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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, September 30, 2013

{Our Fragrant Hoya Carnosa - Wax Plant}

A treat for the hummingbirds is our fragrant, honey dripping Hoya Carnosa or Wax Plant. Husband Pieter did capture them on camera for you to enjoy. Does any of you also keep this lovely plant?
You can find a variety of Hoya carnosa plants at Logee's  by just typing in this name into the search box.
My husband Pieter captured this photo on June 17. Our Hoya Carnosa is outdoors so the hummingbirds can freely feast on their sticky honeydew.
Side by side with our Orchid Cactus on their pedestal...
Indoor plants are nice but being able to have them outdoors is even better!
Here they are on July 20, in our gazebo on the railing where they can trail freely as well.
This is hummingbird domain...
Enough sticky honeydew drippings for their daily meal...
Have you ever caught on of these sweet honeydew drippings with your finger to taste?
It sure tastes sweet!


  1. i like how they drape! very pretty!

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      They indeed are a pretty sight and yummy for the hummingbirds!

  2. Such pretty flowers. They sure are a treat for the birds. We don't get them in Singapore but I wish we did .

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      They ought to be native to Eastern Asia and Australia... They are very rewarding as they almost bloom continuously.

  3. This is very pretty plant, Mariette! It looks like there are big petals around small petals.
    Sounds like very sweet plant :-) There must be many hummingbirds come around to have some honeydew!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      That certainly is the case; a small red corona is topping the other star shaped layer that is on top of yet another bigger one. A very pretty and exotic one!

  4. What a beautiful flower!!! and it's also sweet!!!
    Fantasy Jewellery

    1. Dearest Serena,
      Beautiful and sweet indeed!
      Hugs and happy Sunday to you.

  5. I used to have one. It became so rambly that I took it out. Although the flowers are such a delight when they flower. You are right they certainly produce lots of hone. Yours is beautiful.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      You could have kept it outdoors as well...
      If it doesn't work indoors, there's always some critter outdoors that might still benefit from them.

  6. At first time I see this flower ! It is so beautiful and exotic !!
    Here we don't have this kind of flower !
    Thank you for sharing these lovely photos !Have a nice day !

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      This plant is native to south east Asia and Australia but I used to have this already for decades in The Netherlands, it is very common there and again here in the USA as well.
      Hugs to you and hope your Sunday was a pleasant and sunny day like ours is.


  7. Dearest Mariette
    What an amazing plant!
    Oh yes, I also have a few different varieties.
    In pots indoors to say ....
    And I have tasted the honeydrips.
    Hugs to you

    1. Dearest Kajsa,
      Glad you have some of the hoya varieties as well. Sure, due to our almost subtropical climate they do well outdoors but not during the 3 months of winter as it might freeze.
      Licking those honey drippings off our fingers is so special... How yummy it must be for those hummingbirds!
      Hugs to you,

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    ich wünsche dir weiterhin diesen Elan.
    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, ja schöne Blüten und glückliche Kolibris.
      Lieber und sehr sonniger Gruss zurück.

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist eine wunderbare Pflanze. Ich liebe ihre wachsartigen Blüten. Kommen da wirklich Kolibris zum Trinken?
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

    1. Liebe Johanna,
      Ja, ja hier kommen die Kolibris im ganzen Garten und suchen sich den Nektar. Diese Pflanze ist im Gazebo also da können die frei ein und aus fliegen und naschen am Nektar.
      Lieber Gruss,

    2. Haha Johanna, ich glaube ich hatte deine Wachskerzen im Kopf als ich den Titel schrieb und dass in Deutsch mit wachs statt wax. Habe es geändert aber die URL zeigt immer noch wachs... So kann es mal schief gehen.

  10. Mooie plant met prachtige bloemen, en dat allemaal gewoon in je eigen tuin.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, het kan ook als kamerplant maar zo dient het ook nog als nektar voor onze colibris.
      Zonnige groetjes,

  11. To piękne kwiaty i cieszę się, że kolibry też je lubią :)
    This beautiful flowers and I'm glad that hummingbirds love them too :)

    1. Dearest Giga,
      Thanks for your visit and indeed, the bonus us that the hummingbirds can feast on the nectar.

  12. It's beautiful! You have so many interesting plants


    1. Dearest Elna,
      It makes fun for being able to keep lots of plants alive in a more moderate to subtropical climate. So as long as we can we will enjoy this.

