While driving to The Boulders, we did pass some impressive solar carport structures on N. Scottsdale Road in Scottsdale Arizona. That looked really neat and just imagine with those high temperatures how 'cool' it will be to get into your car. So back home I did some research because in our town, right here in Dublin, we do have a company that produces Photovoltaic Solar Power Panels. The company is from Germany and is called MAGE SOLAR USA. This company no longer exists...
Jewish Community Center, Scottsdale, AZ ←click it and you can enlarge photo # 4 which I used here above. This is the Scottsdale Arizona Skyline Solar we saw when passing by.
Yep, this is the one we drove past, I googled it and it sure shows the Going Solar: JCC Scottsdale, AZ ←click it.

Jewish Community Center, Scottsdale, AZ ←click it and you can enlarge photo # 4 which I used here above. This is the Scottsdale Arizona Skyline Solar we saw when passing by.
For such a sunny state as Arizona it is of course no surprise to find that AZ Top in Nation for Solar Energy… ←click it.
Here above you also can see that the Arizona State University is having a huge parking space that has solar panels installed!
Both of us were very impressed with Arizona!
Clean energy and in general very clean environment.
Kudos to female Governor Jan Brewer!
Related links:
{Lunch at The Boulders A Waldorf Astoria Resort in Carefree, Arizona} | previous post by me
{1987 Scottsdale Arizona versus 2014} | previous post by me
now that's a great carport design!
ReplyDeleteDearest Theresa,
DeleteThey should build more like this; great for utilizing the sunshine for Energy!
Dear Mariette,
ReplyDeletea good idea to get Solar on the Carport-roof!
Happy new week to you,
Love and hugs
Dearest Claudia,
DeleteOh, if all colleges and universities would do this that would be GREAT!
Hugs to you,
Liebe Mariette,
ReplyDeletedas ist eine ausgezeichnete Idee.
Sonnige Grüße
Liebe Elisabeth,
DeleteJa, so eine Idee sollte man nachfolgen.
Liebe, frostige Grüsse; schon -2°C um 20:39 Uhr...
Goed gedaan om de zonne energie op die manier te verkrijgen.
ReplyDeleteBeste Marianne,
DeleteJa, dit is een prácht idee voor zo'n grote campus om lekker koel, onder dak te kunnen parkeren en ook nog energie te verwekken!
Nearly every one in australia has solar systems. We have a lot of sun, so it is good for our climate.
ReplyDeletePlus we have a very large wind generating system as well.
Hugs Kay
Dearest Kay,
DeleteBoth systems, also the wind generating system we have seen a lot in Arizona. A very progressive state in dealing with cean energy and they have LOTS of sun hours! Good for Australia to make use of their sun hours and wind as well.
Lieve Mariette,
ReplyDeleteJe ziet het steeds vaker dat er gebruik gemaakt wordt van zonnepanelen,je kan in Nederland en Duitsland geen dorp doorrijden of je ziet de zonnepanelen op daken,zelfs op daken van authentieke boerderijen verwerkt in de rietenkap, tja of het er dan mooier op wordt is een tweede.
De (boeren)bedrijven zullen iets moeten om op verantwoorde en betaalbare wijze energie te winnen.
Maar de zon moet wel schijnen natuurlijk anders is het volgens mij niet rendabel.
Lieve groet,Ger
Lieve Ger,
DeleteJa, in Nederland en ook in Duitsland krijgt men met name ook subsidie om de zonnepanelen te investeren. Mooi is het niet maar als er veel zonne uren zijn dan is het best rendabel zoals in de staat Arizona. Qua klimaat héél anders dan kikkerland en/of Duitsland. Wij vonden het in elk geval een erg goeie dubbele funktie hebben; schaduw tégen de zon om auto's te parkeren en van boven met zonnepanelen bedekt om de zonnestralen om te zetten in energie.
Dearest Mariette,
ReplyDeleteA solar parking lot could happen almost anywhere. It doesn't take a lot of sun to generate power.
I like the way you notice things when you travel. It feels like being there.
