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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, March 21, 2014

{Mom's 6th Dialysis Anniversary}

March 18, was the 6th Anniversary of Mom's Kidney Dialysis! 
We are so grateful for still having her with us. This is a photo, taken on Friday, February 14, on Saint Valentine's Day when we were in The Netherlands and visiting Mom during her long hours of Dialysis. 
We did visit her 5 times, one afternoon we missed as I was visiting a cousin but that was when Dad was with her.
Mom has been a great role model all her life and I pray that I too will reach her blessed age of 90 and not get problems sooner with my own kidneys.
Let's try to keep my chronic kidney disease in stage II for a long time to come!
Well, in 2017 I moved from stage II to stage III...
As of August 2019, I moved into stage IV...

Related links:
{HAPPY Mom on her 90th Birthday - THANKS TO ALL OF YOU} | Mom on her B'day at Dialysis
{Mom's 5th Dialysis Anniversary} | previous post by me
{Mom's 4th Dialysis Anniversary} | previous post by me with childhood photos Mom & me...


  1. blessings to her as she continues with her treatments.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Indeed, blessings as there is no alternative. Life is so frail if you are at that renal end stage.

  2. i pray for her well being.... your's also....

    1. Dearest Jyothisethu,
      Thank you and that is about all we can do...

  3. Your mom is such a pretty and pleasant lady even while going through all this. Too bad she has to go through this process, but we never know when something will hit. Blessings to you and family.

    1. Dearest LV,
      Thank you and Mom sure is taking it very positive and she's so grateful to the entire staff and for the opportunity for having this available to her. It is nothing to look forward to but there is no alternative and it is so true; none of us know what lies around the bend.
      Hugs to you as well.

  4. Your mother is so lovely and cheery, besides being such a trooper! God bless her. I'm sorry I haven't been around because I couldn't get into blogs, not even mine. Blogger is getting to be such a nuisance!!!
    Big hugs,

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      You name it correct, she is a trooper and quite lovely while undergoing this. It is not for nothing that they did seek her out for introducing others to the treatment of dialysis. Also because she's the oldest patient they have there is some interest in her from university students for a study. We're proud of her!
      Oh my, now you have that Blogger devil darting around your blog... It is a nuisance and I had exactly the same thing, could not even enter my own blog. But it looks like it works again with mine.
      Hugs to you,

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    I will enclose you both in my prayers for a long life!
    Sending Love and hugs

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    You have beautiful Mother photo on valentime day when you were in the Netherlands visiting Mother long hours of Dialysis, you has visit her 5 times.You was nice to see Mother has great role model until only 90...Oh Dear Mariette will had 100 years!!
    Hugs back to you and lots of Love!!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you so much for your visit and comment. Let's hope that will come true that we will have Mom till she reaches 100 years of age.

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    trotz ihrem Schicksal strahlt sie so viel Liebe und Freude aus.
    Viel Kraft und Mut weiterhin deiner Mama.

    Allerliebste Grüsse

    1. Liebe Julia,
      Ja dass stimmt, trotz allem ist sie immer positiv und macht weiter. Sie war auch so froh mit jedem Besuch und wir haben es mit Liebe jedes mal getan.
      Kraft findet sie auch viel im Glauben, sonst wäre es kaum möglich und es hilft uns auch sehr.
      Allerliebste Grüsse zurück,

  8. Ich wünsche deiner Mama das Allerbeste!

    1. Liebe Michaela,
      Danke für deine allerbeste Wünsche für meiner Mama!
      Liebe Grüsse,

  9. Liebe Mariette,

    sonnige Frühlingsgrüße

  10. Ik weet hoe het is om ver weg van je ouders te wonen..
    Als je jong bent realiseer je dat niet maar ,als je ouders ouder worden
    en ziek zijn realiseer je dat pas ,ik woon al 22 jaar in niet meer in nederland.
    ik heb heelaas mijn vader in 2012 verloren in augustus in het hoogteseizoen
    en kon geen vliegticktet vinden .nergens niet na brussel,amsterdam,dusseldorf of koln ..
    En dan wonen wij in europa !!!!!
    waarom schrijf ik dit eigenlijk ..niet om je verdrietig te maken hoor ,
    Je moeder ziet er vrolijk en positief uit ...
    en positief is een van de beste medicijn

