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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, March 20, 2015

{Mom was only 50 days short of her 7th Dialysis Anniversary}

Mom was so very close to making it into a record for completing her 7th Dialysis Anniversary; only 50 days short!

My beautiful Mom, opening the front door of Afhangweg 8 in Horst, The Netherlands for my 'late' husband -– on my wedding day. 
She is so happy looking and this is the house where she came back to, for her last breath.
Mom in Church on my wedding day, with my baby-brother Jan to the left...
It was on February 9, 1973...
Mom congratulating me after Church... 
Looking oh so happy and for sure she is now together in heaven with my late husband Frans...
“The things you can take with you: Love, Trust, Respect, Joy. The things you leave behind: Everything else.”  ― Robert Charles Waldron
Mom during the reception, where guests do present the gifts.
My Paternal Grandmother is seated here and the lady with the black/red dress was my aunt, married to Dad's younger brother. She too went to heaven after having had kidney problems and going through dialysis...

My hair was till my waist at that time!
I will show you my self made simple wedding dress another time.
“We should keep the dead before our eyes, and honor them as though still living” ― Confucius

The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. - Harriet Beecher Stowe

Those are great quotes...

Those that attacked us for NOT showing up at Mom's funeral, due to Pieter's health issues because of heart cramps, and me still going to rehab for my hand, we forgive their act of bitterness.
May they too find the Peace that is in our hearts!


  1. i did not know you were widowed before you married pieter.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Not quite widowed but he died young indeed... But anyhow, we spend some 12 years together and he was very close to my Parents.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    wonderful pictures and memories about your dear Mum!
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you and all such photos are lovely memories of my Mom.

  3. Hi Mariette, thank you for sharing these photos, it's always nice to see them. Your hair looks amazing :) Enjoy your Thursday my friend!

    1. Dearest Eva,
      Thank you and yes, my hair has been very long and healthy looking when I was that young... Fond memories of my dear Mom.

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind bleibende Erinnerungen.
    Schön, dass du sie zeigst.

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja wirklich sind es bleibende Erinnerungen und ich zeige sie mit Stolz!
      Liebe Grüsse,

  5. Hello Mariette, So nice to see these pictures of happy family events, in which your mother participated. The miracle of dialysis gave her almost seven more years of being with her family.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Such happy family events are being preserved in a nice way through these precious photos! Indeed, the miracle of dialysis did extend Mom's life and we always have to keep in mind that such miracles are not being available to all people on this planet.
      Kindest regards,

  6. These are very lovely photos of your mom. She had such a beautiful smile!
    I don't remember reading about your late husband before. I'm sorry he had passed away. The wedding photos are beautiful. Love your dress and hair!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you and yes, I do treasure these lovely photos from my Mom very much. A happy smile yes and that's how I like to remember her in my memory; forgetting about the years she was ill.
      Life sometimes is sad for a number of people. My hair was a lot better looking than now but that's age related and very acceptable.

  7. Mariette.....♥♥♥♥♥ per te e per tua mamma. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Graze mille e fortunatamente, ci sono ancora tanti bei ricordi di lei!

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    es stimmt, die lieben Vertorbenen behalten wir in unseren Herzen.
    7 Jahre Dialyse sind eine lange Zeit.Du hattest eine tapfere Mutter-
    Schöne Erinnerungen zeigst du uns.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Und wie dass stimmt; sie leben immer in unseren Herzen. Ja, meine Mutter war wirklich eine sehr tapfere Frau die noch so lange durchgehalten hat. Sie war ein gutes Vorbild zum folgen!
      Die schöne Erinnerungen die bleiben uns Gott sei Dank.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  9. Dear Mariette,
    These are treasured photos of a very special time. Your Dear Mother is so sweet, and you, so lovely as a young bride. How sad that you lost your first husband. Now they are together and forever in your heart.
    Hugs xo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Such photos seal forever the happy moments and help us remember them. Mom, proudly standing in Church on my wedding day. My first husband did not die while we were married but indeed, they are together in heaven and fond memories in my heart till we meet again.

  10. Wat tragisch dat je eerste man zo jong is gestorven. Wist niet dat je al eerder getrouwd was geweest. Je zag er prachtig uit en zo jong en dan dat prachtige haar, schitterend. Ik had in die tijd ook lang haar, moest als kind altijd kort haar hebben maar na mijn zestiende heb ik het jaren niet meer laten knippen. Mooie herinneringen aan je moeder, leuk dat je de foto's nog hebt om van de beelden te genieten.
    Groeten, Marianne

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, al was ik in die tijd niet meer met hem getrouwd, het deed toch pijn om hem al zo vroeg te vertrekken uit dit leven; we deelden immers ook 12 jaren samen! Net drie dagen 22... en láng haar had ik ja, hetzelfde als jij, als kind àltijd kort maar toen ik het zelf kon bepalen, liet ik het groeien. Met zulke foto's ben ik nu heel erg gelukkig, blij dat ik ze heb om nog eens met bewondering naar haar te kijken. Ieder mens heeft mooie en minder mooie tijden doorgemaakt en ziekte is zwaar voor iedereen.

  11. Lieve Mariette,

    Zo zijn we dagelijks met mooie en minder mooie herinneringen uit ons leventje bezig.
    Jou lieve moeder is bij leven in elk geval een sterke vrouw geweest die haar jaren lange nierziekte moedig doorstaan heeft,en of dat nou zes of 7 jaren geweest is doet er niet toe, de lange tijd dat ze in jullie midden was en ze een hoge leeftijd mocht bereiken is iets om dankbaar voor te zijn.En dat ben je ook aan je mooie en liefdevolle posten te lezen wanneer het over je moeder gaat.
    De uitstraling in het gezicht van je eerste man op jullie trouwfoto, hoe hij naar jou moeder kijkt tijdens het handen schudden spreekt boekdelen, denk dat deze man niet enkel jou liefhad maar ook zijn schoonmoeder.


