rather unusual for our summers. Mostly we have one or two weeks of summer and the rest is "kwakkelen". Don't want to make you envious....

    1. Dearest Marianne,
      Indeed you did have a very cold spring but the summer reward was great. I know too well what a usual Dutch summer means! Our summer was most unusual here as it were rainy day after rainy day and often so dark and gray. Too bad for taking photos. Yesterday it changed and we hope it stays long enough so the mud will dry out and disappear.

  9. Hoi Mariette,

    Ik hoop dat het weer bij jullie snel opknapt! Wij genieten op het moment van prachtig nazomer weer.

    Een fijne week en de kussens houden wij gewoon tegoed :-)!

    1. Beste Madelief,
      Ja, ik hoop toch dat we ze nog kunnen gebruiken binnenkort. Dan krijgen jullie ze nog te zien!
      Ook een fijne week, geniet van de prachtige nazomer!

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    bei uns ist es über Nacht kalt und regnerisch geworden. So ähnlich sieht meine Terrasse morgens auch aus, nass und voller Blätter und Blüten. Keine gute Zeit zum draußen sitzen. Aber deine Kissen werden noch viele Sommer sehen.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

    1. Liebe Johanna,
      Schade aber gut ihr hattet wenigstens schöne Tagen zum Terrasen Vergnügen. Es ist eben ein Genuß um im Sommer drausen zu können sein.
      Lieber Gruß,

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    nach den schlechten Monaten hatten wir doch noch ein paar Wochen Sommer.
    Starke Regenfälle waren in den letzten Tagen, abr es hält sich noch in Maßen.
    Allerdings bin ich am abend auch nicht raus - denn die Mücken waren in diesem Jahr besonders aggressiv. Und ich bin allergisch. Aber das war nicht so schlimm.
    Ich habe alle Fenster und Türen aufgemacht, die haben alle Fliegengitter.
    Ich hoffe für euch, dass sich das Wetter jetzt endlich bessert.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja Regen und Mücken gehen oft Hand in Hand; hier auch. Noch nie soviele gesehen. Die sind im Himmel mit soviel Näße.
      Lässt uns hoffen daß wir jetzt raus sind aus dem vielen Regen.
      Sonne macht vieles gut.
      Lieber Gruß,

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    I'm sorry about your rainy, muddy summer, which sure made outdoor life quite difficult... I hope late summer and autumn will be drier and sunnier for you. Here in the Alps we've had a nice summer, June was a bit rainy but the rest of the summer has been good. We have summer thunderstorms from time to time, but then the sun comes again... September is usually a very nice month (I love it). I hope you can enjoy your gorgeous gazebo soon!
    Hugs from the Alps :)

    1. Dearest Anna,
      So glad to hear that you have enjoyed a nice summer. We sure look forward to some sunny weeks for enjoying our gazebo soon.
      The past two days were lovely so far, we might get lucky now.
      Hugs to you,

  13. Dearest Mariette,

    I can sympathize. We were inundated with rain in July, but August has been lovely, although we were on vacation for some of it. The humidity is threatening to return later this week. Oh well, all good things must come to an end.

    Fingers crossed that you have a lovely September.

    Hugs, M-T

    1. Dearest Marie-Thérèse,
      Let's hope September will be lovely indeed and the remaining of the year. For the past two days it has been lovely, sunny and pleasant.
      Hugs to you,

  14. Dearest Mariette,

    Oh dear sorry that you have had so much rain there - some years we have had weather like this. Hopefully your Autumn will be wonderful so you can enjoy your morning tea and lunch out in your gazebo.
    Wishing you a happy new week and many thanks for visiting me and your kind note.


    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      We now have enjoyed two lovely days and hope we are granted more of those for the month of September. That will make good for the loss of summer.
      Thanks for your visit and wishing you a happy time.

  15. Sometimes we need rain but end up with too much of it...........which is annoying

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Rain, or water for that matter, is very much needed but its worldwide distribution is rather poor...

