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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, July 28, 2013

{Clerodendrum Ugandense - Blue Butterfly Bush, Blue Glorybower}

Last year our young Clerodendrum Ugandense or Blue Butterfly Bush, Blue Glorybower, almost succumbed to the summer heat. Great was our joy when on May 28, husband Pieter could make two photos from its first blooms. Up till than we kept it inside the greenhouse for protecting its still frail growth. Let me show you first a closeup of this exotic, from an earlier shrub we had in 2004.
Clerodendrum Ugandese or Blue Butterfly Bush and also called Blue Glorybower.
You certainly understand that we wanted to replace this beauty!
This photo shows its beautiful first flowers when the pot got just taken out of the greenhouse.
It is an East African evergreen shrub from Kenya and Uganda, you can find more info below this post.
We found ours in the spring of last year, at Logee's.
Here it is still inside the greenhouse... 
Do you see the almost dead stems to the left and center, from which these new green leaves did branch out? 
Looks like quite a miracle!
It also shows that we should not throw out any plant too soon.
They might come back to life in a surprising way.
Due to the heavy rain and rather dark weather, no more flowers have formed outside but instead it has huge foliage. Looking strong and happy.
Did you know this shrub? 

Related link:
Clerodendrum ugandense | For more info
Logee's | Where we obtained ours


  1. the blossoms do almost look like blue butterflies - so very cool!

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Hence its common name of blue butterfly bush I guess!

  2. How lovely my friend. Your hubs took some amazing phtotos of this blue butterfly blooms. Your garden seems to be blooming just beautiful and you sure have a 'green thumb', sweetie! Enjoy a nice summer weekend.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Thank you! Blooms show up in-between and most don't last that long... But while we have them; we enjoy! Love to share them with you here.
      Happy weekend to you too.

  3. Lovely! My blue daze and blue plumbago are both blooming with gusto. ;-)

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      You are blessed for having such beauties blooming! The Blue Daze is stunning; we don't have them in our garden. Plumbago is also eye candy.
      Enjoy them and have a lovely weekend!

  4. Replies
    1. Dearest Linda,
      Glad you enjoy them. I surely enjoyed the one-minute swan video on your blog!
      Happy weekend to you,

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    wunderbar, wundervoll, wunderschön...
    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ah, du kommentierst mit www... Gut formuliert und ja, diese Blumen sind sehr schön!
      Danke für die sonnige Grüsse da wir abgelauen Nacht den schlimmsten Regen je gehabt haben... Bach überschwämmt und alles so nass und feucht. Kein schöner Sommer für uns.
      Lieber Gruss,

    2. Liebe Mariette,

      ich wünsche dir viel Kraft und Zuversicht.

      Alles Liebe

  6. I don't think I know this flower but it's really so lovely!
    Have a nice week end Mariette!

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      You might be able to grow this in Greece. It comes from East Africa.
      Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  7. Non conosco questo fiore, ma è davvero bellissimo! Sì, è incredibile come certe piante riescano a sopravvivere pur sembrando morte! Sembra un'orchidea, è davvero bella.

    1. Cara Serena,
      Sono contento di leggere che ti piace troppo questa pianta speciale. Sì, la natura è forte e può sorprenderci in molti modi.
      Buon weekend!

  8. Dearest Mariette,

    They have a beautiful blue color, their petals like butterfly. It's very interesting evergreen shrub.
    I have never seen them honestly,but there are many similes shrubs like yours.
    so lovely.
    have a nice weekend for both of you

    1. Dearest Ayu,
      Oh, there are endless plants from around the world and it is impossible for having seen them all... Love the butterfly shaped flowers and its color.
      Stay well with your baby and enjoy summer.

  9. That is such a pretty plant!
    Wishing you a most wonderful weekend Mariette!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Enjoy your weekend too, regardless the renovation work. Pretty plant indeed, however very short time that it blooms...

  10. Lieve Mariette,

    Blauwe bloemen spreken mij altijd aan van wat voor soort dan ook.
    Maar deze heeft wel een hele mooie sierlijke bloem.

