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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

{Highlights of US Route 93 Arizona}

For you some of the highlights along US Route 93 Arizona which we traveled up and down.
Fantastic maze of towering rock formation on the outskirts of Kingman
Photo taken from the car...
Towering rock formation, photo taken from the car...
Monolith Garden - towering rock formation ←click link for more information
Incredible rock formation
We traveled from Phoenix Sky Harbour Airport in about 4 h 40 min the 483 km (300 mi) to the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge on the Nevada border and on to the Hyatt Place Las Vegas in Nevada. See link below, about previous post.
The US Route 93 is also called the CANAMEX CORRIDOR
Highway 93. Starting in the north, across the Canadian border at Jasper National Park in the heart of the Rocky Mountains.  BETWEEN THE CANADIAN ROCKIES AND THE RIO GRANDE ←click on link for the above and below info.
Photo of Saguaro cacti, taken from the car
Indeed, a very 'green desert' it was only too bad that we could not stop alongside the road...
Joshua Forest Scenic Road (Wikieup to Wickenburg) ←click link for more info about the Sonoran and Mojave deserts.
Mojave meets Sonoran between Wickenburg and Wikieup ←click link to above picture with more to see
Lovely sight of abundant flora and fauna
Some yellow flower visible while passing by
U.S. Route 93 Corridor Projects ←click link for incredible photos of e.g. the 118 m high (388 feet) and 207 m (680 foot) span Burro Creek 1966 Bridge (photo 7)
Highest Bridges: Burro Creek 1966 Bridge ←
Sorry, the car window is not very clean... But don't you love the rugged area? Vast valleys and scenic vistas.
Nearing the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge through very rugged area.
From the Nevada side, looking onto Lake Mead
Sign on the Nevada side near Lake Mead where we stopped at 18:00 o'clock for this photo.
Just a dark cloud passing but we had no rain at all. 

Related links:
{Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge in Arizona} | previous post by me
I-40 West, Arizona The High Desert to Kingman Pass | Interesting 2.54 min. video showing where US Route 93 merges with I-40 West
Joshua Tree Forest Arizona Route 93 HD | Interesting short 1.50 min. video
US Route 93 Arizona | many accidents but now is more 4 lane
US Highway 93 South of I-40 Mohave County |  Click at bottom for more photos


  1. Replies
    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Guess that's what we both love the most! A bit of adventure and seeing the unusual.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you for the wonderful pictures and the interesting informations :O)
    Have a wonderful week,
    Love and hugs,

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Happy that you liked this trip to wild west! Very rugged and interesting, especially in the spring.
      Hugs and happy week to you.

  3. Eine schöne Reise, danke fürs Mitnehmen! :o)
    Liebe Grüße!

    1. Liebe Michaela,
      Ja mitnehmen tue ich sehr gerne und es war auch sehr schön da!
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    besten Dank und sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth
      Aber gerne!
      Auch sonnige Grüsse zurück aber wir hätten so gerne Regen für dem Garten...

  5. Lovely scenery, looks a bit like some areas of Australia, a lot of land with no one in sight!

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Yes, that is very true, the population density is very low!

  6. Als ik zulke foto's altijd zie denk ik meteen -wat een ruimte en ja dat hebben we hier niet !Groetjes,Joan

    1. Beste Joan,
      Oh, dat is ook het éérste waar je hier zo aan moet wennen in het begin. Véél ruimte en ook persoonlijke ruimte maar ik denk dat het samen gaat. In Nederland zit je veel te veel op elkaars lip... Het is altijd nog genieten van de ongerepte natuur hier!

  7. Ik vind dit zo leuk van Amerika, de natuur is zo anders en zo uitgestrekt. De eerste keer maakte het zo'n indruk op me, zo anders dan Europa. En je kan eindeloos door rijden over niet zo overvolle wegen. Mooi om te zien.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, inderdaad erg uitgestrekt is het. Maar de US Route 93 heeft wel een vervelende reputatie voor ongevallen. De combinatie van een tkronkelende wee-baans rijweg met veel trage(re) vrachtwagens, RVs etc. We zagen zelfs zo'n RV die in vlammen was opgegaan... dat veroorzaakte een lange fille.
      Ook jammer dat er geen stopplaatsen zijn waar je even kunt genieten van de steeds veranderende woestijn gezichten. Je moet gewoon met de stroom méé. Maar dat is ook best wel genieten van zo'n afwisselend landschap.

