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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, September 28, 2013

{Identifying Silver Grape Scissors from Sweden}

Yesterday I did show in my post the tiny, sweet Champagne grapes with silver Grape Scissors in a Rose Pattern. They also are often called Grape Shears.  
Mind you, they are actually not THAT large.
Do you see to the left where a space is cut out for placing the grapes' stem?
That way you easily can snip off a section of a larger bunch of grapes.
One person in her comment asked: 'How do you know the Scissor is meant for grapes?' This was Marianne from the blog: BiebKriebels or Library Jitters, if I translate this from Dutch. So as promised I will get back to the subject.

I learned that I made a spelling error myself, as scissor should be written in plural as scissors.
On my blog post, I've corrected that but in the URL it still shows as scissor.
English is NOT my mother tongue and overall, I guess that my English will be better than your Dutch...
Now let's look at the meaning of this silver TABLE SERVING or DESSERT SERVING piece.
In my book: FORKS KNIVES & SPOONS by Peri Wolfman and Charles Gold I found a nice mention of the silver grape shears. Read more about this Manhattan Design Guru below post...
At the bottom left you can read: One of life's little niceties -- sterling silver grape shears.
From one of Christie's auctions you can find above: A VICTORIAN SILVER-GILT DESSERT SERVICE
Just click the above hyperlink to go to the actual page.
 It shows dessert pieces like forks, knives, spoons, cheese knives, and one pair of grape scissors.

just click on above hyperlink
Now, how did I identify my silver grape scissors as being from Sweden?
You can read here: the Maker's Mark:GRWR - City Stamp: M - 3 crowns and an S for Silver and Date Letter: R9
So what does this tell us?
On page 142, of The Book: Rosen-Bestecke (Rose Flatware) by Johanna Gehrlein from Silber-und-Rosen-Shop I found the marking from Sweden in the form of 3 crowns (seen in Abb. 2).
Johanna is a dear friend and her hardcover book with excellent photographs has proven to be invaluable!
Sure enough the Swedish Mark with 3 crowns and the S for silver is still being used.
Just click and scroll from link above.
The letter M I found here: Swedish Hallmarks and City Stamps and it stands for the city of Malmö in Sweden.
And my Silver Grape Scissors from Malmö in Sweden were made in 1967 according to the R9 hallmark...
This table you find from the very same link in the above City Stamps, just scroll down.

Hope this did answer Marianne's question!

Related links:
{Table Setting versus Table Scape} | previous post by me
{Silver Grape Scissors with Roses and Champagne Grapes} | previous post by me
Organizing Secrets from a Manhattan Design Guru Peri Wolfman | Peri is the writer of the book Forks Knives & Spoons and is now tableware designer for Restoration Hardware after she had been vice president for product development at Williams-Sonoma.
Less to Mess | interview with Design Guru Peri Wolfman from The New York Times, May 2013


  1. Dearest Mariette ... you are such a wonderful friend to share this information. It is always a pleasure to visit and learn. Wish you lived closer... Hugs and Blessings, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      This is only natural, doing it with love! You are such a loyal and dear friend. One day we certainly will manage to visit.
      Hugs and blessings to you both,

  2. Replies
    1. Dearest Theresa,
      They sure are and I will treasure them, love anything roses...

  3. I always learn new things from you. Thanks for sharing this informative post. I have seen grape shears, but don't have any myself. Yours are beautiful. Johanna must surely want to see these with their pretty rose design.

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      Oh, as for me I see certain blogs as reading magazines and we always learn from each other! That keeps us interested. Thank you, these are lovely and I was so happy for having found rose design grape scissors as lots of them have grape leaves as decoration.
      Johanna will find out soon as she starts her new day...
      Hugs to you,

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    I did not know, that you can get so wonderful grape scissors!
    Thank you for showing!
    Love and hugs
    P.S. Have send you an email! ;O)

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      You sure can but this one is a very rare find, showing grape leaves + roses... and made in Sweden.
      Hugs to you as well and thanks for mailing back. I'm looking forward to your lovely creations as you are the best!
      Happy weekend!

