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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, February 8, 2015

{Mom Lived 11 Days Short of her 66th Wedding Anniversary}

When Mom went to Heaven on January 27th, she was ONLY 11 days short of her 66th Wedding Anniversary on February 7!
This is my Mom, wearing her favorite brocade suit from J.C. Penny Outlet, which she bought with me when visiting us in Georgia.
She also did wear the Majolica pearls, that we gifted her for Saint Nicholas, Dec. 6 1983—she always kept them close to her heart!
I have several pictures of Mom where she is looking very happy!
That's how all our dear friends remember her...

This was on our 42nd trip to The Netherlands... out of 64 total.
We went with Mom to a 40th wedding anniversary Mass where she sang with her choir.

Congratulations anyway dear Mom; you have accomplished so much!
Here on this earth you do have a very proud eldest (alive) daughter.
Thanks for being my Mom for 64 years minus 10 days...
I know for sure that I had the best and the sweetest Mom!

Related links:
{Mom & Dad's 65th Wedding Anniversary} | previous post by me


  1. Hello Mariette, Every time I see your mother's warm smile, it makes me wish I could have known her personally. And what a great milestone at least to have reached her 65th anniversary!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Well, in a way you all got to know her... She really did give us a very warm smile here; so happy that we came to visit her in The Netherlands. This was on our 42nd trip.
      Yes, the many milestones that my Mom reached are remarkable!
      Kindest regards,

  2. Your mom looks like she had great spirits no matter what hardship life brought her. She has a gorgeous and happy face. This my friend, you have inherited, the art of happiness no matter what the situation! Remember her and always be proud to have such an amazing roll model. You had her for 64 years and that is a blessing in itself!

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Mom lived through lots of hardships and always could radiate her lovely smile and make us happy for being hers. I sure am proud of her as a perfect role model and yesterday on my Birthday I was very happy; knowing she is at peace in heaven and at my side always.

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist ein ausdrucksvolles Foto. Es gefällt mir gut.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja ich schätze solche Bilder mit meiner Mutter sehr; bin so froh sie zu haben als liebe Erinnerungen.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  4. Mooie foto, jammer dat ze het net niet gehaald heeft, maar het is even goed een lang huwelijk geweest wat niet veel mensen meemaken. Als ze al niet gaan scheiden tegenwoordig...onze generatie is de laatste der Mohikanen denk ik soms.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, het was zó dichtbij deze gebeurtenis maar inderdaad is het een lang huwelijk geweest en een voorbeeld voor velen! Je hebt gelijk met onze generatie, althans een gedeelte, wat tot de laatste der Mohikanen behoort in dat opzicht!

  5. Dearest Mariette,your mom looks so happy and she had her 66 th Wedding Aniversary ! It seems that her life was so happy .Of course you had the best and sweeeestt mom of the world .Have a lovely weekend !

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Indeed she looks so happy in this photo and this makes for a lovely memory.
      Mom had her happy moments in the almost 66 years of marriage with many special highlights with her children and grandchildren.
      Thank you for your sweet words!

  6. Oh Mariette, this is such a beautiful photo of you and your mom. She looks very happy and so gorgeous in her suit. Happy wedding anniversary to her. She must be smiling from heaven to see this post xoxo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you and yes, no doubt she is smiling her beautiful smile down from heaven!
      Having such memories of happiness did create a very lovely birthday for me yesterday.
      Sending you hugs,

  7. I know you are aware of how blessed you and your mother were in each other. It shines from your faces.Heaven is still celebrating the arrival of another saint. God bless you.

    1. Dearest Regena,
      Thank you and yes I do fully realize that, even if the second half of my life has been mostly far away of my dear Mom, we did visit her 64 times across those 8,436 km!
      That helps me in knowing we have done more than enough and also gifting her and Dad with 5½ ticket of all 10 together for them to visit us on this side of the Atlantic.
      It was good having my birthday with the knowledge that Mom indeed resides in heaven!

  8. Mariette è così che devi ricordare la tua mamma, sempre con il sorriso, un sorriso che conquista anche tutte noi che passiamo da te. Lei è SEMPRE con te, in te, nel tuo cuore.....Un bacio. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Sì, questo è esattamente come debo a mantenere lei nella mia memoria; felicemente e in pace dove lei è ora in cielo, senza alcuna sofferenza. Lei mi accompagnerá ogni singolo giorno e avverto mi dà un enorme pace e felicità e ieri anche un molto buon compleanno!

  9. Dearest Mariette,
    Your Mum favorite brocate suit roll model.Happy wedding aniversary to her you both very happy tiems.
    Sending your hugs with lots of both of yours!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Yes, this was my Mom's favorite brocade suit and the color did suit her so well!
      Very fond memories of happy times together and yes, she accomplished so much as my super role model.

