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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, January 9, 2014

{Our Fragrant Hoya Wax Plants in October}

It is brisk and bitterly cold in Dublin, Georgia so that made me long for something blooming and fragrant... Sharing here today with you our Hoya Wax Plants that hung in the gazebo and one resided in the greenhouse. Of course, both are now inside the greenhouse where the heater keeps them from freezing...
A beautiful Hoya Carnosa, full with sticky honeydew for the hummingbirds to feast on.
You can see our home in the back in its golden mist paint color...
This wasp trap still needs to be painted white...
Everything is looking lush and green here on October 13, 2013.
Looking to the other side where the bird houses hang...
We need to unwind them when they go inside the greenhouse, they weave through the Vintage Woodworks gingerbread of our gazebo.
One almost would want to be a hummingbird for feasting on that sweet and sticky honeydew!
This is the one hanging inside the greenhouse, a variegated species.
Hummingbirds can come inside here as well, the door is always open in the spring, summer and fall.
Longing to that time of the year when things are blooming again and lush and green...
It is cold here in Georgia, January 7 at 12:36 AM (past midnight) it is RealFeel®: -15°C or 5°F
Hope you stay warm those that live in the North of the USA or in Canada and are dealing with a lot worse cold!

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  1. they are beautiful and almost look unreal. :) i hope the weather system passes thru quickly for you!

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Well, we still cannot complain compared to those in the north that had no power and worse cold with lots of snow...

  2. Wow! That is one beautiful plant Mariette. Stay warm my sweet friend xo

    1. Dearest Dee,
      Thank you and rest assured, our heavy knit sweaters now get some use!

  3. Lovely plants!!!! I like hoyas very much and I look forward for mine to bloom again in the summer. In our area we don't need to put them in a greenhouse during winter. But, of course, we never have so low temperatures (except in the north of the country). I spoke to my aunt in Montreal this afternoon and she told me it was very,very cold there.
    Keep well, dear Mariette!!! Hugs!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Hoyas are lovely and you are lucky for keeping them alive during winter!
      Oh my, Canada does have its share of bitter cols.

  4. Dear Mariette,
    So beautiful! It truly looks like made of wax, very amazing!

    1. Dearest Wendy,
      Hoyas almost look kind of waxy indeed.

  5. The wax flowers are very appropriately named, Mariette, as they truly look like wax! I have never seen them before, they are very pretty. You are colder than we are up here in Washington state! Here we are in the 40's. Stay warm. Hugs xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Naming often is exactly to the point indeed! Surprised that you did not know this old fashioned plant.
      If we get the wind from the north, we get that arctic cold all the way south and even in Florida they get a sampling of it... My friend Natacha over the years lost some plants to frost in Miami! Those extremes in a short period of time kill plants...

  6. Dear Mariette,

    The Hoya flowers are so beautiful and know how gorgeous the fragrance will be.
    They always look so waxy and artificial.
    Stay warm dear friend and hope that you are enjoying the week

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      The Hoyas are fragrant and full of beauty; leaves and waxy flowers.
      We surely stay warm, it is lovely sunny outdoors but very crisp.

  7. Wow they really look like they are made out of wax, truly stunning my sweet friend..
    Thank you for your sweet comment sweetie ;-)


    1. Dearest Mari,
      Hoyas are a stunning and rewarding houseplant or for outdoor use when possible.
      You are quite welcome as you are one of the kindest people I came across and only too bad you lost your furbabies and had such bad luck over 2013. Hope this year will give you back much of it.

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    a wonderful flower! My Mum has one too and when they are flowering, the smell goes throught the whole house ...It looks lovely outside, how you have it!
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Glad to read that your Mom is also enjoying one of those and they can perfume the house literally!

  9. Buon anno cara Mariette!
    Che meraviglia la tua Hoia,tante volte ho pensato di acquistarla ma poi ho desistito...non ho una serra riscaldata e in inverno morirebbe..sarebbe bello davvero essere un colibrì per poter godere del suo nettare!
    Ieri sera il telegiornale diceva che in alcuni luoghi in America si arrivava a -50 gradi...incredibile...da noi l'inverno è piuttosto mite per il momento ma (strano ma vero) quest'anno attendo la primavera con ansia.
    Ti mando un abbraccio grande grande

