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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, March 22, 2015

{Salty Foods Compared}

From the French Journal des Femmes I found a great article, related to health, about 'Salty Foods Compared.'
Even if the Bing translation of the page is not perfect, you still get a good idea.
Saltiest food: Royal pizza. Why is it salty? Royal pizza, quiche Lorraine or Flammekueche... All these dishes are generally very salty. And for good reasons: they consist deli, cold cuts of meat.
Surimi or cherry tomatoes?
Why is t salty? Gernerally the aperitif biscuits are salty. In particular, peanuts, chips, mini pizzas and cookies.
Ketchup or tomato sauce?
The saltiest food: ketchup

Soup or Chinese soup?
The saltiest food: Chinese soup
Roquefort or Reblochon?
the saltiest food: Roquefort
Hamburger or suasage?
The saltiest food: sausage
Mozzarella or feta?
The saltiest food: feta
Roast pork or ham?
The saltiest food: ham
Moussaka or lasagna?
The saltiest food: lasagna
Ham or cooked ham?
The saltiest food: prosciutto
Mayonaise or mustard?
The saltiest food: mustard
Fries or green beans?
The saltiest food: canned green beans
Hamburger or sandwich ham butter
The saltiest food: the sandwich ham-butter
Sausage or garlic?
The saltiest food: dry sausage
Rusk (toast) or baguette?
The saltiest food: the baguette


  1. a lot of these foods i don't eat. i know to eat sausage and ham in moderation. ketchup is quite high in salt! and it is sad that we allow food manufacturers to add so much sodium - like to canned green beans. when i buy canned veggies, i look for low-salt or no-salt-added types.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      You are smart enough to know what to buy but a lot of people never read any labels I guess... I love to cook things fresh if possible and otherwise I too look for the low sodium or no salt added.

  2. Here in Ecuador we mostly cook from scratch and we eat with very little salt cause Alejandro has bad circulation in his legs and swell with salty food, or with sodium. I eat very light things as I don't like gaining weight; I'm one that likes cloths and shoes, lol!
    As I looked at each photo I got hungry, though...what can I tell you, it used to be good, heheheee
    Have a great weekend sweetie.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Guess when one is young, this doesn't make that much of a difference but sooner or later you will be paying a price for salty foods. Either you gain weight and/or your health will get affected negatively. I've never gained weight but with high blood pressure, you have to eat low sodium diets and fresh we do as much as we can. Eating vegetarian or fish and sometimes boneless chicken breast. If you love nice clothes and shoes; that's a very good incentive for watching out!

  3. Hello Mariette, I like to cook a lot of things for myself, part of the reason being to control the salt. Even forgetting about the health benefits, I don't like things that taste too salty. The trick is to start reducing salt use, then you will crave it less and less, and salt-laden foods like those above won't seem tempting.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      You are so right about that; it's the only way for staying in controll of high sodium intake! All people that love to buy 'easy' food, already partly prepared, are paying dearly with their health! When my husband and I sometimes get a serving of very salty food, it ruins all joy as we have completely weaned off of it. We both LOVE spicy food though and that one can really enjoy!
      Happy weekend and kindest regards,

  4. Hi dear Marietta ! Yo prefiero siempre comer comida sana , ya que hay que preocuparse de la salud ,,,
    Espero que tengas un bendecido fin de semana

    1. Dearest Angélica,
      You are a very clever person and a good Mother for taking care of feeding them healthy food. It is just a matter of attitude and cost a little extra time maybe but with great rewards.
      Enjoy a blessed weekend as well.

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    All these dishes are saltiest food royal pigga.I love Roguefost practically salad of tomatoes therefre prefer less salty Mozzrlla of Lower fat-cheeses.
    especially good for Diahetes and for all of us conecerned with blood sugar,
    Thank you very much in my places to how much I need to thinking of my golfing? ..I will working hard to back in my good time!
    Hugs and lots of love to both!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      For a number of reasons it is better to eat the less salty and low fat foods!
      You keep improving and just go for it; never give up.
      Hugs and love from both of us.

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    das sieht appetitlich und einladend aus.
    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja kann sein aber es sind die falschen, saltigen Sachen... die sollte man ja meiden!
      Liebe und sonnige Grüsse zurück aus Georgia/USA.

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    wir kaufen kaum Fertiggerichte und gehen sehr sparsam mit Salz um. Mit der Ernährungswissenschaft beschäftige ich mich schon seit ca. meinem 20. Lebensjahr. Einen Großteil der in Supermärkten angebotenen Nahrungsmittel kann man vergessen ;-) Wir bereiten auch alles frisch zu, das zahlt sich aus!

    Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, es ist sehr klug um so zu leben und auch wir haben es fast immer so gemacht. Es zahlt sich sicher aus und nur gegen etwas mehr Mühe!
      Ganz liebe Grüsse und ein schönes sonniges Wochenende.

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    Thank you such an informative post. I would not have known that so many foods have so much salt. This knowledge will help me decide what to avoid.
    Take care.