  16. It has indeed been a crazy summer weather wise. Before you know it fall will be here again. It alls go too quickly. Enjoy your week Mariette!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Before fall arrives we hope we still get a taste of summer with sunshine. Time is passing too fast for things to enjoy...
      Hugs and happy week.

  17. Dear Mariette,it has'nt rain in my area for many months now!!
    But we need rain some times !!!I'm so sorry for the bad weather you have all the time!Have a lovely week!!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Wish we could share the weather and give you some much needed rain. This is now the 3rd sunny day without rain so far. We are delighted with such weather!

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    We had enather too much raining for long time until still never stop for next day only next month will be change for beautiful weather for lovely September...
    I hope your husband Pieter will be wating for next September's He was so much to happy with new sunshine!
    Thank you for visit me.
    Hugs and Happy week!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Guess for you and for us September will be a better month. We have sunshine for this week and we enjoy it very much.
      Hugs and hope you get to enjoy some golf.

  19. Lieve Mariette, vielen herzlichen Dank für deine lieben Kommentare! Was du über Nina und Gras in der Nase geschrieben hast, KÖNNTE ebenfalls eine Möglichkeit gewesen sein. Es ist so schwierig, das festzustellen. Jedenfalls bin ich froh, dass es bei Nina jetzt wieder vorbei ist und dass wir ohne Operation ausgekommen sind!
    Was euren verregneten Sommer betrifft: Offebar haben WIR hier wochenlang die Hitze gehabt, die es sonst eher bei euch gibt... (aber wir hatten dafür einen nassen Mai und Juni... das Wetter schlägt überall Kapriolen...) Vielleicht werdet ihr jetzt zum Ausgleich einen wunderschönen Herbst bekommen - dann könnt ihr euer Gazebo und die Kissen immer noch genießen! I cross my fingers!
    Herzliche Rostrosengrüße von der Traude
    ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥:

    1. Liebe Traude,
      Ja, unsere Haustiere können leider nicht reden... es ist also oft schwierig um zu analisieren was ihnen wirklich fehlt.
      Oh wir sind so froh mit die Sonne und mehr noch mit das trockene Wetter! Wer weiẞ können wir die Kissen noch oft verwenden!
      Ganz lieber Gruẞ,

  20. It has been really strange summer with so much rain and cooler temperature. Sorry you haven't been able to enjoy your gazebo much. Mosquitos are really problem for me because they love me so much! Even with repellent on a lot, they come bite me.
    I hope weather will be nice for the rest of summer and autumn to enjoy outdoors!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Since Saturday we have now nice sunny days and it can dry out fianlly. No we have not been able at all to use our gazebo so far.
      We too hope for a nice remainder of summer and a beautiful autumn.

  21. Dearest Mariette,

    Here too, bad weather rain and rain...
    but good for me;).
    waiting you saved cushion will be on shot.
    have a good day

    1. Dearest Ayu,
      Sorry that you have also such rain and that means your children cannot go outside in summer.
      For sure you will see those cushions in some photos!

  22. Lieve Mariette,

    Nee, met zoveel regen en grijze dagen is het niet aantrekkelijk om in het tuinhuis te zitten.
    Lees nu van jou in andere reacties dat het bij jullie de afgelopen dagen ook droog en aangenaam weer is.
    Tja....en wat doe je dan....ben je meteen aan het schoonmaken gegaan of hebben jullie de boel de boel gelaten en buiten toch maar genoten van de zon?
    Het weer in Europa is al maanden van de extreme....niet enkel met overdadige regens maar ook met zeer hete dagen.Op dit moment mogen we hier in Nederland niet klagen met rond de 25 graden.Maar de avonden zijn te fris en vochtig om lekker buiten te zitten.

    Geniet van een mooie nazomer en zonder al die lastige muggen!!!


    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja we hadden tot nu toe drie prachtige zonnige dagen zónder regen! Zo kan het tenminst gaan opdrogen en kunnen we mogelijk nog een mooie nazomer hebben.
      Heel veel liefs,

  23. Dearest Mariette,
    I hope you will be having tea in the gazebo real soon.
    Love to you, Ginger

    1. Dearest Ginger,
      Oh yes we did, actually on the very day you wrote this comment!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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