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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

R.I.P. Sweet Dido Boy

 Our sweet and vocal Bandido or Dido as we used to call him went to be with his favorite kitty fur sis Sacha, who got hit by a car on June 17, 2013
We had to let him go this morning as he barely was eating and so weak...
Dido with his Mamita, he was her favorite... That face!
February 5, 2008 Dido to the left—he was the talker!
Sacha his favorite kitty fur sis could stand on her hind legs.
Also taken on February 5, 2008—Dido with his tongue out... photo taken bij Dutch friend Mariëlle.
February 7, 2008 Dido with his velvety silken fur. But he even shows tiger stripes in the sunshine.
He had a white cross on his chest and some white hairs on his throat.
March 22, 2010 Dido napping on the down duvet with his Papi...
March 23, 2010 Dido looking like an Egyptian Sphinx...
August 16, 2010 on top of our car inside garage...
December 23, 2010 Sacha and her kitty brother Bandido on top of the duvet cuddling each other...
Sacha was the 3rd born and Dido the final one of five.
Before embracing each other—Dido did thoroughly WASH Sacha...
Guess he could have eaten her alive!
Cute and alert Dido on August 16, 2011
Overlooking the pond area...
May 27, 2012—what pet beds? 
Dido prefers a shallow box..
June 27, 2013 Dido with his cuddle bear...
October 14, 2007 when I tried on my wedding dress, holding Dido
April 3, 2015 holding Bandido
Wore those pants for Thanksgiving but of course did NOT fill them up like here.
My weight is still 44 kg or 97 pounds—like Dido struggling to survive...
February 13, 2016 Dido with his bouncy mouse...
March 28, 2016 Dido on the left with his kitty brother Spooky on bolstered kitty sill pet bed.

September 29, 2017 with Bandido boy
WISH those pants would fit like that again...
July 30, 2018. On Friday at vet's visit, Amanda discovered a Mammary gland tumor on Dido
BUT over the weekend the tumor opened up and I had to call her for help.
She said to put a gauze on and tie it around his shoulder and then cover with a onesie.
Did make one from a silk knit sweater's sleeve from Pieter...
Slept with him in the kitchen on the floor—on sleeping bags + duvets—that calmed him!
Surgery was on July 31st and this is August 2, 2018
April 3, 2021 Dido up close with his tongue out...
October 28, 2022 we started giving him more tiny meals per day and also goat milk but we did not manage to nurture him back to good health...
June 18, 2023 after my 2nd surgery Dido became my loving and loyal kitty nurse
July 4 on the sofa in the living room—Dido my constant companion—they sense when we're in pain!
July 16, Dido with his tongue out but next to me as a body guard...
August 1, with me in the veranda behind screen door—on the oak stool with soft blanket.
Dido had to be near me!
Always talking to his human parents...
November 27, around 22:00 Dido's final night and he opted for sleeping next to me underneath the down duvet...
November 28 at 0:43 under the down duvet and next to my cotton flannel pajama... So sweet!
Dido sure felt loved and secure and I've told him that he is going to meet his fur sis Sacha soon.
At 1:27 when I came back from the bathroom... he was still on his side feeling so safe and warm.
Dido on my lap at 8:58 this morning...
Dido had a final sunny morning... 
This is 10:23 and Amanda the vet could not make a house call today so Pieter did take him inside the wicker pet carrier and he held him while he got his shot.
Amanda thought it was cancer that did him in, he had one lump on the side of his chest and what grew inwards?
Two days short of 16 years + 8 months.
Born on March 30, 2007 at our home and died peacefully on November 28, 2023 around 11:00 AM
Pieter buried him near the other kitties and one of the Mexicans helped him with that, they just arrived to do the lawn.
Pieter had weighed him inside his Angel bag and he was 3.5 kg.

R.I.P. Sweet Dido Boy!