  10. Lieve Mariette,

    Er zullen altijd dagen blijven die herinneringen oproepen met een lach en een traan,en dit is zo'n dag.
    Een jaar geleden toen jullie nog samen waren,heel dicht bij elkaar in betere omstandigheden.
    Wat zal je haar missen nou ze er niet meer is.
    Het lijkt mij bijzonder moeilijk voor jou als dochter dat je niet in de gelegenheid was om bij het definitieve afscheid van je lieve moeder aanwezig te zijn.

    Nogmaals veel,héél veel sterkte gewenst,kan me helemaal voorstellen dat je moeilijke momenten moet hebben in deze tijd.


    1. Lieve Ger,
      Als je over 32 jaar al 64 keer ècht afscheid genomen hebt dan komt de dood niet als een dief in de nacht hoor. We vierden op 15 februari in 2014, met de hele familie samen nog haar 90ste verjaardag en hun 65-jarig huwelijksfeest en dat was de reden van onze 64ste trip naar Nederland. Dus wat dat betreft hebben we er van hieruit àlles aan gedaan om bij de hoogtepunten aanwezig te zijn en meer nog. Ook hadden we mijn Moeder maar liefst 4 keer aan deze zijde van de Oceaan door voor hun 5-½ ticket te betalen van de in totaal 10 tickets.
      Daarmee is er in ons hart echte vrede want als je voor een begrafenis over vliegt is het voor de betreffende persoon tóch te laat!
      Ik heb echt wel definitief afscheid kunnen nemen en op een hele fijne manier tijdens een erg fijn telefoongesprek op 11 januari om 8:00u in de morgen, haar tijd. Op de dag dat haar Engel-dochter 65 geworden zou zijn. Ze had de hele nacht geschreid; haar éérste nacht in het ziekenhuis... Ze werd weer rustig na het gesprek en kon de moeilijke laatste fase aan; die velen van haar familie reeds waren voorgegaan. Erna heb ik nog een keer gebeld, naar Maastricht, ook weer om 8:00u en mijn jongste broer is per trein naar haar toegereisd om haar met mij te laten bellen via zijn iPhone en dan met de ambulance mee naar Venlo te komen. Dat waren zúlke mooie en warme momenten en nogmaals via FaceTime, waarin zij het scherm aaide, om me aan te kunnen raken... Voor mij kon het definitieve afscheid níet mooier. En ook was ik er bij via FaceTime tijdens haar allerlaatste nacht...
      Mogelijk hebben mijn broers en zussen er meer moeite mee dan ik. Afscheid nemen is telkens een stukje dood gaan en dat deed ik al 64 keer.
      Gisteren een hele fijne verjaardag gehad en met de wetenschap dat mijn Moeder dichtbij was en vanuit de hemel altijd alles kan volgen.

  11. Gave foto hoor...en bijna 66 jaar getrouwd...inderdaad een hele prestatie ..komt niet vaak voor. Maar ze is nu vast gelukkig, je geeft het hier en dar al zelf aan, inderdaad kun je je ouders niet altijd bij je houden, er komt een tijd dat ze 'gaan' ...

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, mooie foto die Pieter van ons genomen heeft; pracht herinnering!
      Wij waren er voor klaar, al heel lang en hebben altijd heel bewust onze bezoeken naar Nederland gemaakt. Laatste reis zaten we aan haar bed tijdens alle dialyse behandelingen, op één na, maar dat was de wekelijkse dag dat mijn Vader bij haar was. Wij bezochten een nicht van mij en dat liep wat uit.
      Dus wat dat betreft hebben we een heel vredig gevoel.

  12. lieve Mariette..
    Een hele mooie foto van moeder en dochter ..
    Ook al heeft ze het niet gehaald waren het toch veel jaartjes samen ..
    ik wens je een fijn weekend toe ..veel liefs

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Dank je, een kostbaar bezit om te hebben!
      Ja, de prestatie is er zeker níet minder door...

  13. Dearest Mariette,

    Such a beautiful photo of you and your Mum - lovely that she was a wonderful role model to you and she must have been so very proud of you. 66 years is such a great long time.
    Hope you are enjoying the weekend

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Thank you and sure this photo is dear to my heart as it reflects again very happy times together with her.
      Mom always has inspired me and yes, whenever we did visit her during her choir practices, she was mighty proud of her eldest daughter! Such moments are forever framed onto my retina and we also have video tapes. Here we both went to Church where she had to sing in her choir for a 40th wedding anniversary. Next day we left by train for the hotel near the airport and flight back to the USA...
      Yes, our Friday was special as it was my first birthday with Mom being in heaven and we enjoyed a lovely 5-course dinner, gifted by our good friend and lady chef from Ristorante da Maria. It was perfect and made us very happy.

  14. The pictures your dear Mom is always smiling. Certainly in my life was Lucky. Regards.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      Yes, Mom most of the time was happily smiling when we were together; either on our side in Georgia/USA or we visiting her in The Netherlands.

