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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

{TEA = Superb Fat Fighter}

Already in a previous post I did write about a USEFUL TEA REGIME FOR A SLIMMER YOU. See link below. It is a fact that TEA does have lots of ANTIOXIDANTS that are very beneficial for our health. Drinking tea may help prevent chronic illnesses according to a USA Today article. 13 Reasons Tea is Good for You is another great article. Number 1. is about the antioxidants in green tea with an ability to burn fat as fuel. 
This is Dutch Mango Tea from Douwe Egberts Pickwick. 
I used my Japanese Kyusu teapot, a gift from my 2007 trip to Japan as a chaperone with 6 teenagers.
The round wooden tray  was another gift from my host family.
The table runner is also from Japan.
The silver rose spoon is one of my favorites and it would be a great addition to Silber-und-Rosen-Shop or for the book: Rosen-Bestecke by this specialty shop's owner Johanna, as the author.
In the back you see the book Tea with a Twist by Lisa Boalt Richardson who is also from Georgia.
The teacup is Japanese, husband Pieter did bring it home from an antique shop in London.
Dear friend Celia from Celia M. High Heeled Life & Resilientista wrote some excellent posts about taking out time for an afternoon tea. Just check her Google+ page and scroll down to her delightful posts about it.
9 Reasons to Drink Green Tea Daily with number 1. stating it is a SUPERB FAT FIGHTER.
number 2. stating it TARGETS BELLY FAT!
10 Life-Sustaining Reasons to Drink Green Tea with slide number 4 showing that Green Tea helps to 
manage weight. 
Green Tea could be among the superfoods you want to include for our diet!
Slide number 6 shows that Green Tea Boosts Oral Health.
My dental hygienist noticed last week that my tartar build up was a lot less. 
That adds up to another bonus.
Do you have any experience with some of the above mentioned pluses of Tea and/or Green Tea?

Related links:
{USEFUL TEA REGIME FOR A SLIMMER YOU} | previous post by me
{Our last Datura Angel's Trumpets and TEA with a Twist} | previous post by me
{Lisa Boalt Richardson another Georgia Tea Aficionado!} | previous post by me about my High Tea


  1. i drink hot green tea in the evenings in winter. but in summer i drink a lot more ice water.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      We drink hot green tea and others year round and of course lots of water too, but not ice water... Guess for that you have to be born in the USA.

  2. I drink hot Green tea all day long...maybe 8 glasses, or mugs and I do keep on my slim side; it's supposed to burn fat, who knows, but it works for me! I love your tea setting my friend, specially the teacup and saucer, how lovely! Thank you so much for all this Green tea information, I'm so happy to hear all these goodness about it! You are a lady of such vast knowledge! Come by for cake too, lol..and maybe Green tea? Have a wonderful week lovely lady.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Wow, you are doing very well with Green tea and also for living in the tropics, keeping up with your fluids is excellent that way. Oh, we could sit together over tea and exchange some thoughts on nice porcelain...
      Hugs and also wishing you a lovely week.

  3. I drink green tea after lunch at work. Feels like the tea cleanses my body, really! If I remember correctly, antioxidant Catechin works great for cleaning cutting board. You rub used green tea leaves on the cutting board and rinse it. I think it is good way to recycle used tea leaves :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Sure, you stay true to your culture and get all its health benefits. Looking up the working for cleaning, it does not actually sanitize the cutting board when using used green tea leaves. However it does deodorize a cutting board and other things like litter boxes. You can read about that at the very bottom here: http://www.moondragon.org/health/nutritionbasics/antioxidants/greentea.html
      Hugs to you,

    2. Oh thank you for your info! I did not remember correctly, haha. You are right, it helps deodorize, like fish smell on cutting board.
      I forgot to mention earlier, but I love your beautiful kyusu :-)

  4. Thank you for sharing all the interesting facts about green tea. I need to drink green tea rather than black.
    I enjoyed your pretty tea setting. '-)

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      Thank you for your praise about the special Japanese tea setting. We more and more drink green tea at home; just for its many health benefits.
      Hugs to you,

  5. I love love LOVE tea! I can drink it black, or with sugar, or with cream or with cream and sugar. Yum! And the only tea I don't like is Earl Gray. Blah!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Tea I don't drink with sugar since 2007... once you're used to it, the more you enjoy the tea flavor on its own!
      Good for you for liking it; it does have so many health affects.

