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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

{Our Felines are 8 Today!}

Hard to imagine that it is already 8 years ago today, that they got born... Meanwhile we lost Sacha, one of the girls who got hit by a car. Sad day. Also their Mamita Spicy, disappeared and we still think she got kidnapped. 
Such a bliss when all 5 of our rescued Spicy from Acapulco, Mexico, got born healthy...
Mamita Spicy was such a sweet cat-mommy!
Baby Sacha; the one that got killed by car on June 17, 2013...
Feisty Tiggy–Tiger, the tiny one...
Bandido with Mamita Spicy...
Spooky with his Chick-fil-A toy...
Yes, they ALL fit inside this oak magazine rack! They were so CLOSE...
Sacha loved to romp with her brothers Spooky (left) and Bandido...
All 5 napping on top of a box...
Mamita came to treat them to a Milk-Shake...
All 5 at their human Mami's feet...
Napping together...
Their human Papi build them a play box...
Learning together...
7 weeks old and still enjoying Milk Shakes from Mamita + cuddles!
Almost 2 months old here and still hanging out together all the time!
All the girls in a basket...
Sacha (L) is being missed but all others are still happy and healthy.
Too bad we never found their Mamita Spicy back!

Related links:
{R.I.P. SACHA GIRL} | previous post by me


  1. awww. so cute. isn't it amazing how fast they grow. happy 8th birthday to them!

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Yes, it is way too fast how they grow but we always can enjoy our photos!

  2. Happy birthday to your fur babies! Oh my, your photos make me squee and squee! They are super adorable and so precious. Love the play box. That looks so much fun! It's sad Sacha is now over the rainbow bridge and Mamita Spicy went missing..but they are with you in your heart forever xoxo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you very much; guess they had a happy day even though it rained in the morning. They all were so happy when we got home on Saturday morning 2:00 AM, from 6 days Arizona!
      Yes, those that we lost are in our heart forever and the ones we have are very much loved.

  3. Deaerst Mariette,
    HAppy Birthday to your so lovely and adorable felines :O)
    I love your cats, thank you for the wonderful pictures!
    Sending Love and hugs,

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Guess they did enjoy their special day and it is only amazing that they already turned eight! You have one yourself so you understand how attached they can be.
      Hugs and love,

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind niedliche Fotos.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, sind wirklich niedlich und sie machen uns immer noch Freude!
      Liebe Grüsse,

  5. Wat leuk dat je hele nest hebt kunnen houden en wat jammer dat de moeder is verdwenen. Dat blijft maar knagen wat er met haar gebeurt is he. Een kat door een aanrijding verliezen is zo vreselijk, het is mij twee keer overkomen, eentje leefde nog maar was verlamd aan zijn achterpoten en heb ik moeten laten inslapen en een andere was meteen dood, die had ik net een jaar daarvoor uit het asiel gehaald. Het zijn net kinderen, je blijft er maar mee bezig.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja het was een verrassing dat Spicy zwanger was maar met liefde hebben we ze allemaal geadopteerd. Haar plotselinge verdwijning is een raadsel wat erg veel verdriet heeft veroorzaakt. Ze hadden haar al willen meebrengen een jaar eerder maar toen had ze 3 kittens en kon het gewoon niet... Vanwege inenting tegen Rabies wat 3 maanden vóór invoer gebeurd moet zijn. Toen waren ze nog niet eens geboren! Het was zó'n mooi dier, zó sierlijk en slank en heel zijdig. Een van haar zoons heeft ook zo'n zijdig haar, meer dan de rest.
      Ja, onze eerste kat verloren we door aanrijding (té hard rijden!) voor Pieter's ogen... Nooit gestopt of wat dan ook; gewoon doorgereden. Er was niets aan haar te zien, alleen bloed uit haar mond, maar wel dood. De andere werd dood door de overbuurman, in een zak thuisgebracht. Ook nog eigenlijk mooi gaaf maar met één klap kennelijk dood. Onze eerste was ook pas 1-½ jaar oud; té jong.
      Ja, het zijn zeker net kinderen en je neemt ook volledige verantwoordelijkheid voor hun welzijn. Genieten jullie maar van Sofietje!

  6. Voor jullie mooi om te hebben zo'n grote katten familie, voor mij leuk om te zien.
    Manlief wil geen kat in huis en ik geen hond, dus dat is dan heel duidelijk.