    een lieve groet

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Jazeker, dat besef hebben díegenen die ver weg wonen veel sterker dan diegenen die heel dichtbij wonen. Om met spoed een ticket te krijgen voor een vlucht is bijna onmogelijk en ook onbetaalbaar. Wij hebben altijd gezegd dat het veel belangrijker is om voor die tijd geregeld op bezoek te komen. Als ze stervende zijn of al overleden is het voor de persoon in kwestie toch al bijna te laat. Maar dat wist je Vader ook best en hij heeft voordien vele malen genoten van de tijd dat je er was. Wij zijn ook niet naar de begrafenis kunnen gaan van Pieter's broer en schoonzus, gewoon ondoenlijk en ook onbetaalbaar voor ons budget.
      Nee, het maakt me niet verdrietig, ik ben realist en het afscheid is best voorgoed op zo'n leeftijd en in zo'n situatie. Wij kunnen ook niet meer zo vaak die lange reis maken en mijn man is ook al hoogbejaard.
      Ja, mijn Moeder ziet er zeker vrolijk en positief uit en niet voor niets gebruiken ze haar ook als voorbeeld voor nieuwe patiënten en ook voor een studie vanuit het Radboud ziekenhuis over oudere mensen aan dialyse. Daar ben ik ook best trots op!
      Wij zeggen hier altijd dat de persoonlijke 'attitude' het allerbelangrijkste is voor je hele leven, niet alleen bij ziek zijn.
      Heel veel liefs,

  11. Hello Mariette, Even with the medical miracles that make so many new treatments possible, a good attitude is more important than anything else, and your mother possesses this in abundance. Her smile always cheers up my day when I see her on your blog.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      That is so funny, I just wrote it in my comment in Dutch here above... Personal good attitude is the most important factor and my Mom is a fighter and she is living towards little moments of joy in her life. Luckily they still do have each other as that too is very important.
      For me, being now far away on the other side of the ocean, her smile is the biggest reward for our trip! I pray that I will have her courage for as long as I live and may God grant her some more time together with Dad.

  12. Het is echt een wonder dat ze de behandeling zo goed doorstaat. Hoop dat je nog lang van haar aanwezigheid kunt genieten.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, het is zeker een wonder op zich dat ze het tot dusver nog zo goed heeft doorstaan. Ze ziet er zelfs beter uit dan de jaren voordat ze behandelt werd.
      Laten we dat inderdaad hopen dat ze nog lang bij ons mag zijn!

  13. Your mom has such a lovely smile! She looks very positive and mentally strong, and I think it's important to have happy life :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      She is a very lovely person who never did demand much but always has been so generous in giving. Guess that also helps her now in coping with this situation and still feeling grateful for the medical advancements as this would be unthinkable just two generations before her...
      Being content is something that serves you well till the very end.
      Hugs to you,

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    deine Mutti ist ein Vorbild.
    Sie strahlt soviel Freude und Zufriedenheit aus,
    trotz dieser schlimmen Behandlungen. Möge sie
    euch noch lange erhalten bleiben.
    Einen schönen Frühlingsanfang wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Genau so ist es sie strahlt Freude und Zufriedenheit aus da sie auch so Dankbar ist das Gott ihr dieses lange Leben gegeben hat. Wenn man positiv ist und mit Dankbarkeit so eine Behandlung untergeht, dass macht einen riesen Unterschied. Nur die lange Stunden fallen ihr so lange... da würde Besuch soviel gutes tun. Leider sind wir von hier aus so beschränkt.
      Liebe Grüsse und auch ein schöner Frühling wünsche ich dir!

  15. Dear Mariette, your mother is a so brave and sweet lady! I wish all the best for her!
    May you reach her age and beyond, without any health problems!!!!!
    Hugs from Athens!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      My Mom is indeed very brave and also very sweet! She never has been a big demander and that serves her well during this difficult time in life.
      May indeed I reach her age; that would be a tremendous blessing!

  16. Un anniversario particolare cara Mariette ma nel contempo un inno alla voglia di vivere che in tua mamma è davvero straordinario e ammirevole. Un abbraccio. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Esso è infatti anche un'ode alla mia cara mamma e molta ammirazione! Lei è molto eccitato e positivo con grande gratitudine per le possibilità attuali che puo creare ancora per un paziente del rene è ancora vivo.
      Un grand'abbraccio e buona primavera!

  17. I know it is difficult to see your Dear Mother going through dialysis - she is a courageous woman and a true inspiration! She is also a very lovely woman and I would have never guessed she was 90 years old. I can see where you get your good looks, Mariette! Modern medicine is so full of wonders - I pray for you that you continue to keep strong and healthy. Much love, xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      It is a fact that she is in the renal end stage for kidney failure and we only can hope and pray that she will last as long as it can. But being realistic, I have heard her tell us over those 6 years past so many times that they lost a patient... Often they were a lot younger than my Mom; one never knows and it depends on other health issues of course. But we very well realize that one day we too will get notified that she is no longer. Statistically she has long passed the maximum expectancy for her age.
      But we feel blessed and she herself had never believed she would reach her 90th birthday! Modern medicine is full of wonders, considering such treatment to wash out the blood of a human being when the kidneys can't function anymore.
      Mom has been my role model and I hope I can follow in her footsteps and be as brave as she has been till the very end!

