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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, March 8, 2015

{25-Year Anniversary of our Church Wedding in Chile quietly passed by}

With my Mom's death on January 27, a lot of things got pushed into the shadow and that's why the 25 Year Anniversary of our Church Wedding in Chile, on my birthday February 6, quietly passed by...
This is the little Church from Cristo Resucitado de Cuinco, Osorno - Chile with our friend Padre Juan Janssen, a Capuchin Priest, who married us.
Padre Juan is Dutch by birth and Pieter helped his Mission, through several projects.
To the left is the rectory and the house where Padre Juan Janssen lived and where we stayed in February of 1990.
Not everyone does have a Church wedding booklet in Spanish...
Our Madrina Erna Araneda Gomez, and Padrino Jose Canquil Chaipul
The blessing of our wedding rings in the little Church of the south of Chile.
Right after our Church wedding...
Mom being in heaven only 10 days, we did however get a very sweet gift from dear friends Heinz & Maria from Ristorante da Maria  so we enjoyed the above delicious 5-course dinner together!
Both of us feel very blessed for having been united in matrimony together for almost 32 years and having it blessed before God with the Sacrament of the Holy Matrimony as well!

Related links:
{Our Wooden Stirrups from Chile} | previous post by me
{Miracle in Chile - the country where we both got married!} | previous post by me
{Angels engraved on lucky calendar coin of 1969} | previous post by me


  1. a sweet little church in which to have your marriage blessed. :)

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      It sure was very special to us!

  2. What beautiful memories ... and 32 years is such a blessing to share with each other. Wishing you both good health and many. many, many more years of love and blessings. Hugs from Canada ..Celia M. (HHL) P.S. beautiful photos...

    1. Dearest Celia,
      It is a real blessing for both of us and we pray for many more years together in good health! Thank you for your sweet comment and hugs from Georgia,

  3. Allereerst al wel een maand later, maar dat geeft niks...van harte gefeliciteerrd...en ook nog gefeliciteerd met het jubileum van je kerkelijke huwelijk...wel speciaal hoor om dat mee te mogen maken in zo'n kerkje...jij jebt een heel leuk leven (gehad) dit zet ik maar even tussen haakjes, want je hebt nog steeds een fijn leven, maar je begrijpt wel wat ik bedoel denk ik...de meesten van jou leeftijd hebben toen niet gezien of gedaan wat jullie in die jaren gezien en gedaan hebben...mooie herinneringen laat je ons altijd weer zien....

    1. Beste Marian,
      Dank je wel! Jazeker hebben we een heel leuk en vooral 'rijk' leven gehad. Mede daardoor kunnen we voor de rest van ons leven ook nog teren op prácht herinneringen. Dat is voedsel voor de ziel en dat neem je mee tot aan je dood. Ja, een oudere man helpt natuurlijk ook met zoveel meer levens ervaring en met zoveel wereldwijde contacten van projecten en/of leerlingen over al die jaren. De mooie herinneringen delen we graag met alle lezers!

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind schöne Momente aus deinem Leben.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, sehr schöne und gesegnete Momente!
      Liebe Grüsse,

  5. 25 anni di matrimonio? Complimenti cara Mariette! Anche per lo splendido menù italiano che hai scelto!
    Un abbraccio,

    1. Cara V.,
      Grazie e sì, legalmente da oltre 32 anni ma anche la chiesa per noi ancora significa molto. Così il dono dei nostri amici che tienen il ristorante italiano autentico, è stato molto prezioso. Abbiamo scelto il tilapia... Deliziosa come sempre ciò che prepara la chef Maria.

