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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Mom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mom. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2023

Pieter ALWAYS Worked Hard and Did Things Himself

 Being an immigrant makes you START OVER LIFE...

Below video on YouTube you find clickable links with information...
Pieter standing proudly in front of his meticulously straight placed fence! 
Seen at clickable 12:26 in above video.
Great job!
Now looking the other way towards our driveway (left) and street.
Corner posts and intermediate posts every 25 m in the concrete.
Total length of 110 m and DAYS OF WORK... Yep, another mega task DONE!

This was also the very day (February 10 of 1984) that Pieter officially had become a member of the Rotary Club of Dublin, Georgia/U.S.A.
Pieter was already a member in The Netherlands since May 11, 1976 of the Rotary Club of Venray, The Netherlands district 1550, where he was President in the year 1978/1979.
That very same year, Pieter was also Honorary President of the Rotary Club Royal Forest of Dean, UK district 1100.
Our late friend Roy J. Chappell wrote this to Pieter on Valentine's Day:
Dear Pieter:
Welcome to my Rotary Club—both you and Mariet.
The worldwide reach of Rotary is manifested in your joining our club.
Whenever I may help you in Rotary—or any part of you and Mariet's life here in Laurens County—please call on my.

What a very kind gesture and he's been a tremendous friend over many years and he did tour Mom & Dad and us around through Laurens and surrounding Counties to show us the rural agricultural part of it.
Forever fond memories!
Such a NEAT fence and here you see the wood that had to get split for burning it in our wood burner in the living room.
Our 1st home's garden was of a perfect size, not too deep in the back. To the right you just can see our veranda.
The other end of the 110 meter long fence with our rock garden.
It was on March 9, 1984 that we also had our front porch tiled with the imported Dutch tiles and our garage got tiled with the leftover tiles from the Campbell mushroom farm that Pieter designed.
Just had scrubbed them with authentic Dutch Green Soap and mopped it dry with a real Dutch dweil...
Our tiled garage... also scrubbed clean!
We both loved our 'new' garage with tiles!
Do you have tiles in your garage or front porch?
In our present home we also do...

Related link:
Husband Pieter Doing it ALL | previous post by me showing the now tiled patio and wall added for privacy—done by Pieter of course
My 3rd Home with my French DMC Rose Filet Lace Crocheted Curtains | showing the new front door with windows and my crocheted curtains...
A HUGE Snapping Turtle | previous post by me

Monday, January 30, 2023


 Not being able to be present at the funeral of Mom due to Pieter having had another heart attack and I myself having still therapy for my left hand—felt devastating.
But my BEST Friend Ellie went to the funeral with her daughter Elvira (our Goddaughter) and Elvira's husband had asked his boss permission for using the professional video camera—so he could capture Mom's Solemn Gregorian Requiem Mass

No words can describe what this meant to both of us for being able to watch it on my Mac just over an hour later...
Below this video on YouTube you find clickable links with explanation in English and way below also in Dutch.
Dad did select the special Kyrie Eleison deliberately as Mom sang it as a 1st soprano with the elderly choir for more than 25 years and for some 18 years with Dad together in the same choir.
Both of us were in The Netherlands on October 11, 1997 and went to Mass where Mom & Dad for the FIRST time ever—sang together in the elderly choir. Quite a historical fact.

Related links:
My Angel Sister who Died TWICE | previous post by me about the denial by my sister to give Dad an equally solemn Gregorian Requiem Mass... Just now I can finally post Mom's Requiem Mass and for the rest we can only PRAY for those that denied this to my Dad
Thinking about Mom and Dad on Saint Cecilia | previous post by me where Mom & Dad sing: I Pray To the Power of Love and what the choir also sang at Mom's Requiem Mass at clickable link 46:55
{February 21, 2014 Tornado in our Subdivision} | previous post by me—Tornado while we went to Mom & Dad's Wedding Anniversary...

