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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, February 27, 2020

1965 Pieter visiting French Mushroom Grower André Sarazin near Historic Compiègne

Together with Belgian Spawn representative Guy de Man, Pieter went to French mushroom grower André Sarazin in Cuts, near Compiègne.
Husband Pieter left and André Sarazin to the right who is holding his sunglasses as this was on a sunny day in France.
André Sarazin did organize the 3rd ISMS Congress in Paris in 1956
They also for the first time had simultaneous translation! 
Wearing a headphone and some professional translators did translate...
Guy de Man was quite a character for capturing Pieter this way and writing in the corner: How beautiful and signing off with Guy de Man...
One more of such photos by Guy de Man...
But Pieter truly was admiring the excellent quality of these brown and white 'Champignon de Couche' inside their wooden boxes!
See their broad stems?! 
Hard to find such quality nowadays.
The quality that is grown inside those marl caves always looks excellent!
Here Pieter is with André Sarrazin at his compost place in Cuts.
This was the first grower to also have some kind of tunnel. Pieter walks on the concrete edge of a kind of cellar that was aerated from below.
Nowadays we call it a bunker, not a tunnel...
Bottom left you see Paris and to the north east you see Compiègne and Cuts where the mushroom farm from André Sarrazin was located.
André Sarrazin's marl cave business at six locations, once was the largest private owned mushroom business in France... He started it in 1958.
Sadly, André Jr. and the successor, got killed in an accident and André Sr. succumbed to grief...
The company got sold but ceased to exist as it is very difficult for mechanizing inside those rather low ceiling caves... To continue growing in bags is hard physical labor!
André Sarrazin did take Pieter to Compiègne, the historic location where on November 11, 1918 the Armistice agreement was signed to end WWI.
But a nasty revenge by Adolf Hitler in June of 1940...
The untold story of the 1918 Armistice just click it for a 2 minute video right at the top.
One year while traveling in France, Pieter did show me the area as well.

History lessons we ought to all learn from!

Sunday, February 23, 2020

French Claron Antique Postcards of Marl Cave Mushroom Growing

In the 1980s we did receive from Claron, Vendôme/France, for New Year, a package with Antique Postcards about French Marl Cave Mushroom Growing
This postcard shows the hard work of harvesting inside such Marl Caves in France.
They have made ridge beds on the floor from their compost... covered with crushed marl.
Preparing the substrate: composting, then making ridge beds inside the caves.
The support culture of fungi is the compost, which serves as a food substrate to fungi.
It must be prepared. Compost is a mixture of horse manure (75%) and straw (25%). Manure and straw are not directly assimilated by the Paris champignon (button mushroom), for insufficiently being decomposed; the operation is therefore to obtain a rich compost fermentation of these two ingredients. Just click for more photos and info on the short link and click through...
Here you see a Mushroom Grower at the entrance of the cave...
Now the men proudly pose with their harvested mushrooms...
Découvrez comment sont cultivés les champignons à Villers–Cotterêts ←click for short video where in the end the person shows this photo of his Grandfather!
Well, don't know if the above video is telling the truth...
Came upon this historic information with the same photo and more: The Delalande Family, La Cave des Roches. 4 centuries of history ←click link and see below image:
Showing off their harvest here and even a French kitty is posing in this picture!
This was the card: CLARON and its collaborators wish you all the best for the new year.
They were the producers of Mushroom Spawn at the time...

Some unique history that I wanted to share with my readers!

Related posts:
1958 Tragedy for Pieter's Mushroom Friends in Zichen-Zussen-Bolder in Belgium | previous post
Husband Pieter visiting Mushrooms in the Cave - Bradford-on-Avon in England | previous post
Blink TV Australia used our Marl Cave Mushroom Growing Image in Guillaume's Paris Episode 9 | later post where Pieter's Postcards got used by permission for TV series

Pieter's Mom in DEEP Thoughts While Penning Letter - Followed by Disaster!