    Heb haar hier nog nooit gezien,maar dat wil natuurlijk niet zeggen dat Clerodendrum ugandense niet in Nederland te koop is.

    Lees wel dat de altijd groene plant wel eens haar blad kan verliezen, maar met de nodige zorg komen er weer nieuwe scheuten, net zoals bij jullie plant ook gebeurde.

    Fijn weekeind en lieve groet!!

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Het is een heel lief en subtiel bloemetje en in jou lievelingskleur; inderdaad! Ja, in Indonesië verliezen alle bomen en planten toch regelmatig hun blad, al hebben ze niet de seizoenen die wij hebben. Levende dingen hernieuwen zich constant of herstellen etc. Dat is maar goed ook. En ja hoor, Palmaverde.nl heeft 'm ook in de verkoop.
      Ook een heel fijn weekend en lieve groetjes.

  11. Dearest Mariette,

    What a graceful and pretty flower and bush. I have never seen this one. Blue Flowers are always so enticing; I don't know why.

    You are so right about not tossing supposedly dead plants. I've just been photographing two that looked completely done for a few years ago. Perhaps I'll post them.

    Enjoy the weekend.....*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Oh, we had once an experience that we had tossed out a dead plant on our compost pile, all the pruning waste etc. Next year I discovered it had started growing there. We lovingly dug it out and gave it real soil and a pot and still have it.
      This Clerodendrum Ugandense is very special with its butterfly like blue flowers.
      Have a happy weekend.

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    What a beautiful and interesting plant! The flowers are lovely! I didn't know it, and I don't think it would be able to survive here since it needs a tropical climate... But maybe it could survive on the Mediterranean coasts, like other (imported) tropical flowers? Striking that it almost succumbed to the heat even if it's originally from what I believe are very hot places. It must get VERY hot where you live...
    That's so true, Mariette... we should always give our plants a chance, they have amazing abilities to come back to life. Have a lovely weekend! It's very hot here too at the moment, Europe is currently going through a heatwave which should reach its peak between Sunday and Tuesday.

    1. Dearest Anna,
      This plant cannot take frost, that's why we keep it also in a pot.
      Oh, here it is 41°C Real Feel as I write this... Last year we had 42°C and 43°C and I can tell you it is hard on humans too! Without air-conditioning you would not survive here.
      Enjoy your hot weekend and try to stay cool.

  13. Mariette, du Liebe,
    wieder etwas gelernt. Ich kannte diese hübsche Pflanze
    gar nicht. Schön, dass se nicht ganz abgestorben ist.
    Die zarten Blüten erinnern mich an Schmetterlinge,
    Ein schönes Wochenende wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja, deswegen wird sie ja auch Schmetterling Busch genannt! Pflanzen können zäh sein, so wie der Mensch. Hier mit die hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit und Hitze muss man auch durchalten.
      Lieber Gruss,

  14. Ma sai che mi sembra di non aver mai visto questo fiore? Adorabile la tonalità del suo colore, e chissà come deve essere bello dal vivo. Ti ho mandato una mail con la foto di quello che nella mia ricetta chiamo "Surmi" o polpa di granchio. A presto. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Tu sai che nel mondo hai tante fiore che non mai abbiamo visto...
      Ho letto la tua mail e ti ho mandato anche un link di Surimi per tante foto. Stiamo parlando di lo stesso, granchio imitazione chiamano qui o si prendono le gambe granchio reale.
      Buon weekend.

  15. Dear Mariette,
    You grow the most amazing flowers! I have never seen anything so delicate and beautiful - it truly looks like little blue and white butterflies! Thank you for sharing and telling us about this beautiful plant. You must be so delighted that it is blooming after almost losing it. Hugs, xoxo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      When we did still consulting work in Connecticut, we did drive on the weekend to Logee's Greenhouses. They have such an incredible variety and are in business over one century. Their catalog is also very unique and prices very reasonable. So we know this company for several decades now.
      Due to the dark and rainy weather it quit blooming though. It only developed monster size leaves; so lush.
      Hugs to you,

  16. Wat een bijzondere bloem Mariette! Ik kan mij je vreugde voorstellen :-)

    Een fijne zondag toegewenst!