Thursday, January 26, 2023

International Calling as it WAS

 Both, Pieter and I had a lot to deal with those old fashioned calling cards for making a phone call...
Do you recall any of those?
This MULTIFON was one that we used in México for calling and also for getting on the Internet with our laptop!
A confidential number needed to get 'scratched off', see below on the right of that red arrow.
Any way you used it—phone calls or on the Internet—you had to be FAST as it also did click away FAST... 📞  💻
We also have used for years a special AT&T calling card for which you had to use different numbers in different countries—before dialing the number you wanted to reach. That way it got billed to our personal AT&T account here in the USA. 
Mom often used to say—our phone bill was not any higher than usual when using their phone...
Of course not—we paid for it!
And then in 2003 came this...
Calling the 1010 987 prior to the number you had to call!
ONLY for 3 US Dollar cents a minute all day, every day!
For the U.S., to Canada and to Western Europe!!!
That was quite a break through.
This was still way before we had our first Blackberry at the time Pieter had his open heart surgery done.
We've also made phone calls using our AmericanExpress card—very expensive rate but in case of an emergency we have done so.
Calling our sweet Sister–In–Love in The Netherlands from Mexico on our American Express card for a rip off of US $ 49.00—while on vacation in Acapulco, México.
We just had to call her—as she was going home from the hospital to be comfortable in her own surroundings during her final weeks with pancreatic cancer...
Over the years we have used our phone a lot and paid our share for communication with Parents and loved ones.
HOW things have changed since!
Now we can do video calls for free from one smart phone to another.
Guess there are at present no hotels that don't offer Free WiFi...
WISH we'd had that when we were first immigrants—for being able to talk with Mom more than our limited calls on Birthdays and special holidays.
It was the weekly letter writing that we kept up.
And oh, how I always saved those Dutch guilders for pushing into the slot for making phone calls at Schiphol airport... calling Mom especially and Pieter his brothers and some more.
On our lay–over on the way to India or Indonesia...

Related link:
Husband Pieter's DANGEROUS Trip back from India | SCARY time when Pieter on his solo trip could not reach the USA so he informed Dad who in turn called me here in the USA...

Friday, November 11, 2022

After 34 Years Back to Cherokee, NC and Chimney Tops Overlook in Gatlinburg, TN

 Long before the Internet or GPS, on July 16 of 1988 we both went to Cherokee, North Carolina and Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
Just to show my Pieter the breathtaking views I'd seen when taking Mom & Dad up there in 1987.
Campbell Soup forced us to move within a couple of months—so we took our CHANCE.
Picture taken from Pieter on July 16, 1988 near Gatlinburg, along highway 441...
BUT back then there was no location indicated on our photos or slides.
AND there were hardly any signs at the locations...
But, I did find this old postcard on the Internet with the mention of Chimney Tops Overlook near Gatlinburg, Tennessee!
Complete with the huge rocks we were standing on...
We at that time did NOT know about Chimney Tops and it was rather hazy when we visited as you see from our photos.
But now we knew where we were heading towards and on Sunday morning, October 30 around 9:15 AM we started our journey up north—hoping for nice autumn colors as well.
A Rest Stop at Sanders Knob, North Carolina.
It looked rather cloudy but in the end it would turn out to be a perfect day.
We even started out with drizzle rain in the morning...
Once we'd crossed the state line from Georgia, going into North Carolina it was so beautiful.
I'd passed this old Water Mill and I turend quickly to come back for making a photo.
This was in Cherokee, North Carolina alongside the Oconaluftee River.
We spotted a restaurant, across from this water mill, so we drove there and after parking the car we walked a bit.
Lots of gift shops but no other restaurants on that side.
Now we view from the other side across the Oconaluftee River.
We had a good lunch and not even salty—at El Cajelito Mexican Restaurant on 1681 Acquoni Rd, Cherokee, NC 28719.
A much needed break for me as well!
We continued and saw the sign Elk viewing...
WOW what a very special BONUS was that!
The elk is the largest mammal in the Great Smoky Mountains!
They had become nearly extinct and got reintroduced.
Male elk or 'bulls' weigh around 600–700 pounds and the female or 'cows' weigh average 500 pounds.
Those trees had shed already lots of leaves during a week of rain, before we went there.
Yes, not far from the Oconaluftee River on Highway 441.
Then all of a sudden I was driving IN THE CLOUDS...
Made me feel sad as for having come that far in vain—with no view.
BUT that was only at the highest points!
Towards Gatlinburg Tennessee on the Newfound Gap Rd, I told Pieter, wow, this road almost makes me dizzy. 
Pieter replied that we'd made a full circle!
You can see that here above!
Chimney Tops Trail starts to the left...
This is LOOP–OVER base of Chimney Tops as seen on this old postcard.
You see that there is a small tunnel going underneath the LOOP-OVER!
Image got taken from the jagged peaks of the Chimney Tops—giving you this bird's–eye view of the Loop–Over on the spectacular Tennessee side of the Newfound Gap Highway — which crosses the center of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Around 16:00 o'cock I'd parked the car and we arrived with the most glorious light at Chimney Tops Overlook!
Pieter standing here in front of a tree with glorious autumn leaves... 🍂🍁
Turning to the other side—Chimney Tops is visible to the left!
Now you can find this huge information board—none was there in 1988...
Chimney Tops
Can you imagine smoke wafting from the chimney–like formations on this ridge? Nearly vertical holes in the tops of these jutting rocks make them look like natural chimney flues, and mountain people named them so—Chimney Tops. The Cherokees called the mountain Duniskwalguni, meaning 'forked antlers.'
The half–billion–year–old Chimney Tops, made of slates, schists, and phyllites, sit atop even older rock (Anakeesta Formtion) is softer than the sandstone, allowing rain, hail, and ice—over hundreds of millions of years—to fashion its chimney–shaped likeness.
Giving you an oversight of this beautiful Overlook...
It was rather crowded on Sunday—guess due to the weather.
But at a higher altitude the trees are already bare...!
Again an old picture postcard showing the rock formation on the other side of the road...
Those big rocks on the right were no longer there!
So I captured that side of the road as well.
SO happy for having reached our goal for the day and with perfect autumn leaves still visible and sunshine! 🌞
Pieter captured me standing behind the car.
Couldn't get enough of the light + autumn leaves...
We still had to drive a short distance to our Hyatt Place in Downtown Knoxville, TN
Enjoy short Relive Video below:
That was still a long drive of 493.8 km or 306.8 mi and a total of 6.5 hours solo behind the wheel...
But now I could REST for one day!