You have read my blog posts about Pieter's older brothers being deployed in Indonesia for several years.
Pieter's Mom was the loyal writer and you have seen one photo where she is penning a letter...
This photo where she is in DEEP Thoughts while penning a letter... 
She also enclosed news paper clippings to send along with the letter, as well as some money...
Then, scooping up the leftover clippings, for throwing them into the stove - she ACCIDENTALLY grabbed her leather wallet instead! 
So Pieter recalls this incident very vividly. The bulging leather wallet inside the flames and by the time they tried to rescue it, with something - it was too late.
Engulfed in flames, wallet and household money went up in smoke...
My Dear Mother-In-Law has been a loyal letter writer.
Till her death on November 21, 1989 she almost weekly wrote us a letter, just as I've done all those years.
She was 94.5 years old and a colon cancer survivor.
Below is her final letter to her family:
Zij die ik teleurstelde
Vergeef mij
Zij die mij teleurstelde is het vergeven
Zij die mij zoo dierbaar waren help mij door uw gebed
Dat mijn heengaan een blijde opgang moge zijn naar God.
Ik dank allen die mijn leven zoo mooi maakten.
Blijf elkaar genegen.
Moge mijn ziel met u in vrede rusten
Verder hoop ik dat de familie band sterk moogt bewaren.
Dit is mijn laatste wens, Moeder
The ones I let down
Forgive me
Those who let me down are forgiven
Those who loved me so much help me through your prayer
That my passing may be a happy onset to God.
I thank all who made my life so beautiful.
Keep affection for each other.
May my soul rest with you in peace
Further I hope that the family bond will be kept strong.
This is my last wish, Mother

My Mother-in-law also was very active for decades in the Elderly

Related posts:
1948 Gevaphone Record with Young Pieter Playing his Accordion for his Marine Brother | previous post
72 Years Later... Gevaphone Spoken Letters to Marine Brother Employed Overseas | previous post
1948 Gevaphone Record with Young Pieter Playing his Accordion for Brother in Uniform | previous post
72 Years Later... Gevaphone Spoken Letters to Military Brother Employed Overseas | previous post

Saturday, February 15, 2020

THE GUMNUTS from Australia and Other Cute Book

On Friday, September 3, 1993 we went shopping at the QVB after having checked in at the Hilton Sydney, see post below.
Both of us instantly fell in love with the cute GUMNUTS at one of the stores.
So this cute book about Ten Little Gumnuts by author illustrator May Gibbs, came home with us!
Special wrapping paper with GUMNUTS
Author May Gibbs did a lot of good:
We further purchased:
Sam Vole and his Brothers by Martin Waddell and Barbara Firth
Don't think the ones residing in our yard were/are THAT CUTE!
They ATE our tulip bulbs and more...!!!
These are not MOLES but VOLES!
Loved that there were even Mushrooms on the back of its cover... showing that they loved our profession!
Sam Vole wants to go voling all by himself. But wherever he goes, his brothers, Arthur and Henry go too!
Makes for Sweet Story Telling for some Sweet Kids!!!

Related link:
From Hong Kong to Sydney, Australia | previous post by me with shopping at the QVB
Sydney - Vivid Lights Festival at the Botanic Gardens - day 2 PM | post by blogger friend Sami about Snugglepot and Cuddlepot, the May Gibbs' book characters published in 1918

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Pieter's Favorite Lambskin Leather Jacket Made New Again...

Feeling quite proud for having tackled this task!
Pieter's favorite soft and supple lambskin jacket that he got from Pond's India from their upscale Leather Garments Factory.
Pieter patting a Wallaby in Healesville Sanctuary, Australia on September 27, 1992
Probably the photo with the most NEW lambskin jacket... as he got it in February of 1992.
This is taken at The Spa at Norwich Inn on April 20, 1997 when we did consulting work and stayed at one of their Villas.
This is taken on February 9, 2002 when we were on the bus to Beatle Mania!
Over the years, the upper part in the back got faded and also on one shoulder...
With black leather dye I did touch it up... from LeatherNu click it
For quite some days I had to wait for finally being able to make a photo with good light!
This got taken on January 5.
The back side... this photo is not lightened or whatever.
Perfect for wearing end of January together with Pieter's wool Fedora hat...
Yes, we both have one, mine got ordered here in the USA.
Wearing it with my black Escada jeans and scarf with my rib cord newsboy cap...