    1. Dearest Munir,
      Oh, since my husband and I started checking labels, it is indeed quite surprising in what products it is. Often in things one would never guess. It makes a huge difference for our health!
      Hugs to you,

  9. This is a great information! To be honest, I love salty food and I tend to add salt and pepper to dishes at restaurant all the time. But my husband doesn't cook with much salt and I got used to eating food with less salt over the years. Gotta watch what we eat :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Oh, this I loved to share as it will be quite surprising to a lot of people who just never paid much attention to it. We have cut down drastically on our salt (sodium) intake and it has helped our health a lot. If people would pay more attention to it, that would be very positive. Sure, the industries that produce all the salty foods will not educate the people!
      Your husband is smart for cooking already low sodium.

  10. GoedeAvond lieve Mariette ,
    Dat daar zo groot verschil in zit zeg ...
    vooral met de veta en de mozzarella ...
    weer iets bijgeleerd vandaag ....
    Een fijne zondag ...
    liefs Nieneke

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja, verbázend is het en de meeste mensen die 'nog' niet hoeven op te passen vanwege gezondheidsproblemen, hebben het meestal níet in de gaten. Het is de moeite waard om labels te lezen en als je het juiste hebt, gewoon hetzelfde blijven kopen.
      We hadden een hele bijzondere zondag, helaas geen tijd gehad om blogs te lezen...

  11. Dear Mariette,

    Thank you for sharing this interesting post - we do need to be so careful with what we eat now days.
    We have an apt for our phone which you hold up against the barcode and tells you what is the healthiest brand at the supermarket.
    Hope you are enjoying the weekend
    sending hugs

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      You're quite welcome and it is a very important factor for our daily life choices about what we eat. Such an app can of course be very helpful but like both of us we must check for several different things all together; like no-sugar for me and both low sodium and low cholesterol. That is different than just pointing to the healthiest brand. But it does help and it would be great if more people would tap into that!
      We enjoyed a wonderful weekend with a great singer comedian from Ireland on Saturday evening that we enjoyed at our Church social hall, together with our dear friends (100 people total).
      Wishing you a lovely week.

  12. Dear Mariette,i always cook by my self so i can control the salt because of my high blood pressure !
    Love to cook mediterranean recipes too!!Thank you for sharing!!Have a happy Sunday!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      You are very smart and yes, that is the only way of taking care of your high blood pressure; it helped me also a lot as I'm only taking a 5 mg Norvasc at the moment, down to almost nothing. Far better for adapting your diet than for taking chemicals into your body which have all side affects as well.
      It is always worth while for sharing such info as a lot of people still need to tap into eating healthier.
      Hugs and happy week to you!

  13. Dearest Mariette; When I was making lunch for my husband before retiring, ham and sausage were really convenient to put. My husband likes salty tastes, need to be careful for him. And it is hard for me to try to refrain from taking too much sweets:-)

    I hope you will have a wonderful coming new week.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Oh, when both of us did not need to follow a low sodium diet, I never thought about so many things. Prosciutto ham, dried sausage, liver pâté or whatever, we ate it! Not anymore though... Yes, as we all age, this weighs even more heavily on our overall health. Even young people should be watching out far better. In general, convenient foods are way too salty! Sweets do also have a lot of negative affect on our health. I learned to live without and it's not too hard. Proud that my blood work came back looking great so that proves that our diets are good. Pieter too had a very good result from his recent blood work.
      Our entire week is looking to be very great and I do hope the same will be true for you both.

  14. Ja er wordt overal veel te veel zout in de produkten gestopt. Ben altijd dol op chips en drop geweest, maar dat eet ik niet meer en voor de rest heb je het thuis zelf in de hand om zout toe te voegen. Maar kaas op mijn brood laat ik me niet afpakken.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Het is vooral zo ook om de houdbaarheid van kant-en-klaar producten te verlengen. Drop at ik vroeger ook wel, met name in de winter omdat het ook zo verzachtend werkte bij keelpijn. Grappig ja, we hebben het zelf in de hand maar toch sluipen er af en toe nog gewoontes in waar we met moeite vanaf te brengen zijn. De kaas heft naast het hoge(re) zoutgehalte ook een hoger cholesterol gehalte. Wij beiden eten het eigenlijk niet meer, af en toe geitenkaas en voor de rest vegetarische kaas die eigenlijk best lekker smaakt op het brood!

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    this was very interesting!
    I always try to use and cook with only little salt .... there is so much hidden salt in most of our food!
    Have a great start into the nwe week,
    sending Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you and you are so right as there is so much hidden salt in most of our food!
      Enjoy your new week as well and I'm sending you sunshine.

  16. All processed foods have lots of sodium in them which is why it's good to cook from scratch. I always notice I'm up a pound the day after having anything processed, because of water retention from the sodium!

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      Yes, it is very good to cook from scratch and I never mind doing just that! Water retention is a very negative effect coming from the high sodium levels. Wish people would start reading the labels on food products more so they know what they are getting. Sooner or later it will affect all our health.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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