  6. Hello Mariette, It is sad that your mother's passing came so close to your anniversary, but I would look on it as a reminder how lucky you were to have had your mother as a presence over so many years of your married life. Your many trips and invitations over the years do show how much you appreciated just this.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Mom is enjoying her well deserved time in heaven and from there, things are even more clear and open for her to enjoy. There in fact is very little sadness from my end, I'm relieved that she is at peace! As for us, we can look back on so many fond memories that are precious and live forever within our hearts. That is what I always call being rich and the same is true for having had my Mom over to stay with us. I did the utmost for her and that feels good! With God's blessing we will remain happily married for several more years to come.
      Kindest regards,

  7. Ah, sweet memories. Getrouwd in Chili, je bent echt een globetrotter. Het is een schattig kerkje. Nog vele gelukkige jaren samen!

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, mooi toch zo'n speciale ervaring en in dat práchtige land! Je waant je zowiezo al dichter bij God als je door Inter Patagonia reist. Ook zó'n heldere hemel om sterren te bekijken via de Vistadome trein die we tussen de Andes en het Kustgebergte reden. Kon gewoon niet slapen met zó'n helder uitzicht! Adembenemend mooi en pracht herinneringen hebben we aan Chili.
      Met God's zegen voegen we er nog heel veel gelukkige jaren bij aan. We hebben zóveel samen beleefd en kunnen een leven lang nagenieten.

  8. Lieve Mariette,

    Altijd en voor iedereen een hele speciale dag het Zilveren Huwelijk.
    ♥Hartelijk Gefeliciteerd♥ en ik wens jullie nog vele jaren in goede gezondheid met elkaar!!!

    Ook al had deze dag voor jullie een zwart randje,helaas
    een zo'n heerlijk diner bij vrienden gaf er toch nog een feestelijk tintje aan.

    Fijn weekeind en lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja, dat Zilveren Huwelijk is met name ook iets tussen God en in onze harten en dat dragen we met ons tot onze dood en hopelijk nog héél lang samen!
      Het diner met onze viskeuze (altijd) was echt heel bijzonder voor die dag.
      Liefs en ook een fijne zondagavond nog!

  9. Happy belated church wedding anniversary! That is such a pretty church and looks like it was a wonderful wedding! Love your dress - you look very beautiful! Church wedding in Chile and wedding booklet in Spanish....you are really international lady! I wish you and your husband Pieter many many more happy and healthy years together!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Than you very much and we do celebrate our wedding every day that God grants us to be together. It has been sealed in a very special Church and the wedding outfit I had for quite a while; meant for the occasion but it took a while. The world is a small planet and if we can take out the language barriers it becomes a fascinating meeting place for kindred spirits. That all adds to our happiness!
      Sending you sunny hugs from Central Georgia,

  10. You are blessed with a successful marriage of 32 years. I understand why your anniversary quietly passed by. My best wishes for you both. May th sacrament of marriage bind you and your husband forever.

    1. Dearest Mari,
      We truly are very blessed in marriage and the holy sacrament only did seal it off in a very special way! God granting us, we will enjoy many more years together.

  11. Mariette!Auguri!Buon anniversario!Baci,Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Grazie e speriamo che Dio ci dà molti più anni insieme!

  12. Happy Wedding anniversary, although belated. You must have lovely memories. Were your parents there with you when you were married. They also must have been proud of you both.

    1. Dearest Kay,]
      My Parents were with us for the Civil Wedding in my birth town. We just came back from Italy, via Horst, The Netherlands on January 27 of 1990. We flew to Chile on the 2nd of February and for my Parents that would have been quite a stressful journey into a Spanish speaking country.
      They sure have been very proud of the fact that we followed into their footsteps all the way; complete with the Sacrament of Marriage by Church.

  13. It was wonderful wedding in Chusch 32 years Love to see you both of you!
    I had Wesley Church Melbourne The methodist Church of Australia 1967. he was not with me.
    I wish you and your Husband Pieter so many LONG time happy Health years.
    Sending you and love from both of Dear Mariette!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      We have very fond memories of this Church Wedding in Chile.
      For you that Wedding day will forever remain a very fond memory too, even if your husband is no longer with you.
      Yes, we too hope that God will grant us many more years together.
      Hugs and love from both of us!
      Mariette & Pieter

  14. What a lovely church, and 25 years is nothing to sneeze at

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      A very special little wooden Church building and those 25 years did go by very fast but we look back with pride and forward to many more!