Related links:
A New Angel | Katie Isabella mentioning our Dido to the Cat Blogosphere—THANK YOU!!!
Bandido "Dido" Forever | The Cat Blogosphere with Memorial Graphic...
In Memory of Dido | Meezer's Mews and Terrieristical Woofs
Bandido aka Dido OTRB | Power Of The Paw blog 
Dido | mentioned by Our Rainbow Friends 
 Dido mentioned in center bottom on the sideline of The Cat Blogosphere ←click link
Bandido mentioned 2nd from bottom, right in Remembering our Friends, Loved and Lost during 2023 ←click link

R.I.P. Sweet Barty Boy | previous post by me and we had to let him go on October 28, 2020
{R.I.P. SACHA GIRL} | previous post by me


  1. Mariette, I am in tears. I feel I know all of your babies, and especially Dido. You have spoken and written of him so often. He was a very very satiny, silky, beautiful midnight black boy; and so loved by his Mami and Papi. And we who knew him as well. Go in peace precious boy. You will be so missed till all of us meet again. And we will. All my love to Mami and Papi.

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      You no doubt have 'sniffed' Dido on our clothes or shoes when we visited you last year. Yes, it feels so raw when such a family member is no longer with us and we can not run our fingers through their fur, cuddle, caress and kiss them. Dido loved to be talked to, he always replied and one understands them after so many years. So much love, loyalty and protection from them—yes, he was at my side during my worst days and the KNOW.
      Big hugs through my tears,

    2. Love you, Mariette. And the siblings of dear Dido. I always will.

  2. Katie told us about Dido. We are so sorry you lost your special boy. What a handsome one he was! Sending comforting purrs and hugs. ~Ernie and the mom

    1. Dearest Island Cats,
      Thank you for stopping by and yes, he was so handsome and had a shiny, silky fur just like his Mamita. He will continue to live on in our memory.

  3. I was very sorry to hear about your loss of Dido. I will have him included in the November edition of 'Our Rainbow Friends' that will publish on December 14. Again, my condolences to you. It's never easy when we have to let them go. ♥♥♥

    1. Dearest Amber,
      Thank you for your meaningful comment here and for including Dido in your November edition of 'Our Rainbow Friends'.
      No, it certainly is not easy for letting go of such sweet and loyal family members...

  4. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy.

    1. Dearest Pilch92,
      Thank you for your kind words and it sure is hard for losing such a companion.
      So many people that never had any kitties don't know what they are missing by not having such a sweet house panther or room tiger.

  5. We are so sorry to learn of your dear Dido's passing. It so clear how much you loved him, and that he loved you back deeply. Sending you all gentle purrs and prayers of comfort as you miss your beloved Dido.

    1. Dearest Meowmeowmans,
      Indeed, Dido loved us back so deeply... He will be so missed!
      But grateful for having had him with us this long.

  6. This is very sad. Cancer takes too many wonderful beings, human and animal. I wish Dido could have stayed longer, but the years he had with you were the most wonderful possible, the best he could have had. Godspeed, Dido.

    1. Dearest John,
      Thanks for your visit and words here.
      Yes, cancer and many other diseases cause a lot of suffering and loss... But we both are grateful for having had him this long.

  7. Oh, Mariette, I'm so very sorry for Dido's passing. You shared a special bond, and the loss cuts deep. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as you grieve, and I hope the love that you shared for each other comforts you. ❤️

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Yes, it was a special bond and especially over the past period while I was either at the hospital or at home but in pain. Pieter told me that when we called each other, me from my hospital room in Savannah, that Dido listened and talked... He sure missed his Mami. Such a special kitty that I witnessed being born as the #5 of kitties, here at our home. He was super smart and a special boy, eating a few peanuts and cashews whenever I had my mixed unsalted nuts with tea. He was a voluntairy house kitty as he stayed like a magnet to us. Guess he sought protection... But we can't protect our fur babies from severe health issues—wish we could! Yes, tears will come for quite a while but having like minded blogger friends that do understand is a big help.

  8. Dido was lovely and loved. We here lost a cat to age and "not eating" in September, so we understand. And now have added 2 shelter cats to out household. Our purrs to you...

    1. Dearest Mark,
      Thanks for commenting and sharing your loss here.
      Yes, it always hits hard when a family member has to leave us.
      Dido was special since he and his four siblings were all born here and I witnessed and assisted their birth. That is a lifelong bond, familiar voice and smell. We have had two shelter kitties but you don't know their history and have to guess and take a risk like you do right now.
      But in general they love us back with loyalty and show gratefulness.

  9. So deeply sorry for the loss of your beloved Dido😿Soft Pawkisses to comfort you🐾😽💞
    Fly free beautiful Soul✨

    1. Dearest Angelswhisper,
      Thank you for your words and yes, our Dido is free from pain and suffering.
      He by the way was bilingual and understood Dutch!