    1. Lieve Ger,
      Dank je en ja ons leven hangt aaneen van vreugde en verdriet en alles wat menselijk is. De kunst is om telkens weer het mooie in die ander te vinden en ook in ons hart te bewaren. Oh ja, mijn eerst man Frans was heel gek met mijn Moeke. Mijn schoonvader zaliger was ook een klasgenoot van haar en met z'n beiden streden ze altijd om de titel wie het bèste van de klas was. Dus zodoende is het eigenlijk al twee generaties van vertrouwen en respect. Erg mooie herinneringen.
      Zulke foto's vertellen al een pracht verhaal zónder woorden als tekst toegevoegd... Ik heb altijd te doen met mensen die door band of watersnood àl hun kostbare foto's verliezen.
      Laten we hopen dat ik met mijn nierziekte ook nog zo'n hoge leeftijd mag bereiken; vol met mooie herinneringen.

  12. Dear Mariette,
    wonderful pictures and memories about your dear Mum!
    Your long hair looks amazing!Thank you for sharing!
    Have a lovely weekend!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you and yes, those memories live forever in my heart and I'm fortunate to have pictures as well.
      Loooooooong hair at that time, they often teased me for being Maria Magdalena!
      Hugs to you and happy weekend.

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    Your Mum was so very close to making into a record for completing only short time.The netherlands for your late husband on your wedding day in Mum in church. So happy she was in heaven with your late husband Frans!Your hear was till your simple wedding dress in another time!
    Hugs and love to BOTH of you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you for your visit along memory lane! Yes, I will show my simple, self made wedding dress another time.
      Sending you hugs back from both of us.

  14. lieve Mariette...
    Mooie foto's met mooie heriningen ...
    Je was een prachige bruid ...
    veel liefs en een fijn weekend

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja, mooie herinneringen waarvan er God zij dank ook nog eens foto's zijn!
      Dank je, ik was gelukkig op die dag en zoiets blijft vereeuwigd in foto's.
      Liefs en ook een fijn weekend!

  15. Dearest Mariette; First of all, So sorry for my recent absence, my friend!
    How beautiful and looked happy your mother was at your wedding, precious pictures for you, aren't they♫♫♫ I didn't know about your former marriage, your late husband looked so Handsome and Sweet. Lovely wedding picture, all three of you had wonderful smile♡♡♡
    I hope you will have a wonderful weekend, hope your weather got warmer like ours.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you and yes, I have been married 12 years before I married Pieter. This is a very special photo, the photographer who made them is also for decades in heaven, the husband of a dear friend... Often looking at photos we realize how many people have already passed on. But those memories are a blessing for staying in our hearts forever.
      Happy weekend to you, we had two rainy and cool days and now it is sunny and 18°C but tomorrow 26°C again. Love the warmer weather most!

  16. Liebe Mariette,
    eine unvorstellbar lange Zeit für deine Mutter, die dieses Leiden tapfer getragen hat -
    wie schön, dass du so liebe Erinnerungen an sie hast - vor allem Mütter werden in unseren Herzen
    immer weiter leben - niemals vergisst man die schönen Stunden, die man mit ihnen teilen durfte -

    ich wünsche dir eine schöne Zeit -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Danke und ja es war eine wirklich unvorstellbar lange Zeit dass meine Mutter noch überlebt hat durch die Dialyse; eine sehr tapfere Frau! Und ich bin so froh dass ich noch solche Bilder habe von der Zeit wo sie noch nicht krank war; so strahlend und glücklich schaut sie aus. So möchte man sie auch erinneren; ohne Schmerzen und ohne Leiden.
      Ein schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir und ich schicke Sonne mit rüber!

  17. Good Afternoon Mariette, Your mother was a beautiful lady, with a beautiful smile. Photographs are a wonderful thing as although we hold memories in our mind, a photograph will remind us of things we might have forgotten.
    Your hair is so beautiful. When I was young my hair was similar to yours, as it was waist length as well. I was very sad when I cut mine.
    Thank you for such a treat, your wedding photos are lovely.
    Have a lovely weekend Mariette.
    Best Wishes

    1. Dearest Daphne,
      Thank you so much, yes a photo certainly does underline our memories and when I found these I was so very happy! Those were the years of mini-dresses and waist length hair indeed. Fond memories and I have had only once in-between very short hair.
      Sending you hugs for a sunny weekend.

  18. Das sind schöne Erinnerungen, liebe Mariette! Und Dein Haar war wundervoll! So lang war meines auch in meiner Jugend eine Zeit und ich trug auch sehr gern Korkenzieherlocken. Leider haben wir zu der Zeit kaum fotografiert.

    Liebe Grüße auch hier

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Danke und es sind unbezahlbare schöne Erinnerungen; bin so froh mit diese Bilder!
      Ja genauso ist es ja, kaum wurde damals fotografiert; schade...
      Liebe Grüsse,

  19. Ich lese gerade noch ... dann war Frans Dein erster Mann, der verstorben ist? Irgendwo las ich schon mal in Deinem Blog von einem ersten Mann, aber ich habe nicht mehr den Zusammenhang in Erinnerung. Danke für diese schönen Bilder!

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, Frans war mein erster Mann und er ist schon sehr lange verstorben. Meine Schwiegermutter war Deutsche.
      Nur schöne Bilder bleiben als Erinnerung...
      Liebe Grüsse,

  20. Hi Mariette
    Very good memories to Keep

    1. Dearest Nathalie,
      Thank you and as Booth Tarkington said: 'Cherish all your happy moments: they are a fine cushion for old age'.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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