  8. What a lovely ride. The view is incredible!
    I love cacti, they are very pretty and fun to see :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      It was a lovely and ride with constantly changing views. The one surprise after the other but very difficult to make good photos at full speed...

  9. Hi dear friend,
    Love the pics and the information. As i live in Az now (still calling this my temporary home-lol) I appreciate the beauty!

    1. Dearest Barb,
      You can be very proud of your temporary 'home-state'! We love it as it always looks so clean and well kept wherever you go. And such a variety of scenery and nature; incredible!

  10. Looks like a fabulous road trip!!! I need to plan something like that soon... have not been on a road trip for so many years. Have fond memories of spur of the moment road trips with friends while in college. Wishing you a blessed week ahead ..xo Celia M.

    1. Dearest Celia,
      It was another fabulous trip together and we more and more appreciate Arizona. Quite impressive and so diverse.
      Enjoy the remainder of this week.

  11. Lindo lugar para se conhecer. Fico encantada com as belas estradas.
    Bjos tenha um ótimo dia.

    1. Dearest Anajá,
      Yes for getting to know Arizona better this is incredible to experience its scenic routes.
      Enjoy the upcoming weekend; just around the corner.

  12. Hi dear Marietta ! Hermoso lugar para conocer ! Que tengas un bello dia

    1. Dearest Angélica,
      Yes, it is very pretty out there and we were so amazed at all the ever changing scenery.
      Happy Thursday to you.

  13. Wow what bloody awesome photos, love them a lot just so you know

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      The photos might not be the greatest, all taken, except for the last ones, at high speed... But we still captured some of its beauty along this incredible US Route 93 in Arizona.

  14. Hello dear Mariette!!
    Such a lovely trip you had!!
    Wonderful pictures and very interesting informations!!
    Thank you for sharing!!Have a happy day!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      We really had and it was oh so rewarding to venture out into this ever changing scenic route.
      You're quite welcome and thanks for your visit dear friend.

  15. Hoi Mariette,

    Wat is de VS toch prachtig! Ik ben er zelf nog nooit geweest, maar het staat hoog op mijn 'to do' list. Vooral New York, Boston en New England spreken mij erg aan, maar ook de plaatsen waar Pieter en jij op jullie reis zijn geweet zijn erg mooi. Wie weet misschien komt het er ooit van :-)

    Fijne week verder Mariette!

    Madelief x

    1. Beste Madelief,
      Ja, de VS is heel mooi en het enigste probleem is dat het zo àllemachtig groot is! Maar het blijft boeien en zeker als je veel van de natuur houd. Ja, wie weet kom je nog deze kanten uit, er zijn soms geweldige aanbiedingen en dan krijg je een mooi zetje.

  16. Dear Mariette,
    A very scenic and beautiful trip - one of my favorite places to go on vacation is the Southwest. I have been down route 93 only once and partially at night. It looks like an amazing experience. Interesting information you have provided, too. Your photos are wonderful!
    Hugs xo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Well, I would not have wanted to miss the view we had during the day; incredible. But you're right, the Southwest is so beautiful for a vacation!
      Photos was not easy while driving at full speed but at least we got something to share.

  17. We drove to Arizona a couple of years ago and stayed two weeks south of Tucson in and artist village called Tubac. I always love seeing the saguaro cactus.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      We've been now to different parts of Arizona but never down to Tucson or below. Bet that too is very beautiful.

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    You had beautiful of photos from Arizona from inside car's..but you carry plenty of waters.
    I has looking of kingman Arizona golfing too...Oh yes I where looking for Garden... It must be side of the road in the monolilh Gardem? I was very happy to your car's was never stoping of cause dear Pieter's all ways with you!
    Hugs and time of your always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      We did have a blessed and safe journey all the way up north and back again. It all was worth it with such beautiful scenery. Monolith Garden consists just of those rock formations; quite a sight too!
      Sending you hugs back from both of us.

  19. Bellissime fotografie e come sempre un viaggio ben dettagliato.
    Buona domenica.

    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      Grazie per i tuoi complimenti!
      Buona Domenica Sera a tutti voi.
      Un abbraccio,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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