    1. Grazie cara e per voi e i vostri cari inoltre ti auguriamo un buon 2014 in grande salute. Il tempo è stato freddo amaro per grandi parti degli Estati Uniti e del Canada e anche nel sud. Per noi -15°C è sufficiente, e considerando che sabato sarà nuovamente 20°C. Immaginate di dover colmare tali differenze enormi in un paio di giorni di piante. Tanto di riscaldamento globale con queste ondate di freddo estremi. Quegli idioti che fanno una vita piangendo lupo sul riscaldamento globale dovrebbe avere a spalare tutti che neve o affrontano i rischi per la salute potrebbe causare per anziani e bambini. Che è vita!
      Siamo andati per un paio di giorni nella capitale, lo shopping, la mia seconda volta poiché il mio intervento chirurgico e ci ha fatto soggiornare all'hotel perché è troppo per un giorno. Guidando in questo freddo andava bene, era soleggiata ma martedì tutto il giorno la temperatura era sotto 0°C. Ieri era meglio già e oggi ancora meglio. Nostalgia per la primavera, ma ho paura che dobbiamo essere pazienza per altri due mesi!
      Quei hoyas troppo sono eccellente piante della casa e fanno molto bene. Ho usatole per avere all'interno della nostra veranda, appesi al soffitto in vaso bianco con catene. Ti mando tanti abbracci.

  10. Dearest Mariette ,so beautiful blooming flower !! If i had like this ,it will needed to keep at greenhouse ! Here ,we have very low temperature at winder !
    Keep warm and take care !

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Thank you for liking them too but they make excellent house plants as well, for hanging from the ceiling down in a pot they do very well.
      You too stay cozy, we are having already better temperatures here in the south east but as far south as Miami they had only 10°C!
      Hugs to you,

  11. Liebe Mariette,

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Hast du auch welche Hauspflanzen?
      Lieber Gruss,

    2. Liebe Mariette,

      ich habe keine Hauspflanzen.
      Wenn ich im Krankenhaus bin, kann niemand die Pflanzen versorgen.

      Alles Liebe

    3. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Sehr schade denn ohne etwas lebendiges im Haus zu leben ist so 'kalt'... Diejenigen die dir helfen wenn du krank bist könnten ab und zu giessen, es ist nicht soviel Arbeit. Auch könnten Pflanzen mitgenommen werden zu eine Nachbarin. Du solltest auch positiv sein und nicht immer daran denken 'wenn' ich im Krankenhaus bin. Du bist halt mehrere Tagen daheim!
      Lieber Gruss,

  12. They are beautiful flowers, I used to grow them, although we never had to put them in a green house.
    I do hope you are keeping warm, it amazes me the temperatures that some states are having.
    Warm hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Thank you, they are beautiful and if you live in a moderate climate with influence from the ocean, you might be fine for keeping them year round. Here the extremes are too big for any tropical plant to absorb. We got -15°C and a couple of days later again 20°C so that is 35°C difference... with very drying Antarctic wind.
      You are right, in the northern part of the U.S.A. and in Canada it has been bitter cold; so much about Global Warming!
      We are fine here, just got to wear our heaviest sweaters once more...

  13. Hej Mariette, prachtig. Het lijkt wel een kunstbloem, heel apart. Fijn dat je een speciale plek hebt om de planten te laten overwinteren. Fijne dag, lieve groet

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja ooit hadden we veel meer kamerplanten maar toen alles geschilderd werd ging de hele bubs er uit en eigenlijk hebben we het zo gelaten. In de lente, zomer en herfst hangen en staan ze in en rond de gazebo en in de winter gaan ze in het kasje. Wel veel werk maar je hebt er aardigheid aan en de kolibri's ook!
      Ook nog een fijne dag en dan alweer weekend.

  14. Mooie plant met prachtige bloemen. Ja het is wel heel koud in de VS momenteel.Jullie hebben een soort Pool winter, niet te geloven. Wij hebben gek genoeg helemaal geen winter, het is hier 12 graden C. Het weer wordt steeds extremer lijkt het wel. Sterkte ermee en blijf warm.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, dit zijn uitzonderingen maar voor planten, bomen e.d. is het nét teveel van het goeie als je plotseling zo'n enorme dip krijgt doordat de wind uit het noorden komt met die Arctische diepvries adem!
      In Miami was het ook maar 10 graden hoor... En dan al die idioten die het over Global Warming hebben! Onrustzaaiers zijn het die weinig bijdragen aan de samenleving. Ze zouden maar eens in het hoge noorden bij -50°C moeten overleven, dan schreven ze mogelijk iets andere teksten!
      Wij hebben het er weer op zitten, we waren twee dagen in Atlanta en om te rijden was het heel fijn, zonnig en koud maar daar merk je in de auto niks van. Meer last van de lage zonnestand. Veel kunnen doen, we hadden een hele lijst om af te werken en alles is gelukt en ook nog vóór het spitsuur zonder problemen weer door die miljoenenstad naar huis.

