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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, September 26, 2013

{Silver Grape Scissors with Roses and Champagne Grapes}

On August 22, I was finally able to make some outdoor photos, using our Silver Grape Scissors and the Champagne Grapes that we found at Trader Joe's the week before. I had not seen them in quite a while... 
So it's off to our balcony, the new polyurethane balustrade and railings are not yet painted but nevertheless.
Here they are... Silver Grape Scissors from Sweden, on our silver gallery tray.
Again it is shown with two gifts that I received from blogger friend Susan, the author of Ava Grace's Closet; the filet lace hand crocheted doily that lines the tray and the very finely crocheted lace table topper.
On the silver gallery tray are two Baccarat Champagne glasses...
Susan's Mama did such an excellent job on crocheting these pieces.
Thanks again Susan!
Have you ever tasted Champagne Grapes?
They are so sweet and a lot tinier than regular seedless grapes.
Here you can see the roses and leaves on the Silver Grape Scissors.
Some sweet golden wine is poured into the Baccarat champagne glasses.
Some laughing cow cheese and crackers from Costco, to go with the grapes and wine.
Mary's Gone Crackers are ORGANIC • GLUTEN FREE made with Whole Grains & Seeds and contain no added oils or trans-fats, sugar or dairy.
Why don't you join?
China is French GIEN ROSE.
For the moment, the sun is shining...

Related link:
What are Champagne Grapes? Champagne grapes are the name given to a specific type of grape, the Corinth. They are also being used for black currants.


  1. beautiful scissors and love the crochet doily. My mom is an expert in crochet, and has done some very beautiful things.

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      Oh, I do admire such fine work done by any woman's hands! Even having done lots of crocheting myself such as fine handkerchiefs and gloves, this table topper is so fine and delicate. A piece to admire and also the doily in the silver tray...!

  2. Never tried Champagne Grapes but they do look delicious. The wine with the cheese, crackers and grapes makes a glorious combination :)

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      Guess those Champagne Grapes are not available all the time and everywhere as I never found them locally either. They are like mini grapes and oh so juicy and sweet!
      It is a glorious combination.

  3. Grapes with cheese and Crackers are always delicious ;O)
    Wonderful pictures!
    Have a lovely week, dearest Mariette!
    We have sun again too, so I hope, we will get a nice autumn!
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      These mini grapes are delicious with cheese and crackers together. Thanks for your compliments.
      Have a nice sunny week for the coming days. We have rainy and very dark cloudy days since Saturday late afternoon when we got home from Florida...

  4. Beautiful snaps! I hope you drank and ate all that :)

    1. Dearest Hindustanka,
      Thanks for your compliment. We indeed drank the glasses poured; one each and I myself devoured most of these juicy mini-grapes. Champagne Grapes are so deliciously sweet.

  5. I would love to join you. Wine,cheese and crackers.... Yum. Plus lovely conversation.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Oh, you are more than welcome but at the moment our balcony is off limits due to rain...

  6. Che bella presentazione hai fatto Mariette. Uva, formaggio, crakers, un'abbinata curiosa ma sicuramente vincente. Se poi ci aggiungiamo lo Champagne.....allora il tutto diventa molto raffinato. Il lavoro a filet è stupendo, un meraviglioso lavoro a crochet, le forbici sono un pezzo fantastico. Complimenti Mariette, possiedi oggetti fantastici! Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Questi minuscoli, molto dolce e succosa uva vienen chiamato uva champagne. Certo dovremmo aggiungere un buon Prosecco per godersi quelle...! Grazie per la tua risposta gentile.

  7. So delightful! Yes, I would like so much to join you, really, it would be such a pleasure.I love champagne, grapes,cheese ,crackers ...I imagine myself sitting comfortably in your pavillion, enjoying your company and all this delikatessen food, ...oh, Mariette , that would be nice!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      And my, how I would enjoy the company of my dearest blogger friends in combination with such delicatesses! Either in our pavillion or on the balcony; as long as we got some sunshine to go with it. Right now it's dark and dreary looking and raining on and off a bit.

