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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, January 19, 2014

{My Hand Knitted Irish Aran Men's Vest}

At the time that husband Pieter still needed to travel frequently to Portage La Prairie in Manitoba, Canada for Campbell Soup, I did hand knit this Irish Aran Mens's Vest for him from a Burda magazine. That kept him nicely warm. Here in Georgia, it hardly ever is being worn but on Sunday, January 12, we went for a walk and Pieter wore it.
Knitted in Phildar wool in Rustique Naturelle... with wooden buttons.
Knitted from the Dutch Burda Breien en Haken 365 patroon 101
Did knit this from a German description however, since the enclosed pattern got lost...
Here you see husband Pieter, wearing my hand knitted Irish Aran Vest and also his Bailey Trilby Tweed - Wool Fedora Hat from Hatcountry's Italian collection.
Blue winter sky made for a perfect walk...
this is the back part of the Vest with raglan sleeves.
Detail of the cable knitting...
Ribcord jeans are from the Outlet by Ermenegildo Zegna.
Rubber boots are French Le Chameau  click it
Okay, let's walk on...
On January 13, 1985, I proudly show my just finished Irish Aran Men's Vest to my Dublin Mama 'Alice' and to my Thai–American friend Somai.
This photo is taken at our previous Dublin home...
This heavy vest I did knit in 11 days; just in time for a winter trip into Portage La Prairie, Manitoba in Canada for Pieter!
Have you done any Irish Aran pattern?

Related articles:
{My Hand Knitted Linen Top} | previous post by me
{My Hand Knitted Silk Lace Shawl in Peacock Pattern} | previous post by me
{My Hand Knitted Vest} | previous post by me
{30 Years  Ago In My Rose Sweater} | previous post by me


  1. Amazing, very beautiful sweater and yes, I agree,Pieter is a great model for it too! I love the old pic of you. Big hugs and enjoy your weekend.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Thank you for your compliments. Pieter loves to wear his hats in winter and that goes perfect with such a heavy vest. Oh, the old photo is also one of those that I scanned from a slide, the end of December. So many fond memories come back to mind...
      We age, china and porcelain keeps a lot better over the decades but so what.
      Enjoy you weekend and big hugs sent back to you.

  2. Deaerst Mariette,
    this vest is wonderful, a great work! Well done, and Pieter looks great with it :O)
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you, always loved to knit but have not done so in years because we seldom wear woolens. Hugs to you and happy weekend.

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    eine wundervolle Handarbeit.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke, ich habe es auch mit Liebe gestrickt.
      Lieber Gruss und schönes Wochenende.

  4. Mariette I have knitted them when the children were little. I also knitted one for my husband and he said it was too hot and used it to mop oil the tractor split when changing the oil. So it does not bring happy memories to me.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Such a comment makes even me sad to read... For sure your knitting was as beautiful as your bear making and when such little gratitude is being shown, that is bad...
      Hugs to you and happy weekend!

  5. un joli travail
    j'aime le point Irlandais , mais je ne sais pas le faire
    bon weekend

    1. Chère Edith,
      Merci et Irlandais motifs d'Aran sont plus compliquées mais j'aime les faire.
      Bonne fin de semaine!

  6. Me encantan los botones de madera y ese look calentito del jersey.
    Sin pereza

    1. Dearest Leticia,
      Oh, those wooden buttons do create a very rustic look to this knitting!

  7. Dear Mariette,what a beautiful sweater!And it looks great on Pieter!I always liked the Irish knitting,but i never made something !I admire your work!!You are so talented!!Thank you for sharing!Wishing you a happy weekend!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you for your kind words and compliments. I no longer do knitting as we moved to this area with barely any winter cold, if it freezes, it is mostly only at night. But once in a while we get to wear things like this.
      Happy weekend to you as well!

  8. Het vest staat Pieter goed Mariette! Jee, wat moet dat een klus zijn geweest. Het patroon ziet er ook behoorlijk ingewikkeld uit. Het resultaat mag er zijn! Bijzonder dat jullie het al die jaren bewaard hebben.

    Een fijne zondag!

    Madelief x

    1. Beste Madelief,
      Dit vest was best een ingewikkeld breiwerk maar als je je goed concentreert lukt het goed. Heb het ook in ene ruk afgebreid, dan zit je er ook het beste in... Ja, doordat het erg weinig gedragen wordt sinds Pieter gepensioneerd is en niet meer naar zulke koude streken hoeft te reizen, is het nog mooi. Het zou zónde zijn om het weg te doen!
      Ook een hele fijne zondag nog.