  15. Ho avuto anch'io questa pianta fa fiori belli e profumati!Baci,Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Ah, questa è un'antica pianta di casa ma molto assidua con i fiori e forte profumati.

  16. Hello Mariette, That is quite a plant, visually stunning, and looks so charming against the white woodwork. The fact that they attract hummingbirds is a real bonus!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Thank you, it is a joy for the hummingbirds and for us it is eye candy too. Very rewarding!
      With the freshly painted woodwork it even shows more striking.

  17. Dear Mariette,i hope you're safe and warm with all that cold in USA! What a beautiful plant!I know this,we have it in Greece and call it "keraki".Gorgeous little pink flowers!Wish you a lovely day!!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you but we are fine here in the south, it was bitter cold for two nights and Tuesday the day temperature never reached above 0°C but today was fine. Far worse it is in the north and in Canada, I feel really for all those people living there, especially the elderly, the children and the pets...
      These hoyas are really antique house plants and they for sure are all over the globe. Very rewarding and strong too.

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    Your wax plants are so beautiful. So glad that you have a warm space for your plants. Toes crossed that the outside plants will survive.

    Cold is cold no matter where it is found. I'm cherishing the fact that it's supposed to be 50 F. by Saturday!

    Stay warm.............*s*

    1. Dearest Suzy,
      Thank you, they are lovely and we look forward to the spring when we can hang them back inside the gazebo. Oh, we are so used to so many plants and shrubs not surviving the extremes in our area. One day it is 80s and next it is only 5°F and it is just that shock without plants having the time to harden. Also those Arctic winds are so drying that the bark from young trees and shrubs cracks open and causes plants to die.
      Sad and costly.
      And all those idiots that still cry wolf about Global Warming...
      Poor people up north and into Canada with such bitter cold for so long. Power outages and such are tough for dealing with.
      Even for Miami having 50°F is unusually low.
      Glad we could wear our real winter clothes once more, we had them for our consulting work in Canada and in the midwest.
      You too stay cozy warm inside.

  19. What beautiful flowers that the plant has! These flowers look like made of honey. I can be hummingbird and enjoy the honeydew :-)
    It's been so cold here, too. It was 18F this morning. The weather report says it's getting warmer but predicting some rain. Great to see this cheerful plant!
    Stay warm, Mariette xoxo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, it was very cold on Tuesday and yesteday... We both were in Lawrenceville and we stayed at Hyatt Place in Duluth. Next day we went to Marietta first and than shopping at Costco, Publix, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Tuesday Morning and back home by 6:00 PM. Our felines were very happy they saw us back and that meant again some canned food instead of only dry food... Their favorite is chicken (what I cook!) and tonight I wanted to treat them to some Langostinos that I got at Costco's. I did stir fry them in the wok with some fresh kale and brown rice... Healthy food but only two of our felines ate a langostino. They would kill for chicken and would love for me to cook it every day!
      From Publix in Atlanta I did bring back a white hyacinth on a glass. That will bloom soon and spread some heavenly fragrance in our veranda.
      You stay warm too and be careful with this Global Warming don't over indulge in it!

  20. Liebe Mariette, wirklich schön, dass du diese traumhafte Pflanze mit uns teilst. Den Duft müssen wir uns eben vorstellen - und auch die Kolibris, die ich so sehr liebe :o)
    Ja, ich habe gelesen, dass nun auch der Süden der USA von der Kältewelle betroffen ist. Ich hoffe, die Kälte richtet nicht all zu viele Schäden an bei euch!
    Ganz liebe Rostrosengrüße & Hugs, Traude
    ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥:

    1. Liebe Traude,
      So eine traumhafte Pflanze brauchen wir um uns durch die bittere Kälte (für unsere Gegend wenigstens und mit diesen viesen Wind) zu schlagen. Sie gibt uns Hoffnung dass es in zwei Monate schon ganz anders aussehen wird. Ja, über Schäden lernen wir est dann im Frühling wenn etwas nicht ausläuft... Es ist zuviel für Pflanzen und Sträucher wenn es in einige Tagen so 35°C wechselt von warm bis bitter kalt mit Wind dertrockent. Da gehen vielen schon ein.
      Aber die Menschen im norden und Kanada sind wichtiger als Pflanzen. Da ist es eben sehr hart zum überleben in diese extreme Global Warming Situationen!
      Sogar in Miami hatten sie gestern nur 10°C!
      Ganz lieber Gruss und nach einem Tag schon wieder ein schönes Wochenende.