    2. Dearest Olympia, sorry for the mix-up... That happens when you type too fast and have too many things on your mind.
      But you would be most welcome to a toast!

  8. A picture perfect, how do you know the Scissor is ment for grapes?

    1. Dearest Marianne,
      Thanks and as to your question, I will get back to the subject for explaining this.

  9. Dear Mariette,
    it looks so preety!!!
    I like grapes but only pink champagne!!
    I hope you have a very good weather for the next days!!
    Have a happy day!!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      These tiny and very sweet Champagne grapes are are the name given to a specific type of grape, the Corinth. Only being used fresh, for table decoration and for black currants. I will post about them next to explain a bit more and also about the grape scissors.
      So you do prefer pink champagne? I love Champagne's sexy Italian cousin; Prosecco...
      We have very dreary weather right now with some rain drizzle but it will get sunnier towards the end of the week.
      Hugs and happy day ahead for you!

  10. Ciao cara! Assaggerei volentieri un formaggino con crackers e un goccetto di moscato della California...sono astemia ma immagino quanto è buono!
    Per l'argenteria e l'uncinetto non ho parole, dico solo che sono dei gioielli meravigliosi!
    Un abbraccio cara amica!

    1. Carissima Anna,
      O sicuro che questo è delizioso, soprattutto le uve di Champagne. Anch'io sono spesso vertigini e con debolezza muscolare, ma per un solo bicchiere di vino, tanto che funziona. Le forbici d'argento sono infatti come gioielli e anche i pizzi all'uncinetto sono cosi bello... Grazie per la tua risposta gentile cara amico!

  11. Che belle foto cara Mariette,posso sedermi insieme a voi e bere un goccetto di vino Moscato?
    Bellissime queste forbici in argento,mi piace molto anche l'uncinetto!!
    Vi auguro una felice giornata!!

    1. Cara Sabry,
      Sì, si può godere con noi! Noi dobbiamo versare all'interno perché è un po' piovigginosa meteo... ma buona compagnia costituisce per essa! Molte grazie per le tue parole di lode per le forbici uva ed anche i belli pizzi all'uncinetto. Tanto di amore e un grande giorno.

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    What a lovely celebration of the day. Champagne grapes are a great favorite of our but we don't see them every year. I freeze them and eat them for little pops of frosty sweetness. I also love the way a few look in a glass of champagne.

    Enjoy the sun while it's available..........*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      That's a very clever idea for freezing them!
      They for sure are excellent for use in a special table setting.
      The sun will be out again later in the week... we have dark dreary days with drizzle.
      Hugs to you,

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    I love grapes champayne grapes! most likely I had not so much forgotlin it up with a dozen other thoughts in myhead..
    The very finely crocheted lace table topper Susan's Muma did such an excellent job on crocheting these pieces.
    I love to read with "Some days are made better by the little things which may be in the from of a specitacled franchie on this particular day" Susan!
    I love Champagne in and thinking of your happy time.
    Hugs and love to you always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Champagne grapes are so sweet; who would not love them?
      Indeed, blogger Friend Susan did excellent job crocheting these very fine pieces.
      It is the little things that make our days special and we must keep looking for those details.
      Hugs to you dear friend!

  14. Oh what beautiful pictures! And very inviting...the grapes looks so fresh and delicious. I like Moscato and cheese, too :-) I love your scissors, looks very delicate. And the glasses is very lovely!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you for your compliments. It just was the perfect setting for that day; waiting till the sun came out and putting it all together. Now we have drizzle... but we're still looking at special photos with fond memories.
      Hugs to you!

  15. Such decorative photo's Mariette! Hope the champane grapes and those delicious looking drinks tasted well!

    Have a lovely day!

    Madelief x

    * beautiful crochet work!