  13. They're so perfect, Mariette, that they look like sculpted marzipan! Lucky hummingbirds to get to feast on such delights. <3

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      Oh my goodness, after 16 hours I noticed that I wrote 'wax' in German... Where was my mind?!
      You typify it so well; like sculpted marzipan! We are fortunate for spoiling at least a few hummingbirds on our estate. It is a feast for the eye and nose and even more so for our hummers!
      Hugs to you,

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    ich liebe die Porzellan- oder Honigblume auch.
    Allerdings muss man aufpassen, dass nicht alles
    voll getropft ist, wenn man sie auf der Fensterbank
    stehen hat. Wie der Honig schmeckt, weiss ich auch nicht.
    Einen guten Start in die neue Woche wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja und deswegen ist es so im freien ohne Probleme mit den Tropfen, statt auf der Fensterbank. Porzellan- oder Honigblume ist noch ein treffender Name.
      Lieber Gruss,

  15. I like your pretty little pink flowers - lovely!
    Happy Sunday Mariette!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Thank you, they sure are lovely.
      Happy new week!

  16. such a beautiful flower(s). You really have surrounded yourself with quite diverse plants.

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      Thank you and yes, we did surround ourselves with very diverse exotic plants. We lost several but still have beauties left.

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    I love your lots of plants climate and gazeo can trail freely be nice,
    Your husband Pieter captured wise Hoya Camosa is outdoor and hummingbirds fast on their stick honeydew.
    You can grow the plants You'll get flowers growing fantastic a sweet both of yours!
    Hugs and love to both of always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Tanks for loving our outdoor and gazebo plants, sure they can freely trail there.
      The sticky honeydew is no problem for the outdoor and hummingbirds are quite happy and feast on it. It is not hard to grow these and to let them bloom...
      Hugs to you always,

  18. Congratulations to your husband !!!! His photos are adorable
    -even the slightest detail(honey dew drippings) can be seen clearly !!!!!
    I have never seen such a lovely plant !!! Thank you !!!!
    Hugs , Niki

    1. Dearest Niki,
      Thanks for your compliment in regard to my husband's photos. He captured them very well.
      Glad you got now introduced to this lovely plant.

  19. Beautiful photos! definitely captured in all it's glory. Wishing you a peaceful Monday... Hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Thanks for your compliment and I too wish you a great new week.
      Hugs and blessings to you both,

  20. Oh! yes!!! We do have this lovely fragrant plant in Greece,my dear Mariette, I actually have three of them and I will make sure to send a rooted cutting to our friend Olympia (Oldthings)!!!! Unfortunately, we don't have the exotic hummingbirds in our part of the world, hahaha!!!!
    Have a nice week, and thank you very much for your kind comment and wishes!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      What a sweet gesture of you for sharing a cutting with Olympia. They had to be around in Greece as well, it is such a beautiful and common plant for decades.
      Too bad that you don't have the hummingbirds...
      Enjoy your new week and wishing you all the best.

  21. Oh dear Mariette
    What a beautiful plant. I know it but I've not grown it.
    Perfect growing in the gazebo for the birds to fly in for their lunch!
    It's so important that we try to provide nectar producing plants for the birds.
    Pieter's photographs are wonderful!

    1. Dearest Shane,
      That is a funny way of putting it; indeed the hummingbirds can fly in for their lunch or ongoing snack. They eat more than their weight in food each day so that is an ongoing challenge!
      We at least can help them out as much as we can by planting the right shrubs and plants and by feeding them additionally.
      Thanks for your compliment in regard to Pieter's photos!

