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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

And Another Birthday with Pearls

 On Monday, January 9, I would make my rounds to Atlanta and to Marietta also for having my Rado watch's battery replaced.
BUT on Sunday evening when brushing my hair and removing the Chanel barrette I noticed that its spring got half broken away...
So, we made another stop at Neiman Marcus at their Chanel Boutique for having it repaired.
Will be so happy when it will be ready with a new spring.
It was right there at the store on the counter, that I noticed some earrings, longer model and with a pearl...
SO... Pieter bought those for me as an early Birthday gift—and I did NOT object 😉
They got nicely gift wrapped with the famous white Chanel Camélia...
Our white hyacinths from Trader Joe's were blooming nicely in our bay window area.
Lovely white Camélia and ribbon...
A card with embossed white camélia and gift box...
Inside the gift box...
Nice Strass Crystals and the CC logo with pearls.
Photo taken outside in bright sunlight on Sunday, February 5.
Metal & Strass
Gold, Pink & Iridescent Crystals and Pearl
I'm very happy with those earrings as a gift from my Pieter—even though they're not of gold...
Chanel manages to make very elegant costume jewelry as well!
Wearing my Escada silk and cashmere twinset and when looking back, this is what I wore to Mom & Dad's 55th Wedding Anniversary 19 years ago...
Now you also can see my Escada jeans and our Japanese magnolias that are almost open.
Pieter's shade as the sun was really strong with a temperature of 19°C or 66°F.
Both of us are grateful that the –2°C or 28°F last week did not make them turn brown!
Usually these would bloom on Mom's Birthday—February 12, but now she's in heaven, they seem to bloom earlier on my Birthday. 
You can see the white vinyl picket fence in the background...
And the green tree on the left is the Southern Magnolia.
Here I wear the very same Escada twinset on February 15, 2004 when I am happy to see and greet my 2nd brother Piet at the restaurant where we all met for Mom & Dad's 55th Wedding Anniversary.
Wearing also the same Escada jeans...
Piet's kids and wife in the background.
Of course having phone calls on my Birthday and then late breakfast while observing our birds from our bay window.
Here the Eastern Phoebe on the bird bath.
Pieter just added meal worms inside the feeder for them and the Carolina wrens to snack on...
Temperature in the SUN!
40°C or 104°F...
We got this 6" Conant Custom Brass Thermometer from Monticello but now Amazon still has it.
You can see our vinyl picket fence in the back with the blooming magnolias.
Nothing more enjoyable than having breakfast in the sun!
We selected our lot for having our kitchen facing east—for that purpose.
Ending this post with some REAL white camellias that Pieter brought me for breakfast...
Using one of my creamware cachepot, as a vase for them.

Related links:
Those who feel Happy with the HAPPINESS of OTHERS | previous post by me showing creamware cachepot


  1. Olá, Mariette, gostei dessa sua postagem com as fotos muito bonitas,
    seu bom gosto pela moda, dando relevo à marca Chanel e seu bonito
    presente de aniversário do Pieter.
    Parabéns, Mariette!
    Votos de uma boa semana, saúde e paz.
    Grande abraço.

    1. Prezado Pedro,
      Obrigado por suas amáveis palavras e fiquei lisonjeado com o presente de Pieter e ainda mais por tê-lo ainda comigo – para fazê-lo!

  2. What precious memories, and I do love the white camellias Pieter selected for you. Happy Birthday, my friend!

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Yes, those really are precious memories! Feeling overjoyed with all this and yes, the real white camellias from our garden were perfect!
      Thank you and sending you hugs,

  3. Grazie per questi ricordi meravigliosi!

  4. The earrings are lovely, Mariette. Such a nice birthday gift!

    I'm glad your magnolia blossoms survived the cold snap. They're so delicate that we sometimes lose them here before they fully bloom, which usually is in May for us.

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Oh sure those magnolias are a dream and we both are grateful that the frost did not harm them!
      Again it was a pleasure having breakfast in our bay window area where we can enjoy them.
      Yes, for you it is later—just like back in The Netherlands!

  5. Son preciosos los pendientes y la bolsa muy elegante, puedes darle un buen uso.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Gracias y usarlos por el resto de mi vida.