    Madelief x

    1. Beste Madelief,
      Ja, om zo'n exotische plant er weer door te krijgen is inderdaad een soort overwinning. De beloning van bloesems is altijd geweldig.
      Ook nog een fijne zondagavond.

  17. They are such beautiful flowers! I can see why they are called blue butterfly bush. What cute butterfly shaped flowers :-) I agree, we should not throw out the plant too soon. My coworker is growing a plant which is cut and doesn't have root. According to her, that kind of plant can still grow...I guess root will grow back?
    We are having break from monsoon today...so far :-) Very sunny yet not too hot. I hope you are enjoying the sunshine, too!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      We got rewarded by this strong survivor. Oh, your coworker might be quite successful to grow a plant back from cutting. Nature is strong and if the environment is optimal, it works. As far as humidity in Georgia is concerned, it sure must work this year. Yesterday we also had an entire dry day. We even made it back and forth to the dinner, not having to drive the 12 miles in the rain. So far today is fine too.

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    You having so many flowers and creative your desserts.
    All you were happy with your hubby for everything both of life.
    The clerodendrum ugandense is very special with its bytterfly like blue flowers
    I realy emjoyed your writting with us.

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      It is a pleasure for sharing such exotic and often unknown beauties with all my friends in the blogger world! This might bring just a little bit of sunshine to someone's day!
      Have a great new week ahead.

  19. Beautiful pictures Mariette! Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Dearest Eva,
      Glad to share these pictures with all of you. Hope you have a lovely Sunday evening in Dublin, Ireland!

  20. Dear Marriette,
    what a beautiful flower!!!
    And the colour is so preety!!!
    Intresting that it lives in more tropic climates!
    Hope you have a lovely evening!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Yes, a surprising color for a lovely flower. The tropic always has the most exotic flowers... That's why islands like Hawaii or Bali, Indonesia look like paradise!
      Enjoy your Sunday evening; we still have our sunny afternoon.

  21. I have never seen this flower and ii is so beautiful ! It is nice that yours bloomed this spring !! Have a nice day !

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      So glad that I could introduce this exotic butterfly bush to all those that never had seen it! Wishing you a very nice evening in Greece.

  22. Ik ken deze plant niet, ze heeft een mooie blauwe kleur!

    Lieve groeten Janny

    1. Beste Janny,
      Ja, jullie zitten ook nog een eindje van Kenya of Uganda af... Daar komt ie dus vandaan. Exotische bloemen zijn altijd mooi maar ze kunnen geen vorst verdragen.
      Lieve groetjes vanuit een zonnig Georgia,

  23. Hello my dear friend Mariette:
    I'm back into blog-land and I'm happy to visit you. I've never seen this flower before, but it is so beautiful. You really amaze me because you have lots of flowers, trees and plants in your garden and you are a very knowledgeable lady. I always like to learn about all kind of plants. Thanks for sharing this very interesting post.

    Send you a big hug, my dear friend, con cariño

    Laura :-)

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Welcome back from all your travels for visiting family!
      Knowing lots of exotic flowers comes from our work as consultants and our general interest in horticulture. We went to several botanical gardens and working in Connecticut we visited Logee's Greenhouses during weekends. They have the biggest collection of exotic and rare plants. The grandfather started this business over 100 years back. So they are our source for special plants and shrubs and they are very reasonable in price.
      Big hug to you mi amiga con much cariño.

  24. WOW!!! beautiful ... how wonderful to have a green house that brings such beauties from far away - so that you may enjoy them in your garden. Pieter has a really green thumb in nursing your lovelies back to blooming. Hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      This one really does make a statement! We both loved our visits to Logee's Greenhouses in Connecticut. Guess they do have the most extensive collection of rare and tropical plants. Oh, both of us have been born and raised in greenhouses and guess that never will leave us...


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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