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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

{My 6 Min Presentation The Truth About Leprosy for GPDLI, AtAmerica U.S. EMBASSY JAKARTA}

In commemoration of World Leprosy Day I got invited by Mr. Nuah Tarigan Sahing from GPDLI (Disability Care Movement & Leprosy Indonesia) to be a speaker at the Talk Show from AtAmerica, U.S. EMBASSY JAKARTA. Of course I felt honored but it was impossible to be present for the actual presentation in Indonesia on Friday, February 28... 
We were coming home from The Netherlands to the U.S. on February 25. Knowing full well that it was the LAST time I would ever see my Mom — but I agreed for having a professional video made with the help of a dear friend and great donor for the Dublin, Georgia/U.S. Rotary Club's Leprosy project in Jakarta, Indonesia. Below this post you will find the two previous posts that I did write about our visits to the Leprosy hospital where also Princess Diana did visit.
Coming home by 22:15 on the 25th, I did dedicate the 26th for writing the transcript for my 6 minute video presentation. The video was made in friend Gil's studio Gillis Studio (click link) on the 27th. 
Not quite recovered from my jet-lag and seeing my Mom for the very last time, but it was not about me but about Ending the Stigma.
Real video is further below...
'Advocate for ending the STIGMA of Leprosy'
The above is just a screenshot; not the actual video for clicking on! That is further down...
The time of 2:00 - 4:00 PM or 14:00 - 16:00 would have been in the middle of the night for me in U.S. time. No way I could have done this in real time...
So uploading my 6 minute video onto YouTube made it possible for them to show it for the Presentation.
This you can click in the center for viewing!
If you like to watch this on YouTube you also find the link to my complete transcript as well as here below:
The Truth About Leprosy - Experiences by a USA Citizen for GPDLI & US EMBASSY Indonesia.pdf
Direct link to YouTube: The Truth About Leprosy - Experiences by a USA Citizen for GPDLI & US EMBASSY Indonesia
This is my contact person Nuah Tarigan Sahing, from the GPDLI, Jakarta, Indonesia.
He is a warrior on behalf of those Leprosy victims and we need more people like him that are active on social media for raising awareness.
All participants in this Talk Show are seated and here the Host is introducing me as a friend of GPDLI... This is where the Live Stream (just click hyperlink) will be showing my YouTube uploaded video.
This is me in the Leprosy hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia.
In 1989 this lady received a prosthesis from Princess Diana and then in 1997 from the Dublin, Georgia, USA Rotary Club.
Ending my 6 minute presentation with the words:
The Stigma of Leprosy has to STOP!
We need to raise more awareness in the media and with journalists.
Pleased that this @america video Presentation The Truth About Leprosy yielded 4,798,000 viewer minutes so far. It has been taken off the air later...
Related links:
{World Leprosy Day} | previous post by me
{Like Princess Diana, I also Tried to Tackle the Leprosy Stigma} | previous post by me
{My 8th Blog Award - Sunshine from Japan} | previous post by me mentioning our fight for the underdog
{We saw FOUR Armadillos at Lunch Time!} | Humans can acquire a leprosy infection from armadillos by handling them or consuming armadillo meat, and are a presumed vector and natural reservoir for the disease in Texas and Louisiana - previous post by me
{Mom & Dad's 65th Wedding Anniversary} | coming home from The Netherlands—seeing Mom for the LAST time...‏


  1. bless you for your continued support to help the people affected.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      As long as I can I will because they have no voice!

  2. a very well-done presentation, mariette. thank you.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Yeah, regardless my jet-lag and emotional farewell to my Parents... I managed to do next day the transcript and thanks to a generous and dear friend we got it on video!

  3. I am sorry I could not hear your speach. None of the videos would play. Keep up the good work.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Hope the two links I've emailed you will work for you!
      Thank you and I will never quit speaking up for those poor Leprosy victims. The world needs to pay attention!

  4. you are right. This is a curable desease. I believe education about leprosy is the key in ending the stigma associated with it. Well done

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      Thank you and yes it is a curable disease. Education is the best and global awareness for tackling this finally after 3,000 years!
      Well done, just like you run the marathon of 26 miles for a great cause! That I cannot do...