Related links:
SO Proud of my NONAGENARIAN | previous post by me when we climbed Clingmans Dome—the highest point on April 03, 2019

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Wearing Mom's Wedding Dress to Church

 One of the treasures I did bring home from Limburg was Mom's wedding dress!
October 15, I wore it to Mass after I had it dry cleaned at Presstine Cleaners in Atlanta.
The dress was made out of a nice rayon georgette and I wear my black patent Escada sandals.
The dress originally came with train.
Mom's bridal bouquet looks like she was holding white stock or Matthiola Incana—also very fragrant!
In Dutch white stock is witte violieren...
Dad with a hat in his hand and gloves...
The day of the beginning of a Blissful Relationship—blessed by Dad's maternal Uncle—Heeroom.
Mom and Dad more up close.
Mom sure had lovely hair here and wearing her golden cross on a short necklace.
Those were the days of hats and Mom has worn many hats, especially when going to Church.
Her dress with train got later altered to a shorter version.
Can't recall if she wore it to certain events...
Dad had no camera of his own in the early years!
Photo taken after Mass by a friend.
Pieter wearing his silk Burberry suit that I also did bring back from Limburg...
The side seams of the top were let out by my sister, some 3 inches (7.5 cm). The dress is too wide for me now. 
At home one more WeFie in bright daylight...
Pieter wearing his Escada silk elephant tie.
This photo is from March 8, 1968 when I wore the dress with boots in Horst, Limburg...
Funny, I was 17, and above I am 71... just reversed numbers.
But I'm the only of 3 daughters that still can wear Mom's small sized dress!

Guess Mom was smiling down from heaven to see her wedding dress go to Church once more...
Not in white
It used to be unthinkable to buy a dress for one day. That only happened at court. 
Well into the twentieth century many brides married in black.
Even Pieter's late wife Thea did...
In front of the Church—also with hat and gloves in hand...
Don't understand where she left her gorgeous bridal bouquet.
Pieter with the bridal bouquet, full of orchids...
In 1983, when it was the rage to wear such black jackets—Pieter's 19 year old adopted daughter Liz, begged for the jacket of his wedding suit and Pieter gave in...
A handsome groom that stayed with Thea for 27 years—living like brother and sister...
BUT thanks to that, he wrote the mushroom bible and helped thousands to make a better living!
Everything has a reason in life and we both are grateful that God made us meet 53 years ago and we are happily married for a long time.