  10. Sometimes we are lucky to have a pet that is so very dear to us and obviously this is how Dido is to you. I understand the Heartbreak and I am so very sorry that you have had to lose this wonderful companion.

    1. Dearest Lynn,
      Yes, Dido was an exceptional companion and his loss will be felt for quite a while. Hope his siblings are not too much stressed about him no longer being here.
      Our household of seven is now one of six...

  11. Thank you for loving Dido and sharing him with us all. He was so handsome and your memorial is beautiful. Purrs to you. Sweet Dido, run fast and free.

    1. Dear Colehaus Cats,
      Thank you for your comforting words. Dido sure got loved from birth to death!

  12. We read about your loss of Dido on Katie Isabelle's blog and wanted to come over and pay our respects. Even though we have not met before, we share the pain of losing our beloved friends.

    The cats, dog and horses of The Poupounette, and comforting purrs from their #1

    1. Dearest Pet Lovers,
      Thank you so much for your comment here.
      It helps for encountering like minded souls.
      Fond memories is all that remains and for feeling grateful for such loving babies!

  13. I am so sorry to read about your handsome Dido's passing. His glossy coat and beautiful eyes will be missed
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Dearest Cecilia,
      Thank you so much for your comforting words here.

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    I am so sorry for the loss of your little panther, Bandido. What sweet memories you have.
    Give all the little siblings an extra pat from me........suzi

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Thank you for your words and I guess the siblings need some extra pats indeed—they seemed a bit 'off' this morning and no doubt miss their brother.

  15. I am so very sorry to hear about your sweet and precious Dido. It is so difficult to lose such a loving and important family member. Love and hugs from all of us.

    We have a memorial graphic of Dido for you. You can pick it up here: https://blog.catblogosphere.com/bandido-forever/

    1. Dearest Brian,
      Thank you for your comment and it helps to learn from like minded people about the loss and pain of our fur babies.

  16. So sorry to read of the loss of this handsoe boy. He certainly gave and received so muchlove. Purrayers and sweet memories to those who loved him .

    1. Dearest Catladymac,
      Thank you for your support.
      Dido gave and also received much love—to us and his siblings, only the lovely memories remain.

  17. My dear friend, I am in tears as I type. Please accept my deepest sympathies on the loss of your precious Dido. What a gloriously blessed and loving life he had with you. Hugs.

    1. Dearest Billie Jo,
      Thank you and he sure has had a good life and we received so much love back from him.

  18. We are so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Dido. Huge hugs♥

    1. Dearest Molly and Mom,
      Thank you so very much for visiting us here and leaving a comment.
      Best wishes to Molly and keep playing with that ball.

  19. So sorry for Dido's passing, dearest Mariette.
    Your bond was special, and this loss cuts deep. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as you grieve. 🕊️ May the love you shared bring you comfort during this difficult time.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you and yes it was a very special bond and a mutual one.
      Dido was so happy at the home where he was born and he loved his Papa & Mami and siblings.

  20. we did not have the honor of knowing you Dido, yet still wanted to offer
    our sympathies. You were very much loved, we can tell, and we send hugs
    to your family💙💚 A very handsome house panther you were, are, and always
    will be 💚💙

    1. Dearest Da Tabbies O Trout Town,
      Thank you so much for your visit here.
      Yes, our house panther Dido boy was very much loved and he loved us.

  21. Sorry for your loss of Dido! He was such a handsome black fellow! I like the photos of you and Dido together.
    May God strenghten you in your grief; may Dido rest in peace!

    1. Dearest Duta,
      Thank you for your words.
      The photos of me with Dido are double bitter sweet as I'm not the same anymore but try hard to gain weight and strength. Dido was a real kitty nurse and protective.

  22. Farewell, Angel Dido.
    You looked so much like our Celestial Chuck, even down to the stripes only seen in strong sunlight.
    Hugs and purrs.

    1. Dearest Eastside Cats,
      Thank you so much for your comment and indeed, strong sunlight can bring out different colors.

  23. We send gentle wooooos,

    Timber and family

  24. Mariette, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your Dido. What a beauty of a kitty he was! This is such a loving and meaningful tribute to him, and to your loving care of him. I hope these memories will bring you peace and comfort. Hugs and purrs from all of us.