  22. Lieve Mariette,

    Tijdens het lezen van jou post en de mooie foto's gemaakt door Pieter kwamen bij mij de herinneringen aan deze mooie Grote Wasbloem van vroeger weer naar boven.Deze plant met bijna onechte bloemen stonden in mijn kindertijd in menig huiskamer in de vensterbank naast de Sanseveria,Begonia,Clivia,Primula en Anthurium, kan me herinneren dat deze Grote Wasbloem het bij mijn zus altijd heel goed deed en de slingers vele malen om de boog van ijzerdraad gewonden werden net als bij de heerlijk geurende Stephanotis.
    Wat een geluk dat die mooie slingers met bloemen bij jullie vrijelijk kunnen hangen in de buitenlucht zodat de kolibries van de zoete nectar kunnen snoepen.
    Er kwam een tijd dat deze ouderwetse planten het veld moesten ruimen voor de meer exotische en tropische planten in de modernere doorzonkamers met veel licht.
    Maar tijden veranderen....ook op plantengebied zie je elk jaar opnieuw de trends in huis en interieur,
    de meer ouderwetse planten hebben de afgelopen jaren hun weg weer opnieuw teruggevonden in Nederlandse huiskamers.

    Fijne dag en lieve groet!!!

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Jazeker brengt deze wasbloem oude herinneringen van de 70er jaren naar boven. Zelf had ik ze ook om zo'n ijzerdraad boog en in een keulse pot... Grappig hoe tijden komen en gaan. Natuurlijk heb ik al mijn pottenwerk niet meegenomen naar de USA, dat liet ik achter bij mijn zus. Haar kinderen verkochten het ook vaak op de kindermarkt en hielden er een leuke spaarcent aan over. maar wij hebben denk ik altijd wel een wasbloem gehad, vele soorten zelfs. Ook de Stephanotis was een van mijn favorieten. Maar gezien wij air conditioning hebben wordt de lucht in huis teveel ontvocht en is het minder geschikt voor planten. Ook met poezen die op de vensterbanken zo graag buiten kijken is het een probleem om er planten op te hebben en voorheen ook met onze consulting werkzaamheden van soms 2 maanden weg. Dus blijft enkel het kasje over en buiten hangen. Maar we genieten er toch intens van!
      Ouderwetse dingen blijken vaak waardevolle dingen die door de jongere generatie(s) toch weer worden (her) ontdekt.
      Fijne avond en lieve groet,

  23. Dear Mariette,what a beautiful plant!!!
    We have the same plant,here in Greece!!!
    I'll ask my friend and neighbor ,Marie-Anne,to share it with me!!!
    As she says,she's got three of those plants!!!
    Have a lovely day and a wonderful new month!!Hugs!!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      You are lucky for being able to share this with your friend and neighbor Marie-Anne and she will not mind doing so as she is a very warm and loving person.
      Also a lovely new month for you and lots of hugs,

  24. Dear Mariette,
    Your wax plant is amazing! You do grow some very unusual plants there! I think I may be too far North to keep these happy. Maybe in the house, though. You must have happy hummingbirds!
    Hugs, xo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Oh, for inside you could certainly enjoy this beautiful plant as well. In The Netherlands I only had it as indoor plant and for a long time here in Georgia as well.
      Our hummingbirds appreciate it being outdoors; that's for sure!

  25. What a wonderful plant, dear Mariette! The hummingbirds are sure enjoying it!!!
    Thank you for sharing one more of your gorgeous plants! :) Keep enjoying it!
    Lots of hugs!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      It is a joy for keeping plants like this and being able to feed our hummingbirds.
      Glad you enjoy them.

  26. How wonderful for the little hummers to have natural sugar to eat. That's a lovely plant. Haven't seen one like it before. Looks like the flower itself is very thick, almost like a succulent. I imagine it thrives in tropical locations. We haven't replaced all our balcony plants that died over the summer. Will wait til mid October after we get back from our Eid Holiday. :) Best wishes, Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      This very plant is native in India, South East Asia and Australia. It is almost like a succulent as it has very thick leaves indeed. It also can bleed, whitish milky sap so I guess it can store some nutrients for a longer period of time. You better wait until after your Eid Holiday indeed, else you keep replacing; no fun...

  27. Dear Mariette,

    Your fragrant Hoya is so beautiful - and lovely that it is nectar for the sweet hummingbirds.
    My Mother used to grow this pretty flower.
    Hope you are enjoying the week

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Thank you and yes, our hummingbirds can feast on them all summer long. It is a very old fashioned and common houseplant and it is native to Australia too so from there it might have come easily to New Zealand as well.
      Happy remainder of another 'short' week!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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