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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, January 11, 2014

{ANGELS We Know By Name}

We all do know one or more ANGELS By Name... A LOVED ONE that has taken up residence in heaven and is no longer walking with us on earth. But those are the ANGELS that are still walking on our side; ANGELS We Know By Name.
Just like dear friend Celia M. High Heeled Life & Resilientista wrote about a special Angel:  Tribute to an Angel in her post before...
Guess all of us have one or more special ANGELS that we know by name!
In my case it is my sister Mariet, the one that was still born on January 11, the year before I got born. Her life on earth did not even start, only in the womb she lived for 9 months.
Such a tragedy for my Parents, especially Mom for loosing her baby after all the pain and labor.
They took it away from her, without letting her cuddle it and all baby clothes were hidden.
Such was the advice at that time.
It makes me cringe when I think about it even now!
But the next baby that came into their lives was me, and I got my older sister's name Mariet.
In honor of {My Angel Sister & Mariette's Back to Basics Explained} I have added 'te' to my name as to try and live life for her as well.

My sweet ANGEL sister Mariet for sure is walking alongside and who knows when one of us will join her on the other side...?
Like ABBA sang: I Have A Dream, (click for video and the lyrics follow under post) I believe in Angels and so do I, our home is full of beautiful hand carved wooden angels from Italy as you can find from the links below. They always have been part of my life!

Related links:
{Our 'GREEN' Bedroom} | previous post by me
{6 Antique & Vintage Italian Angels, Cherubs Putti} previous post by me
{Our Living Room ANGELS - CHERUBS} previous post by me
{Our Living Room} previous post by me
{5 Angels - Putti from Italy & Germany} previous post by me
{Angels & Cross Stitch for Christmas}| previous post by me

I Have A Dream
I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream


  1. Replies
    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Thank you, those loved ones are always on our mind...

  2. Thanks for sharing Mariette. The angel is beautiful! xo

    1. Dearest Dee,
      You are more than welcome; we all live with one or more ANGELS we know by name.
      Those hand carved wooden angels are a dream!

  3. Dearest Mariette;
    I remember very well about your sister and how your name came from. Yes, and she must be with you as an angel protecting you. Until I have met you as a friend, I hadn't thought about angels much. To tell the truth, my mother lost one baby and she my be with me too. My mother haven't talked about her much as it must be a hard experience for her as well like your mother had.

    Sending you lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako ...yes , she is with you and is most proud of all you have achieved. As I posted my comment to Mariette ...I saw your comment and something propelled me to write a response to you. Your Angels are there waiting to help you - you just have to ask them. xo C. (HHL)

    2. Dearest Miyako,
      You see, another similar story that you share with us here... Especially in the Japanese culture, emotions were not often shown or shared. And certainly your Angel sister and others are with you! Like Celia, I do believe that your Angel sister is mighty proud of you!

  4. Dearest Mariette; beautifully tribute to your darling sister ... I know she has been with you each and everyday gently guiding you along your journey of life. Thank you for mentioning my post on Angel P - she was both an Angel here on earth as she is now that she calls heaven home. Sending you hugs from Canada and wishing you a beautiful Saturday. Hugs and Blessings, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Thank you for your kind and encouraging words! It is a very reassuring way of knowing that we are never alone on our earthly journey. We can so often sense it and there are no other explanations for it. You are quite welcome and it was a pleasure for mentioning Angel P; you earned it.
      We will celebrate in a special way on Saturday!
      Hugs and love to you dear friend.

  5. very beautifully written. We all have a story and we all hold special angels in our lives

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      Thank you and yes, it is a sure thing that we all have special Angels in our lives.
      Stay cozy and hope work is proceeding as planned, even with this winter set-back of bitter cold.

  6. Dearest Mariette,

    YOU Are such a SWEET person! This remind me of your message to me a while ago and you told me I should sing this song "I will follow him"!!!!:)...ahahahhaah. Your support always make me so grateful and believe me, the next time I saw OMID, I will sing him this song:)



    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Yes, like believing in Angels, there are certain songs that make such an impact on our souls that they are forever etched in there. 'I will follow him!' is certainly one of them and you too came to understand and FEEL it literally. I bet, you WILL sing that to him and many times.
      Hugs and blessings,

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    a wonderful angels you have shown us!
    Have a lovely weekend,
    love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you!
      Happy weekend to you as well.

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    auch ich hätte eine jüngere Schwester. Sie ist vor der Geburt gestorben. Ihr Name Nicole. Nun ist meine Mutter bei ihr, sie ist letztes Jahr mitte Dezember gestorben.

    Engel sind immer um uns. Mit dem Herzen können wir sie wahrnehmen. ♥

    Alles Gute.