  9. Hi my dear friend Mariette,
    This vest is amazingly nice! It look Pieter is so cozy and warm in it, and the vest looks so great on him. You did an awesome job, is so beautiful. Send you a big hug,
    Laura :-)

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Thank you dear friend. This vest was quite a job but I managed to have it ready in time to wear it to Michigan in January. He got it for his trips into Canada and to the colder US states. Here in Georgia it is rare that we need heavy woolens.

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    your hand knitted Pieter Irish Aram vert also his bailey trilby tweed wool felore Hut.
    And knitted from the Dutch breien en haken patton knit from german German desription since the enclosed pattem got lost.
    The Outlet Emeneg ilds Zegne Rubber boots.
    your Dvblin Mama Alice and your Thai - Amertcan frind Soma.
    You has so much done knit for lovely husbands one.
    I was knit in very nice for my chiledren was until there yung age of until ten years of age not anymore...because too much to working for time of month.
    I really think of both are happy life.
    Hugs and love!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you so much for your compliments and yes, both of us are very happy!
      So you as well have done quite some knitting when the children were young. It is hard for keeping up with knitting when you have your hands full on other things.
      Happy Sunday to you and sending you lots of love and hugs.

  11. Dear Mariette, beautiful handy work. I've started knitting and crocheting again a few months ago (I learned as a child, but I never knitted anything complicated then). Now I am trying to challenge myself and do more advanced projects. I find knitting and crocheting very therapeutic and I really like it.
    I am sure the cardigan keeps Pieter warm, especially that it was made by loving hands. Have a lovely Sunday.

    1. Dearest Zosia,
      Thank you for your kind words and I too found it always very therapeutic and relaxing. So rewarding for creating some lovely pieces with your own hands.
      Pieter always treasured this cardigan!
      Enjoy a lovely new week.

  12. Prachtig gebreid en zo snel in 11 dagen! Leuk dat je het vest nog hebt bewaard en het nog steeds past. Kabels breien is moeilijk maar wel leuk, heb ooit een baybvestje gebreid met kabels toen ik op de bevalling zat te wachten van mijn eerste wat maar duurde en duurde. Ik begon toen aan iets ingewikkelds om de tijd te doden. Heb het nog afgekregen ook.
    Moest lachen om je commentaar over de dia's scannen, dat is ook nog een project wat hier moet gebeuren. We hebben er zoveel, je weet niet waar je moet beginnen.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, dat was toen even doorwerken geblazen maar ik was er maar wat trots op dat hij lekker warm in de koude delen van Michigan en Canada kon werken. Pieter is ook nooit veranderd qua maat dus wat dat betreft past hem alles nog goed. Ja, het vergt wat meer oplettendheid om kabels te breien maar het wordt al snel routinematig.
      Grappig hoe je beschrijft dat je een ingewikkeld babyvestje met kabels breide voor je eerste en het ook nog afkreeg. We kunnen meestal veel meer dan we denken. M'n grootmoeder zei altijd; een goed begin is het halve werk. Zo'n oude gezegdes zijn goud waard en hun wisten er natuurlijk alles van. Ook jullie dia's líjken (net als de onze) op mission impossible maar als je er eenmaal aan begint en je ziet er schot in komen dan gá je pas goed mee doorwerken. En, het komt nog klaar ook; waarvan akte!
      Nu de foto's nog...
      Fijne week en houd je warm, geen griep meer oplopen deze winter!

  13. Accidempoli Mariette ma sei bravissima! Ma come hai fatto a confezionare un giaccone così bello, in modo preciso in pochissimi giorni? Bellissimo, magnifico, io ho fatto diversi maglioni nella mia vita ma mai uno così. Complimenti, sei davvero una magliaia eccezionale. Paola

    1. Grazie Paola, ma quando inizio qualcosa, qualsiasi cosa... Sempre io concluderò. Quando è più difficile ottengo più come un pitbull terrier. Il lavoro dipende sempre se si segue un modello con istruzioni di qualità, come Burda è superiore e se si lavora con esatto lo stesso filato accennano. Quelle tasche e i molti cavi non erano facili, ma ho fatto ed io mi sentii orgoglioso e felice e Pieter portava anche con troppo orgoglio e ha ricevuto molti complimenti.

