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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Bruxism and my Nighttime Dental Guard + Japanese Magnolia Blossoms

Strange feelings... had nasty neck pain while driving down to Florida after Christmas.
Thought I'd slept wrong on my pillow but it didn't go away...
Then I felt my FIRST EVER toothache, thought that one of my upper right molars needed maybe a filling.
So I did tough it out as there were way too many things going on and I made an appointment for Tuesday afternoon on February 2.
My dentist checked the x-ray that his assistent had made, but there was no infection or anything wrong with my teeth.
BUT he discovered that my lower molars got loosened already and that I probably needed a Nighttime Dental Guard due to teeth clenching.
So I went to Walmart to get my Oral–B Nighttime Dental Guard...
Paid some $ 20.00 and after supper did start the molding procedure as shown on this video: Oral–B Nighttime Dental Guard – Instructional Video ←click it.
Of course I did not win that battle and went to sleep without wearing my Nighttime Dental Guard!
After two nights trying in vain to remove my molded dental guard from the green impression tray
—even after placing it for 10 minutes inside the freezer (as suggested) I was not able to release it.
Pieter tried the next day to wrestle it out. So finally I was able to wear it on February 2nd.
I must say that I slept like a ROSE so it must help a lot.
My pain also is gone!
Have any of you ever used such a Nighttime Dental Guard?
Never knew that those symptoms of neck pain for instance came from teeth clenching...

Info found under: Mayo Clinic Bruxism (teeth grinding)
Hah, hyperactive... that does ring a bell!
My sleep quality has greatly improved I must say and I sleep a lot deeper now and feel much more rested.
This morning around 10:00 AM with the sun shining brightly...
This is the Japanese magnolia tree that is recovering over time as a big tree fell in it and broke off a main stem.
Tornado weather can be treacherous. 
Our other Japanese magnolia tree is now free since the huge oak tree on its right got cut down.
More light, space and food!
Our vinyl picket fence marks our border. Sturdy placed by Pieter on top of concrete blocks that serve as a water barrier from water running down to our lower area near creek.
Still beautiful even with lots of petals already on the ground from days of rain and wind before these sunny days.
Nature's Poetry...
At 10:00 AM it was 17°C or 62.6°F.
Today it will be 24°C or 75°F and 7°C or 44.6°F at night.
Tomorrow looks great for biking at 26°C or 87.8°F
BUT on Saturday it will go as low as 0°C or 32°F... during the night!
This is typical Georgia—going up and down and spring starts about 7 times... 😏


  1. You have such a wonderful garden. Great photos.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and we sure enjoy it right now!

  2. También se lo que es un dolor de cuello, después de un masaje en las cervicales fue cuando lo noté.
    Muy florecida que está la planta, puedes estar orgullosa de ella.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Supongo que la mayoría de nosotros en algún momento de la vida nos encontraremos con dolencias similares.
      Oh, disfrutamos mucho de nuestras magnolias, ¡mientras dure!

  3. Mi dispiace quello che ti è successo.Il tuo giardino di magnolie è fantastico.Buon pomeriggio Mariette.

    1. Cara Olga,
      Non sappiamo mai cosa stiamo vivendo in età avanzata...
      Ma intanto ci godiamo i fiori di magnolia!

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    Thanks for the heads up about bruxism.
    It's so wonderful to see your pretty magnolias. Spring will indeed come.
    We are currently enjoying a False Spring. I have no doubt that more winter is in store. After all it is mid-February. But we are enjoying it while it's here.
    Enjoy your day.......Suzi

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Yes, love to share our temporarily beauty with others.
      We too are still on that rollercoaster towards real spring!
      Indeed, enjoy the sunshine while its there.

  5. Awesome bloom! Did I understand correctly, you bought from a store and shaped the bite rail for your teeth yourself? And it only cost $20?! Here we have to visit a special dentist who makes molds of the teeth. Based on the molds, a bite rail is made. It cost €350 two years ago! Now the price has gone up. Really expensive! When the teeth are patched, the rails no longer fit well in the mouth. I have a lot of problems with the bite and rails. There is also only one dentist here who understands biting things. It's really hard to find time for her.