  5. Dearest Mariette;
    Your great presentation taught me a lot, my friend! I was SO surprised to know that the disease has that long history. Wonderful contribution for the people who are affected. Your link of the transcript helped me a lot as well. So admirable,Mariette. And it was also really lovely to see and hear you speak through video. Hope you are doing fine and started a wonderful new week.

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you very much. Oh the transcript does help a lot for better following and understanding. That is what I produced the day after coming home from The Netherlands... It was tough but I pulled it off and next day we did the video, so only one full day of kind of rest in-between (writing transcripts I don't call work...).
      So glad that my blog visiting is possible again thanks to another great friend who came to my rescue yesterday evening. If it wasn't for good friends; what would we do without them?
      Hugs and love to you dear loyal reader and friend!

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    a great presentation! Great job and so well done! Bless you and your work!
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Well, this is only done for raising awareness! Those poor Leprosy people have no voice and nobody it seems like is looking at them or their situation.

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    eine gute Leistung!

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Hoffentlich bewirkt, dass einige Ripple-Effekte!
      Liebe Grüsse,

  8. Een mooie presentatie, leuk om je stem te horen. Je doet daar goed werk.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, elkaars stem horen is anders dan alleen maar lezen... Dank je en ik hoop dat er iets meer van bewustzijn door komt wereldwijd. Als de media de draad maar eens op wilde nemen...

  9. Querida Mariette te felicito por esa campaña por los afectados de Lepra ,, pobres no lo pasan nada de bien ,, y creo que más por la discriminación que por el mismo mal

    1. Querida Angélica,
      Gracias! Sí, ciertamente es sufren el estigma y la discriminación peor que la enfermedad misma.

  10. Dearest Mariette you continue to be a wonderful inspiration to help those who are not able to speak up for themselves. Many blessings to you my sweet friend. xo C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Well, after having worked and lived for so many years in Indonesia where the third highest number of leprosy affected people live, I can't but do the utmost for helping them! Having personally seen this biblical disease did really touch our heart in a special way.
      Hugs and blessings to you as well.

  11. Replies
    1. Dearest Dee,
      Guess most people have no idea and the Media is to blame for that. Since Princess Diana's visit to the hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia in 1989, who else has ever drawn media attention to Leprosy sufferers? Not a single public figure ever. Too bad she is no longer around as she had a lot of power in helping to erase the Stigma and the Discrimination.

  12. Dear Mariette,i enjoyed your presentation!Well done!And i heard your voice too!!I'm so sad that people still get Leprosy.You're a kind lady indeed!Wish you a happy week!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you and yes, now you could hear me too. That is different from only 'reading' me.
      It is very sad that this biblical disease is still around and the media turns away from it.
      Hugs and happy week to you.

  13. I couldn't figure out how to view your presentation but read the transcript. Interesting as I didn't know the history of Hawaii and leprosy. You certainly are passionate about the cause and do a great job of helping any way you can. Kudos to you! Glad you got the blog situation sorted out. Best wishes, Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Neither did I know about the Hawaiian history on leprosy. Shocking to learn that only in 2008 this resolution was read to the survivors.
      Yes, after having lived and worked for so many years in Indonesia and having delivered many times the money for the Rotary Club from our city of Dublin, together with husband Pieter we both are very passionate about the cause.
      Never sure with blog situations, I came home from Atlanta to find no pictures and no photos in my blog. Had to restart my PC and there they showed up again in IE, just like they did already in Google Chrome. I've added some links to my blog as well, just in case more people have the same problems as you encountered.

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    I have just managed to view your presentation. Congratulations for your continued involvement and support to the leprosy cause!
    Glad your sorted out your blog problem, also!
    Many hugs!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you and yes, I'm very happy with my PC and Blogger cooperating for the time being!
      Glad you got to view my presentation and if we all together talk about this stigma and spread it, that is already a step into the right direction.

