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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Breakfast at Hyatt Regency Sarasota and off to Fort Lauderdale/Plantation in Florida

 We continued with our 10-day stay in Florida...
Now we were driving from the West coast of Florida to the East coast.
We enjoyed our final breakfast at Currents Restaurant of the Hyatt Regency, on February 3...
Rye toast with avocado, cherry tomatoes and micro greens with balsamic.
Continuing our healthy living just like at home.
For our Hyatt status we could opt for late check out at 14:00 so Pieter could enjoy his nap before driving across the state to the East coast.
Bye bye Hyatt Regency Sarasota with its excellent courtesy!
Around 17:30 I pulled up at the Hyatt Place Fort Lauderdale/Plantation where we've been before.
We stayed there in April of 2011, from the 16th-18th.
Perfect spot for parking near the exit door, which operates with room key!
Bye bye Sarasota with the lovely weather...
Hello Plantation with even warmer weather. We only had rain on Saturday night...
Enjoy short 1:40 min Relive video:

Friday, February 25, 2022

Carnival the way Pieter's Mom Celebrated it

On February 27 starts the Carnival in Europe... 
Here, Mardi Gras will be on Tuesday, March 1, it is mainly celebrated in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Also called Fat Tuesday, the final day of the Carnival Season and the day before Ash Wednesday.
Horst aan de Maas, my birth town with their VERY FIRST CARNIVAL PRINCE:  Prince Rinus I (Janssen) and jester Teng Jeuken in the front.
Pieter's Mom is standing to the right of Prince Rinus I.
Remember my previous post: The Silver Bond Pin was awarded to Mrs. Vedder-Peer ←click link.
Pieter's Mom was the 1st secretary of the local Catholic Association for the Elderly, started in November of 1961...
SO, she was deeply involved in the Carnival for the elderly as well!
Strange to see all 65+ women dressed in black, versus what we wear at present.
Pieter's Mom was not yet 68 in the above photo.
Stepping back in time...
Photo by Studio in Arnhem, Pastoorstraat 9 in The Netherlands.
 1898 when Maria Margaretha Peer (seen on the left) was just three years old.
She is in this very old picture with her cousin Gerarda Uffing who seems to be almost identical in age.
Well, after some research I found out that Grada was 1.5 years younger... hence her kind of 'baby–hair'.
A cute three year old that had to live through so many hardships. 
Being the eldest of 11 was already tough.
Then WWI came and the Depression Years...
Next WWII and all their greenhouses got shattered.
They had to evacuate with very little what they could take with them on the horse wagon.
Their house got bombarded and severely damaged...
Husband Pieter recalls that for weeks they had to collect the glass shards from the fields and then start all over with new glass that they obtained from Belgium.
A woman that worked hard, alongside her market gardener husband.
Out in the fields and in the environment.
She also overcame colon cancer and enjoyed her life for some two more decades.
1968 Pieter's Mom, now being a widow, with Prince Jan II Keijsers.
1968 in the center is Pieter's Mom and to her right (for viewer) is my Paternal Grandmother.
My Mother-in-law and my Paternal Grandmother, Oma Lamberdina Van den Munckhof were best friends!
Both of their husbands served as border guards during WWI when The Netherlands remained neutral, hence no military service during those years...
Here, Mother Vedder is seen to the right.
She wears a sign that reads 1971...
It is the very same hat she wears as in 1968 but we have no information.
This is the famous 'Boeren Bruiloft' or Farmers Wedding that is celebrated when the new Prince has been elected.
1967 Pieter himself... probably when his friend Frank (Boekesteijn) became Prince Frank I and also Jan Keijsers his Adjudant. Jan was the architect of the Practical Mushroom Training College and personal friend of Pieter. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Nature Trail Walk at The Bay Park in Sarasota, Florida

