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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, August 9, 2013

{World Cat-Day 2013}

According to Cute Calender, August 8 is World Cat Day. Let's hope that more and more people, world wide will take full responsibility of their felines. That includes neuter and spay them in order to limit the problems that already do exist because of irresponsible pet owners. May there also be more respect for animals in general, not only felines. There is still way too much animal cruelty in this world! May more felines end up living like our 5 siblings...
Here they are, only five months old at that time. All five of them lounging in our bedroom on the cotton mat.
We lost Sacha-girl, the one with the white underbelly...
Here they are again, eating breakfast; almost two years old now. Sacha-girl is at the very end. The one in front of her is Barty who is three years older.
Nice family and so well behaved!
To us it is such a joy.
We recall the UPS man one winter day coming into our garage and all pet beds were occupied by our felines... He laughed at the sight.
To us they are a treasure!
Do you have cats?
Or Friend Cats that lounge around the house...?
Peekaboo... look under that left chair. Friend Cat is lounging against the gazebo step.
And... you just caught a glimpse of our newly painted exterior!


  1. really sweet! love the line-up for the dining. so very cute.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      They are sweet and they are so eager for behaving well! This was at breakfast time but I don't know which one is the best for discipline. They each have their own spot though and they wait till their bowl is placed right there.
      Hugs to you,

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    so nice pictures from your cats :O)
    Love the one with your friends cat sleeping on the step ...
    but your cats in onw rwo are so cute too :O)
    Happy week to you,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Those photos are precious.
      No, it is not our friend's cat but a friend-cat of our cats.
      He or she lives in the neighborhood and comes to see our cats and loves to hang around... Pets do have friends too!
      Hugs to you,

    2. Oh, sorry, so it is a friend of your cats ;O)
      I know, that pets do have friends too! like our wild cat ;O)
      Oh, and sorry for my typing error in the morning .... I did not sleep well and was not really awake yet .....
      Too many things in my little brain at the moment .....
      Hugs to you,

    3. Dearest Claudia,
      Thant's no problem, we all do overlook something like that and especially because English is NOT our mother tongue...
      Enjoy your day and hope you can relax for the weekend.

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    bei dir finde ich neben guten Texten auch beständige Menschen.

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja Texten sind nur Wörter aber auch so zu leben ist etwas anderes!
      Lieber Gruss,

  4. Dear Mariette,
    Your kitties are so sweet - all sleeping and dining together! So sad about your Sacha-girl. She had a loving home and happy life. I love your words reminding everyone to spay and neuter - that is so important to stop so many unwanted pets from being euthanized or living difficult lives as strays. I have always had cats - now only two - but I never know who will show up at my door as a stray! Your home looks lovely with it's new color - so sunny and warm.
    Hugs, xoxo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Oh, having pets does make you responsible for them from A to Z and having them spayed and neutered is one big aspect.
      Yes, photos like these are sad for realizing that Sacha-girl is no longer with us... But she sure was happy and very much loved!
      You will see the home in the next post!

  5. Wat lief...en wat een boel katten heb je !!...fijne dag liefs Ria...x !

    1. Beste Ria,
      Ze zijn ontzettend lief en het zijn onze fur babies!
      Wij hebben ook een groot landgoed dus hier kunnen ze naar hartelust rond darren.

  6. Lieve Mariette,

    Er zullen in deze wereld altijd mensen zijn en blijven die het goed voorhebben met dieren.....
    maar helaas even velen die niet goed voor de dieren zijn,ze verwaarlozen,mishandelen,misbruiken, doden enz.
    En mensen die een dier(ook 'n huisdier)behandelen alsof het mensen zijn en aankleden met allerlei mode accessoires,volproppen met dikke bonbons en verjaardagspartys geven voor het hondje met champagne en het beesie een halsbandje krijgt met diamanten.....
    nou,nee.....,kan me daar nog meer aan ergeren dan aan die Kretenzer die de hond zijn hele leven aan de ketting laat liggen.

    Dat het eens anders zal worden in deze wereld, is denk ik een onmogelijke werkelijkheid.
    Wereldkattendag of niet....
    Heb het trouwens altijd al een beetje raar gevonden die wereld evenementendagen die voor van alles en nog wat in het leven geroepen zijn en worden...
    om er één uit te pikken uit de lange lijst:
    Chocolate Milk Shake Day,het moet niet gekker worden denk ik dan en trek even mijn wenkbrauwen op.

