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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

{Golden Silk Spider - Charlotte's Cousin}

One more time I like to show you some pictures of our Golden Silk Spider. Even more so because my husband Pieter is momentarily reading his Nook-book: 'The Story Of Charlotte's Web' and that made me think of our Golden Silk Spider as Charlotte's Cousin! Are you afraid of spiders or are you in awe of their webs like I am?
These Golden Silk Spiders sure are fascinating!
See the MALE?
He is so tiny, at the top left...
Look at their web!
They use dry, tough and sticky threads for building their huge webs.
Through the book: 'The Story of Charlotte's Web' Pieter did learn more about how they manage to bridge their web over such a vast distance.
We had several of them in September but now they seem to have disappeared.
Those females die after they lay their eggs so probably their life's cycle has been fulfilled...

Related links:
{Our Golden Silk Spider aka Giant Wood Spider} | previous post by me
Charlotte A Cavatica: Bloodthirsty, Wise and True 
Barn Spider | for A. Cavaticus


  1. really beautiful. we don't have that type here. about the closest we have is the yellow argiope aka garden spider.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      We got those too, with their intricate zig-zag webbing!

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    a wonderful spider ...but it looks really big!
    We do not have such spiders here.
    Sending Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      They ARE big and their body measures 22-40 mm or about 1 inch + in length.
      But they don't bother human beings, they just catch mosquitoes and whatever insects that fly into their artful web.

  3. Dear Mariette,
    That is a very big and very beautiful spider! I have never heard of them, thank you for sharing. I would not want to walk into one of those!
    Hugs to you xo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      They are only here for a couple of months, now they are gone as they die after they lay their eggs. We just let them be as they too have their role in life's cycle.

  4. Nou zo op een foto gaat het wel, maar ze moeten niet te dichtbij komen...bbbrrrr
    Wel een hele aparte hoor!
    Fijne dag!

    1. Beste Nicole,
      Ze komen echt niet uit hun web naar je toe hoor. Zijn alleen maar nuttig in het vangen van insecten en ze leven maar kort. Na het leggen van hun ei sterven ze en je ziet ze nu al niet meer.
      Ook een fijne dag.

  5. Liebe Mariette,


    Alles Gute

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja die sind schön und machen die allerbeste Seide, nur nicht genug natürlich...
      Lieber Gruss,

  6. Fotografie molto belle. Buona giornata...ciao

    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      Grazie per visitarme.
      Buoana settimana.

  7. Their webs are a work of art. It is so amazing that they are so strong.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Their silk is the best, only there is not enough of it...
      Too bad that they are very short lived, they are long gone already.

  8. Ik ben blij dat ik deze niet in mijn tuin heb, wat een grote! Nee ik houd niet van spinnen, ze bewegen altijd zo onverwacht en zitten vlak voor mijn raam allerlei insecten op te eten die in hun web wanhopig zitten te spartelen om weg te komen. Yek!

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Oh, die insekten worden verdoofd voordat ze worden leeggezogen... Het is de cyclus van de natuur; elk heeft zijn taak tot het opruimen van iets. Deze bewegen niet onverwacht omdat ze gewoon stil in hun kunstige web zitten. De maanden dat ze er waren hebben we ze niet gestoord. Ze zijn al dood nu, hun taak na het leggen van hun ei is volbracht...

  9. Dearest Mariette,
    I have mixed feelings. I find their webs beautiful and magical, but I hate them in the house! think they are of some benefit in the garden.
    It's snowing! Enjoy your day.

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      This Silk Spider does not live in the house, those are other varieties. They all have their role in nature and in fact are very short lived. There are none left, since they laid their egg they died... Till the next generation will take over and repeat the cycle.
      Can't believe it is snowing in your area! Today it is sunny and low 70s but we will have frost tonight and quite a drop in temperature for tomorrow and more frost. Pot plants have to be all inside the greenhouse today.

  10. I do like spider webs especially when they glisten with little dew drops after the rain. But I am scared of big spiders and the female looks massive . (shudders).

    Hope you are having a lovely day dear mariette :)

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      Their web, woven of highest quality silk is very pretty indeed. But spiders usually are very afraid of people and don't attack us. The female is quite large with her 22 - 40 mm body. They live only so short...
      Today is a lovely sunny day but frost tonight.

  11. Mai visto niente di simile! Ahh Mariette... sei sempre una fonte di sorprese!!
    Tutto bene? ricevuto mia mail?

    1. Cara Mimma,
      Sì sicuro ho ricevuto l'email e ti ringrazio molto. Va meglio! Che cosa questi ragni grandi sono interessati, è la regione ed il clima. Essi sono grandi con 22 a 40 mm, ma non noi fanno nulla però. E già sono andati tutto, muoiono dopo che essi hanno posto le loro uova... Triste una vita così breve, ma che è la natura.

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    Thank you so much of the colden silk spider's. your husband pieter is reading his nook-book and....
    The spiders are just like your nice wife.
    Hugs and love to you always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      The book is very interesting and does explain so much about the life of such a spider. It is fascinating!
      Thanks for your visit and comment.

