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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, July 31, 2014

{Our now WHITE Barlow Tyrie Capri Lounger with Wheels}

On Tuesday, July 23 of 1996 we got this teak Barlow Tyrie Capri Lounger delivered, complete with cushion. It served us well, all those years but last year we had it professionally painted WHITE, together with the teak round table.
Yes, we still support the color 'Orange' being Dutch by birth and American by choice!
We found this umbrella with stand at Tuesday Morning and the stand got painted green, like our outdoor shutters.
We love the round teak table and the Capri Lounger being painted white.
This is how our Barlow Tyrie Capri Lounger with wheels used to be...
The Italian CERDOMUS ceramiche tiles are being put on last year by husband Pieter.
The entire balusters and railing are from Vintage Woodworks in Polyurethane, reinforced with aluminum. In late summer they too got professionally painted. They will last a lifetime!
Not bad for an 18-year old Barlow Tyrie Capri Lounger; don't you think?

Related link:
{Our Balcony} | previous post by me showing the original teak Barlow Tyrie Capri Lounger + table
{Our Cerdomus Italian GREEN Tiles} | previous post by me showing the new tiles

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

{Obese Agave Moved Outside of Greenhouse}

Inside our rather small Greenhouse we keep our tropical pot plants during winter time.
But one of them had grown during winter that much, we could no longer get this 'Obese' Agave Outside of the Greenhouse...
But something had to give... risking even to break off a leaf!
Here it is; OUTSIDE on the Greenhouse Patio... not wounded!
Of course we can never bring it back inside again!
Have you been dealing with pot plants that did grow into OBESE ones?
It is still a beauty but we now only can cover it up for winter time and hope for the best!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

{Hibiscus Blue Chiffon}

On April 25, we did receive this Hibiscus Blue Chiffon from Logee's Greenhouses just before we went to Florida on the 29th. It is planted again in a larger pot for on the patio, just have look...
Just a beautiful, double Hibiscus called Blue Chiffon
Six weeks after we received this beauty, she is blooming perfectly.
June 12, in the sunshine on our patio.
Since I did not yet know our new Nikon D3300 camera, this photo in the shade is not the best one but I found the two fallen and folded up buds so special for showing how they end their cycle...
Don't you just LOVE this Hibiscus Blue Chiffon?

Friday, July 25, 2014

{196 Countries Visited - Welcome Liberia}

Once more: thank you so much for visiting my humble blog and for all your comments!

Again a new flag got added on July 24, Country # 196 visited; welcome Liberia!

On July 21, it was Country # 195 visited; welcome Papua New Guinea!
That goes quick because on July 9, Country # 194 visited...

Comments are still off as I don't want to bore you with this.
Since lots of bloggers are on vacation, this is maybe not a bad idea.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

{195 Countries Visited - Welcome Papua New Guinea}

Thank you so much for visiting my humble blog and for leaving comments! 
On July 21, Country # 195 visited; welcome Papua New Guinea!
That is quick because on July 9, Country # 194 visited...

Comments are off.

For the Dutch Wednesday is a National Day of Mourning for all the victims of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 and we of course are very much with our birth country in thoughts and prayer...
Also very proud of the way they handled this with respect and dignity with the King and Queen being present in TOGETHERNESS.
Repeat ceremony for today and tomorrow as the other remains will arrive.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

{Superbells Yellow Calibrachoa}

A very lovely potting plant which we added to our patio is the Superbells Yellow Calibrachoa.
Have a look at this proven winner which can also be found at The Home Depot.
Better Homes and Gardens write it so well: Calibrachoa is like a tiny petunia on steroids. See link to article below post.
It produces ongoing lots of Superbells in Yellow...
There is a difference with photos taken in the shade versus sunshine but both make this cute plant look good.
Does any of you have one in yellow or in a different color?

Related link:
Calibrachoa | Better Homes and Gardens lists all colors; just scroll down to see Superbells Yellow Calibrachoa...