    1. Dearest Leah,
      Thank you so much and yes, Dido was so very special and even more so the past half year.
      But he no doubt lives on in our memory and we hope we'll meet once again.

  25. So deeply sorry for your loss, Mariette. Dido was a special and loyal pet, that's for sure. God blessed you with his presence in your lives.

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Thank you very much and Dido was almost too smart for just being a kitty.
      Guess pets have that very special sixth sense and they certainly give lots of love.
      We in return also loved him.

  26. Hello Mariette and Pieter, I am so sorry you had to lose you wonderful cat, Bandido. He was a handsome cat, and we loved hearing about his adventures (I suppose those would be Dido's didoes) over the years. He certainly played a remarkable role in your recent troubles, and probably was a factor in your recovery. I am sure he sensed how you were getting better, and that was the best final gift you could give him. You two were most genuinely there for each other. What a touching send-off you are giving him by this tribute.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, it is hard to put into words what such a kitty soul can mean and do for you!
      Their ability to know your pain and suffering is mind boggling.
      Guess everything in life has a purpose and we were meant for each other.
      Also for Pieter, while I was in the hospital three times, he had a 'talking' companion that understood far more than most people ever will know.

  27. Oh, what a beautiful soul Bandido was...I am so very sorry for your loss. I have a special soft spot for black cats, having had 2 in my life, once as a child (T.C. for Top Cat) and one that was a feral kitty my daughter "adopted" (Binx) but he was a freebird and roamed the neighborhood, but always came back "home" to eat and get scritches. I absolutely adore the pic of Sacha and Bandido snuggling, oh, how sweet. And what a good nurse he was with you. I do believe they know when we are not well...I know how your heart must be hurting...fly high, beautiful boy. Hugs to you....xo

    1. Dearest FiveSibesMom,
      Yes, Dido was a beautiful soul and so cute and silky soft.
      Thanks for your words and about knowing what fur baby love means!
      Good luck with your five Siberian Huskies and their health.

  28. When a soul leaves its mortal body, it is lifted by the wind unseen by adult human eyes, which have been cleared of the ability to experience magic. The soul floats to the nearest river, then rides the current until it enters the River of Life, which gently carries the soul to Rainbow Bridge. The new angel emerges from the water, having discarded all the pain and sorrow of mortal life (often transferred to those mortals nearest to them,). The soul then crosses the River of Life via the Rainbow Bridge and is reunited with their predecessors who loved them while they were mortal; then, a glorious reunion takes place. Their predecessors teach the new angel how to dream visit, to inhibit the bodies of furry and winged creatures so the angel can watch over their loved ones. So, if you see a bird or little animal watching you, or wake up from a dream feeling light of heart, know your angel has been with you. Death is not the end, it's a temporary separation, and if you never stop loving the angel, you will be together again in a place called Rainbow Bridge.

    1. Dearest Ruby Rose,
      Yes, such gentle pets must have a soul and we hope we will one day get together again. We know that our souls never die but such precious pets can't just vanish—they no doubt have a soul!

  29. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Thank you and it is comforting to read all the comments here from others that lived through the same...

  30. Oh Mariette Dido was a handsome kitty and I am sure he will be missed this was a lovely tribute with so many wonderful photos

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Yes, Dido was very handsome and so sweet and smart. It will be hard but we keep the fond memories of him.

  31. I am so sorry for your loss. He was gorgeous. Both your pictures and videos are gorgeous when not hilarious. What a lovely tribute. Hugs, my dear.

    1. Dearest Darla,
      Oh, our Dido boy lived a wonderful life and was happy because he got loved very much.

  32. I am so sorry for your loss. I heard about it on Katie's blog. Dido was very handsome and will remain so for Eternity. My condolences go out to you.

    1. Dearest Memories of Eric and Flynn,
      Indeed, the memories of our kitty babies will remain with us forever!

  33. Oh, my dear, how I mourn your loss. I know how you're feeling, losing a long-time feline companion is complicated, but I also know that you're a strong woman and that you thank God for the company that Dido has given you all these years. He was loved and left knowing it.
    A big hug to you Mariette and Peter.