    Maar bij jullie gaat het gewoon elke dag zijn gangetje en komen de beesten niks tekort.

    Fijne dag en lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja je hebt groot gelijk wat betreft al die onzinnigeheden. Daar zijn jij en ik ook té nuchter voor! Al die dagen zijn in het leven geroepen omwille van het geld. Overal wil men iets aan verdienen; al is het maar een heel klein ding verkopen met dat thema. En de 'MEUTE' loopt ook daar gedwee achter aan. Ja, dieren aan een ketting vast leggen is ook heel erg. Ik hoop altijd dat al diegenen die een dier kwellen, ooit zullen re-incarneren als zijnde zo'n dier! Wie weet?
      Lieve groetjes,

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, they all look SO lovely and happy "lounging"♡♡♡ Having pet sure require much responsibility. I found your ink very interesting. I never knew about IFAW and World Cat-Day is fairly new, isn't it? I wish it enlightens more about the idea behind it☆☆☆
    Haha, I found your Friend Cat♬♬♬ Your cats are all lucky babies.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Our babies are very happy 'lounging'as we provide them with great medical care, food and shelter. They know that and are very loyal. Even that Friend Cat wants to move in with them it looks like...
      Oh, those days are only one more commercial reason for trying to get people's money for little things they can sell with that theme.
      Hugs to you,

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    Your furry babies are really lucky kitties to have found you!!! They are living a happy and quality life, filled with love and tenderness! And they give SO much back, don't they? WE are the lucky persons to be blessed by their presence! :) Sweet darling Sacha will always be missed...
    You already know that I am a cat person too, and I do totally agree on all you said!!! May more and more people understand what these wonderful creatures deserve! And of course, may respect for all animals spread more and more!!! Happy World Cat Day from Zoe, my Mom's kitties Lilli, Tommi and Theo, and me of course! :)
    Big hugs to you and your fur babies!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      You of course understand this even more, having been so frequently to Greece. Not all countries do value their felines, nor do all people respect them. Sad fact and this World Cat Day is another commercial aim at making money off people's sentiments.
      But it is a blessing to live in the presence of these loving and smart creatures. As Joan puts it so well: God's Little People...
      Enjoy your Zoe and your Mom's Lilli, Tommi and Theo. They no doubt get their full 365 days a year love and care.

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    du sprichst mir aus dem Herzen - es tut mir immer so weh zu sehen,
    wie Menschen mit Tieren umgehen - so als wären sie irgend ein Gegenstand -
    was ich vermisse, ist Achtung vor dem Leben allgemein - wie kann jemand
    ein Herz haben, wenn er Tiere quält?

    wir lieben unsere Beiden -

    ganz süß ist dein Katzenrudel - lächel -

    herzliche Grüße- Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Ja, mit unserem Gefühl kann man sich da garnicht einleben aber es ist sehr schlimm. Hier sagt man immer das man eine Person kennen lernt von wie er mit die ältere Menschen, mit Kinder und mit Tiere umgeht. Eine Wahrheit wie eine Kuh! Es stimmt auch wirklich.
      Eure zwei sind glücklich bis das Ende ihres Lebens und dann tut es auch recht Weh aber so ist es einmal mit Liebe.
      Lieber Gruss,

  10. Replies
    1. Dearest Caren,
      For you too a happy continuation of your special 365 days of cat love and care!

  11. queste immagini sono bellissime!!!!! evviva i gatti!!! ti abbraccio forte Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Oh quelle immagini ci danno tanta gioia e amiamo i nostri felini. È così speciale che questi cinque sono nati in casa nostra; Sono rimasto con la Mama-gatto durante la nascita... Triste che abbiamo perso Sacha-ragazza con il ventre bianco.

  12. Happy World Cat Day, ma chère Mariette. These pictures are just fabulous! My cats are such a BIG part of my world every day. I can't imagine life without them, even when they leave the occasional unexpected present behind the couch in the Family Room.

    xoxo, M-T

    1. Dearest Marie-Thérèse,
      Wishing your felines also a year-round happy cat day. I know they are being loved and cared for. This is just a commercial fact and maybe a reminder to those that neglect their animals...

