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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, November 6, 2014

{Maswik Lodge & Grand Canyon Flora & Fauna}

We stayed for 2 nights at Maswik Lodge, one of Xanterra's Grand Canyon State Park Lodges to chose from.
This is just outside of Maswik Lodge, the sign is visible to the right, next to the blue bus stop.
We preferred to walk. This is just after we got back from our hike into the Grand Canyon...
We stayed in WHITE FIR, second level a North Room with 2 Queen Beds. No King available...
Indeed, Maswik Lodge ←(click it) is NESTLED IN THE PONDEROSA PINE FOREST...
Like I already pointed out before, all of Xanterra's Grand Canyon Lodges work for breakfast, lunch and dining. Your choice!
The morning of our hike down into the Grand Canyon, we also caught part of the Condor Talk by a State Park Ranger.
As two California Condors were circling over our heads, Pieter was not yet prepared with his Nikon camera as he had to change his lens. Nevertheless he captured one above head!
LOOKOUT STUDIO ←click it. A California condor near Grand Canyon Village on the South Rim.  Photo: National Park Service, Mark Lellouch.
Part of the vulture family and an adult California Condor can reach a wingspan of 9 and a half feet or 2.90 m! And weighing up to 22 pounds or 10 kg.
More info here: California Condors ←click it.
While riding the Grand Canyon Railway, I did spot lots of these INDIAN PAINTBRUSH.
So when I drove north bound by car, I made a stop and got out of the car, into the Ponderosa Pine Forest, to capture them with my iPad.
Poor Pieter who is color blind, cannot spot them...
There were lots of them!
My fingers for comparison...
Thrilled to find this Common Juniper or Jeneverbes in Dutch!
I used to cook with them, whenever I prepared Sauerkraut, I added Juniper Berries, Bay Leaves and Pepper Corns...
Funny how we always think about FOOD!
Pieter took this photo with the Nikon from a Prickly Pear.
There is so much to see at the Grand Canyon!
MULE CORRAL ←click it and scroll down to lower left...
When we came back from our Dinner at El Tovar Hotel, I selected a short-cut in-between the place where they keep the mules for hiking down the Grand Canyon trail.
Low and behold: there were ELKS roaming around around 19:00 o'clock and I could not fast enough get my iPad out!
Mules are behind the fences to the left, a baby is near them and his/her parents are very close to where we walked!
Another iPad photo from the Elk family. Guess there were feed spills from the mule transport. This male is very, very skinny! It is prohibited to feed ANY animals at the Grand Canyon State Park!
But we felt so lucky for spotting this on our walk back to the Maswik Lodge, our last evening.
We also saw lots of deer in the Ponderosa Pine Forest near our Lodge. Too dark under the trees for taking any photos but we got them on our retina.
Such fond memories all together!
Hope you enjoyed it too.

{Grand Canyon South Rim Motorcoach Tour} | previous post by me
{Riding the Grand Canyon Railway} | previous post by me


  1. some great sightings! awesome to see the condors!

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Oh, we enjoyed those California Condors and also the Elks! Lovely memories for nature lovers.

  2. Hello dear Mariette
    Oh I would love to visit the Grand Canyon and the icing on the cake would be to look up and see a beautiful Condor flying free!
    You put so much into your posts - thank you!

    1. Dearest Shane,
      We felt so lucky that on our 3rd day at the Grand Canyon we happened to be there at the right time to spot the California Condor! When we hiked down, I did video-tape one, soaring down the rim... But I could not really zoom in on him/her. Just the experience is awesome and so were meeting those Elks up close!
      Thank you for your kind words, love to share this and for someone, trying to visit, this might be useful information too.