  5. Hoi Mariette,
    ik will grag een groetjes for u laten. Hoe gaat es met jou?
    lieve Groetjes

    1. Liebe Beate,
      Danke für diese lieben Zeilen! Es geht mir heute gut; ein voller Tag. Haus sauber machen und kochen für liebe Freunde.
      Geniesse euer Wochenende und alles gute.
      Lieber Gruss,

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    es wird immer schöner bei dir.
    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke, ich mag solche kleine Dinge die den Tag aufwerten!
      Lieber Gruss,

  7. Dear Mariette,
    you did a gorgeous reserarch about this wonderful little grape scissors. And I am so happy that my book Rosen-Bestecke helped you to find the reason why the little scissors bear the Sweedish hall mark. I had to concentrate my book for only German flatware, otherwise the sizw would be much thicker. So I did not mention this Swedish Maker GEWE, who developed and bought molds from Hanau and Pforzheim silversmithes. They made wonderful detailed flatware.
    But your little grape scissors is one of the nicest I have ever seen. Not only the toos is very nice shaped, I love also the little roses on it - you know I am fond to roses.Most of the grape scissors have baroque figurines on it or at least grape design. So your scissors is so perfect with the rose champagner grapes. Dear Mariette, you are a master of tablesetting - I really love your table in all designs. Thank you very much for telling us the story how you found out the informations. One can imagine now, how much work it is to make a book about 230 rose flatware patterns.
    May the little scissors always bring luck and happiness in your home and serve many sweet sweet grapes.
    Hugs and greetings,

    1. Dearest Johanna,
      Oh this little scissors will certainly bring me luck and happiness as I always will treasure your great book and our friendship.
      Hugs and happy weekend greetings to you dear friend!

    2. I just had to come back and to have a look for your beautiful scissors. So cute! Thank you for your sweet words. I treasure your friendship also very much.
      Hugs and greetings, Johanna

  8. Sono bellissime quelle forbici. Buona giornata...ciao

    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      Grazie davvero sono bellissime forbici. Con un vino santo la vita è bella.

  9. They are so sweet. I love unusual little items like your grape scissors. I have a little silver sugar sifter spoon and a pickle stabbing fork. All nice little items from the past x

    1. Dearest Jeannette Ann,
      There is nothing else that can upgrade our daily life more than such an heirloom piece of silver from the past! These scissors with roses are the ultimate romantic piece.

  10. Nou ik voel me zeer vereerd met de uitgebreide uitleg. Ik vroeg het me gewoon af omdat ik altijd de keukenschaar uit de la pak en nog nooit van een druivenschaar had gehoord. Een schaar is een schaar, maar dat heb ik toch verkeerd gezien. De uitsparing is inderdaad handig om de steeltjes door te knippen en als hij er zo mooi uitziet is het leuk om hem te gebruiken. Bedankt voor de informatie!
    Als ik het woord sciccors hoor moet ik altijd denken aan de keer dat ik in Griekenland op het vliegveld een schaartje in mijn handbagage had. De Griekse beambte sprak het sissend uit met alle ssssssen die in het woord zitten. Heb het schaartje achter moeten laten helaas....
    Groetjes, Marianne

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Nou, dit kwam heel goed van pas om je te beantwoorden en ook tevens het prachtige boek van Johanna te vermelden. Zonder haar had ik dit ook nooit (?) kunnen achterhalen. Ja, de oplage aan boeken hier in de USA is zeker groter dan ik Nederland en mogelijk heb je het daardoor nog nooit ergens gezien. Jámmer van je kleine schaartje en eigenlijk wat een onzin om mensen zoiets afhandig te maken. Doen ze hier ook hoor; je kunt het dan wel tegen betaling in een envelope doen en naar je adres laten terugsturen. Gekke wereld en dat dankzij een paar idioten die dit voor altijd voor íedereen verknoeid hebben!
      Fijne weekend nog en lieve groet!

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    These scissors are so pretty, a little treasure in themselves!
    Have a lovely weekend! Hugs from the Alps :)

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Thank you so much and they are like a piece of jewelry...
      Enjoy your weekend as well and sending you love from a sunny and warm Georgia,

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    You love silver grapo scissors from Sweeden Your silver Grape are beautiful .
    Johanna her handcover book with excellent. the Rose design grape scissors at just outside your home .
    you found seedless have barogue figurines on it..
    Hugs and love to you always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Sure I love my Swedish silver Grape Scissors!
      Johanna's book is an excellent one for identifying hallmarks on rose silver. She's a great photographer and author.
      The photo of me holding the scissors in the palm of my hand has been taken in our front porch as it was too dark inside the home yesterday. Today is sunny again!
      Hugs and lots of love,