  18. Dear Mariette,how sweet and brave is you mother!
    Seeing her in the bed,through dialysis,i remember my mum,with her chemo treatment,and i'm so sad.

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      So sorry for the thoughts of your dear Mum going through her chemo treatment. Guess that is asking a lot more of a person. In general the dialysis is not causing any discomfort. But after all it is a treatment for a terminal ilness, that cannot be cured nor improved... Sad fact.

  19. Dear Mariette,
    Your mom is a very nice and strong woman. I truly believe the greatest healing therapy is love, and I'm sure she gets it from you and all your family. You and you sweet mom will be in my prayers. Send you a big hug with lots of love,

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Mom is very nice and strong indeed. Giving them love and special attention and care in her final stage of life is very important. We have done so as much as we could but that is hard for visiting her more often when living 8,500 km away. I have always prayed that my siblings and nieces and nephews will see before it will be too late that they should take turns in visting her every time she is getting her dialysis.
      We did what we could... Thank you for your prayers!

  20. How wonderful that your mom is going strong. It's amazing what love and a good attitude can do.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend Mariette!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Indeed, a good attitude is the main ingredient for life!
      Let's hope Mom will stay strong for quite a while to come.

  21. Dearest Mariette ,her sweet smile shows to me how strong and brave she is ! I wish to take her age and more ,healthy and happy ! It was lovely that you spent time with them ! Have a nice day !

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      She is very brave and a great fighter so far. Sure, I too wish to achieve her age.
      We feel very good about having time with my Parents.

  22. Liebe Marktete ,ich finde deine Mutter sehr sympathisch ,ich drücke ihr ganz fest die Daumen ,das es ihr noch sehr lange besser geht .Ich wünsche euch ein schönes geruhsames Wochenende.Liebe Grüße Ina

    1. Liebe Ina,
      Danke, sie ist auch sehr sympatisch und wir hoffen alle dass sie noch lange bei uns bleiben darf.
      Auch ein schönes Wochenende mit liebe Grüsse,

  23. Dearest Mariette;
    Your mother is really noble looking lady and her big smile must have come being able to see you♡♡♡ Wonderful to read that she's been a great role model. When mother died only 69 years old, I really wished her to be my father and brother more.
    We sure must inherit our parents' physical trait, which means you will have a long life!
    Take Care of Yourself, my friend.
    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you and yes she did enjoy our visits intensely as is evident.
      Your Mother died really young and yes, one would wish she could have been around longer for all of you... Life is at times not easy and not fair it seems like.
      Maybe we ought to look more at the 3rd generation for our genetics, it is mostly from the Grandparents that we will inherit. This is the rule in biology as we always have been taught about plants and such. Maybe it's true for humans as well.
      We have to take good care of ourselfs and not ignore early signs.
      Hugs and love for a beautiful spring weekend.

  24. pas facile à gérer moralement toutes ces dialises
    elle est très courageuse et souriante
    elle a la chance d'être très bien entourée
    garder le plus longtemps possible votre santé ♥♥♥
    toute ma tendresse à votre maman et à vous tous
    edith (iris)

    1. Chère Edith,
      Bien sûr il est admirablement bien que ma mère a été tellement optimiste durant toutes ces années. Nous prions pour qu'elle continue de gérer cela et qu'elle est autour pendant un certain temps.
      Pour ma part, j'espère certainement que mes reins restera pendant longtemps car ils sont maintenant. Pas facile et connaître le facteur génétique est toujours dans mon esprit...
      Câlins et profiter de temps de printemps.

  25. Hello Marriette! Your Mom is blessed to have you by her side, and she herself is such a sweet lady, I like her smile :)
    I know it is not easy to go through this treatment, but it helps also a lot to maintain health. So I wish all the best and stay positive! take care of yourself!

    1. Dearest Hindustanka,
      Thank you and yes, Mom was visibly happy with our visit. Wish we lived closer though...
      It is never easy but we are grateful that medicine is this advanced for keeping patients like Mom alive!

  26. Dearest Mariette,
    What a beautiful and sweet lady your Mom is!!!
    Sending you both, beautiful ladies, big hugs and loving thoughts!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Thank you very much for your kind comment.
      Hugs to you,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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