Related link:
{The Little Black Dress & My MOM} | previous post by me with Mom in her bridal gown
Both of us LOVE Elephants | previous post by me with Pieter's Escada elephant tie
FAMILY Treasures from Chef of Smulhuis in Brunssum/The Netherlands | previous post with Pieter's Mom also wearing a black bridal gown
Dad Sang Solo on Mom & Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary | previous post with Mom & Dad on their wedding day photos with Heeroom

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Limburg 4Days Marches — Fun Fair and Dinner with Friends

You might recall me pointing out that Limburg in the South is a Burgundian province...
And yes, it very much IS!
They know how to celebrate.
So join me for a FUN day in Limburg...
Ellie prepared us a yummy Mushroom Soup for early lunch, so we would have something in our stomach...
By the way, it was through Ellie that I FIRST got introduced to mushrooms as her Dad had three small mushroom houses and I helped them with harvesting, if needed.
At least Ellie is mentioned by me in the preface of our book: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting
Highlighted: I changed, mainly due to my best friend's influence. Her Dad had a small mushroom farm and sometimes I helped them out.
After our soup, we drove to Venray where the 4Days Marches would end.
Elvira and Bob's two boys had walked the 10 km and 5 km; each according to their age.
Well, we 70+ girls found us a chair on a terras in front of a Turkish restaurant where we ordered a hot tea.
Yes, wearing hats today with my Escada outfit...
Both of us with hats...
Ellie and I were in a happy mood with all the music from the marching bands.
Bob, as well as Elvira, had volunteered to walk along with the little ones for these successive 4Days Marches.
The weather was perfect!
The eldest one, kind of collapsing after completing his 10 km!
His younger brother also called it QUITS for his 5 km and both are now more interested in the sweet treat from Grandma Ellie...
Wearing proudly their medal for completion!
Just like to share some culture from our Province: THE HISTORY OF FUNFAIR: 5 THINGS YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW←click link
The fair was born in the Catholic Church? An annual fair was organized during a consecration. There was then talk about 'the Church Mass'. 
The first Dutch fair was in 1023...
Fairs have been created to commemorate the foundation of a Church. The first mass, usually provided by the bishop, was then commemorated, this is where the word fair comes from. 
Well, the town where Elvira and Bob live, there was the ANNUAL FUN FAIR...
At the same time it also was going on in the town where son Tristan and Sonja live...
Off we went, walking to the action—which was not far away!
The eldest son wanted to try this attraction.
ALL kids were so happy as for two years due to COVID, there was NO FUN FAIR...
Of course a Cotton Candy had to be tried... turned out to be way too large!
We smashed it into two plastic cups that got taped together by a friendly waiter, for taking home.
We met with other friends around 18:00 at Horst World Kitchen
We actually did not take any photos, and I forgot also my first plate.
This was my second, when I went back for some more sushi to be eaten with chopsticks, as this was healthy for me; no salt added.
Two days later we went to the Fun Fair in Ellie's present home town of Sevenum, where their son also resides.
Absolutely gorgeous weather!
The square near the Saint Fabian and Sebastian's Church is always used for setting up the fun fair.
Also tall linden trees provided shade.
Linden blossoms
Linden blossoms got used during WWII as a substitute for tobacco...
Many lessons to be taught to the children...
Cousins getting along very well!
Soft nougat block that I always loved, and so did Mom, brought her always one back from a Fun Fair I'd been to.
OLS monument met De Zes van Zaerum
OLS = Oud Limburgs Schuttersfeest
OLS monument with The Six of Sevenum
OLS stands for Old Limburgs' Archers' Guild (all from medieval times!)
Weej zeen os in Zaerum
Ter herinnering aan het OLS 2019
We see us in Sevenum
In memory of the OLS 2019
OLS 2019 Sevenum←click link
To get an idea about these medieval festivities from Limburg in Belgium and The Netherlands, click this link for video: OLS 2019 Defilé van Oud Limburgs Schutters Feest 2019***
Oh, Elvira had to get into this Fun Fair attraction with her eldest...
It is so high into the air!

Hope you learned a little bit about the rich culture of Limburg and why things are being celebrated still today.

Stay tuned for more...

Related links:


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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