Enjoy the week ahead........*s*
Dearest Suzi,
DeleteOh, if only those HOT parking lots here in Georgia could have such solar parking for shade + clean energy; that would be a dream!
Both of us always use our eyes when traveling, trying to figure out how people make a living in the area, what their natural resources are etc. This was genial and we were very impressed by it!
Hugs to you from a cold South!
Dear Mariette,you can see the Solar Power Panels,here in Greece ,in the fields and on the roofs of the houses!I don't like them seeing them in the fields!Looks ugly to me!Have a wonderful week!Hugs!
Dearest Dimi,
DeleteOh, here locally they also have a whole collection of them, alongside the road next to the High School. That is very ugly horizon polution! You are right in that. Far better would it have been if they too had used solar carport structures on their parking lot. That would solve two problems; not having to get into a hot car + producing clean energy.
Hugs to you,
Wow the parking lot with solar panels installed looks great! Good for Arizona to have lot of clean energy and clean environment! When I went to Japan last time, I noticed more and more solar panels installed on rooftop of houses. I think it's getting more common :-)
ReplyDeleteDearest Tamago,
DeleteOh, both of us were very impressed with their clean energy concept and it serves a dual purpose as it provides shade for parked cars!
More and more we have to look for alternative ways to produce clean energy and in the southern states there is plenty of sun for this purpose.
wow! Grandios, liebe Mariette, die Sonne ist überall
ReplyDeletedanke für Deine lieben Glückwünsche zu meinem 5. Bloggeburtstag, ich freue mich sehr ;-)))
Liebe Abendgrüße zu Dir
von Taudi
Liebe Traudi,
DeleteJa besonders in den südlichen Staaten gibt es reichlich Sonne für diesen Zweck.
Kein Dank, es hat mich Freude gemacht.
Liebe Grüsse,
So very interesting! I have never seen anything like it. I hope to see more parking lots and roofs like this in the near future. Kudos to Scottsdale, Arizona for being environmentally conscious! Cool post, Mariette!
ReplyDeleteDearest Julie,
DeleteOh, both of us were very proud of Governor Jan Brewer's state; this is a great way for being environmentally conscious indeed. And if anyone has sunshine; it is Arizona!
Thank you for your visit and kind words.
The Solar Power Perasol scottsdate Arizona solar. The state universtity has a huge parking space that has solar panels inatalled. High degree of alsthetic attractiveness and functionality.
ReplyDeleteWe has in Japan some place are very noise at countly. But more people are in better area.
Hugs and Love to you!
Dearest Michiko,
DeleteOh, we were so impressed with Arizona's Solar Power Parasol. Super for providing shade with that type of car ports and for generating clean energy.
Japan in general is also very energy conscious.
Hugs and love to you,
Solar power panels are on every roof in Greece (for hot water) and very widerly spread also on large areas for energy. You made me remember that I have to order a new one for our apartment in the city (where our son now lives) as it is almost 34 years old!
ReplyDeleteHave a nice week, dearest Mariette!
Many hugs!
Dearest Marie-Anne,
DeleteOh, no doubt that Greece has a high number of sun hours and thus it will generate quite some energy. It is a good concept and even for producing hot water, whatever purpose, it works well.
Hugs to you,
lieve Mariette ,
ReplyDeletedat noem ik nu eens " twee in een " ...en je auto staat in de schaduw en
je hebt er ook nog eens energie zien ....het is iedergeval beter als die lelijken
paneelen die die hier in griekenland op hat land staan tussen het graan of mooie
zonnebloemen of tussen het katoen ...
veel liefs
Lieve Nieneke,
DeleteJa, dat zeg je goed; twéé in een! Het geeft schaduw en schone energie. Hier lokaal staat ook zo'n heel veld langs de weg, zomaar panelen. Erg lelijk maar veel beter hadden hun ook zo'n grote car port kunnen maken om de studenten van de High School waar ze staan (langs de weg) hun auto te kunnen laten parkeren in de schaduw. Ziet zeker mooier uit dan zomaar die panelen in de grond.