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Thank you and indeed those blossoms are still awesome!
      Yes, you understood correct and my dentist sent me to Walmart to pick one up for around US $ 20.00. He said we can do it but it will cost you around US $ 200.00 and those are good.
      Except that they were SO hard to remove from the mold—I could not do it.
      Check if you have Oral–B in Finland as well...

  6. Glad you managed to find the solution to sleepless nights. Around here, the magnilias are also beginning to bloom. Today it feels like spring, even the birds are already calling each other.

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Yes, this sure helps for a better and more sound sleep!
      Oh, here the birds are so active in singing and probably starting with their nest building...
      Today is very sunny and warm with 25°C so we will bike as tomorrow it rains again!

  7. I'd love to sit in your garden area - I bet it smells wonderful.

    1. Dearest Debby,
      Yes, it does! After we'd biked this afternoon we walked over once again (I did go there this morning) and a waft of fragrance came our way.
      So lovely.

  8. Oh wie herrlich diese Magnolie und dieser Sonnenschein... wir haben schon wieder anhaltenden Regen. Aber die ersten Frühlingsblumen sind da.
    Ich freue mich aufs Fahrradfahren, viel Spaß wünsche ich euch dabei.
    Übrigens habe ich länger Zeit solch eine Spange getragen, nachdem man sich daran gewöhnt hat ist es eine wunderbare Sache... ich schlafe himmlisch.
    Viele fröhliche Grüße zu euch. Genießen!

    1. Liebe Viola,
      Ja, besonders im Sonnenschein sind sie so schön. Heute leider wieder Regen und Samstagnacht -1°C Frost... Wir hoffen es geht gut.
      Gestern war es schon sehr windig mit dem Fahrradfahren aber trotz sehr warm in 26°C Sonne.
      Ja, es ist ein Nächtlicher Zahnschutz und es stimmt—auch ich schlafe viel besser!
      Liebe Grüße,

  9. Dag mariette,

    Ik heb de video bekeken en zo snap ik nu hoe de tandafdruk gemaakt wordt.
    Mooi de magnolia, iets bloeiends is altijd mooi in de tuin.

    Alle goeds en liefs,

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Ja, zo'n Dental Guard had ik eerder nog nooit van gehoord of gezien... Het ging er verdorie niet gemakkelijk uit—ik redde het niet!
      De magnolia's zijn zo mooi met name in de zon die nu weer schijnt na een hele morgen van regen en bewolkt te zijn geweest.

  10. Olá

    Que bonitas flores, adoro.


    1. Querida Manuela,
      Nós também e nós aproveitamos aquelas semanas com flores!

  11. Hello! I have not had the kind of pain you describe due to bruxism ... but when I was in my 30's I had my teeth straightened. Two plus years in braces. Ugh. Now at age 81, my teeth are making a good attempt at returning to their crooked state. I wear a guard my dentist made for me to keep them in place!

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Well this was new to me as I've never had any real toothache and I thought—this is it. Nope, it was different.
      Guess you are right about our teeth shifting or changing. Tonight you will see in my new post how 'perfect' my teeth looked only 25 years ago after I too wore braces. Haha, guess we have to accept that!

  12. So glad your sleep quality has improved.
    Son#2 has bruxism too and he uses a dental guard nightly.

    Your garden is so beautiful, Mariette.
    Hugs and blessings, dearest friend.

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Yes, that is a wonderful thing!
      Guess there are lots of people with this problem.
      We are enjoying our spring garden very much.

  13. When we can't sleep everything is hard
    You have such a beautiful garden

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Yes that is so true and you certainly know about that struggle!
      Thank you we have enjoyed it for a couple of weeks but early morning frost today has caused some damage, together with the wind.
      Things don't last that long but we cherish the moments when its there!

  14. The japanese magnolia is beautiful. Such a pretty color. I clench my teeth big time at night so am trying to relax my face more when going to sleep. Glad to hear the dental guard has worked for you.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Oh, we so enjoyed our Japanese magnolia this year.
      This dental guard sure has helped me a lot!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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