  15. Dear Mariette!
    Beautiful photo of you and your mom. Thanks for sharing! Hugs:) Manuela

    1. Dearest Manuela,
      Thank you and you are most welcome; I do love to share my many happy moments with her.

  16. You and your Mum have the same lovely smile. It must be near your Birthday or just past by now. I wish you a very happy Birthday also,

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Thank you and I probably do look a lot like her!
      Yes, yesterday was my first happy Birthday with Mom being in heaven.
      Sending you hugs,

  17. What a lovely photo of you and your mum, my parents have been married for 54 years so sill have a ways to go to catch up to your parents

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Thank you and it sure is one of those precious photos that frame happy moments for eternity!
      Your parents no doubt are still a lot younger and they too might reach such a high number for their anniversary.

  18. Dearest Mariette; Oh My, your parents is really lucky to have such long marriage life♡♡♡ I always wished to 50 years for my parents :-) Happy Wedding Anniversary and she DOES look gorgeous with wonderful smile wearing the suits in the picture you, Dear Friend. Special Day, isn't it☆☆☆ 

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Oh My; Happy Birthday to you♡♡♡ Hope you had a wonderful day and it's not belated, Dear friend. Blessing to you from Japan.

  19. Dear Mariette,what a lovely picture of you and your mum!
    She was a sweet lady!I'm sure you miss her and she would be proud for you!
    Have a wonderul day my friend!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you and you bet I do treasure all my pictures of her.
      Mom was very sweet but she's now closer to me than before with the earthly distance between us...
      We had a lovely, sunny and warm Sunday!

  20. Yes Mariette, your mom did well and do you :)
    Look at it this way... You enjoyed her until now!
    I lost mine I was 17 in 71, it has been very difficult to deal with for many many years after.
    So many unsaid things...
    Well that's life I guess!
    Chin up, enjoy life as much you can!
    Huge hugs from France :)

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      There is no comparison indeed to the blessed age of almost 91 or so young like your own Mom. Loosing her at the tender age of 17 is devastating! Life comes with all kind of surprises but your Mom for sure is mighty proud of you and the way you handled life!!!
      Hugs to you and lots of love,


  21. Sua mãe foi tão linda, que sorriso doce!
    Ela sempre estará no seu coração e na sua vida.

    Bom domingo! Bom semana, amiga!

    1. Dearest Inês,
      Thank you very much and indeed, she was beautiful when she had some time for herself and her sweet smile will live forever through these photos!
      Forever in my heart indeed and very close to me now.
      Hugs and happy new week.

  22. Dearest Mariette,
    Many regrets upon the loss of your mother. Thank you for giving us the chance to know her. She will live on through you.
    A belated birthday wish. Your dinner must have been bittersweet and filled with memories!
    Enjoy your day...............*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Thank you so much for your uplifting and kind words. She will live on and I will always honor her in any way I can!
      Thank you, my Birthday was a very happy day and I do have complete peace; knowing Mom is fine now and without any suffering.

  23. Oh Dear,

    It is so difficult to say goodbye to our Moms. You have my heartfelt sympathy.

    I use to call my Mom every evening while cooking dinner. My teenagers were sitting around the kitchen doing their school homework. I still miss her so....and now those teenagers have children of their own. Bless you...Janey

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Thank you very much and yes, it is very soothing to know when we have spent our time with our Moms in a loving, caring and respectful way. That is the best example we can show our children and once we hope they will return the love with the same respect!
      Blessings to you,

  24. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you for this wonderful and so lovely picture of you and your dear Mum!
    Love and hugs,

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you and it is for now even more of a treasure to have!

  25. Dearest Mariette,
    I am sure your sweet mother is proud of you for this post and for all your love to her!!!
    I wish you a lovely new week!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you and yes, Mom always was very proud of me, whenever I joined her for choir practice in The Netherlands she was so happy and proud of her eldest daughter.
      Wishing you a lovely new week as well.

  26. Dear Mariette,
    That is such a beautiful photo of Mother and Daughter - so precious to have! My Mother was camera shy and we have few photos together - she would run from the camera, but I do have some very special ones. A truly remarkable accomplishment for your Dear Mother to be married for so long! I know you miss her - sending love and hugs.
    xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you very much and indeed, such photos have a tremendous meaning now as they no longer can get made. To me they are very valuable and I will treasure them for the rest of my life untill we have the joy of meeting again. We just had lunch with a dear friend, still celebrating my birthday. She also had Mom over for tea during her final visit with us here in the USA, in 2005. Fond memories all over and Mom was very much loved here in Dublin!

  27. She has such a beautiful smile! And she left behind an amazing, lovely daughter!!

    1. Dearest Nan,
      Thank you so much for your sweet comment here... It means a lot to me!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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