  13. Se posso evitare di toccarli è meglio però mi incanto anch'io a guardarli e mi piace fotografarli...le ragnatele poi sono piccoli capolavori!
    Bellissime foto cara Mariette!
    Un bacione

    1. Cara Anna,
      Hai ragione per evitare di toccarli ma loro tessitura del web è così affascinante ed è effettivamente seta di qualità e ci sono stati indumenti fatti di esso. Certo, non c'è abbastanza disponibile per rendendolo commerciale ma ancora, la conoscenza che è superbi, ci intrighi...

  14. Lieve Mariette,

    Weet niet of het wel zo'n goed idee van me was om deze post te bekijken, ben bang van spinnen.
    En in het verleden was het nog erger....ik raakten in paniek als er een in huis zat,erg hé.

    Maar ik vind het wel altijd prachtig om te zien hoe spinnen hun web maken.

    Bedankt voor je aardige reactie op Youtube☺☺!

    Lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Maar zo'n foto-spin doet je echt niks. Ze zijn al lang weer dood... die ijverig wezentjes leven maar kort, leggen hun ei en gaan dood. Het gaat hier met name om hun prachtige kwaliteit zijde. In het Londonse museum hangt een cape dat ervan gewoven is. Maar er is natuurlijk bij lange na niet genoeg; zóveel spinnen zijn er weer niet.
      Pieter leest het boek met véél plezier; het is zo fascinerend hoe ze eigenlijk leven.
      Oh, graag gedaan hoor en een duitse vriendin reageerde er al op; ze was er nooit geweest maar is er nu helemaal wèg van! Goeie PR dus.

  15. in Italy we say that: i ragni portano soldi...I actually don't like spiders of any kind, but that's just me

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      The Italian proverb is very true!
      Liking is different than being fascinated by them...
      This book that Pieter is reading explains so much about their life that one only can admire them.

  16. Eeeek! Depending on how big the spider is and what color it is I am sometimes scared of spiders. Some look scarier than others. LOL!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Well, they are not my favorite pet I must say; nothing to cuddle with. But they are so fascinating and their webs are works of art.

  17. Dear Mariette,
    wow,what a big spider!!!
    I'm sceard of spiders!! Thank you for your sweet comment on my post!
    I was very touched !!!!
    Wish you a lovely day!!Hugs!!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Well, they are nothing to cuddle with but at a safe distance they're quite interesting to watch.
      As for your posting: http://decdimisaussi.blogspot.com/2013/11/here-i-am.html
      It was quite touching to see the 'blue bird' and for reading your words...
      Hugs to you and lots of love,

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    What an amazing spider!!! I am not scared of spiders, being a "nature girl"... and although maybe I wouldn't keep them as pets, I would never kill a spider. I really admire their webs, they are little works of art.
    Big hugs to you!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      We both think alike, we also respect them in nature and let them complete their part of life's cycle. They sure would not be a cute pet for cuddling with but one can only admire their tremendous skill. Even in severe storms their webs hold them safe and that shows quite some skill. Their lives are rather short; sadly...
      Hugs to you,

  19. Liebe Mariette,
    Es ist eine imposante Spinne. Ich finde diese Tiere einerseits
    faszinierend, andererseits aber auch furchterregend.
    Ich kann mich nicht mit ihnen anfreunden.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Wenn man sie immer positiv begegnet dann ist keine Furcht nötig. Wir brauchen ja nicht mit Spinnen zu spielen oder zu kuscheln. Nur bewundern kann man sie!
      Schöne Träume und ein schöner neuer Tag.
      Lieber Gruss,

  20. You say their body measures 20-40 mm but in your photos they look huge!!!!!. I had never before seen such a colourful spider!!! Thanks for showing it to us, my dear Mariette!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Sure, that photo is kind of out of perspective as they are not that huge! But they securely stay inside their web and never come after us. We respect them and let them be and admire their silk weaving enough for taking some photos.

  21. Dearest Mariette
    I hate spiders. I get scared just looking at those Picture.
    Though I can possibly admit that these are quite beautiful ...
    Hugs to you

    1. Dearest Kajsa,
      Well, they are not my favorite pets either but one can admire their stunning works!

  22. Liebe Mariette,
    eine solche Spinne habe ich noch nie gesehen - allein die Färbung ist interessant - eigentlich sind sie nicht so meins - aber es ist schon interessant ihnen zuzusehen, wie schnell sie so ein Netz gesponnen haben - diese sieht richtig groß aus - du hast wohl keine Angst?

    das Wetter war heute bei uns richtig schön - aber kalt ist es geworden - nun ja, der Winter kündigt so langsam an -

    ich wünsche dir einen gemütlichen Abend und schicke dir liebe Grüße -


    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Diese Spinnen leben auch nur in wärmere Klimas und so gross ist sie auch wieder nicht. Das Foto betrügt ein wenig. Den Körper ist maximal 4 Centimeter also geht's doch.
      Bei euch wird es ja deutlich Richtung Winter gehen. Hier hatten wir auch schon etwas Frost in der Nacht aber tags über noch Sonne und warm.
      Geniesse euer Wochenende und lieber Gruss,

  23. Belas fotografias...Espectacular....

  24. Oh my! He's huge! (She?) I hope it's nice like Charlotte. <3

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      Yes, it's a 'SHE' or even better yet, it was a she as she long has died. After they lay their egg, their life's circle is completed. Sad but true. Charlotte did explain a lot about a spider's life.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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