Monday, July 21, 2014

{Our Yoga Frogs & Friday's MH17 Flight...}

For his birthday a couple of months ago, my husband Pieter got this trio of very cute YOGA FROGS that now reside on our patio!
Don't you just LOVE these guys?
They are about the true size of a bullfrog.
Just rescued one this week, our cats had brought him inside the staircase area...
They go well with our pots on the patio...
Wishing you a lovely and relaxed Saturday evening Sunday!
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17.
My VandenMunckhof family from Australia did return safely to Kuala Lumpur on the very same MH17 flight; next day from Amsterdam. This flight will be retired next week... Guess my Uncle & Aunt with cousins (8 together) will have arrived by now at their home in Adelaide.
You can see here my 1st cousin Elizabeth being interviewd in Kuala Lumpur by ninemsn news Australia... my aunt to the right.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

{Lush Green Garden}

So far this summer we have had lots of late afternoon rain with often thunder. Needless to say that we do have quite a LUSH, GREEN GARDEN...
It looks almost tropical and the weeds are of course growing fast too...
The gazebo is being dwarfed by such huge trees!
Our Windmill and Canary Island palms look happy too...
The Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold (r) is now less golden as in the spring.

Related links where this stunning Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold, can be seen:
Wow...I think this deserves a thread! Golden live oak! | GardenWeb discussion...
{# 1111 - Our Golden Live Oak 'Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold' changing color} | previous post by me
{Golden Live Oak 'Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold' in Sunshine at its BEST} | previous post by me
{Our Golden Live Oak 'Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold' with Catkins} | Previous post by me
{Our Mrs. G. G. GERBING Azaleas} | previous post by me
{Our Patio Tiles in the Front} | previous post by me
{RARE Icicles in Our Garden} | previous post by me
{Energy Efficient GREEN Roofing Arrived} | previous post by me
{My Powder Blue Escada Jeans Suit} | previous post by me showing me in front of Grand View Gold
{Our Lovely Lilac Clematis 'Silver Moon'} | previous post by me showing young Grand View Gold
{Our Different Oaks} | previous post by me
{My Silk Quilted Vest Creation and YOUR Opinion Requested...} | previous post by me showing golden oak
{Our Live Oak got a Haircut}| previous post by me

Thursday, July 17, 2014

{Bay Window Patio with Potted Herbs}

We have been steadily adding potted plants and I also did order some special herbs such as Mentha piperita citrata, Lemon Grass, Spanish Thyme which also is called Cuban Oregano. 
This mint is supposed to be the one that fine restaurants use to decorate their desserts...
Here the patio is still empty but I love this photo because of the special light through the dogwood branches...
A nice place for hummingbirds to come to one of the feeders which is visible from our kitchen bay window.
The top photo was taken after 5:00 PM and the one below after 1:00 PM and the light is always changing!
Together with our Fiberglass Window Boxes from Flower Framers of Cincinnati, it is a nice addition to the Bay Window Patio.
Lemon grass is standing tall already in its pot to the left.
Hope everything will grow well and that we can use it this season or next...
Do you also grow some herbs?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

{Belgian Endive Salad with Chia Seeds}

Another recipe for those that like to know the SECRET FOR MY SIZE AND WEIGHT... Belgian Endive Salad with Chia Seeds, the Antioxidant SuperFoods item that is good for Iron Boost and Good for Blood Sugar Level. 
We both LOVE any type of salad...
Trader Joe's did sell these 2-colored Belgian Endive as a pack of 3.
My Dad as well as husband Pieter's Dad used to grow Belgian Endive during the winter season but at that time there only was one color, no red ones yet. They look a lot like Radicchio.
Important to remove the often bitter end part, with a pointed knife...
A very quick and easy dressing with Reduced Fat Mayonaise from Trader Joe's and I added some brown rice vinegar but you can use any type you like!
With Chia seeds being added you have to keep in mind that they work gelatinous. Best to make this dressing right before serving!
Sorry for the poor photos, made them real quick with my iPad (still not having a new camera at the time...)
But here you can see how I kind of hollowed out the often bitter end part of the Belgian Endive.
Cutting them first length wise... than slicing them up.
Those ends will brown easily so also here it's best to go ahead and add them to the dressing at once.
And voilà: a very healthy and tasty Belgian Endive Salad with Chia Seeds!
Have you ever made Belgian Endive Salad before?

Related links:
{Healthy & Quick Vegetarian Supper} | previous post by me showing you the reduced fat mayo from Trader Joe's

Sunday, July 13, 2014

{194 Countries Visited - Welcome Benin}

Thank you so much for visiting my humble blog and for leaving comments! 
On July 09, Country # 194 visited; welcome Benin!
Benin, officially the Republic of Benin, is a country in West Africa.
That took a while since October 19, of 2013 for gaining but 1 more country! 
Wonder how many more countries are out there...?