  15. Dear Mariette,
    Happy Wedding anniversary!!
    What a beautiful church!
    Sweet memories from you wedding!
    Thank you for sharing!
    Have a happy Sunday!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you and it was a very lovely Church for such an intimate Sacrament between God and us.
      Very sweet memories and also from our short honeymoon.
      Happy Sunday evening to you.

  16. Van harte gefeliciteerd Mariette. Wat een mooie en speciale reportage ter gelegenheid van jullie trouwdag. Lieve groet,

    1. Beste Willy,
      Dank je en het is in elk geval een hele bijzondere en mooie herinnering die we voor altijd koesteren.

  17. Dearest Mariette and Husband Pieter,
    congratulations to your 25th Wedding Anniversary!
    With love and hugs, and all the best wishes,

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you very much and sending you love and hugs for a great Sunday evening.

  18. Such a lovely little church. Happy anniversary to you both. A friend of mine celebrates her 29th anniversary today but she and her husband are in different countries. Still, she baked a heart shaped German cheesecake and plans to Skype with him.

    Happy International Women's Day to you, too! Hugs and blessings, Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Thank you and yes, that lovely little Church only did add to our experience!
      It is tough when husband and wife are in different countries. I've lived through a lot of time-away from husband Pieter while he was in China, New Zealand, Australia, Colombia or Canada but that was only for weeks and not longer. It makes one appreciate each other even more!
      Happy International Women's Day to you as well; you live it and you have inspired and met so many women.

  19. Dear Mariette,

    Happy 25th anniversary to you and Pieter and loved the Church you were married in and seeing your lovely photos.
    Sending hugs and best wishes

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Thank you and it was a very special day that we have sealed into our hearts forever.
      Hugs back to you,

  20. Dear Mariette,
    Happy Anniversary to you both! A sweet and lovely wedding ceremony - you are a beautiful bride and Pieter is a very lucky man. I'm sure he knows...
    Hugs xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you so much! Yes a very sweet wedding ceremony and we both are very lucky for having found each other!

  21. Dearest Mariette; First of all, what a wonderful and thoughtful friend you have thinking about your wedding anniversary and so happy for you all's wonderful time together♪♪♪
    Beautiful picture of bride and groom having Church wedding in Chile. How Great that you two have 32 years happy life together♡♡♡ And I AM sure your mother was smiling and celebrating beside you at the table. Blessings for you two;

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Well, our friends did invite us for dinner because of my birthday; not knowing that it also was about our 25th Church wedding anniversary and especially for giving us a break during the mourning period. It was a very quiet but delicious evening for Pieter and me, at one little table together while Chef Maria prepared the dinners for us and other guests and her husband served beverages. Yes sure, Mom was nearby as she will always be nearby.
      Thank you so much for your blessings and sending you love and hugs back across the ocean from Georgia/USA,

  22. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist eine lange Zeit und ebensolange bin ich mit meinem Mann verheiratet, aber davor schon waren wir 4 Jahre zusammen. Nur kirchlich konnten wir leider nicht heiraten, was ich sehr bedauere, aber es ist schwierig, wenn einer den Glauben nicht hat.
    Ich wünsche Euch beiden noch eine wunderschöne lange Zeit miteinander.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, die Zeit ist an sich schon lange aber wenn man bedenkt wie schnell die vorbeigegangen ist. Wir wollen aber noch viele Jahre zusammen bleiben wenn Gott es will.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  23. What a wonderful souvenir. God bless you and Pieter always.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and so far we have been blessed abundantly!

  24. Amazing adventure Mariette,

    1. Dearest Sergio,
      Yes, it was amazing and that blessing held us for quite some years alive and together.
      Our souls however, are forever fused!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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