    1. Dearest Madelief,
      You bet, those grapes are very tasty and so sweet and without seeds!
      The Californian Moscata was good as well, only for enjoying one glass.
      Ah, such fine crochet work I only can admire; my eyes are getting too old for doing this. I only managed fine handkerchief but never an entire table topper that fine.
      Hugs to you and a lovely day as well.

  16. Liebe Mariette,
    eine tolle Komposition zeigst du uns wieder. Die silberne Schere ist fast zu schade zum Gebrauch.
    die Häkeldeckchen sind soliebevoll gmacht. Es sind wahr Schmuckstücke.
    Die Trauben würde ich gern verkosten.
    Einen schönen Mittwochabend wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Danke für deine lobende Wörter! Ja, um ganz ehrlich zu sein, nachdem die Fotos gelungen waren habe ich auch fast alle diesen mini Trauben verkostet. Die sind so lecker und süss, davon kann man nicht aufhören sie zu verkosten...
      Die Schere leidet aber nicht vom Gebrauch, sie ist aber sehr schön. Und die feine Häkeldeckchen sind wirklich liebevoll gemacht in sovielen Stunden von feine Arbeit.
      Dir einen schönen Donnerstag wünscht dir,

  17. Dearest Mariette,

    First of all I want to THANK YOU for remembering such special dates in my life. That was very thoughtful of you, and I greatly appreciated. I'm a full time student now, so I have found that I have no time for blogging. I'm so sorry that I cannot visit your lovely blog so often as I would like to. By the way your Silver Grape Scissors with ROSES are BEAUTIFUL!


    1. Dearest Wendy,
      Wow, after having such an eventful anniversary you now are back to full time being student. Hats off to you!
      You sure would love these fine scissors too for their roses...
      Hugs and best wishes,

  18. Liebe Mariette,
    deine Fotoarrangements sind wunderbare Stilleben. Die Traubenschere ist eine Pracht, gefällt mir sehr gut. Und das Häkeldeckchen ist eine wunderscöne Ergänzung. Du hast so eine Kunde, alles schön zusammenzustellen.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

    1. Liebe Johanna, ja danke für deine Komplimente! So versteht man auch besser die frühere Stilleben auf Gemälde da sie doch auch die schönsten Momenten vom Jahr festlegten. Ja es gibt hier sovieles was schön ist. Die beide Häkeldeckchen sind so lieb gemacht worden und dass als Geschenk! Es macht riesig viel Freude so etwas zu empfangen und auch ein zu setzen.
      Lieber Gruss,

  19. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich, dass du wieder so viel Freude schenkst.
    Dankbare Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Die Freude teile ich aber gerne mit euch!
      Dankbar für deine Treue!
      Lieber Gruss,

  20. Dat ziet er heel gezellig uit en wat een mooi schaartje. De druifjes ken ik als muscaatdruiven, heel aparte smaak.En de wijn is die ook van dat soort druiven gemaakt? Een desssertwijn? Proost!
    Groeten Janny

    1. Lieve Janny,
      Ja dat is altijd een mooi tafereel, ook met deze mini druifjes. Nee deze druifjes zijn géén muscaatdruiven. Champagne druiven ontlenen hun naam aan een specifiek type van druiven, de Korinthe. Ze worden ook gebruikt voor zwarte krenten. Er wordt géén wijn van gemaakt.
      De wijn is uit Californië en die is wel van de muscaatdruif! MUSCAT BLANC A PETITS GRAINS uit 2006 en zoet.
      Maar het is ook weer niet de lekkere dessertwijn zoals Moscato d'Asti uit Italië die maar 5.5% alcohol bevat. Dat is een van mijn lievelingswijntjes voor ná een lekkere maaltijd. Je koopt hem meestal in half liter flesjes.

  21. These images that match fruit and scissors are soooooo original and elegant at the same time!
    My compliments, dear Mariette!

    I also have been very impressed by your adventurous life, full of wonderful travels, that you described in one of my latest post.