 Coming back from our lunch with friend Jo in Osprey, Florida we went together for a walk at The Bay Park.
While Pieter was napping upon our arrival, I'd walked this very stretch myself...
The day before we both walked to Whole Foods Market for buying us some Siggi's Icelandic yogurt (because it contains little sugar) and some fresh mandarins.
The Bay Park is like paradise...
Perfect reflection in the water...
Loved the way they had information burnt into the wooden boards from the walkway.
About Florida's iconic cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto) that can live for two centuries...
Interesting history that some might have greeted the Scottish settlers in 1885!
We opted for The Bay Park →
It is very nice that there are spots with benches to rest on and for taking in the natural surroundings.
No need for running!
It also was the perfect ending of a happy day, after the lunch in Osprey with dear friend Jo.
See previous post: Lunch with a Dear Writer Friend in Osprey, Florida ←click link.
Wearing my pearl necklace and earrings with antique silver inserts, created by a dear friend.
The Bayou Bridge got donated by Bob and Lin Williams; they definitely deserve a shout out, because for their generosity so many others can indulge in this natural beauty from up close!
This for sure was not a park where you would want to hurry...
Just stopping and seeing these water birds come to their 'bedrooms'.
It was after 17:00 and remember, still winter time, as much as it affects this subtropical region.
But yes, they too felt the impact of the extreme cold from the North pushing all the way South.
In Lakeland, FL we had frost during our first night!
But like my opening image shows, those birds are near the water and sheltered inside these evergreen mangroves.
A lot of preening and also story telling about how their day went...
Just like in 2014, we made this WeFie at the Performing Arts Hall: {Sarasota Bay, Florida - Great Egret} ← click link
Wearing my black Escada jeans and only Pieter wanted to change into other shoes and thus wearing his shorts. I was comfy enough.
It was very hard with the low sun to get a WeFie without any glare... Hence that dancing sun-dot near my eye 😉
Those Bird Bedrooms in the mangrove were really filling up by now!
For both of us, this was a real BONUS!
Along the walkway, there was this area and I did step up for better viewing the birds.
The short video of it, is inside my Relive.
Pieter stayed down.
Just as I'd captured the birds in the trees on their branches for the night, I looked down and could not believe my eyes. A raccoon to the right, very close to my feet, only at the water level and a big bunny to the left! 
Wish I'd captured both of them on video as well...
Our actual walking time, as captured on our Strava app was 46 minutes and 47 seconds.
Relive, however shows it as having been 1 hour and 28 minutes. Well that is all the 'stand still' time included!
We also met with a German born woman, walking her two cute Dachshunds that reminded me of my sweet Mauzie girl... We did chat for a long time!
Again at the end of the trail we could see the John Ringling Causeway Bridge towards Saint Armands Circle on Lido Key.
It was interesting to spot this very bird that we'd captured at the beginning of our one and a half hour walk/chat and indulge tour. 
Now it was facing the opposite direction!
Before walking back to our hotel, I had to capture this building with so many palm trees growing in big planters on the roof top.
Enjoy my short Relive video of 1:06 minute here below!

Monday, February 21, 2022

Lunch with a Dear Writer Friend in Osprey, Florida

 The main reason for coming back to Sarasota was to meet with our widow friend Jo...
Here we are at The Point in Osprey, Florida.
Jo, with her late husband Dennis, whom we lost on December 20, 2016, used to come here by boat at little Sarasota Bay.
We have come back to Sarasota numerous times, such as here with Dennis still with us: {Made In Italy Pizzeria in Venice, Florida with Friends}
We have met through blogger friends... 
Picture taken by Dennis on June 29, 2016 at the lobby of the very Hyatt Regency where we were staying also this time...
Who could have known that less than 6 months later our dear friend Dennis would be gone.
One more reason for never postponing things; do it while your'e all still alive!
It is said that Jo is the spitting image of me...
We have so much in common, she used to design and sew her clothes and she's an excellent Lady Chef.
Jo's cookbook is exceptional: The Treasures of My Family Cooking Italian Cookbook available at Apple Books
Pastry recipes included in the book were served to the King and Queen of Naples.
But also available as a printed book in exceptional paper quality in color on 141 pages!
Just email Jo: The Treasures of My Family Cooking Italian Cookbook for obtaining this book for $ 39.95.
A TRUE Treasure!
An exotic friend from Chenectady, New York but she studied abroad in Naples...
Living in Sarasota, Florida and she often visited back with her relatives in Naples.
Who would NOT love to make an authentic Tira Mi Su?
It is all in her special book!
Beautiful photo from The Point, taken by Jo.
This was my version, from where we were seated.
The restaurant has three levels, with third floor bar for spectacular sunset views...
Husband Pieter opted for the Flat Top Grouper Tacos and I tried the Mini Lobster Rolls (2).
Pieter's Flat Top Grouper Tacos
My delicious Mini Lobster Rolls
It was heartwarming to read this on my MacBook later in the afternoon...
Jo wrote: Wonderful lunch with my best friends Mariette and Pieter. All the way from Georgia. ❤️❤️ priceless.
Pieter mentioned: That was so very special with perfect weather and what a VIEW! Thank you dear friend and Dennis was with us in thoughts...
Jo: Pieter thank you my dearest friend. May God bless you always.
Another of my longtime blogger friends Barbara replied:
Three of my favorite folks!
Jo: Barbara love you. Thank you. They are the greatest.
Another blogger friend Carole from Katie Isabella tuned in:
Oh you are friends with my dear friend Mariette!
Jo: Carole yes. Love her.
Carol: Jo me as well! And Pieter too.
Jo: Carole yes. ❤️❤️
I've added: Perfect weather and such a nice historical spot at The Point.
Jo: Mariette so happy we had great weather. Loved being with you.
Hope we get to do this again soon.
Love you.