  13. Liebe Mariette,
    schön, dass du dem Weltkatzentag einen Post widmest.
    Ich habe heute sehr viel darüber in unserer Tageszeitung
    gelesen. Sie sind auch etwas besonderes, die Samtpfoten.
    Einen schönen Ábend wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Die Samtpfoten ist ein sehr lieber Namen für diese Kätzchen! Ja, es mag ja nur rein kommerzielles sein, diesem Welttag der Katze, jedoch auch mehr Bewusstsein für die Betreuung von Tieren wird ausgelöst.
      Lieber Gruss,

  14. Oh squeee! I love the photos of them napping and eating together! It must have been really cute site that all kitty beds were occupied :-) It's really sad Sacha girl is no longer with you. I hope these photos bring happy memories to you. Very well said about being responsible and respecting animals. Happy World Cat Day!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, it is the cutest sight for seeing them in their kitty beds, all warmly and softly enjoying their nap time. We have good feelings about having given our Sacha girl more than 6 happy years with us and her siblings.
      Let's hope that this special day raises some more awareness...!

  15. I just love the photos, so nice.


    1. Dearest Elna,
      Thanks! You are likewise as you care for you own felines and other abandoned ones.
      Big hugs to you,

  16. Dearest Mariette,

    they are pretty cute and behaved I can see them;)
    when they dining line- up so adorable
    nice pics
    wishing you a great week/end

    1. Dearest Ayu,
      Oh, our Asian cats are really cute and they are little too.
      The breakfast line-up is precious. They each have their own spot and if you place their bowls that way, that's how they line up.
      Happy weekend to you and all the best for Mama + Baby.

  17. What cute photos. Happy Cat Day!

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      Indeed, cute photos with fond memories when all were still together...

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    I was not thinking about in here too much animal crueety in this world...
    But I has read about all animal cat world day!
    Hugs and love to you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Yes it is a sad fact that in this world there is way too much animal cruelty and cruelty against people as well...
      Hugs to you dear friend!

  19. Hooray World Cat Day! Yes, if only everyone would look after their pets as they should. But look at all those adorable - well loved kitties!! Fantastic!
    Wishing you a most wonderful weekend Mariette!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Yes, your kitty Banjo as well as ours are well loved but the sad thing is that so many in this world still suffer...
      Happy weekend to you!

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    We celebrated with catnip and even more pets and hugs. All our 4Leg family members are rescued; I would have more if I had more space, time and money.
    I just love the top photo of all the kitties lying about. There's something about kitties lying in the sun.
    Enjoy the week end...........*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Oh, I know your feeling about space, time and money... It is so sad that too many people just don't respect their animals.
      Yours and ours are loved and provided shelter.
      Yeah, kitties lying in the sun looks so lovely!
      Happy weekend to you.

  21. Non sapevo che ci fosse una giornata mondiale dei felini,bellissima questa iniziativa per chi,come noi ama gli animali!!
    I tuoi gatti sono adorabili cara Mariette!!
    Un bacione cara e buone vacanze!!

    1. Cara Sabry,
      Oh, non avevo idea neanche, ma questo è ovviamente solo per scopo commerciale. In un modo è buono per la speciale attenzione a cambiare la mente di la gente che non amano gli animali domestici come facciamo noi... Oh, nostro felini sono adorabili; noi li amiamo!
      Abbracci e avremo la nostra vacanza più tardi...

  22. Liebe Mariette,
    ich wusste nicht, dass gestern Welt-Katzen-Tag war, aber für uns ist sowieso jeden Tag Katzentag. Leider geht es Nina im Moment nicht so gut, was vermutlich mit der Hitze zu tun hat. (Wir waren gestern beim Tierarzt und er meinte, bei diesen Temperaturen werden viele Tiere krank, weil ihre Abwehrkräfte verrückt spielen). Glücklicherweise hat es heute etwas abgekühlt. Du hast geschrieben, bei euch gab es so viele Gewitter - dann wünsche ich euch, dass ihr nun wieder über längere Zeit besseres Wetter habt!
    Ganz herzliche Rostrosengrüße, Traude

