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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, November 21, 2022

Tiggy Tiger girl on her Leopard Blanket and Outdoor Cat Friend

Our tiny Tiggy–Tiger girl loves to lounge inside, now the sun is less warm.
She really is our Mini Tiger as you can tell by my fingers...
Tiggy–Tiger always has a smile on her face...
A cute, almost pocket size kitty...
Her whiskers visible here on October 13.
On October 15... Friend Cat (as we call him) sat next to our oak stump—waiting for Tiggy–Tiger to come and see him.
But Tiggy–Tiger preferred her Leopard Blanket...
This poor kitty obviously is not enjoying the indoor lifestyle with his human parents, as ours do.
Makes me always sad to see their faces!
Had to take these photos through the window as he runs off the minute I open our veranda door—such a skittish kitty.
Tried often to feed him treats—no luck.
He probably never had one and doesn't know about them...

Do you think that our kitties 'talk about' how they live with their human parents?!

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  1. Cats are a special animal. The have a long history to live with humans, but have never lost wild characters. It's almost impossible to understand them fully. I love to watch a cat's back, who stays at the veranda and observes changes in the outer world. From behind, cats look like a philosopher who has been concentrating on search for truth in space. They might know what freedom means.

    1. Dearest RTC,
      Yes, they are very special animals and they have a history of thousands of years as a companion to humans—the Egyptian cat is proof of that and even mummified proof.
      Tiggy Tiger's brother Spooky is such a philosopher—he can just sit there dreaming while looking outside. Our windowsills in the kitchen are their favorite spots.
      They could teach us a lot...

  2. Tiggy Tiger is such a sweetheart. The blanket coordinates well with her fur! ♥

    I feel sorry for the visiting cat too, I wonder if he's an unneutered male. Maybe one day you'll be able to give him treats.

    1. Dearest Kim,
      There used to be two of them, from one family but the elder one we have not seen for quite a while. He was not neutered I have seen him on top of Tiggy Tiger after she got neutered...
      There is no chance ever to make him come to us—way too skittish.

  3. Hi, Mariette and Pieter!
    Your girl is SO cute!!! She is just like Tareco, but he has green eyes and hers are brown. And he's a bit bigger! ;)
    I hope that her kitty friend may start to let you feed him. He's not skinny, so he has food, but I bet he would be happier with some cuddles and snacks.
    Lots of hugs!

    1. Dearest Paula,
      Tiggy Tiger is a cute and very hyper mini. Tareco is a male so that makes him bigger also.
      Don't think that kitty friend will ever come closer to us. What breaks my heart is that often late in the evening he's crying on the patio... All ours are cozy inside and he wants some company.
      No, he's not skinny but there is more to a kitty than just feeding—in our opinion!
      Hugs to all of you,
      Pieter & Mariette

    2. Maybe someone harmed him in the past and he is affraid of humans?
      Our Tareco came from the cannel and he was very nervous and wouldn't let us near him at first. He was about 3 or 4 months old, and I don't know what he went through in the street, before he was captured.
      Only after a few days, did he let us pet him and now he's still a bit jumpy, but he trusts us and knows we love him.
      I also think that there's more to a kitty than just feeding him, but at least he is not starving, like some poor animals that are abandoned in the streets.
      Praying that he comes to the conclusion that you just want to help him and not harm him.

    3. That would be awful but you are so right—we never know what their story is. Ours are born here at home and I was present. Speckie came from the North Carolina Humane Society where we got her after she'd been there for just two days, with her brother who also got adopted soon. She is home and never had a bad history.
      If they only could talk! They communicate but it could be more.
      By the way, that photo of Tiggy Tiger's eyes is a bit deceiving as it was evening. All our kitties have golden eyes. Green is even more special but we have none.
      Hugs to all of you!

    4. I wish every animal could be loved and well treated... They are so sweet and sometimes suffer so much...
      Your Tiggy Tiger's eyes are beautiful and your kitties are blessed to be loved by you and Pieter!

  4. What a nice looking cat. I like cats.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Tiggy Tiger is like the British Twiggy... tiny but so feisty and sweet!

  5. Hello from Bend OR! Helen here ~~ kitty cats are the most loving cuddly pets, your Tiggy Tiger is adorable!

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Yes, kitty cats are very cuddly and they would not be able to live without their human parents—at least not ours!