    Liebe Grüsse

    1. Liebe Julia,
      Du verstehst es also auch sehr gut, deine baby-Schwester Nicole und deine Mutter sind solche Engel die dir immer nah sind. Es stimmt dass wir sie wahrnehmen können mit dem Herzen! Es ist schon sovieles darüber geschrieben worden und wieviele Engel gibt es aus Holz geschnitzt da sie soviel Bedeutung für den Menschen haben...
      Liebe Grüsse,

  9. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist ein ganz besonders guter Post.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, du erkennst da auch deine Engel die du beim Naamen kennst...
      Lieber Gruss,

  10. I love Abba's singing so much. Perhaps we are from the same era. I do believe in Angels....

    1. Dearest Kay,
      You might be right about that and yes, I firmly do believe in Angels...

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    The Angels are still walking on your side there are no other explanations for live life for her as well!
    Hugs and love always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Guess you are very right about that!
      Hugs and admiration to you; always.

  12. Wat een tragedie voor je ouders een voldragen kind te verliezen. In die tijd moest je het maar zo gauw mogelijk vergeten was de gedachte. Een grote vergissing inderdaad, maar ja mensen wisten toen niet beter, die inzichten kwamen later pas.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Inderdaad een tragedie voor mijn ouders. Inzichten veranderen over tijd maar als het jezelf treft op zo'n manier dan valt er niet veel meer aan te doen. Het verwerken zónder enig afscheid lijkt me bijna onmogelijk.

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    This is such a sad yet heartwarming story you are sharing with us... Sad because your sister never got the chance to live on this Earth (and what a tragedy it must have been for your Mom), yet heartwarming because you are carrying her name and living for her too... And I am sure she smiles from up there, and she loves you very much. And she is walking by your side each day.

    I do believe in angels, my sweet Mariette! I have to share a story with you... Yesterday I had to run an errand which I wasn't particularly happy of... When I got to that place, I felt I had to retire and gather some positive energy... and I just walked a few meters on, and I turned into a small street (the place where I had to go is on a big corso with lots of traffic and cars). I didn't really know why I turned into that small street and I had never been there before. As soon as I turned into that street I saw a church. I read the name in bold letters, and it said "Sanctis Angelus Custodius" (Saint Guardian Angel in Latin). I looked up and smiled. Then I turned my eyes, and I saw that right opposite there was a small, charming café. The name? "Angelo Custode". Need I say that I went to that place I had dreaded to go with a smile, AND singing THIS song???? Needless to say, as soon as I was finished with my errand, I went back to that little café and I had a coffee there. I told the lady there that it was such a sweet place, and she smiled and told me that she loves angels. How endearing!

    Have a lovely weekend, my friend! Big hugs!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      There are so many instances where we almost got nudged by an invisible hand to take a certain turn or to go somewhere without any reason. There are many stories I could tell you and both of us believe very strongly that we are guided by our Guardian Angel(s)!
      Thanks for sharing your special story and for your heart warming words about my Angel sister.
      Enjoy your weekend too and stay cozy.

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    What lovely thoughts about your sister and friends. I've always said that loved ones are immortal as long as we continue to think, speak and act in their memory.
    Enjoy the week end..........*s*

    1. Dearest Suzy,
      Wise words from you and our loved ones are immortal in that way!
      Happy weekend to you.

  15. Sweet friend, I could really feel your love and pain for your dear angel sister, my mom lost two babies a girl she named Belinda and a boy she named Victor, they would have been younger then myself and big bro Vincent..
    We would have been four altogether, my dear mommy always wanted a big family, I and my bro vinny had four in honor of the two my mommy lost, I have two boys and two girls just like my mommy would have had, my big bro has three boys and a girl, so my mom has plenty of grand babies to spoil and love.
    I love that angel you have,it's divine :-)

    1. Dearest Mari,
      What a touching story of your family... That is very sweet for giving back to your Mom in the way you and your brother did. One always keeps wondering how things would have been. But one day we will meet again!
      We both fell in love with all the angels we have, they do have a special meaning in our lives.

  16. My dear friend Mariette
    What a sweet and moving tribute to your angel sister. I believe in angels too, I believe they are among us taking care of us all the time. I also have an angel brother named David, my mother and my father too are my angels. I have them in my heart and they are watching over me always. As I'm sure your angel sister watches over you too.
    Send you a big hug,
    Lots of love

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Thank you and I am so sorry to learn you Mother and Father are already Angels... It is comforting to believe in Angels and for keeping them in our hearts forever until we meet again.
      A tight hug to you and happy weekend; stay cozy.

  17. I love the subjects of angels, and the angels who are close to us and calling by name, love it! beautiful tribute
    Big kiss and a beautiful weekend!

    1. Dearest Sílvia,
      So sorry to learn that your dear Father just went to heaven... That means you do have a very special ANGEL to call by name!
      May God give you strength for living through this difficult time.

  18. Such a beautfiul tribute and gesture to your sister Mariette. I believe angels walk with us as well and protect us from harm.

    Wishing you a Happy weekend!

    Madelief x

    1. Dearest Madelief,
      Thank you and yes, we both believe in the fact that we know ANGELS by name. It is just the fact that we, little humans in this endless universe cannot grasp yet all the details that are to be revealed to us one by one. Till than, we feel protected by our loved ones.
      Happy weekend to you and hugs.