    Geniet van de beestenboel en fijne dag,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja, op zo'n enorm landgoed als wij hebben hier is zo'n poezen-gezin erg goed op zijn plaats. Als je in een woning met kleine tuin leeft wordt het plaatje al heel anders en ook qua klimaat maakt het nogal wat uit.
      Zonder dieren kunnen wij beiden niet leven; ze geven zoveel liefde en zijn vaak loyaler dan sommige mensen.

  7. What adorable kittens. I'm also a cat lover, we had 2 "adopted" females who each gave birth to 5 kittens, 7 1/2 years ago. Some were adopted and we kept 3 of the kittens. Sadly both mothers have died, one in March last year and the other in February this year.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      So we both share the same love for these loyal and sweet furbabies! How sad for loosing both mothers by death, well, it is in a way more acceptable than having one just disappear... The unknown is heart breaking.
      Sending you hugs,

  8. Cute and wonderful kittens. I wish them all the best on the occasion of 8 birthday. Regards.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      Thank you very much and believe me, they got a very spoiled Birthday; as all of their days in fact.
      Sending you hugs and best wishes.

  9. Dearest Mariette, they are so blessed to have you and Pieter as their human mama and papa... beautiful photos to reflect back on the early days. wishing you a fabulous week ahead. Hugs Celia M. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Thank you and they are a big blessing to both of us; we would not want to miss them! Can't believe we claim them as our own already for 8 years... Scary how fast time is passing!
      Hugs and happy spring days to you both as well.

  10. Leuke serie foto's, een mooi en aaibaar logje. Ze hebben het heerlijk naar hun zin. Spijtig van het verongelukte katje en de ontvoerde moeder. Lieve groet,

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, inderdaad erg aaibaar en ook heel lief spul. We genieten er elke dag van en ze zijn erg happy hier. Ja, er zijn er al 3 aangereden hier, eentje uit het asiel die we maar een maand of drie hadden. En de ontvoerde moeder poes, dat was heel verdrietig want ze was oh zo lief.
      Fijne Paasperiode nog en liefs,

  11. Meine liebe Mariette,
    es ist immer schlimm, wenn man ein Tier verliert. Aber es ist wirklich schön, dass so viele
    bei ihren menschlichen Eltern sind.
    Du hast ganz wunderschöne fotos eingestellt. Katzenkinder sind immer besonders süß.
    Leider bleiben sie nicht immer klein.
    Einen schönen Resttag wünscht dir
    Deine Irmi

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja, schlimm ist es schon um ein liebes Tier zu verlieren. Nur mit dem Wissen das sie es bei uns gut hatten und noch haben; das hilft.
      Oh, diese wunderschöne Zeit wo es solche spielende und kleine Katzenkinder sind geht oh so schnell vorbei. Es blieben uns nur noch die Bilder.
      Auch noch weiter eine schöne Karwoche und alles Liebe.

  12. Oh where has Spicy been I wonder. I always thought that cats remember to come back home especially if they have kittens. Maybe she was really kidnapped? I feel sorry that they aren't complete now. How nice that they grew up together used to cuddling esch other even after 8 years :)

    1. Dearest Mari,
      We can only keep wondering about Spicy, she never came back and we placed her photo in the Newspaper, had pamphlets everywhere with her photo and reward being offered. All in vain and it really caused us a lot of grief.
      Yes, seeing them still being together that is very special, they only lost one of their sisters but she had six happy years at least.
      Hugs to you,

  13. Dearest Mariette,

    Happy birthday to your sweet little cats and love all the darling photos of them as kitties.
    They are so lucky to have you and Pieter caring for them.
    Happy week

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Thank you and yes, they definitely were darling as little kitties; one could eat them alive!
      They all are quite happy here and live very independently, with their cat-sitter while we're gone and that works perfect.
      Happy week to you as well.

  14. They are all so beautiful. I'm a bit of a crazy cat lady, myself, married to a crazy cat gentleman (is there such a thing??). He always says, "What difference does one more make?" I'm so sorry to hear about Sacha, and how stunning was Mamita Spicy. I do think she got kidnapped, too. Someone must have fallen in love w/her gorgeous face. Can't blame them.

    The pictures were just wonderful, Mariette.

    Thank you for sharing your feline family with us.

    Big bisous, ma chère,

    1. Dearest Marie-Thérèse,Thank you and guess we all are a bit crazy as cat people. It is lovely for being married to a like-minded person! For sure Mamita Spicy got kidnapped, she would never leave home, nor her precious kittens behind. One day we will find out about all of life's secrets...
      Wishing you a lovely week leading up to Easter.

