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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Dad's Unique Royal Dutch Singers' Association Certificate for 80 Years Singing

 Yes, exactly on the day of his death, Dad would have been a singer for 81 years!
Dad joined the Church Choir at the age of 17 and soon he became a member of the Horster Mannenkoor (Men's choir) as a First Tenor.
In 1988 Dad (left) got honored as one of the Golden Quintet members...
1998 Dad (right) got honored as one of a quartet for 60 years singing.
On his lapel, Dad now proudly displayed his Royal Dutch Singers' Association pin in honor of his 60 years as a singer.
In 2008, Dad got serenaded by the Horster Mannenkoor and received his Royal Dutch Singers' Association Certificate for 70 years singing.
Photo courtesy of one of my siblings in The Netherlands
In 2013, Dad obtained another Royal Dutch Singers' Association Certificate for 75 years being a singer...
Again they got serenaded by the other members of the Horster Mannenkoor (photo courtesy of one of my siblings in The Netherlands).
Mom is beaming and she received a bouquet of flowers.
Mom is wearing my Majorica pearls that we gifted her in December of 1983.
On Friday, June 29 of 2018, Dad received his Nationally UNIQUE Royal Dutch Singers' Association Certificate for 80 years being a singer...
This time without Mom, as she passed away on January 27, 2015
Dad beaming himself, when he got recognized and awarded the above Certificate and an engraved Pewter Plate.
This engraved pewter plate came home with me from my final trip to Limburg...
Very hard to capture it, so I took it outside.
JULI 2018 (JULY 2018)
ETAIN — TIN — ZINN — PEWTER (French — Dutch — German — English)
97% by KIS KIN 
Made in Belgium
Now it resides in our home in Georgia, with the 2nd born child of 8 and the ONLY one singing...
My Paternal Grandma sang first soprano, Dad first tenor, Mom first soprano for over 25 years with the elderly choir.
My Mother–in–law (my paternal Grandma's best friend) sang also in a choir as alto.

Fond memories...

Related links:
Limburg — The Emotional Part | previous post by me about my FINAL TRIP HOME 
From CitizenM Hotel on Delta Airlines from Amsterdam to Savannah, Georgia | previous post by me about Dad's performance ONE MONTH before his death...
Thank You Lord — Horster Mannenkoor | previous post by me about Dad singing
Soon Ah Will Be Done With The Troubles Of The World | previous post by me about Dad singing
Dad Sang Avé Maria from Bach-Gounod | previous post by me about Dad singing
Thinking about Mom and Dad on Saint Cecilia | previous post by me about Dad singing
Dad Sang Solo on Mom & Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary | previous post by me about Dad singing
{W.A. Mozart Composed this Heavenly Mass in C, K 167 at Age 17} | previous post by me about Dad happily anticipating Mass sung by Horster Mannenkoor
Auf der Heide blühn die letzten Rosen | Youtube video where Dad sings when he was half a year widower...
{My Daddy - Papa} | previous post by me and mention about Dad singing a solo at the Church of our friends here in Dublin...


  1. Goedemorgen Mariette,
    Hoe bijzonder om zo lang lid te mogen/kunnen zijn van een koor. En ook nog een heel bekend koor. Fijn dat het tinnen bord een mooi plekje gekregen heeft bij jullie. Fijne dag en lieve groet Willy

    1. Beste Willy,
      Het is zeker heel bijzonder om zo lang te mogen/kunnen zingen in een koor.
      Papa zei ook in 1998 tijdens het interview dat het voor hem persoonlijk een ramp zou zijn als hij wat aan zijn keel kreeg... Hij zong iedere dag, in bad was een plek bij uitstek om eens vol gas te geven met zijn stembanden en ook in de huiskamer een lied aanheffen—al dan niet samen met mijn Moeder.
      Ja, het bord is weer 'thuis' hier bij ons.

  2. Es admirable, poder conservar la voz, en tan buenas condiciones, durante tanto largos años.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Sí, eso en sí mismo ha sido una bendición.

  3. Dag mariette,

    Wat een mooie herinneringen!


    1. Beste Hilly,
      Ja, een lang leven vol met optredens en mooie herinneringen aan de zang verbonden...

  4. Wow that is impressive and so special that you have all these wonderful memories that you have kept alive.

    1. Dearest Debby,
      Thank you and yes, singing is a very special universal language—worth celebrating.

  5. What a man and what bloody good memories

    1. Dearest Jo–Anne,
      Thank you and I guess the music and singing kept him going 98+ years!
      We both treasure some videos of his singing and are grateful that we did cross the Ocean for being there. It made Mom & Dad so happy!

  6. I'm deeply impressed by your Dad's singing achievements.
    You have good reason to be proud of him and of the awards and certificates received during his long career.
    Awsome photos of both your parents, and of the pewter plate!

    1. Dearest Duta,
      Thank you and yes, it is meaningful to both of us as Pieter sang and I'm singing in the chancel choir as well and love doing so.
      At old age we all tend to reflect on those that went before us and trying to trace our own character and talents. It sure makes you smile!
      Dad always dreamt of making it into a real career but he just raised his 7 living children and worked hard as a Market Gardener. But it was important that he could slip into that other role with his whole heart. He sang at many wedding Masses the Avé Maria and people loved it.
      Treasures of memories...

  7. What an amazing man!
    Love the photos you shared, dearest Mariette.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you and yes he was one that knew commitment and dedication.

  8. I am delighted to know we share the talent and wonderful memories of our fathers! You look like your handsome father, the feminine version.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      It is a wonderful memory—only yours was too short! Thank you and guess we are a mix of our parents and grandparents.

  9. Big Hugs - Sending Vibes Your Way


  10. Liebe Mariette, das sind so kostbare und schöne Erinnerungen an Deinen wunderbaren Vater, Deine Mutter, Deine Familie. Danke, dass Du sie mit uns teilst. ❤️❤️❤️
    Liebe Grüße aus dem kalten Ostfriesland von Traudi.🌷

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja es sind sehr wertvolle Erinnerungen!
      Liebe Grüße,

  11. Really lovely fond memories. Thank you, Mariette.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes, they sure are fond memories!

  12. Replies
    1. Dearest Christina,
      Thank you and yes, those are very special!

  13. Hi Mariette! My! What an accomplishment for your dad! I love all the smiles in the photos, especially of your parents! Your mom looks so wonderful in the photo when she received the flowers... very beautiful woman. Such great mementos of your father's time in the choir. Amazing!! Hugs and blessings to you! Love, Diana

    1. Dearest Diana,
      Yes, a true act of Discipline and Perseverance!
      Mom sure enjoyed that in the final stage of her life...

  14. I love seeing your family. And reading of their honors. Any time you are able to share like that, I enjoy learning more.

  15. Lovely photos of your sweet parents.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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