  19. Dear Mariette,what a sweet and touching,post!I remember very well about your sister and how your name came from.Yes,i believe in angels,and mine,has my mothers name,Maria!This song of Abba,is my favorite,and many times i hear it on Yuetube.Thank you for sharing!Have a wonderful weekend!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thanks dear friend and the majority of people do believe in ANGELS! No wonder that for Abba it became an instant hit at that time... This is universal language from the heart.
      You for sure feel protected by your special ANGEL Maria.
      Hugs and happy weekend.

  20. This is so beautiful! I am so sad for your dear mother though and can only imagine her pain. But then she received beautiful you, and it must have healed her broken heart to hold you in her arms. I am so blessed to have read this post today dear one.
    hugs from here...

    1. Dearest June,
      Thank you for your kind words. You know of course by being a Mother to six yourself. It is never easy and even with the fact that my Mom got six more children after me, the pain remains.
      But we all believe in ANGELS.

  21. Een prachtige gedachte Mariette,

    groeten Janny

    1. Beste Janny,
      Ja, inderdaad en voor mij zijn engelen en rozen dé twee dingen in het leven...

  22. Nie ma nic straszniejszego w życiu matki, niż strata dziecka.Twój aniołek dla niego jest cudowny. Pozdrawiam.
    There is nothing more terrible in the life of the mother than the loss dziecka.Twój angel for him is wonderful. Yours.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      You are so right about that! It will take a lifetime but one day we will be united again.
      Hugs and happy weekend!

  23. A friend went through the same pain of giving birth to a stillborn child. It was so heartbreaking so I know of the pain that it leaves behind. Happy birthday to your angel sister. I know without a doubt that I have angels following me as I've been saved many times. Best wishes and blessings, Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      So sorry for your friend too... Thank you for the birthday wishes and we both have the very same experience of having been saved numerous times. Incredible experiences.
      Hugs and blessings to you.

  24. Dear Mariette,
    I cannot imagine the pain of your Mother losing her newborn and having it taken away. My Grandmother lost two that way before my Dear Mother was born. Surely you were a special gift after such a terrible loss. Yes, I believe in Angels and they have saved me, too. My son is named Gabriel...The song lyrics are beautiful.
    Hugs xo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you for your comment and it often shows that lots of women have lived through a similar tragedy. Gabriel is a beautiful and very meaningful name.
      Hugs and happy weekend to you.

  25. Dearest Mariette, I do remember how you received your name and it is so sweet. My only sibling, Betty Jean, was three years older than I when she crossed over. She was almost six at the time. I can't imagine the pain and heartache my Mom and Dad must have gone through. My sister had a heart condition that would be repaired today through day surgery. When my Mom passed, I found among her things, my sister's last robe and slippers. She had kept them for 45 years.
    Now the three of them rejoice with our Lord but I also know they walk with me.
    Thanks for this thought provoking and touching post.
    Love to You, Ginger

    1. Dearest Ginger,
      Thank you for sharing your sister Betty Jean with us and indeed what a pain and heartache this must have been for your Parents and even you remember it as a three year old. Your sister's last robe and slippers were something so dear to your Mom for holding on to... Quite emotional for finding out after all those years. But in our memory they live on and for sure, they are with us all the way until we meet again.
      Hugs to you both!

  26. Those are magnificent blossoms, Mariette. My favorite camellia is the Pink Perfection. I don't currently have one, but I've been poking around the nurseries to find one. Of the one I have now, their blossoms died with the latest frost, but new buds have already appeared and I can't wait to see them! <3

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      Guess you meant to comment under my post {Our Camellias} but that's okay.
      The Pink Perfection certainly is like a dream, so lovely! Hope you will find yourself one soon.
      When shrubs are still young, frost can do damage but maybe those new buds will make it!
      Hugs to you,

  27. Replies
    1. Dearest Serena,
      Thank you for your comment and yes, I do believe in Angels!

  28. I'm excited. I believe that, my father is my angel, as is your sister for you. Thank you for all....thank you for sharing!Kisses & hugs, dear.

    1. Dearest Georgette,
      No doubt your Father is your special angel. You can talk to him and ask him to help you; he might be closer to you now than ever before. Love to you and hope this has helped you just a little for getting beyond the first period of 'rough' grief... Life is never easy but we are NEVER alone.

  29. I found you just now via "hoorn des overvloeds" and I must say that your name immediately sprung out. Wow!
    Here at your blog I read that you've lived in so many wonderful places. What a full life!

    I especially like the picture of the house (your house?) in the banner of your blog. Again: wow!

    Interested in a giveaway?
    Have a peek:



    Brigitte from Belgium

    1. Dearest Brigitte,
      So glad you found me via Ger's blog! Yes, we have lived in different countries and we worked in a lot of countries in all continents; not at the north- or south pole though!
      It is indeed our home in the header above this blog.
      Hugs to you,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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