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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, January 23, 2014

{Sunshine Walk & Deer Tracks}

On Sunday, January 12, it was very sunny so both of us enjoyed a Sunshine Walk. Below this post you find the link where I already did show husband Pieter... We were quite surprised for spotting so many Deer Tracks on the still muddy road from all the rain we had. In our neighborhood we regularly can spot deer, even in our garden we did find deer tracks.
Perfect for wearing our French Le Chameau rubber boots on the muddy road...
Together with my German Elkont ribcord pants and Escada cardigan over a silk turtleneck sweater.
 You see the deer track?
They visit our garden as well!
Very fresh in the mud!
The Sunshine was so strong that it kind of 'faded' my right sleeve of this red Escada cardigan...
But the sun's winter power already feels so good on our body!
Such a walk outdoors in the sunshine is good for making our vitamin D level rise.
Of course, far better even with bare legs and arms but this is a good beginning.
Of course you already know I love roses... this is the back of my cardigan.
Very hard to capture red in the bright sunlight!
These pine trees at least add some 'green' to the dreary look of winter.
Standing next to a tree that got toppled by a storm.
That too is nature.
Do you enjoy your walks?

Related link:
{My Hand Knitted Irish Aran Men's Vest} | previous post by me showing husband Pieter at same walk
{ROSES} | previous post showing the same vest...


  1. a very pretty top. such petite little deer tracks. :)

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Guess they are from a doe... Thank you for the compliment!

  2. It looks like a great day for walking. I'm sure it would have been interesting following the deer tracks.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Deares Kay,
      Oh sure, follwing the deer tracks and actually getting to see where they're hiding during the day... It was an excellent day for a walk; no wind and sunshine!

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    It must have been so refreshing to get out in the sunshine. Up here it has been mostly gray. Spoke with Proge down in RI....it's been snowing since noon. We are expecting another polar express all over the northeast. I do hope you are staying warm......xox*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Oh, that was one of those bonus days... Right now we have a mean wind due to that polar express coming down... It will freeze for about a week from now on, during the night that is but the wind makes it also mean during the day. Back to wearing those heavy knit sweaters!
      I have to warm my hand, I was typing up some posts and I'm having very cold hands. Our flannel duvet cover will feel so cozy tonight!
      Hugs and lots of strength for you and you loved ones.

  4. We most definitely enjoy our walks. Enjoy your pretty sunshine. We are having the same.
    Good news……..my blog seems to be updating on sidebars once again. A mystery!

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      Yeah, as long as we have sunshine it is fine for walks but now we got such a mean cold wind and frost at night. So glad your blog is updating again on the sidebar! Guess what, my search tool is also mysteriously working again. One never knows...

  5. Hello my dear friend,
    You look so beautiful in your red cardigan, and it seems it was a nice and warm day. We also enjoy walking around our neighborhood, sometimes even with snow and low temperatures. I look forward for warmer temperatures.
    Enjoy your week, hugs with love,
    Laura :)

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Thank you and yes, that was a perfect sunny and wind-still Sunday! We too look forward to the beginning of Spring.
      Happy remainder of the week and lots of hugs,

  6. Dearest Mariette;
    First of all, so sorry for my absence lately. It's been a a little busy for me to checking things at my parents empty home if there are items for me to keep etc. May take times p;)
    I LOVED to see the "Irish Aran Men's Vest" that you knitted for your husband. You DO have lots of talent, my friend. I just enjoyed knitting making simple wool scarfs a couple of times when young. (haha, not good at hand work, as you know). Your vast relationship among blogger friends is really wonderful, great to receive that GORGEOUS wooden heart♡♡♡
    Oh My!!! deer tracks, lovely to the tiny ones along with your boot. I always wish to have a environment which fits for walking. It isn't fun for me to walk just seeing the houses and roads(^^;) We had a small amount of snow yesterday, we went out to enjoy them for a minutes p;) Your red Escada cardigan is really lovely and becoming on you♪♪♪

    Sending you lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Please don't ever appologize for having to take care of your Parents' Estate as that no doubt takes all of your time, energy and also emotions...
      Thank you for your compliment about my knitting and yes, receiving such a wooden heart with lovely découpage was wonderful.
      We are very lucky for living just outside of the city, in a rural suburb that is surrounded by woods with lots of nature. This is great for almost literally stepping out of your back door and walking in the woods. Thanks again for your kind words.
      Hugs and love and hope you manage to deal with all your chores.

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    wonderful pictures from your sunshine walk!
    Yes, we enjoy our walks too!
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you so much and days like this one make us all happy!