    1. Dearest Cristina,
      Thank you so very much for your meaningful words here. Yes, Dido was being loved and that feels good for all involved.
      Pieter and Mariette

  34. This breaks my heart. I love animals and I've had to say goodbye many times and it never gets easy. When I look at photos of them as well as videos, I grieve them all over again. I'm so sorry for you and Pieter. Its so hard to lose such a faithful companion. I'm sure he knew he was loved and he had such a good life with you both. It's so hard when they leave - God Bless.

    1. Dearest Debby,
      Thank you for your words and indeed, it never gets easy...
      Dido was very much loved and that is our solace—knowing he lived a happy live with his siblings here at and around our home.

  35. I am so sorry that your beautiful boy had to leave you. He was such a handsome and sleek guy. I hope that all of your pictures of him will bring you some comfort now and in the time to come. The love is always there.

    1. Dearest Wendy,
      Just as you know by experience, it is very hard for letting them go.
      But we at least cherish the special bond and love that we had for all those years!

  36. Replies
    1. Dearest Melissa,
      Thank you for your visit and comment here and yes, we kitty moms all understand this too well.

  37. kleinecreativewelt@web.deNovember 30, 2023 at 3:18 AM

    Liebe Mariette - es tut mir unendlich leid, dass Ihr euren süßen Dido gehen lassen musstet - ich weiß wie schwer es ist.... im April d. Jahres habe ich unseren Logan (schwarzer Kater) gehen lassen müssen und im Juli 2023 unseren weißen Spitz - ich habe an beiden sehr gehangen und bin sehr sehr traurig - ich drücke dich aus der Ferne und wünsche dir von Herzen alles Gute und dem kleinen Dido natürlich auch - ich bin Ruth - kleine creative Welt - habe keinen Blog mehr - liebe traurige Grüße

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Auch zu dir noch nachträglich unser Mitleid mit Logan und den weißen Spitz. Es ist traurig weil sie ja wirkliche Familien Mitglieder sind und immer bleiben im Herzen als Erinnerung...
      Liebe Grüße zurück,

  38. Oh, sweet Mariette, I just saw your post. I'm so sorry to hear about Dido. I know that he was like a son to you and Pieter, justlike our Tareco is to us.
    At least he isn't in pain anymore and felt safe and secure until the end. He was much loved and my heart goes out to you and Pieter.
    Lots and lots of hugs and prayers.💗🙏

    1. Dearest Paula,
      Yes, it is heart breaking to live through any health issues of our furry family members. But in all, he was a happy kitty and gave and received so much love. The memories will remain.
      Pieter & Mariette

  39. Such a handsome shiny panther boy, that was Dido.

    He almost made me think he had oriental genes in there somewhere, esp when I heard him 'talking' in one of your videos.
    I am sorry I didn't know him and his family better.

    I made you a memento, its in my blog right now...

    Sending love and hugs to you and your family.
    May all the precious memories stay with you forever, deep in the treasure box of your heart.

    1. Dearest Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs,
      Thank you and yes Dido was an exceptional silky and shiny panther boy.
      Guess he had oriental genes, his face and also his voice. We rescued his Mamita from Acapulco and flew her home with us. Not knowing she was pregnant and delivered 5 babies.
      Thanks for posting about Dido!

  40. So sorry for your loss. Pets are sooooo hard to lose. Dido looked very well loved.

    1. Dearest Peter,
      Thank you and yes our Dido was very well loved!

  41. Dido looks one amazing cat and such a sad loss for you. Fly free brave and sweet friend.

    Marjorie and Toulouse
    Dash Kitten

    1. Dearest Marjorie and Toulouse,
      Dido was an amazingly beautiful and smart kitty!
      Love your site and you are an excellent photographer.

  42. I am so sorry for your lost. It was sure a joyfull and lovely cat, and fortunately you had his company for long years. The photographs of these years are wonderful.

    1. Dearest J. S.,
      Thank you so much and yes, it is a big loss but he lived a happy life with lots of love!

  43. You and Pieter made sure his life full of love and joy all those years Mariette - a special kitty who loved in return in so many ways. Always so hard to lose a dear pet, but I'm sure he is now in another good place.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dearest Mary,
      Yes, no more health struggles for Dido. He was so brave and never lost his sweet character and talkative way. He also knew that we were there for him and giving him several little meals. Even his siblings let him do so without ever interrupting him.
      Such loving and loyal pets must have a soul as they are kinder than a lot of people...