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you for more of those wonderful pictures! It really is such a fantastic place!
    I love thos Indianpaint brush plants, they are georgeous, also the Condor. Wonderful Birds.....
    Wishing you a wonderful novemeber week, hopefully without frost!
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Oh, you could stay there for one month and make a lot more nature photos. The orange Indian Paintbrush did catch my attention during the train ride, so I had to spot them on our drive up to the Grand Canyon next day. Got lucky to find several and even the iPad photos are reasonable for getting at least an idea.
      That California Condor is so majestic as it soars there high above the Colorado River, over the Grand Canyon.
      The weather is fine, it was only that minor frost for 2 nights but the tender tropical plants had to be brought indoors... No risk.
      Hugs and wishing you a very productive week as well.

  4. You really know how to have fun in very interesting places!
    I just love those Indian paintbrushes, what an elegant flower!
    Poor elk, so skinny I wonder why...
    I enjoyed this post very much!
    Keep well dear Mariette!

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      Oh, we had a ball for the four days we were at the Canyon. Once by train and riding the motorcoach as an introduction and than back to explore some more and on the 3rd day we hiked. Those Elks looked pitiful and we also wondered why they don't feed them. Tourists are prohibited to feed any wild life but those Rangers could take care of that.
      Thanks for your visit.

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    besten Dank für deinen wunderschönen Post.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja gerne gemacht und es freut mich wenn ich euch so ein bischen mitnehmen konnte.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  6. Wie schön, daß Ihr so etwas Schönes erleben konntet, liebe Mariette! Aber schade, daß Dein Mann die leuchtenden Farben nicht erkennen kann! Ähnlich wie meine Mutti, die aufgrund von Augenerkrankung ein ähnliches Problem hat.
    Frost hatte es nachts bei uns noch nicht ... ich hoffe auch sehr, daß es noch eine Weile damit dauert. Gestern war es wiederum sehr schön warm. Nur heute schaut es grau aus ...

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja es war eine herrliche Zeit und ganz relaxed da wir ja drei Tage, zwei Nächte in diese Lodge am Grand Canyon waren nachdem wir mit dem Zug schon alles kennengelernt hatten mit ein Aufenthalt von etwa 3.5 Stunden. Ja es ist immer schade dass Pieter solche Farben nicht erkennen kann, so ist es auch im Herbst mit das Laub am Baum... er bekommt das nicht so mit. Wenn ich aber Bilder davon mache, dann kann er es doch erkennen, auch die Umfänge.
      Ja hier mit so eine kurze Nachtfrostperiode ist es immer schlimm wegen die Pflanzen da die überhaupt nicht abgehartet sind. Die Sonne ist wieder voll da und warm bis 24°C heute und morgen und nächste Woche am Donnerstag und Freitag geht es zurück nach 13°C und -1°C in der Nacht... Wenn der Wind aus dem kalten Kanada kommt dann kriegen wir immer etwas davon mit!
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  7. Je hebt mooie dingen gezien zoals de condors, prachtig. Leuk om je verslag te lezen.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, zoals al eerder gezegd, deze zeven-daagse Arizona reis was buiten verwachting mooi, in alle opzichten. Pracht herinneringen en ook veel gezien. Niet altijd alles kunnen fotograferen omdat je er niet voor klaar bent; maar toch op het netvlies kunnen bewonderen!
      Fijn dat jullie het verslag zo kunnen meelezen.

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    You write such wonderful comments to go with your pictures that I feel like I am on your tour with you!
    Enjoy the day!

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Well thank you dear, that's what I love to do, sharing the experience with my readers so they too can live it...
      Hugs to you from another warm and sunny day.