It was such a wonderful get together and it feels as good for the soul as for the stomach to have such a lunch at a beautiful place!

Since Jo is a writer, we wanted to show her our book but we forgot...
So Pieter posed with it once we got back at the Hyatt Regency, to forward to Jo...
Then we both went for a lovely walk but will show that later 😏

Related link:
{Columbus Day and Saint Armands Circle in Sarasota, Florida} | previous post where we explored the area where Jo and Dennis had their business...

Saturday, February 19, 2022

From Lakeland, to Sarasota via Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Florida

 After two nights at the Hyatt Place in Lakeland, Florida, I was driving to our next hotel, the Hyatt Regency in Sarasota and I opted to take the scenic route over the I-275 South, Sunshine Skyway (tall and long bridge) Bradenton.
It is said that it is one of the world's longest cable stayed, concrete bridges.
With its 6.7 km length or 4.14 miles it goes up 131 m or 430 feet and one of the most spectacular bridges in the world!
Over the years, they now have added a suicide fence on both sides...
Below post you can view my 1.5 min. Relive capture, but bear in mind that it was quite difficult to capture any 'good' images with one hand while driving at a speed of over 50 miles. My husband Pieter no longer can do this for me, as his eye sight is not well enough and especially not at high speed.
Our destination, the Hyatt Regency in Sarasota...
Guess we were having the BEST weather we ever have had over 38 years, driving down to Florida!
Blue skies and no rain.
View from our room #931 at the Hyatt Regency... in the back you see the beautiful Ritz Carlton Sarasota.
Not really that warm on the day of arrival, after a cold spell that reached far South.
But clear and sunny and for all three coming days that we would be here!
18℃ is 64℉ for those that would not know...
24℃ is 75℉
27℃ is 80℉
You also see that the nights are warming up again!
Decided to ride the elevator down from our 9th floor, and go for a walk, while my Pieter was taking his 'delayed' nap!
Wrote him a note for IF he would wake up and not seeing me...
As you can see again from the outside where I stepped out of the door, a picture perfect day at a lovely location.
So happy with our 3 FREE nights on points, that we accumulated over the years.
There was a lot of construction going on alongside the Sarasota Bay area... could not walk further here as I hit a fence.
Picture from the front entrance of the Hyatt Regency
Enjoyed walking on the other side of the road into this lovely Van Weezel Way at Sarasota Bay area.
In the distance you see the John Ringling Causeway Bridge towards Saint Armands Circle on Lido Key.
Photo taken near Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall.
This was near the spot where I've captured in 2014 the Anhinga: {Sarasota Bay, Florida - Anhinga} ←click link.
Walking behind our hotel, I enjoyed watching these brown pelicans.
Diving ever so fast and when they resurfaced they had scooped up a fish...
Hence that kind of 'bag' under their beak. They then swallowed it down and flew off in order to dive again!
Do you see the pelican in the center, ready to dive?
Right before the entrance door, from the backside of the Hyatt Regency, this juvenile Snowy Egret in residence was greeting me.
My Pieter was still happily napping between the goose down duvet and pillows...
So he had not yet read my note about me walking! 😉
A beautiful sunset on our first evening back in Sarasota Bay...
{Sarasota, Florida - Hyatt Regency} and in 2014 and once before that...
Click in center...


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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