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    sehr schön und ausdrucksvoll.
    Einen guten Tag wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      So einen Spaziergang ist wirklich schön und gesund.
      Lieber Gruss,

  9. Dearest Mariette,
    You having a good vitemin D with your all of the body kept happy for your wearing a beautiful roses cardigan knit sweaters with boot! You are walking with your husband....
    We have hot summer time, but you had cold temperatures in notheast Don't get cold your body...
    Hugs and love to always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      You live in the season with plenty of vitamin D from sunshine but here in winter we must enjoy the days that come with sunshine and no harsh wind.
      Don't worry, being dressed this way our body does not get cold and moving is a great thing too.
      Hugs and lots of love,

  10. Love your cardigan. I'm a townie, so I've never seen deer tracks before!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

    1. Dearest Liz,
      Quite surprising that you in the Scottish countryside (for walking) never have seen deer tracks. It sure is a lovely experience for being out in nature, inhaling the same fresh air where the deer live.

  11. Hello Mariette, You are lucky to have Nature so close. When I lived in Ohio, lots of deer and other animals congregated in my yard. I love my urban excursions in Taipei, but I really miss the friendly woods.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, we are very lucky for living just outside of the city limits but in the middle of nature with our subdivision. That is a bonus and also the clean and unpoluted air. I bet you miss the friendly woods of your suburban Ohio area...
      Stay well and enjoy whatever you have near you.

  12. Dearest Mariette ,so nice that you had a sunshine day and you enjoyed this walk near the forest !
    You look so elegant even in the mud! Here ,we have so many sunshine days ,but if we would like to walk to the forest we should go by car ,five kilometres away from the town !!
    Have a lovely day !

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Thank you for finding me looking elegant even in the mud... haha! Those rubber boots are fine for walking otherwise you ruin your leather shoes/boots. We can walk away from home and soon you walk between the trees. That is lovely.
      Hugs to you and hope the remainder of he week is nice for you.

  13. I love your stunning cardigan and pretty boots! Wow you do walking in style! Looks it was quite bright sunny day but vitamin D is sure good :-) These deer tracks are amazing. We have deers around where we live, too. I rarely go outside for a walk, which I should!!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you for your compliments. It sure was a bright sunny day and we plan to do this a lot more in 2014. Walking or biking together. Our big projects have been done so we get time for our own and for our health.
      Georgia is such a great state with lots of nature surrounding us, in your area it's even more beautiful.

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    du wirkst wie eine sehr nette englische Lady in der Natur. ;-)
    Die rote Jacke steht dir sehr gut.
    Toll die schönen Hirschspuren.

    Alles Liebe.


    1. Liebe Julia,
      Danke aber englische...? Mit eine deutsche Hose und Weste und französiche Stiefel kaum zu glauben. Aber es war wirklich toll und ich glaube auch nur wegen den Schlamm konnten wir die Hirschspuren so gut wahrnehmen.
      Auch alles liebe und vor allem bleibt warm!

  15. Dear Mariette,how interesting to find deer tracks on your walk!!!And how lucky you are having a sunny day!!I love your red Escada cardigan!You look fabulous !!!!I had a walk near a little lake!!It was a great day!!!Wish you a lovely week!!Big hug!!

    1. Liebe Dimi,
      It sure is a blessing for having such nature right at our home to start walking for only five minutes and being in the woods. Such a bright sunny day is a bonus in winter; there are not that many. Thank you for your kind words and glad you too had a great day walking near the lake!
      Hug and lovely continuation of your week.

  16. Liebe Mariette,
    das richtige Ourfit für einen sonnigen Tag im Winter.
    du strahlst mit der Sonne um die Wette. Hirschspuren
    zu finden sind schon etwas Seltenes.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja so ein sonniger Tag macht auch froh und glücklich! Ja man sagt hier in unseren Staat Georgia würde es mehr Hirsche geben als Meschen also deswegen kann man sie öfters sehen. Es wird auch auf Hirsch gejagt aber so etwas könnte ich nie!
      Ein schöner Donnerstag und Freitag bevor es schon wieder Wochenende ist...
      Lieber Gruss,

  17. Lieve Mariette,

    Een wandeling in de natuur met zonnetje erbij doet vaak wonderen en zeker wanneer die zo ''ongerept'' is dat er herten in je tuin lopen.
    Je staat er charmant op met fijne Country lifestyle laarzen en mooi rood rozenvest!!
    Hier is het al dagen grijs maar vandaag liet een waterig zonnetje zich zien,ben al enkele dagen niet buiten geweest,vrijdag weer laserbehandeling gehad omdat er ook in linkeroog na-staar zat,oog is gevoelig en traant erg.

    Lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Jazeker doet zoiets een mens goed! We hebben in onze tuin wasbeertjes gezien, een rood vosje en hertesporen maar nog geen herten zelf. Ze kunnen er wel komen ongezien. Wij hoeven echt niet ver te lopen om helemaal in het groen te zijn. Dank je voor je compliment, deze franse echt rubberen laarzen gaan ons leven wel mee, ze zijn ook levenslang gegarandeerd. Heerlijk zijn ze, met leer gevoerd en met lange rits en volledig waterdicht dus na een misstap hoef je niet meteen terug naar huis...
      Jij hebt wel pech met je beide ogen, zeldzaam volgens mij om nog nastaar te hebben. Ja, ogen zijn heel erg gevoelig en je moet echt voorzichtig zijn om ze ook niet teveel te belasten. Maar hopen dat de tijd verder alles heelt. Hier is het erg koud met vorst en morgen en overmorgen zelfs tot -8°C. We zijn zo blij dat gisteren de láátste grote buitenklus klaargekomen is. Ze konden de hele dag fijn beton storten. Nu nog wachten tot de tegelzetter de tegels kan zetten en dan is het àf en hoeven we hopelijk nooit geen zorgen om het binnendringende water te hebben. Het voelt in elk geval goed en ook blij dat Pieter dit zware (en koude!) werk er nu op heeft zitten. Nu het hele huis van boven naar beneden schoonmaken want er is heel wat zand en modder (tot in de garage) binnengebracht. De poezen brachten het ook nog wel de trap op. Maar dat is minder werk dan het hele project.
      Lieve groetjes,

  18. I can see you love roses!!!!
    hugs my dearest Mariette
    Sin pereza

    1. Dearest Leticia,
      Oh yes, I certainly do! And sunshine and walking...

  19. Those deer tracks are so tiny, for some reason I thought they would have been bigger

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Guess those tracks are from a doe and that already does make a difference. I had nothing to actually measure it with. But those does are so elegant and a yearling or fawn is even more tiny. Not that my boots are that big however; a French size 7-½.

  20. tracce di cervo, non mi sembra vero!!!!!!! il tuo cardigan è bellissimo!!!!!! un grande abbraccio Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Sì è la verità. Grazie mille per il complimento, mi piace Rose che sapete...

  21. Dearest Mariette,
    How great to see you on your Sunshine Walk, amidst beautiful nature! You look so elegant even in nature, and that red cardigan is gorgeous! You already know I dearly love walking in Nature, and thank you for following me on my walks in the Alps! :)
    Thank you for your sweet comment about Lilli and Tommi... They are indeed two darlings! But the true sweetheart is Lilli: she allows both her brothers to cuddle up with her, so you'll sometimes find her cuddling up with Theo (her adopted brother), and other times with Tommi (her brother). She's just a sweetie pie :) You are so right, such moments captured on camera are indeed precious memories, and I can imagine how comforting the photos of your beloved Sacha girl must be to you!
    Hugs from the Alps!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Our nature is by far not comparible with the Alps region where you reside but it is at least peaceful, unpoluted and with lots of wildlife. Thank you for your compliment, this Escada cardigan with roses is a favorite one of mine; just perfect for keeping you warm and comfy for walking.
      Oh, those felines could teach humans so much! But unfortunately not all humans do open up to such lovely pets. They miss out on a lot of love!
      Yours are all so cute and you are lucky for such a happy family. Oh, such photos remain a treasure.
      Hugs to you,

  22. Dearest Mariette, What an elegant and lovely outfit to go walking in the woods!! Your rose cardigan is gorgeous!!! So, you have deers coming so close to where you live!! We also like walking and we do live in the country side but also very close to the coast, so we prefer to walk by the sea side.
    I wish you a nice and not too cold week-end!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you for your kind words about my rose cardigan. Yes, we have wildlife right at our back door and we love it. So tranquil and peaceful and we can breath clean air. For walking by the sea side we have to drive about two hours.
      Wishing you a warmer weekend than we have coming our way. Tonight and tomorrow night it will be -8°C but it will be nice and cozy inside our home!

  23. That's a very dapper walking outfit, Mariette. You look chic even when "dressing down." <3

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      Thank you and guess that's because of those French Le Chameau boots!

  24. Dear Mariette, my Dad lives next to the forest and I love taking walks there.
    What a great cardigan. You always look so stylish, no matter what you are doing. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Dearest Zosia,
      Thank you for your compliments and what a great thing that your Dad lives next to the forest. That is a blessing for being so close to nature.
      Happy weekend to you!

  25. I love your cardigan and your walking.

    1. Dearest Serena,
      Thank you, this is such a joy for living near nature.

  26. Dear Mariette,

    You look lovely in your gorgeous red cardigan and it is always great to get out for a walk and enjoy the sunshine. I know I need to go for my walks everyday which I love.
    Also enjoyed seeing the cats supervising the job Pieter was doing.
    Many thanks for your kind visit and words you left me on my blog.
    happy new week

    1. Dearst Carolyn,
      Thank you very much; this cardigan feels just great when the sun is out in winter (no polar vortex...) and we had a lovely walk that day. We look forward to more frequently walking. Much needed but we've been so busy with our projects and things.
      Our cats are always supervising; they act like it's their home and they are fully in charge. Nothing can be done unnoticed... But we love them; they're such sweet and loyal loving furbabies.
      You're quite welcome and that was certainly well earned!
      Hugs and happy new week to you.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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