  15. So cute! I am sorry to read their mother is gone, but they sure enjoy your love and care!
    Many hugs, dear Mariette!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you and yes, it is sad that she is gone but what can we do? Just enjoying her babies and hoping she is still alive, somewhere.

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    I love so much with your cats,they were wonderful pictures Feisty tiggy-the tinyone...spooky with his chick full a toy you so so happy with therir mom's feet all the girls bashet.. you both lov
    e time in Easter days!
    This moning I has gollfing work so hard but not wining!
    Hugs and Lots of love to both!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Yes, you are right about our feisty Tiggy-Tiger and she still is; regardless her mini-sized body!
      They loved that Chick-fil-A toy and it looked especially cute against our black Spooky boy.
      Yes, we are enjoying this Holy Week, leading up to Easter and the weather is lovely too.
      Sending you hugs and maybe you will win your golfing match next time?!
      Love from both of us,

  17. Ach liebe Mariette, es ist so traurig, wenn wir unsere geliebten Tiere verlieren -
    leider sind wir oft machtlos und müssen loslassen, was wir lieben -
    sie war eine wunderschöne Mama -
    ich kann dich gut verstehen, als unsere 1. Katze damals im Wohnzimmer lag, überfahren
    von einem Rüpel... es tat so weh - sehr lange hab ich gebraucht, um dies zu verarbeiten -
    ich drück dich -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Es stimmt das wir oft loslassen sollen da wir wirklich machtlos da stehen.
      Ja genau, uns ere 1. Katze wurde auch so von einem Rüpel überfahren, nie angehalten, einfach futsch und Pieter sah es! Es dauert lange ja weil man ja richtig trauert und eben noch mehr wenn wir sie so verlieren müssen.
      Es ist fein um so gleichdenkende, Tierliebend Freundinnen im Blog zu treffen.
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  18. Deaerst Mariette;
    Happy Birthday to your adorable and sweet babies♡♡♡ I LOVED seeing all the super cute pictures hereo(*^▽^*)o~♪
    Oh, and some sad experiences also had to be involved, so sorry about the sweet mommy!
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you, they had a very special birthday, as all of their days because they are so spoiled and loved.
      Guess our entire life is intertwined with sad and happy moments; isn't it?
      Love and hugs from your American friend in Georgia,

  19. Happy birthday to the little sweethearts :)

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      Thank you very much!
      Hugs to all three of you,

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    Who can resist a pile of kitties. I love the way they show up in your photos!
    We celebrate our kitties birthdays on April 1, because they are all so foolish!
    Enjoy the spring..........*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      You are so right about that but still there are people that don't love kitties!
      Fun way of celebrating your kitties on April 1.
      You bet we are enjoying spring!

  21. Dear Mariette,happy birthday to your sweet little kittens!
    I sure like the play box!What a wonderful and clever idea!
    Have a happy April month!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you and they gave us so much joy and love and still do. The play box was a great invention at no cost!
      Hugs to you for a very happy April.

  22. Wat een leuke foto's van je poesjes ..
    altijd leuk een poesje in huis ..
    ik hoop dat je nog lang van je poesjes kan genieten...
    ik wens je een fijne maand toe ..
    lieve groet Nieneke

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja die oude foto's zijn nog altijd leuk om weer eens door te kijken want ze zijn maar zó'n korte tijd klein...
      We hopen dat ze inderdaad heel bejaard mogen worden hier bij ons. De oudste, Barty is al 11 nu. Dus wie weet?
      Ook een heel bijzondere maand April en liefs,

  23. Bonsoir Mariette
    Ils sont trop mignons ! Dommage oui pour ceux que tu as perdu. Mais les autres sont beaux !!!
    J'adore l'arbre à chat dans la boite lol

    1. Dearest Nathalie,
      Thank you and yes they are so sweet and lovely. Indeed a pity that we lost some but we are happy with the rest and life goes on!
      Husband Pieter was very clever for putting that play tree in the box together.

  24. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing everybody here in so many pictures. This is the first time I have seen enough pictures of my friend's fur babies in a blog. So many, me as well, just have one or two. I loved knowing their background and seeing Mamacita too. She was a good fur mommy.

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Oh, it was such a bliss for having them being born at our home and they are therefore so used to our voice and the home. Sad that Mamita disappeared. Still think she got kidnapped, she was the sweetest most devoted Mommy we have ever seen and such a beauty.
      Tiggy-Tiger brought us a chipmunk into the kitchen for breakfast; which we both managed to rescue and set free in the wood garden, across the creek.
      Bandido is having problems, he's barfing way too much and it worries us. But yeah, they are senior kitties by now...


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MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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