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    danke für die wunderschönen Fotos aus dn Grand Canyon. Die Blüten
    haben eine ganz wunderschöne Farbe. Auch der Condor ist außergewöhnlich.
    Das sind Erinnerungen, die für immer bleiben.
    Einen schönen Wochenteiler wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Danke und es war so ein Zufall dass du gerade am gleichen Tag über die Wacholderbeere schreibst (Juniper berries). Ja die Blüten waren so schön und auch das viele gelb machten die Natur so schön. Wir waren froh den Californischen Condor gesehen zu haben da er so selten ist und erst seid Jahrzehnten wieder zurückgebracht ist.
      Du hast Recht, die Erinnerungen bleiben für immer!
      Auch einen schönen Mittwochabend noch.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  10. I still remember the Junipers I saw at the Grand Canyon, dearest Mariette! And I also have a photo of me close to an elf ! The indian paintbrushes are lovely flowers!!!!
    Thanks again for sharing all those pictures from your memorable visit!
    Have a nice day!!!!! Hugs!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thanks for your visit and isn't it wonderful for being able to relive your own fond memories of the Grand Canyon?!
      Love to share this with my readers as we both enjoyed it so much.
      Hugs and lovely evening,

  11. Wow I love the photo of California Condor in the stunning blue sky!
    Indian Paintbrush flowers, Common Juniper and Prickly Pear...all so lovely. Oh, I always think about food :-) You are so lucky to spot elks and also captured in the camera! I never saw elk when I was in Grand Canyon. Another reason why I should visit there again :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Oh, the stunning blue sky in itself was so wonderful for all those days, we have been so lucky! Indian Paintbrush with their bright orange color lined the railroad track and I had to see them up close! Juniper berries were special too and the Prickly Pear. The California Condor was such a bonus, we were so lucky and also for spotting those Elks. Now you know where to look for them, near the building where they keep the Mules!
      I just wanted to take that short cut and so glad I did.
      Hugs to you,

  12. Dear Mariette,wonderful pictures of your trip to the Grand Canyon!Beautiful nature indeed!
    How lucky you were to see the condor bird!Thank you for sharing!!
    Have a lovely evening!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you dear and the surrounding nature is breathtaking. One could easily roam around there for an entire month; camera in hand that is!
      Oh, we felt so blessed for being there on a day that the Ranger did his program and he pointed us to that incredible California Condor flying overhead. We did see one while we hiked down as well. Loved to share this!
      Hugs and sleep tight!

  13. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Yeah, this was the final from the Grand Canyon adventure. We so enjoyed it and loved to share.

  14. So many interesting sights, including the elks, juniper berries, and the condor. I had no idea their wing span was so huge. I went back and saw your two earlier posts; what a beautiful hike you had, and how gorgeous are those colors in the canyon. So nice to see a picture of you, too!

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      That's why I mentioned early on, this trip to Arizona was above expectation and we so enjoyed it together. We're blessed for having been able to go this summer. Oh, the California Condor is indeed HUGE! The Elks surprised us and we were so close to them. The only thing I could think of is take my iPad out as quick as I could... We felt safe though, don't know if they would kick us; although I've seen somewhere a daytime photo where an elk was kicking after a young woman at the Grand Canyon. He made her run/fly!
      Enjoy the remainder of the week in the afterglow of Victory.

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    Grand Caryon Lodge condor has a wingspan 22 poands they can glode up to 50 miles per hour in the sky can travel 100 miles for more per day but do not approach condors or offee them food...
    I was enjoyed to read about your writting us Thank you so much Mariette san!
    lots of deer in the ponderosa at Lodge so many beautiful of memories of the Grand Canyon Photos lovely flowers.
    I had bad cold these day I will be back few days times??
    Hugs and Love from both of you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you so much for your visit and for your brain exercise by trying to type all the above. I do admire you for your perseverance since your fatal accident with brain injury. Never give up as I do know from others, that after years of practice, there will be improvement.
      Sending you hugs and hope your cold will leave you soon alone!

  16. I have no doubt that it was an awesome trip. We were there on family vacation when I was a child. Would love to go back one day. Best wishes, Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Well, this is in the right region for another trip to see your college son!
      We loved our trip to Arizona and also will be back for Sedona.