  6. Tiggy Tiger is soooo cute, Mariette. I love that leopard blanket. She looks so cozy and comfy sitting there with you by her side. Your neighbor cat does look like he needs a friend. Is that your yellow house on the blog Header? It's well kept up and so charming. Wishing you sweet November days.


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Thank you and yes she is very comfy. She only now begged me to be let out through the front door. Probably she is visiting this sad kitty... Tiggy Tiger is very social and a sweet friend to other kitties. And to the neighbor's chickens—across the street. She often sleeps with them.
      Yes, the Golden Mist is our color and early this year the painters completed repainting it a 2nd time since 2013.
      Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Currently I have one cat - and she’s spoiled and pampered and I enjoy doing that for her. She’s strictly indoors. Her BFF, besides me is her dog. A black lab. They hang around together when Laydee is not outside. Susie likes to sniff Laydees paws. Perhaps a feline foot fetish perhaps. Cats are so clean, and always smell so sweet. We do have a black cat that visits our yard due to the bird feeders. I hate that but the cat is just doing what cats do. My dog is obsessed with the black cat. Susie is obsessed with the black cat and together they press their noses against my clean window leaving me with “nose art” that I have to wipe down every couple of days.

    They have a sweet little life that joins with us - they’re caretakers. There is definite love there - I’m convinced of that. Inside the house they do what we do - ww eat at the same time and go to bed at the same time. Like clockwork. They seem to love the day to day routines that make them feel loved and safe.

    1. Dearest Debby,
      Your Susie is one lucky girl and yes they are very clean and soft.
      Guess the paw sniffing is more like reading where Laydee has been!
      Tell me about the 'nose art' — haha our home is full of it!
      And it is true that they are so used to a perfect routine—we never need an alarm as they wake us up for being served breakfast! Once we gain our pet's trust—we are showered with loyalty and love.

  8. I agree completely. I have blogged and even occasionally facebooked about how cats are so mis-understood by those who think they should be like dogs. That dooms the humans and the cats to not having a loving relationship such as I do with Katie; and you both do with your little ones. When you always show love to your cat, believe me (I know you do), the cat WILL love you in return, even more than you love him or her. Let the cat be a cat and let the dog be a dog. They can't be like one another.

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      SO TRUE! Once they settle and feel safe and secure—they shower you with tender love that no other creature can give us humans. If we only let them!
      We love our kitties and they are oh so loyal to us—come to greet us when we come home from biking, Church or whatever.

  9. Such a beautiful kitty, Mariette. I sure do miss my Jordan . . .

    1. Dearest Martha,
      Thank you and yes, they are such lovely and loyal companions and are being missed once we lose them...

  10. Heerlijk kijk hem lekker genieten op die mooie deken …dit is geluk voor 100%… 🍀🍀🍀

    1. Beste Ria,
      Ja, het is een heel innig meiske!
      Ze ligt nu ook naast me... heerlijk spinnen.
      Jij kent het ook van je Leaf.

  11. Bellissimo questo gatto tigre:Buona serata.

    1. Cara Olga,
      Grazie è una bella ragazza tigre.

  12. Such a gorgeous kitty, dearest Mariette!
    Love,love,love the photos 🧡🧡🧡

    Hugs and blessings!

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you and she sure is adorable.

  13. Dag Mariette,

    Ik ben zo blij met onze Milly, dus ik kan me heel goed voorstellen hoe jullie genieten van Tiggy Tiger.
    Wat zielig voor de kat dat ze geen thuis heeft.
    Misschien heeft ze in het verleden veel meegemaakt waarom ze zo bang is.

    Lieve groetjes,

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Fijn dat jullie ook zo genieten van jullie Milly—gelukkige fur babies!
      Ja, sommige mensen menen dat een bak met voer en water in de garage is voldoende voor hun poes... Triest!

  14. Cats are very special animals. Yours are beautiful. At my parents' house there was a Siamese cat that lived for almost 14 years, always highly esteemed and loved.
    His name was "Pompas".
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      They sure are special and very intelligent too.
      Happy to hear about Pompas having had a full and happy life at your parents'—they are very deserving of being treated nice.
      We have a nice crew of five and they are very much loved.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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