  44. Dido era un gatto bellissimo,ha avuto la fortuna di avere una famiglia che lo ha tanto amato.Riposa in pace Dido!

    1. Cara Olga,
      Sì, Didone era di un'eccezionale bellezza setosa ed era molto amato. Lui in cambio ci ha dato molto amore.

  45. What a handsome boy, with the sweetest face! It is so hard losing our furry friends, sending love and hugs to you and Pieter.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Yes, it sure is hard to lose our furry family members.
      Pieter & Mariette

  46. RIP .. remembered his 😭 ..

    1. Dearest Anita,
      Thank you and of course you remember him!

  47. Querida Mariette, eu adorei ver essas fotos tão meigas, tão lindas
    com esses gatinhos maravilhosos! E você está tão bem, me parece que
    todo aquele seu sofrimento se foi para sempre!
    Que Deus sempre proteja vocês com sua doce e infinita bondade.
    Meu abraço e o desejo de um lindo domingo e excelente semana.

    1. Prezada Taís,
      Obrigada e sim, essa vaquinha fez mamar e me apoiou tão bem.
      Já tive quatro dias com dor excruciante nas costas perto da endoprótese.
      Esperando que um dia vá embora...

  48. Replies
    1. Dearest RTC,
      Thank you and the only solace we have is that of a happy life lived with us—born here and 2 days short of 16 years + 8 months!

  49. Dear Mariette, You don't know Us, but We came over from Katie Isabella's blog to tell you how furry sorry We are at your loss. Dido looks like a real panfurry panfur. May he fly free now, at the Rainbow Bridge. You will see each other again one day, We are sure.

    1. Dearest J–Cats,
      Thank you for visiting from your area.
      Often I've told Dido about the kitties that couldn't escape any terror and that their Papi & Mami may got killed. Horror and that is a solace knowing that Dido lived in the home he was born in and had a lovely life.

  50. We're so sorry for your loss. We're sending lots of love and purrs.

    1. Dearest Lola,
      Thanks for visiting here and especially during your own recovery period.
      But Love and Purrs + Prayers always work!

  51. Im so sorry for your lost...it hurts so much - I know. Lots of love to you.

    1. Dearest Titti,
      Yes, it was a very sad loss but knowing that we gave Dido lots of love is helping.
      The fond memories remain forever!

  52. So sorry for the loss of your sweet Dido. He was so beautiful. We have no more cats now, our last one Twiggy passed away with cancer on the 31st August. We always miss them, but know that we gave them a very loving and good life.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Dido was an exceptional beauty indeed and smart and sweet.
      So sad that Twiggy past away, we still have four left and it is difficult trying to outlive our kitties.
      They sure knew a good and loving life—yours as well as ours.

  53. Dido certainly left a lasting legacy and was a very funny boy. He must have been a real hoot to live with every day. Such joy!

    1. Dearest Wendy,
      Dido really is being missed—the house is so quiet now as his siblings were never as talkative as he was. But we loved him and he loved us and the memories remain.

  54. Lieve mariette,

    Ik weet hoe het voelt om een dier te verliezen.
    Ik mis onze Milly nog elke dag, op een of andere manier kan ik er niet goed over.
    Ze was net als jouw kat zo lief.

    Lieve groetjes uit Nederland,

    1. Lieve Hilly,
      Ja, het is en blijft een gemis.
      Net als jullie Milly, Dido heeft tenminste warmte en liefde gekend!

  55. Hi Mariette, so sorry for the loss of your cat... Especially because you lost your husband also a time ago, if i understand correctly...? I wish you well, Mariette...

    1. Beste Yvonne,
      Dank je voor je medeleven omtrent het verlies van onze lieve Dido.
      Je hebt de laatste regels kennelijk níet gelezen—echtgenoot Pieter heeft Dido begraven... Hij leeft dus nog!