Related posts:
Visiting Healesville Sanctuary in VIC, Australia | previous post by me
Darling Harbour Cruise in Sydney for Surprise Birthday Party | previous post by me

Friday, February 7, 2020

Sister Diny's Rabbit LOVED my Saddlebag from The Bridge Italy

After having been to the Congress in Hong Kong, we continued traveling to Australia for another Congress in Sydney.
Next we flew to Melbourne for a weekend at the Grand Hyatt, using our points.
On Saturday, September 4, 1993 we went to an Italian shop, run by an Italian so I was happy being able to chat with her. In the window we'd already eyed a beautiful tan Saddlebag from The Bridge, Italy.
Now I became its happy owner!
Loved the lock and the stitching around the cording.
So did my sister Diny's pet-rabbit, as it managed to chew a hole in it, while we were visiting her on September 18, 1994... 🐇
Screenshot from video taken at the Gardens of the Alhambra in Spain, with the saddlebag.
We had visited Diny prior to that vacation by bus via France, into Spain and Portugal.
April 20, 1997 at The Spa at Norwich Inn in Connecticut where we stayed at one of their villas during our consulting work.
Wearing my saddlebag (left in picture).
The Spa at Norwich Inn where we stayed in a Villa... click it
From there, we also drove to Logee's for some unique plants
No, I have NO pictures of that favorite bag before the rabbit took a BITE... 🐇
Yep, the Rabbit took a bite right on the leather piping... 🐇

The Bridge Pellettieri in Firenze, Italy
For 1993 pricing Australian $ 119.00
But what to do about the HOLE?
Found THIS: LeatherNu and ordered it... just click link
Well, I have had it for almost 2 years sitting here before using it 'ONE DAY'
Finally I DID!
Starting out with the Leather Repair Compound...
On New Year's Day, I had filled in the RABBIT HOLE for the first time and let it cure... 🐇
On January 6, the RABBIT HOLE looking like this... 🐇
Hitting BINGO with the matching color brown already inside this package and applying a few coats of leather dye.
Got these sponges to apply the dye from the tiny bottle...
Next a few coats with the Clear Leather Sealer...
Result was GOOD! 
And this, after all those years...
Wore my Saddlebag to Church on my Angel Sister's 70th Birthday and feeling happy with it.
Poor Rabbit is long over the Rainbow Bridge... 🐇
It matches well with my Escada jeans and coat.
But I still LOVE my Saddlebag from The Bridge with quite a story attached to it, adventures covering three continents!
Being made in Italy, sold in Australia, taken home to the U.S.A., being bitten in The Netherlands and finally restored in the U.S.A.
Matching also nicely my suede/leather boots from Italy, purchased in 1989 when we lived and worked there. 

Related links:
Our Weekend at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne Regency Club | previous post by me
From Hong Kong to Sydney, Australia | previous post by me

Monday, February 3, 2020

1948 Gevaphone Record with Young Pieter J.C. Vedder Playing his Accordion for his Marine Brother

At the local café in Groessen, The Netherlands, Mr. Holland, also coalman and grocer, had set up a make-shift studio.
 That make-shift studio came from Apeldoorn, a bigger city in the Province of Gelderland.
Once again: Grateful to NIMH The Netherlands for extracting its contents! See for more info link below from first post at bottom where I explain about donating these records to the Dutch Institute for Military History
Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie
Ministerie van Defensie
Photo is from a couple of years earlier where Pieter played on his Hohner.
This recording he did with his beloved Soberano.
Husband Pieter playing on his accordion two songs for his Marine brother serving in Indonesia...