Saturday, July 12, 2014

{First Nikon Photos - Scarlet Wisteria}

Well, since we lost our Fuji camera at the HYATT House Miami Airport where it more than likely was placed on top of the safe deposit when we were packing up and checking out; we got a new one.
When we did call the hotel about it, nothing had been found; sad but true. The housekeeping people were already knocking on our door twice, before we rolled out at noon. With our Platinum card we are allowed to check out as late as 2:00 PM.
In that dark closet without any light, for ironing board and safe deposit, which is on the floor, one can easily forget an item. Pieter had to get on his knees for unloading the safe; laptop, iPad, camera etc... We cannot blame him or myself. Just bad fate!
Costco did have a Nikon D3300 DSLR Camera 2 Lens Bundle on sale so that's what we got!
Husband Pieter captured our beautiful exotic Sesbania punica - Scarlet Wisteria
Very full blossoms with all the rain we got
Looks like our new Nikon is capable of doing the job!
Costco still has it on sale through July 26...

Related link:
{Our Exotic Sesbania punicea  - Scarlet Wisteria} | previous post by me

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

{The Short Suit for Men - Now and Back Then}

As often is the case with fashion, things come and go over time. So back again is the Short Suit for Men! 
Husband Pieter as a young boy, wearing his Short Suit with argyle knee socks!
To the right is his Mom's favorite 'Keesy' a little white German Spitz.
Have you already seen the MODERN SHORT SUIT?
Brave Jesse Watters showed off his legs as a Fox News' First!
J. Crew is selling them...
According to Business Insider; The 'Short Suit' Is Finally Going Mainstream ←click it
Do any of you have a male relative that joined this fashion fad?
The men in my life already DID wear them!
Easter Sunday, March 29 in 1929...
My Dad is sitting in the center, bottom row with his hands folded.
Dad's younger brother is on his knees, far left, showing off his SHORT SUIT
Dad's cousin is to the far right, wearing his SHORT SUIT, even being peg-legged...
To the left of my Paternal Great-Grandmother (with the white Lace Toer - see more info below post) is my favorite Great-Uncle 'Heeroom'...
MORE Short Suits...
My Paternal Grandparents showing off their 11 children in the spring of 1935!
My aunt Mia to the left, followed by my Dad in his Short Suit and lined up are three more of my uncles; each also in their Short Suit. The little ones are wearing shorts with a sweater.
The family was not yet complete here; there was to follow one more boy... 12 children total!
To the left is my husband Pieter with his elder brothers; All wearing their Short Suit!
The eldest is without jacket but also showing the long black, above the knee socks like my Dad and his brothers wore in the above photo...
Here again husband Pieter (left) is showing a more casual version of Short Suit with knee socks. Guess he escaped the period of having to wear those long black, above the knee socks!
He proudly stands next to another bee keeper with his four bee hive boxes in the late summer of 1944.
It looks like the present Short Suits got their origin from this Youth version...
Related links:

Monday, July 7, 2014

{Cherries in our Gazebo}

Do you LOVE fresh cherries as much as I do? One of summer's treats... Especially those dark Bing cherries. They are a typical June Fruit!
Here they are in a Pillivuyt strawberry bowl.
What I love about eating them in our gazebo is that you can throw the pits on the lawn...
Otherwise we use our favorite Westmark Cherry Pitter for other uses like with fresh baked waffles or pancakes.
German silver rose pastry tong...
A fun way for using fresh cherries with our Le Jacquard Français tablecloth and napkins with cherries!
Do you love to eat fresh cherries too and what is your favorite combination?

Related link:

Saturday, July 5, 2014

{Happy 238th Birthday USA! - GOD BLESS AMERICA}

Wishing all Citizens of the United States of America a very Happy 238th Independance Day!
This is last year's photo from our home with the US and Georgia flags displayed, for the 237th 4th of July...
A happy husband Pieter in 2004, with our foster-daughter Anita from Indonesia in front of the Liberty Bell in Pennsylvania...
She stayed with us for two months after she graduated from the University Dian Nuswantoro of Semarang

video showing the very first public singing of 'GOD BLESS AMERICA' by Kate Smith
Happy 4th of July!

{237th Independence Day for the United States of America - GOD BLESS AMERICA} | previous post by me
{4th of July Speech given by my husband Pieter} | previous post by me with husband Pieter's speech on the 4th of July to the people of Laurens County about our Immigration to the USA
{Happy 236th Birthday USA!} | previous post by me
{The Dutch 1st to Salute to the Flag of The United States in 1776} | previous post by me
{Dutch - American Heritage Day: November 16 since 1991} | previous post by me about official Proclamation by President George Bush


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

213 Countries visited with 277 flags since:

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