  6. Happy Birthday, Mariette. Best wishes always of good health and happiness. God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and may God grant us more days, weeks, months and years!

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    Looks like you are already celebrating your 364 Unbirthdays!
    Celebrate the year.......love Suzi

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Yes, this year has been stretched out as it started the day before with some wishes and still is going on.

  8. Happiest Birthday to you Mariette! Thank you Pieter, for loving her as she loves you, in these years of marriage and being together.
    What beautiful earrings. I have recently worn my pearls quite often. I have become fond of them. I enjoy seeing your Escada pieces when you show them to us. You were them well.

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Thank you and yes—the biggest gift is for still being together (alive I mean) as a loving couple!
      Those earrings are very special and I sure enjoy wearing my Escada pieces.

  9. Happy birthday Mariette! Beautiful earrings. Absolutely lovely magnolia!

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Thank you and yes, the magnolia is a dream right now in the sun and today 24°C but tomorrow rain again.

  10. Happy birthday. Blessing for many more.

    1. Dearest Regine,
      Thank you and a few more will be greatly appreciated!

  11. Gorgeous earrings Mariette! Love those. You have such a sweet and thoughtful husband to have made your day so special.
    I wish I could grow camelias. Beautiful scent they have. Happy Birthday to you! Enjoy they rest of your day.

    1. Dearest Betsy,
      Thank you and yes I am very lucky with such a husband!
      Not all camellias have scent though...
      Celebrating a long Birthday this year and thanks for your wishes.

  12. Lovely earrings, and the box they came in is really nice. I love those white Camellias on your bay window. White flowers are so precious. You look fantastic in red. It's one of my favorite colors to wear too. That little bird bath is sweet, and I used to see the dear Phoebe often in my old town. A big Happy Birthday to you, Mariette. May it be a special day filled with fun and love.


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Thank you and yes, the presentation they manage to create is just beautiful!
      Our bay window area is a lovely place for observing our birds, glad to read you knew the dear Phoebe—sweet birds.
      My Birthday got extended this year but thanks for all the wishes!

  13. I love it all. Those Chanel boxes are keepers! Your earrings are so pretty and that was awfully sweet of Pieter to gift those to you. Happy Birthday! Oh how I love birds and photos of them on the bird bath was nice with the white fence in the background. I used to live in a 4 plex in Burlingame when I was in my 20's and in the courtyard we had a beautiful white magnolia trees and blossoms. I don't believe they grow so well here, with our hot dry summers. I never see them in the nurseries or else I would purchase some.

    God bless you on your birthday and may there be many more.

    1. Dearest Debby,
      Thank your for your meaningful comment!
      Guess you are right about those Japanese magnolias not being offered at local nurseries for a good reason.

  14. Wat een leuke oorbellen Mariette.
    Het twinset vind ik ook prachtig.
    De kleding van vroeger past mij helaas niet meer, ik heb 1 maat groter.
    Ik heb nog wel leuke kleding bewaard en wie weet kan ik ze over een poosje weer aan:)

    Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag en ik hoop dat jullie nog veel fijne jaren samen mogen hebben!


    1. Beste Hilly,
      Dank je en het twinset draag ik altijd nog met plezier—lekker licht èn warm.
      Dit jaar een lange verjaardag gevierd... lekker uitgestrekt zo.

  15. Pearls are magical ... I think more than most gems! I treasure my strand, a gift from first husband in 1968. He brought them rom Hong Kong on the way home after a year of duty in Vietnam. Yours are quite special .. as are you. Wishing you many more wonderful birthdays.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Yes they are and you sure have a very meaningful strand yourself!
      Pieter bought my strand + bracelet + earrings in Singapore when we were there in 1986.
      Most pieces have a special story attached—sentimental value.
      Thanks for your birthday wishes.

  16. Happy birthday. I hope you had a great day. The earrings are beautiful and very elegant and you are still the same, always beautiful.

    Many kisses

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Thank you it was a lovely and sunny day in many ways!

  17. Damn they are pretty pearls and a lovely birthday present

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Thank you and being it the very last gift from my Pieter makes them shine even more so!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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