Aan de over van de Beuly in Dutch
On the banks of the Breuly
Between Ooy and Zevenaar
A frog sat loudly crying
With his hands in his hair

Dear little one, the mother spoke
See yonder that stork
't Is the murderer of you father
He ate him with skin and hair

Dammit, spoke the little
Did the tall one do that
When later I'm big and strong
I'll sure beat him up

The little one grew up
Again he saw that stork
And you won't believe it
He ate him with skin and hair

On the banks of the Breuly
Between Ooy and Zevenaar
A frog sat crying loudly
With his hands in his hair

Cheerio Holland

 I sing you a song full of sway and pleasure 
Of Holland, proud but small 
The land of the dunes, the forests and sea 
Where all those mills are 
From the flower bulb fields, the butter and cheese 
Foremost of Dutch generosity 
Where, that they are free again 
And again be so welcoming 
There I prefer to be of all 
Cheerio! Cheerio! In Holland there they sing like this 
Away with the worries and away with the sadness 
We will get there, even though we are not there yet 
Because the boys of Tromp and Piet Hein 
They will not get them down 
We had the moth in it for five years 
But now things are turning 
And Dutch we want to be 
The Dutch engineers are known 
They make this country great 
They dig channels and dampen the sea 
Exactly if it is just a ditch 
And it is again so beautiful in the forest or the heath 
The Betuwe and in the Gooi 
And the girls, blast it 
That is Holland's glory 
With that Holland is so beautiful 
That country is known for its Deventer Cake 
Oysters from Zierikzee 
Pipes from Gouda, its Peace Palace 
And by its Heroes of the Sea 
Because of its great civility, Moerdijk (technoport), K.L.M (Royal Dutch Airlines) 
The folklore of Volendam 
And Dutch prosperity 
The good old gin 
That wonderful drink from Schiedam 
On June 17, 1949 Pieter's Parents had their 25th Wedding Anniversary but the two boys were not yet home...
After numerous letters and this very unique Gevaphone greeting, the brothers finally got home after the 25th wedding anniversary in 1949... 
Toon (Anthony) departed from Indonesia on September 3, on the Vessel Kota Inten.

Toon was in the possession of some personal items from one of his comrades that did NOT make it back out alive. He was not able to deliver them to the young Marine's Parents though but requested Pieter to do it for him...
So Pieter went to the place of Elst, as he recalls, amidst the many fruit trees in that area. He remembers vividly the emotions that came with that. 
Of course, they invited him inside and asked several questions to which Pieter only could reply, sorry I cannot give you any more information as I was not there...
He never will forget the very emotional impact it had on his young life!

While the two older brothers served, Pieter was summoned to serve. 
One of the City Council Members advised Pieter's Dad to request dispensation as he already had two of his older sons serving at war and he needed a hand for his greenhouses as he himself had severe back problems.
So Pieter drove with his Dad, in their Volkswagen Beetle to Arnhem, the capital of their Province of Gelderland, to see Dr. Hoefnagels a famous specialist for back problems at the Arnhem Hospital.
Somewhat timidly Pieter's Dad stepped in at the doctor's office who asked him in some surly and authoritarian way, 'what are the problems?!'
Pieter's Dad shyly replied: 'My back' to which the doctor snarled: 'What back, where back?!'
To which Pieter's Dad said: 'If YOU don't know where the back is, I'm at the wrong place here.' 
Pieter's Dad turned around and Pieter can still hear his voice saying: 'You just go and serve, I don't need this!'
All in all, Pieter was rather proud of him, regardless the result of this visit.

And thus, husband Pieter had to serve!

 He proudly did!

Related links:
72 Years Later... Gevaphone Spoken Letters to Marine Brother Employed Overseas | previous post
1948 Gevaphone Record with Young Pieter Playing his Accordion for Brother in Uniform | previous post
72 Years Later... Gevaphone Spoken Letters to Military Brother Employed Overseas | previous post
Pieter's Music Booklet from WWII Era | how Pieter learned to play his first accordion


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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