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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

{Black Gum Nyssa Sylvatica Cut Down}

On November 5, I thought why not make some photos of our Black Gum Nyssa Sylvatica before it will be cut down... Later in the day, indeed Rodney from Soles Tree Service, did call to let us know they would start first thing in the morning at our property! 
We can call that JIT = Just In Time; I captured this large tree!
The reason we had to cut it down was obvious; it did clog up the entire gutter from our tiled patio.
Also leaving lots of leaves between our pot plants.
No more leaves that clog up the gutter or fall on the patio and even getting blown into our garage...
You can see where the gutter is, to the left of the tiled patio...
That was part of our extensive Water Control project.
Bye bye Black Gum Tree; you stayed with us since 1990!
Rodney Soles is a certified Arborist and his crew of five did an excellent job!
Removing the tree's limbs on the one side, on which they would let it fall down...
SOLES TREE SERVICE has the equipment needed. Here the rope gets tied to the machine...
The man climbs into his seat for starting to pull it down...
He is backing up the machine, while his colleague starts to cut the tree on the other side...
Our Black Gum Tree is being toppled...
There it goes...
Almost down...
Totally down!
Grinding up the stump...
Photo taken six days later, on November 12, and you cannot even tell we once had a large Black Gum Tree or Nyssa Sylvatica in that spot!
Did you notice that the front patio is nearly empty?
Our pot plants reside inside the greenhouse till spring comes.
We have to climb the ladder for getting some leaves out of the gutter as you can see between the two windows. No more leaves that can cause problems in that area.

Related link:
{65 Year Old Pine Tree Cut Down} | previous post by me from December 2013
{Our Patio Tiles in the Front} | previous post by me about the completion of our Water Control project


  1. That was a big tree to cut down! At least they had a clear area to let it fall into. Must have been interesting to watch.
    Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      This team, under the guidance of a Certified Arborist, know exactly what to do and they also stop oncoming traffic for the time being. Very professional and swift!
      Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    sometimes it is better to chap old and to big trees, but it always makes me sad too ....
    Thank you for those interesting pictures, to see the work with the big old tree....
    Yes, now it is time to get the flowerpots on a safe place to wait for springtime ;O)
    Happy week to you,
    Love and hugs,
    Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      This one definitely had to go as its leaves were causing serious problems.
      The patio looks rather empty during the winter but those pot plants are safe inside the greenhouse and will be back for spring time.
      Hugs and happy mid-week to you!

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist sehr gemütlich.
    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Da bin ich nicht so sicher ob es sehr gemütlich war um den grossen Baum um zu sägen... Harte Arbeit und es tut irgendwie auch weh. Nur die Blätter verstopften die Abflussrinne wo das Himmelwasser und von der Dachrinne's Überfluss weglaufen soll.
      Liebe und teilweise sonnige Grüssen zurück. In Altanta wo wir einkaufen waren, gab es Sonne, hier gab es Regen.

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    ach ihr wohnt ja so schön. Scheint als seid ihr alleine in nächster Umgebung?
    Leider stehen manche Bäume einfach an falsche Stelle. Wenn sie so nahe am Haus sind ist es nicht gut...und dass nicht nur wegen der Blätter.

    Herzliche Grüsse

    1. Liebe Julia,
      Nein wir sind nicht alleine in nächster Umgebung. An unser Grundstück wohnen noch 8 Nachbarn herum, auch die 3 von gegenüber der Strasse. Aber hier hat jeder soviel Grund das es fast leer aussieht im Vergleich mit Europa!
      Ja, wir fühlen uns halt viel besser wo dieser Baum weg ist und die Blätter können nicht mehr in die Abflussrinne hinein geraten.
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  5. Schade, liebe Mariette, um jeden großen Baum. Aber wenn es nicht zu ändern ist ...
    Ist das eine Wasserrinne an der Terrasse?
    Schön, daß die Temperaturen bei Euch noch so angenehm sind. In anderen Teilen der USA sah das ja ganz anders aus.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, es tut immer weh aber es musste sein!
      Stimmt, es ist eine Aluminium Dachrinne die als Wasserrinne an der Terrasse eingebaut wurde. Die führt das Himmelwasser und was über die Dachrinne geht, ab und weg vom Haus. Es war ja teil von unser grosses 'Water Control' Project was du im letzten Link unter diesem Posten lesen kannst. Die viele Blätter verstopften die Rinne aber total. So etwas kann man nicht riskieren und um ständig alles sauber zu machen geht auch nicht. Nun ist es okay!
      Oh, im norden vom Land gab es jede Mengen von Schnee und tiefer Frost. Wir haben meistens ganz sanfte Tage mit etwa um die 20°C zwischen 12:00-15:00 Uhr im Winter. Nachts kann es ab und zu frieren wenn der Wind direkt aus dem kalten Norden kommt.
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  6. Soms is het beter een boom weg te halen hoe jammer het ook is. Wij hebben onlangs onze tuin laten renoveren omdat na 35 jaar we letterlijk door de bomen het bos niet meer zagen. We zaten tegen een muur van groen aan te kijken. Drie mannen zijn twee dagen met behulp van een buldozertje bezig geweest om alles weg te halen. We hebben nu weer lucht en zicht.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja na 35 jaren kunnen kleine, overzichtelijke boompjes uitgroeien tot enorme groene blokkades die het uitzicht inderdaad wegnemen!Grappig dat jullie ook door de bomen het bos niet meer zagen, in de figuurlijke zin en wij in de letterlijke zin. Pieter heeft na 4 jaar (sinds zijn open hart operatie) ons bos van onderen helemaal opgeschoond. Struiken weg, onderste takken afgezaagd en nu kijken we er weer doorheen en kunnen van de mooie exotische, groenblijvende eiken uit Mexico, Japan en China genieten. Ook de beuken zijn zó mooi in de winter omdat die hun blad vasthouden tot het nieuwe blad eraan komt. Ja, wij zijn ook blij met onze renovatie; vijf gróte eiken flink laten bewerken door die vijf mannen die de hele dag werkten, inclusief het neerhalen van deze grote boom. We hebben nu ook weer hernieuwd zicht op de vijver!