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    I always liked Irish Aran vests, but unfortunately, I am not good at knitting. I did learn when I was young but never had the patience to knit. I preferred to crochet. What a lovely model your Pieter is!!!!! Very smart!!!! Congratulations on your knitting expertise!!!!
    PS. Thanks for your kind comment on my post and don't you worry about any delay in mentionning my small gift. You don't even have to do so!!! Grosses bises!!!!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you for your compliments, also about model Pieter!
      When we went to 1st grade we were taught how to knit and how to crochet by the nuns. Because my Mother and also Maternal and Paternal Grandmother loved to knit, I guess that motivated me a lot and I always loved it. But only loved working with quality yarn and exaclty that brand what they used in the magazine. That always yielded best results.
      By now I've already aired my official THANK YOU! I so love your gift and again; merci beaucoup!
      Grosses bises a toi!!!!

  15. Bravissima Mariette,questa giacca è meravigliosa...adoro questi lavori sia da uomo che da donna...bellaaaaaaa!!!!!!
    Un carissimo abbraccio

    1. Cara Anna,
      Grazie mille per le tue parole gentile!
      Anche per te un carissimo abbraccio.

  16. Liebe Mariette,
    eine wundervolle, anspruchsvolle Handarbeit.
    Dein Gatte wird die mollige Weste sicher sehr schätzen.
    Einen schönen Restsonntag wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Danke für die Komplimente und unser Restsonntag läuft auch zu ende! Ja es ist eine mollie Weste.
      Lieber Gruss,

  17. Replies
    1. Dear Fernando,
      Thank you for your compliments and wishing you a happy new week!

  18. I don't know how you knit such beautiful things. Knitting is definitely not my forte. You have a great talent

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      Thank you Daniela, I always loved to do any handwork; the more challenging, the more tenacious I would become in mastering it. But I'm not knitting anymore...

  19. Dearest Mariette,
    This vest is indeed very beautiful, and Pieter models it so beautifully! It is amazing how beautiful things and good quality last many years and still bring us smiles and joy after a long time!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Thank you dear friend! It always pays for getting good quality as it will last and last and for hand knitting stitch by stitch such a vest you have to use the best yarn!

  20. Hello my dear friend!
    Belissimo blusão de lã de seu marido. Amo fazer tricô. Fiz para meus filhos quando eram pequenos, hoje não faço mais. Que interessante você guardar por tantos anos esse blusão. Eu tenho a triste mania de doar as roupas com mais de dois anos de uso. As vezes doamos roupas com etiquetas. O problema que sou uma consumista de roupas. hahaha
    Bjos tenha um ótimo fim de semana.


    1. Querida Anajá.
      Obrigado pelas suas amáveis palavras. Não, o contrário, eu sou um guardião das coisas. Se é de grande qualidade é para sempre. Nós dois nunca ganharam algum peso para que as coisas se encaixam; Isso também é uma questão fundamental para muitas pessoas. Eu sempre amei a tricô, crochê e costurar mas não muito mais devido à falta de tempo quando ficamos mais velhos...

  21. Ciao Mariette, che piacere scoprire che condividiamo anche la passione per il lavoro a maglia. Ho imparato da bambina, merito della nonna, poi ho ripreso anni fa con l'aiuto di una amica bravissima con i modelli... Il tuo maglione è perfetto e immagino molto divertente da fare con tutti quegli intrecci.

    1. Cara V.,
      Questo è sicuramente un piacere da scoprire! Beh, mie nonne e mia madre hanno fatto il lavoro a maglia molto e anche in prima elementare mi è stato insegnato dalla monaca a lavorare a maglia e all'uncinetto. Fortunato come è diventato una seconda natura per me e ho veramente apprezzato questa maglia con cavi molto intricati. I risultati sono così gratificante!

  22. Dear Mariette, I just finish a comment here but don't know where it gone when doing the edited. If both turn up can you delete the first one Mariette? To cut short, I just want to say your beautiful work makes me dream! Love to knit again for my friend's Grand daughter! And maybe something pretty for my self and daughter. And I hope my dream come true once more, :-)

    1. Dearest Mei,
      If you have the time and still the eyesight for doing this; just start something!
      It is very relaxing and works like therapy and since you have been so good at it in the past, you might still enjoy it.
      Sending you hugs and withing you a happy weekend.

  23. An absolute gorgeous sweater, Mariette! Pieter certainly does look dapper wearing it, and I know he appreciated every single stich you made. I do hope he still has it!

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Thank you and you bet he still has it! Will never part from it.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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