  21. I have never seen a flower like that before

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Guess the Hoya is also as house plant in your are available.

  22. Hi Mariette Happy New Year to you and yours...
    Such a lovely plant my Grandma use to grow them. They are so delicate looking lucky little humming birds..
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

    1. Dearest Elizabeth and Gary,
      Likewise to you both a Happy and above all a Healthy New Year!
      Oh, this is really a very antique house plant and so rewarding with its fragrant flowers full of honeydew. The hummingbirds love them!
      Hugs and enjoy the upcoming weekend.

  23. Dearest Mariette,
    you had so many beautiful flowers of the gagebo and one residid in the Green house.
    Honey is golden paint color after looking luch green gird house hang..
    Langing of the time blooming aggin with green. I wish your home is not long away from my house..
    I started playing my golfing and I hope I will get my best winner soon...
    Hugs to your always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Oh, we wish we could watch the hummingbirds again feasting on the honeydew from those Hoya flowers.
      Glad that you enjoyed playing golf again. Wishing you a good winning game of course and sending you sweet hugs your way.

  24. Dearest Mariette,
    Thanks for sharing such nice pictures of unusually beautiful flower.

    1. Dearest Munir,
      You are more than welcome and I did it on purpose during the severe winter weather; it does cheer us up!

  25. Happy 2014! May it be a healthier year for both of you, stay warm!
    Maureen x

    1. Dearest Maureen,
      Happy 2014 for you and yours as well. We're fine now, the cold spell is over for the time being and we will find out if our plants and shrubs survived...
      Enjoy the tropical climate in your region, even if you also have a kind of seasonal changes; we know that from Indonesia as well. The difference in humidity makes a huge difference and can cause cold nights as well. In Indonesia we had frost at night high up in the mountains!

  26. Happy New Year Dearest Mariette! this is one brilliant garden beauty ... the weather has been crazy .... we have been experiencing -40 C temps early in the week - today -15 and they are saying to expect PLUS 9 on Saturday ... crazy weather... stay warm my friend. Hugs and blessings C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Happy New Year to you and yours; once more I guess... but we never can bless each other enough with happiness and good health.
      We always enjoyed hoyas; for decades already and now we share them with the hummingbirds during three of the four seasons.
      You see, even here we got an extreme of 35°C withing a couple of days; that is rough, very rough for any garden! Plants did not have a time to harden off... We will see what did survive this time; we're used to big losses!
      Again, such idiots that write and even make a living off their crying wolf about Global Warming! Wish we could all deport them to areas where it is -40°C or less.
      We went to Atlanta for two days and now I'm catching up at home and on my blog... But driving was fine, no snow and nothing only bitter cold and Arctic wind on Tuesday when the temperature never reached 0°C. Yesterday the wind was no longer there and it was better. Even in Miami they only had 10°C - go figure!
      You stay cozy too and hope without the flu. Both of us get the flu shot and also against pneumonia and so far so good. I used Boroleum though for my very dry, stuffy and bleeding nose... On the plane I used to take that always with me; once a tip from somewhere that I took to heart.
      Hugs and blessings to you!

  27. Dearest Mariette;
    Wow; such a sweet looking Hoya Wax Plants♡♡♡ I LOVE color pink and with wonderful fragrant must be for me p;) Wishing you are staying warm, my dear friend!!! My husband is a bit out of shape with cold now.

    Sending you lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you and glad you too enjoyed this sweet looking Hoya.
      Too bad your husband has come down with some cold. Guess the emotional stress from the end of year is taking its toll as well. When we are under stress, our immune system is down and we cant catch easily a cold. Stay well, eat healthy with enough citrus fruits for getting strong and fit again.
      Hugs and lots of love,

  28. Dearest Mariette, This is a fantastic plant, I don't think I have seen this plant. Before I got to that paragraph, I was wondering if you cut them back but I do know now that you simply unwind them. Can they be purchased at a reputable nursery in this region? Our hummers would absolutely love these.
    Love to you and Pieter, Ginger

    1. Dearest Ginger,
      Thank you and you will own a baby of this one; how about that? We will get a cutting from it and it's easy to grow, we got ours from a cutting as well.
      Hummingbirds love them and so do we.
      Hugs and love to your Bob as well.

  29. Really a beautiful plant, Mariette.

    1. Dearest Serena,
      Thank you and yes, this is a true beauty!


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