  7. It's amazing how fast those big old trees can come down.
    Hope you are having a wonderful week Mariette!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Indeed they can come down fast and we prefer this method instead of a tornado having them uprooted and maybe landing on the house! Those leaves really caused big problems and it had to be done.
      Our week was quite lovely with summer temperatures but today there was rain and Thursday and Friday it will freeze again -1°C during the night; not bad at all. In Atlanta we had sunshine today and very soft weather when we went shopping.
      Hugs and wishing you also a lovely mid-week with cozy evenings at home.

  8. What a great series of photos. It takes a lot of training to bring down large trees. We have at least two oaks that should come down.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Pieter.

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Thank you and it sure takes a lot of experience and precision work to bring large trees down safely! It is expensive but when they fall onto your home it is a lot more expensive. This way it is better, no more leaves that clog up our gutter from the patio and no hazard for the house!
      Happy Thanksgiving to you both as well.

  9. That is a big tree, and looks like they did really good job! It must have been quite a sight to see the tree pulled down in front of you. Glad clogging gutter issue is resolved :-)
    I'm enjoying warmer temperature this week. I hope it stays like this for a little longer! Have a wonderful day, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      This certified Arborist with his crew knows what they are doing and they did a great job!
      As a matter of fact, cutting this tree down and pulling it on its side, went so fast that I had to concentrate with my camera for actually capturing it! Yes, when we finished those Water Control jobs, we did not even think about leaves clogging up the gutter...
      We loved the sunny weather in Atlanta today, we went on our shopping tour and left from a rainy Dublin and came back to even more rain... But it was okay.
      Enjoy your mid-week and wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Dear Mariette,i find very interesting how they cut down your tree!
    I think your patio looks much better now!You can plant other small trees in front of your house!
    Wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to you and Pieter!Enjoy!Have fun!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Yes, it certainly was interesting to watch these experts work swiftly and safe.
      The patio is rather bare in winter time but in the spring the pot plants will be back. We will not plant any trees in front of our home, just keeping the two magnolia trees and that's it. They stay green year round and that looks great.
      No more leaves cluttering up our gutter from the patio; this is perfect.
      Hugs and thank you so much for the Thanksgiving wishes!

  11. It always saddens me so much to see trees chopped down. I think I may have pruned it the side it drops the leaves, although we are all different. You are lucky if you wanted the tree down that you live in America. In Australia if the girth 30 cm up from the ground is a certain size, it is called a significant tree and you are not allowed to chop it down. We do have very strict rules about trees because people would come in to develop a property to build a house and chop beautiful old trees down, so something had to be done.
    At least you won't have to clean the gutters as much.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Yes it sure saddens us too but we had no choice. After so much work for making the Water Control projects work, we cannot have the drainage gutter from our patio being clogged up with leaves. Pruning it on a particular side has no effect as leaves are blown in the wind...
      The very same strict rules we know from The Netherlands but thank goodness, here in Georgia we still enjoy personal freedom!
      Sending you hugs,

    2. Dearest Mariette; Oh My!!! That must have been a big job for the Arborist (first term for me p;) Glad your trouble of the tree clogging up the gutter solved but I also can guess the sadness you must have had. Was it grown too tall as well? It was SO hard for us that our pine trees all gone because of the bugs.

      Wishing you’ll have a wonderful coming Thanksgiving Day.
      Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    3. Dearest Miyako,
      That sure was a big job but not overwhelming for an experienced Arborist with his team! Would be too risky for us to try doing it ourselves... No way!
      Arborist is derived from Latin.
      No the tallness of the tree did not bother us at all, just its leaves that literally clogged up the drainage gutter from the patio. So all our Water Project jobs would have been in vain. It just had to go. Oh, seeing pine trees all go because of bugs or any disease, like we lost around 20 of them, is hard. But that is nature, we cannot change it. Diseases exist in nature, in all forms and for whatever living organism.
      Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes!
      Hugs and love back your way, all the way from Georgia/USA across the ocean.

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    Your brac Gum Nyssa sylvatica sates in the day from Soles tree service know they woull start frust thing in your property into your garage. The left of the tiled patio Bye bye Black Gum tree since 1990.
    Rodney soles Certifild and his crew of five excellent job fall down..
    Gminding up the stump photo raken six days later on November 12 and you cannot even tell you had a large Block Gum Tree or sylvatica in that spot!
    you have climb the ledder for some leaves out of the gutter till spring comes.
    Some leaves windowws out of the qutter as I can see between the two windows,
    Pietls was taken is arround sweet home.
    Hugs to you and lots of love!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you for your visit and for trying to do great brain exercise again! Don't worry, each year you will get better after this terrible brain injury. Bless your heart for already achieving what you do! Sending you big hugs and kisses,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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