  15. Una mujer que es todo corazón.....a seguir con la lucha

    1. Querida Leticia,
      ¡Gracias y esta lucha que nunca me rendiré!

  16. Liebe Mariette,
    es ist eine großartige Arbeit die du leistest.
    Ich unterstütze ein Lepradorf in Nepal. Das habe
    ich anlässlich einer Reise auch besucht.
    Die Leprakranken haben keine Lobby. Sie
    werden auch heute meist noch versteckt.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Meine Arbeit ist nur ganz gering aber wir müssen alle zusammen darauf hinweisen dass die Welt versteht worum es geht und dieses 3,000 Jahr alte Stigma entlich aufhört... Genau, die Leprakranken haben keine Lobby, sie haben nur uns als Mitmenschen!
      Liebe Grüsse und ich hoffe du schläfst gut.

  17. You are really remarkable person, Mariette. I've learned about Leprosy a lot here from you. You are definitely successful raising awareness and educating people. I hope misunderstanding and stigma will become just a history completely.
    I don't know why but can't see video here or on YouTube. But I could access the transcript. I will try playing later....I want to hear your voice :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you and I'm just trying to do my little share in shaking some people up for raising awareness. Just imagine it would be us on the other side of it and looking at this fast paced world that completely ignores these victims. The media pays only attention to politically correct issues and turns away from such distressing problems from biblical times.
      Will try to mail you some links and hope you will manage to 'hear' me.
      Just got back a couple of hours ago from our rounds to Atlanta; first time since January, before we went to The Netherlands.

    2. Mariette, Thank you for your comment! I'm sorry the e-mail didn't go through. In fact, I can't compose new mail either. Seems there are some issues with Gmail. I'll keep checking. Thank you for other links to the video! I'll try to access those. And happy birthday to your sweet Barty! Sounds like everyone enjoyed chicken together :-)

    3. I could finally watch your video! I loved seeing and hearing you a lot!

  18. Wonderful work you are doing, Mariette, to raise awareness! Hopefully this can be eradicated from our world soon. So much suffering....Hugs xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you and let's hope this indeed will get eradicated and those that live after having cured it from their body, being accepted by society without the stigma and discrimination.

  19. A great presentation!Congratulations! Kisses & Respect!

    1. Dearest Georgette,
      Thank you and it is my pleasure doing at least a little bit for those voiceless leprosy affected people in order to raise some awareness.

  20. Dear Mariette,

    I could not watch the video but listened to the transcript and what a great job you are doing - making people aware as I like many others probably I thought that Leprosy had been eradicated. Thank you for sharing this with the world and blessings to you and all the people doing this.

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Thank you for your words and so sorry that you could not watch the video. Will try to mail you some links and from what I so gather are several people having an issue in getting into Blogger or viewing photos or videos.
      Let's hope there finally will be some much deserved recognition and that the media and politicians will step in to raise awareness.

  21. Lieve Mariette,

    Goed gesproken en hopelijk zullen jou woorden de wereld wakker maken.


    1. Lieve Ger,
      Dank je, maar om de wereld wakker te maken is wel wat meer nodig vrees ik. Waren er nog maar mensen zoals Princes Diana die zoveel goeds heeft gedaan in de hele wereld. Zij had de media achter zich en zodoende kun je héél veel groepen bereiken en zulk soort schrijnende toestanden onder ogen brengen. Maar ik doe wat ik kan.

  22. Thank you, Mariette. Thank you.

    God bless.

  23. I knew leprosy was still around, I'd seen articles and such in past years. Not a lot, because most people don't want to hear about it, or see anything about it. I found this very interesting... great presentation! What a wonderful loving heart you have, dear Mariette! And such good works you are doing in the name of Jesus! God bless you, my dear friend! ✨ ❤️ ✨❤️✨

    1. Dearest Diana,
      Yes, it is still around but the world is silent... those poor leprosy sufferers are still being ostracized.
      It even is on the rise again here in our own USA but that will not get media attention. Worse, former articles of warning have been removed... You find more on my Leprosy board: https://www.pinterest.com/mariettesbackto/leprosy/
      May God help us all!

  24. Very important. I'm sure you did a great job with the community.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      At least both of us tried hard to give the voiceless a voice and some much needed help.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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