  13. I love to come here and visit you cause I end up learning something always and now this! First of all, this have got to be the prettiest scissors I've ever seen, PLUS for cutting grapes, never heard of it before! Thank you for all the ineresting research you did and shared with us, I am for one, amazed!
    I'm sorry I didn't explain about the scissors situation (speaking of), but I meant after you place the lattice top on the pie there's always excess 'dough' hanging all around the side, so I usually cut it perfectly around it with my kitchen scissors, lol! The piece was cut with the knife, hehehehhee...I cracked up too imagining me cutting a piece with a scissor like material...and I'm still laughing!!!!! Thanks for coming sweetie and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Thanks for your loving words; I always learn from your writing with excellent photos! So glad you like my grape scissors with the grape leaves and roses in silver. I feel fortunate for having found these!
      Your post was such a spontaneous one and a good laugh is healthy and even more if it becomes contagous!
      Happy weekend to you both.

  14. un post molto interessante!!!!! le forbici sono bellissime!!!!! buon w.e. e un grande abbraccio Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Grazie per le tue parole e davvero le forbici sono bellissime. Buon weekend e abbraccio grande!

  15. Liebe Mariette,
    schön, dass du die Schere noch einmal zeogst. Ich hatte sie mir
    größer vorgestellt. Wieder eine wundervoller Post. Es ist immer
    wieder schön, wenn du deine Schätze zeigst.
    Einen guten Start in das Wochenende wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Nein gross ist diese Schere wirklich nicht. Es ist ein warer Schatz.
      Auch ein schönes Wochenende.
      Lieber Gruss,

  16. Your grape scissors or shears is very lovely.
    I had no idea this has so much detail in it!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Oh, one can only admire those silver smiths that created such lovely pieces with all the details for different functions.

  17. Mi chiedo dove tu riesca a trovare oggetti così stupendi e unici. Queste forbicine sono un amore, un oggetto particolare sia per l'utilizzo che per la loro bellezza!!! Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Da dove...? Queste forbicine ho trovato nella in Alemagna. Davvero sono un amore!
      Grazie per le tue parole gentile!
      Buona fine settimana.

  18. I have recently acquired some old pieces of china from my mother-in-law and I have been trying to identify them as they are also from...Sweden! Hopefully, I will post about them as soon as I finish. I therefore find all your info very, very interesting indeed!
    I wish you a very nice week-end, dearest Mariette!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      It is always quite intriguing for finding out the origin of fine pieces, especially if it concerns treasured heirlooms like yours! Good luck and wishing you too a very nice weekend.

  19. Dearest Mariette;
    I never knew about grape scissors; very delicate and beautiful♡♡♡ Now, it is the season of grapes and may be helpful for me (love the grapes of all kinds). Startling to visit friends(^^;)

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Oh, such grape scissors look lovely when paired with a bowl of grapes and it is useful for snipping off a tough piece of stem.
      Lots of love and hugs and happy Sunday to you!

  20. Thanks for sharing this piece of information. I love the rose detailing on them! So pretty :)

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      The rose detailing is exactly the reason why I got them; I fell in love with them right away...

  21. Good Morning Mariette, It is always a treat to visit you, as there is always something new for me to learn. I have heard of grape scissors, but I have never seen any before today. Your little grape scissors are delightful, I can only imagine how it feels, to use something so lovely, to cut the stems of the grapes. I feel sure it would enhance the enjoyment of eating grapes.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Best Wishes to you,

    1. Dearest Daphne,
      Thank you and glad you now got to see such grape scissors in detail. It sure helps for snipping off a little piece instead of yanking off some grapes from an otherwise nice cheese and fruit buffet... I've seen it too often that grapes almost take flight because of their tough stems.
      Hugs and happy weekend to you!

  22. Such delicate little scissors - and so pretty too!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      They sure are delicate looking, almost like jewelry. Some great silver master created them with grape leaves and roses.

  23. Dearest Mariette, Your scissors are so beautiful, with the roses so intricately done. The information is fascinating and you have the great resource information. Thanks for sharing with us.
    Love to you, Ginger

    1. Dearest Ginger,
      Yeah, who would not fall in love with such beautiful grape scissors? There is quite some history and high value according to Christie's auctions.
      Hugs to you,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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