    1. Dearest Annette,
      Thank you sweet French/Italian blogger friend! It means even more coming from a person that is very fond of French things.
      We learned most of these little life's pleasures while living and working in Italy and doing business with French people. Such a scissor with fruit and wine with cheese + great company is one of the arts to live well!
      Hugs to you,

  22. Dearest Mariette,
    Your lovely table setting has me wishing I could come by for a little visit to join you! Everything is so elegant and beautiful. I am sure that everything tastes sweeter served with such finesse! It would be divine to sit with you and hear stories of your exciting adventures.
    Thank you for the sweet birthday and anniversary wishes. You are always so thoughtful.
    Hugs to you,
    Karen xoxo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you and you would be most welcome with your precious family to join us. Just simple life's pleasures and you don't even need many ingredients! It's the company that makes up for most!
      You are quite welcome; I'm just so happy to have met you and this is the way to treat kind friends.
      Hugs to you and hope tomorrow your weekend starts out well.

  23. Dear Mariette,

    How beautiful your lovely table setting is - grapes, champagne and cheese and crackers.
    Looks like the perfect aperitif and would be lovely to sit there with you.
    The grapes are sweet and delicious - we sometimes get them here also the laughing cow cheese.
    Hope you are enjoying the week and wishing you a great weekend ahead

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Thank you for your compliment but it is not champagne in that bottle but a Californian 2006 Moscato wine and it's sweet, therefore good for accompanying cheese and healthy crackers. The laughing cow is healthy low fat cheese that we can take with our cholesterol restricted diet.
      We will have dinner with friends over the weekend; that's always a great thing to do. I don't mind the work; it is so rewarding.
      Happy weekend to you as well and you better rest up!

  24. Dearest Maiette ... I have not yet seen champagne grapes at the Italian grocer in the town close to our country home. But I'm hoping soon.. or else I will have to go into the city. Your setting is lovely - the crochet work is beautiful .. Susan is such a wonderful friend and her mama is so talented. Wish I could be sitting with you and Susan and Pieter enjoying your beautiful setting and gardens.
    Thank you for sharing about the grape scissors in your newest post ... I always learn something when I visit. Hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      You were the first one having them on your blog that I noticed and I loved it when you had the outside tea with champagne grapes also... One day I hope we are able to sit together for tea and for dinner! Who knows? Maybe some people pick up some idea for how to identify their heirloom silver or when they purchase a certain beautiful piece.
      Hugs to you dear friend,

  25. Replies
    1. Dearest Serena,
      They are lovely and like a piece of jewelry!

  26. Dearest Mariette,
    Those grapes... and those sweet lovely scissors... a match made in heaven! :) And the way you arrange things is art in itself! You have a gift for beauty and beautiful things, Mariette!
    Big hugs!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Thank you so much for your compliment. That means a lot, coming from an Italian! If I had not fallen in love with those scissors I would not have bought them and I don't regret that.
      Big hugs back and happy weekend!

  27. Dear Mariette,
    What a lovely post you have here!!!! And a beautiful presentation!!
    I just love Corinth grapes, ever since my childhood! But, I did not know they are also called Champagne grapes!!!! I always learn something new in your posts! Thank you!
    Enjoy your crocheted gifts, they are both very fine. And your grape scissors are so pretty and precious!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you for your kind and complimenting comment. I'm glad that you learned something about the Corinth grapes. It often has to do with other continents where things are called different and when it comes back to the country of origin one wonders. Most people would not even now that Corinth is a Greek City-State.
      Surely I enjoy my crocheted gifts and my grape scissors. They are such lovely silver work with roses.
      Hugs to you and happy weekend.

  28. Liebe Mariette,
    dein Stilleben auf der Terrasse ist ein so schöner Anblick - das Tablett, die Schale mit den Früchten und vor allem die wundervolle Schere - herrlich -

    ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Danke für deine liebe Zeilen! Wir haben gestern abend noch auf unserem Balkon gesessen mit liebe Freunde. Das Wetter ist den letzten Tagen so herrlich mit straffblaue Luft und 28°C.
      Auch ein schönes Wochenende noch.
      Lieber Gruss,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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