  17. Wat wonen jullie in een prachtig en veelzijdig land ook wat natuur betreft Mariette. Er zijn zoveel verschillende nationale parken met allemaal weer aparte karakteristieken. Ik ben zelf nog nooit in de VS geweest, maar de Grand Canyon lijkt mij geweldig! Wat moet het indrukwekkend zijn geweest om te zien. Knap dat jullie daar wandeltochten hebben gemaakt. Het zal vast zwaar zijn geweest.

    Fijne avond en nog bedankt voor je lieve berichtje op mijn blog!

    Madelief x

    1. Lieve Madelief,
      Ja, het is ook zo'n enorm gróót land... daar vergissen de meeste Europeanen zich àltijd weer in. Als wij dit hadden willen doen met de auto hadden we 30 uur moeten rijden en ook weer terug natuurlijk. Dat is té gek...
      Wij zijn allebei heel blij dat we dit in goede gezondheid hebben kunnen meemaken en ook dat wandelen was erg mooi. Ja, op een hoogte van zo'n 2,000 meter is het ook anders dan op begane grond, maar we hebben de afdaling ook maar gedeeltelijk gemaakt.
      Ook een fijne avond en geniet van het gezellige en knusse. We nemen zo meteen ook weer onze thee. De mannen (5) zijn nét weg die al onze grote eiken hebben bijgewerkt. Veel grote takken eraf die te laag kwamen. Ook een grote boom voor het huis weg waarvan er teveel blad op de nieuwe patio kwam en zelfs in de garage. Een enorme verbetering dus.

  18. wow! Grand Canyon! tolle Fotos, liebe Mariette, der Condor ist beeindruckend und Caktusfeigen habe ich schon mal auf Korfu gegessen, uuuuiiii da muss man aufpassen, dass man keinen Stachel mit ißt.
    hartelijk bedankt für Deine Glückwünsche, wir haben uns sehr gefreut ;-)))))

    liebe Grüße
    von Traudi

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Danke, es war ja auch eine super Zeit und diesen California Condor ist wahnsinnig gross mit seine Spannbreite von 2.9 m!
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  19. Dearest Mariette; Wow, Grand Canyon Flora & Fauna!!! Spotting California Condors and had guide by State Park Ranger, it must have been a awesome sight☆☆☆ And lovely Indian Paintbrush is impressive with your picture compared with your finger♡♡♡ Your interest in flora always amaze me, my friend♪ Great to be able to spot these elks as well.

    PS> I got a bit out of shape (^^;) I am trying to comment from this morning. So sorry for my recent belated comment.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you for your visit and you bet how thrilled we were with sighting all this flora and fauna at the Grand Canyon National Park! Just perfect for collecting fond memories for a lifetime. Those elks were not counted on and I hurried to get my iPad out... It also was getting dark but at least I got them visible on some photos.
      Don't ever worry... life can be demanding at times.

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    Your selected a sclenienoto Grand Canyon Nationel park Dr grand canyon Arizone.
    Pieter took with the Nikon camera with your iphome the sun raya in the picture after few time in the San Flancisco Muntain it must be both of the your last of life.
    Your travelel Kaibab national Forest, click it enlaged mountain range Wow ! how you are feets was ok. Red Mountain volcame link at San Francisco Moultain...I just feeling of your bodys but you both of lovely times it was nice picture for your famileys.
    Hugs and Love to you both!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you for commenting on my newer post here; I understand it anyway.
      Sun rays taken with my iPad indeed and surprisingly good visible!
      Our feet were okay, we both never had problems walking and so doing part of the trail went well. This trip we did hardly do any walking (the one where we drove the scenic route to Humphreys Peak).
      We had an absolute lovely time together!
      Hugs and love to you,

  21. Elk?? How About Those California Condors. Amazing Birds. Thanx So Much For Sharing The Link And Enjoyed This Read Through. Well Done


    1. Dearest Travis,
      Yes, we got to see them from up close, not as dangerous as the Moose I guess...
      California Condors are very special and glad we got to see them! We here call the Turkey Vultures the Confederate Condors; love that name!
      Glad you enjoyed this visit.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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