    2. Oeps... Inderdaad overheen gelezen... Slordig van mij, maar wel heel fijn voor jou!

  56. Liebe Mariette, wie berührend ist die Geschichte von Dido. Eine so anhängliche Katze zu verlieren, ist sehr schmerzhaft und ich habe beim Lesen Tränen in den Augen. Viele schöne Erinnerungen werdet Ihr an sie haben. Ich wünsche Euch viel Kraft, um die Trauer zu überwinden. Alles Gute und Liebe für Euch von Traudi.💗 aus dem Drosselgarten. 🥰🤗

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja es wird eine weile dauern bis wir dran gewöhnt sind, auch die 3 Geschwister vermissen ihm sehr. Heute morgen war es grad eine Woche. Dido war ein treues, liebes Tier!
      Liebe Grüße,

  57. Ach wat heb je mooi over hem geschreven. Hoe gaat het nu met je? Ik bedoel niet je gezondheid maar vooral ook het gemis van Dido. Lijkt me zo'n kale lege plek achter te laten.

    Hoe was het bij de nierspecialist, Marietta? Ik zou je viooltjes wel willen zien. Ik zit de denken over de dahliabollen die ik in de zomer kocht. Moeten die nou in de lente de grond in of nu? Liefs van mij 💖

    1. Beste Aritha,
      Ja, het is een heel gemis na 16 jaar en bijna 8 maanden om zo'n 'companion' te moeten verliezen. Ook zijn broer en twee zussen missen hem.
      Eigenlijk nog geen beter inzicht in mijn nier situatie n.a.v. niet doorgezonden info vanuit Macon (uur rijden van ons) waar de nierspecialist gesitueerd is en hij komt dan maandelijks hier naar toe. Dat viel goed tegen voor ons, zal niet meer voor komen maar dat helpt mij nu niet.

  58. Oh Mariette - I'm so very sorry for you both. I know how painful it is to lose a precious animal - they love us and are with us more than any human could be. 16 years - amazing! What a precious boy, I loved each and every photo. You and your husband are in my prayers. I know your arms ache, along with your heart. Much love and prayers for you both!

    1. Dearest Marilyn,
      Yes, our precious animals are loyal companions 24/7. Now only the photos and videos remain as fond and grateful memories.
      Like you yourself know what such a loss means—having also lost your Dad, Grandma and Mother–in–Law.

  59. Olá, Mariette, gostei desta maravilhosa postagem. Os seus gatos
    são belíssimos. Minha família sempre esteve ligada aos gatos,
    já é tradição da família.
    Votos de uma ótima semana para você e Pieter.
    Forte abraço.

    1. Prezado Pedro,
      Este foi apenas sobre UM dos nossos amados gatinhos... Dido faleceu no dia 28. Uma perda muito triste para nós dois.

  60. That's heart - breaking. May God strenghten you in your grief for Dido's passing!

  61. Vim olhar novamente esses gatinhos maravilhosos, mas que triste, entendo você,
    Mariette. Perdemos nossos 3 animais de estimação, um de cada vez, e a dor foi grande. Muito.
    Mas passa, querida, ficará uma doce lembrança. E nunca esqueceremos.
    Um abraço, fiquem bem.

    1. Prezada Taís,
      Obrigado por voltar. Sim, é difícil, pois a cada dia somos lembrados de sua ausência.
      Mas essas doces lembranças vivem conosco para sempre...

  62. You are so kind to comment on my silly blog. I am sad you can no longer eat dairy products. Perhaps you can find a substitute to enjoy rice pudding again. Hugs, my dear.

    1. Dearest Darla,
      Yours is by no means a silly blog!
      Guess I just make do with the many fond memories of times that I could eat anything...

  63. So sorry for your loss of Dido. Your testimonial to him shows what a beloved little cat soul he was. Love and best wishes to you as you grieve his loss. Everything seems so empty and boring when our cats leave us, yet the leave us with many happy memories. XO ~Brenda with Tommy and Teaghan

    1. Dearest Brenda with Tommy and Teaghan,
      Thanks for your visit and words here!
      Yes the definitely leave the fondest memories and it is worth it after all!!!

  64. Wat een verdrietig berichtje Mariette. Hij heeft lang bij jullie mogen zijn en een fijn leven gehad, maar dat maakt het verdriet niet minder. De naam Dido roept bij mij herinneringen op aan ons hondje (jaren tachtig) met dezelfde naam. Voor jullie ook de allerbeste wensen voor 2024! Lieve groet Willy

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, het doet inderdaad pijn om afscheid te moeten nemen van zo'n trouw en lief huisdier.
      Heel mooie herinneringen. Grappig dat jullie hondje ook zo heette!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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