    1. Liebe Rostrose,
      Ja, ich habe es auch erst letztem Jahr erfunden... es ist ja pur kommerzielles aber diejenigen die 'noch' nicht ihre Tieren so pflegen wie ihr und wie wir es tun die werden vielleicht daran erinnert.
      Die Analyse vom Tierarzt bei euch ist nicht so gut unterbaut. Dann würden es hier im Süden überhaupt keine gesunde Katzen, oder Haustieren geben mit temperaturen über 40°C. Nein die Nina hat vieleicht etwas falsches gegessen aber nicht wegen die Temperaturen; das streite ich wirklich ab da unsere so gesund sind wie es sein kann und so etwas habe ich auch noch nie gehört. Die grösste Bevölkerungsdichte ist ja in den Tropen und das gilt auch für den Tieren...
      Ja wir warten auf trockenes Wetter damit alles mal auftrocknen kann, besonders den Garten.
      Ganz lieber Gruss und das beste für eure Nina,

  23. Hoi Mariette,

    Ik wist niet dat er een wereld kattendag bestond :-) Wat een leuk initiatief! Mooie foto's van jullie katten!

    Fijn weekend,

    Madelief x

    1. Beste Madelief,
      Ja, dit leerde ik ook pas verleden jaar... Maar goed, dit is natuurlijk puur commercieel maar de aandacht werkt misschien, heel misschien toch positief door voor diegenen die níet zo begaan zijn met hun huisdieren of alle dieren...
      Grappige poezenfoto's inderdaad en ze hebben het bij ons naar hun zin!
      Ook een fijn weekend.

  24. You are so right my friend our furbabies give us so much love and ask for nothing in return. Your photos of your babies are beautiful. We do have a couple of cats that make themselves at home in our barn and it is amazing to watch them as they make their way back and forth. They never stay still enough to be captured by the camera ... perhaps one day. Our doggies give us so much love and joy ~ can't imagine life without our furbabies... Higs and blessings, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Whether felines or canines, it doesn't really matter. People with pets live a healthier and happier life. It is so rewarding too!
      Enjoy your weekend with your doggies!

  25. Dear Mariette,i love the way you take care your cats!!!
    My cat was hitten from a car a week ago.And i'm so sad i lost my kitten,i had him 4 years.Hope you have a lovely weekend!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Oh my, I know exactly how you are feeling as we lost our Sacha-girl on June 17 when a car hit her. We had her a good 6 years but it doesn't matter how long; it hurts! Yes, we do take very good care of them and hope they can stay for a long time with us.
      Hugs to you and I'm so sorry for your loss.
      Try to relax for the Sunday!

  26. Dear Mariette,

    How adorable your sweet kitties are love the line up of them all enjoying their meal. They do bring so much love and joy to a family. At the moment we do not have any fur babies, after Heidi and Louie passing within a month of each other, was really hard. One of these days would love to have another fur baby.

    Sending hugs

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Oh, they are adorable when they all are together and having their meal! They do give love and joy and are great companions. It is always heart breaking when we loose them but it is worth it! Who knows when you're done with your renovations and all, you will have time again for a new fur baby.
      Hugs and happy Sunday for you!

  27. Dearest Mariette, This post is so awesome! I love kitties and yours are so sweet. I would loved to have seen the UPS man's face. Those little beds are so cute lined up.
    I don't have a kitty now but I have had several and my daughter has four at this time. She has a veterinarian friend who spays and neuters her kitties for free. She had strays that show up often and he knows that she provides them with loving care and attention. He even comes to the house to give their shots.
    God bless you for taking such loving care of your babies. They are at our mercy and we are under God's charge for their care.
    Love to you,

    1. Dearest Ginger,
      Wish I would have the UPS man's face on tape! It sure helps if you have a veterinarian as a friend. It is so sad to see strays that show up and struggle for life on and on in a never ending fight for survival.
      Wish more people would become responsible towards their pets!
      Love your wording here.

  28. I so loved seeing the family there in the garage. And fur friends...the beds...all of it. XXX

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Thank you and yes, that Friend Cat is still lounging around all the time...

  29. A very nice post for International Cat Day, Mariette! Your kitties look so happy and that is always such a pleasure for the kitties and I to see!

    1. Dearest Leah,
      Thank you and it always meant a lot to both of us for taking care of our kitties!
      Having the five being born inside our home was so special.
      Still three of the siblings remain...


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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