  6. And I will have to try some Pomegranate tea! Perhaps with a few chocolate covered pomegranates. :)
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Yeah, those dark chocolate (healthy too!) covered pomegranates I bought two bags at Costco on Wednesday... I make sure it doesn't happen again that I'm out of my 'dope'... Ha-ha, it is addictive. Funny, my Dad loved dark chocolate and I have loved my entire life dark chocolate as well.

  7. Dearest mariette,
    a very informative post about tea!
    I must say, that I normaly only drink tea in the wintermonths ;O) but now, I think, I should change that and drink more green tea ;O)
    Happy week to you,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Both of us do drink hot tea all year round. It is so soothing and a great relaxing time together. Green tea is our favorite right now.
      Hugs to you,

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    wieder freue ich mich über deinen schönen Post.
    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke, es freut mich hier zu lesen.
      Lieber sonniger Gruss,

  9. Dearest Mariette,
    The green tea increases help us our lose weight I don't mind with just keep on healing the my weight.
    Your Pieter bring it home from an antique shop in London.
    Green Tea with you has delightful your test that is good your body.
    I will like to has anything good for me but never I don't eat chocolate or any sweet deserves.
    Hugs and love to you always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Green tea is such a great beverage that came from Japan, your country to the entire world. More and more people are finding out about all its great qualities.
      Oh, dark chocolate I never can resist...

  10. Dear Mariette,
    what a lovely and interecting post!
    I'm used to drink tea,living in Melbourne will i was a little girl!
    But even now,i like to drink cold tea,with mint leaves inside!
    So tasty!Have a lovely day!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      It is quite interesting what we can learn from tea. Mint leaves do help for anti-bloating. All teas have their special health benefits for us.
      Hugs to you,

  11. I don't like tea but I have to loose some weight so I'll try to follow your advice, elegant lady!You certainly know more and your tea setting is unique!

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Tea will help you to loose some weight, especially the green tea. Thanks for your compliments; I just love tea and fine china.

  12. Lieve Mariette,

    Las al vaker berichten over het gunstige effect van groene thee op het menselijk lichaam,
    maar toch ben ik daar niet zó mee bezig tijdens het zetten en drinken van mijn thee.

    Heb dat idee van gezond bezig zijn meer tijdens het wassen ,bereiden en eten van sla en verse groenten en zomerfruit wat nu volop te koop is.

    Je foto met thee ritueel ziet er weer aantrekkelijk uit!!!

    Kocht jaren geleden op een rommelmarkt voor 'n paar cent een theepot(je)van Yixing klei,dit is een kleisoort afkomstig uit Yixing, China. Deze kleisoort, vergelijkbaar met de Nederlandse rivierklei,is omwille van zijn uitstekende warmte en aromabehoud uitermate geschikt voor theepotten.

    Wij houden ramen en deuren in de middaguren gesloten en weg gaan om de koelte op te zoeken kunnen we voorlopig wel vergeten.
    Ach..... we laten de kop niet hangen..... nemen nog 'n kopje thee,houden elkaar gezelschap en wachten op medische behandeling en op betere tijden.

    Fijne dag en lieve groet!!!

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja, gezond leven gaat inderdaad vérder dan het drinken van thee! In het verre oosten hebben ze goeie dingen voor het thee ceremonieel, hun cultuur is er veel meer op gericht.
      Jammer dat jullie niet zo lekker zitten en op medische behandeling wachten. Ik wens jullie beiden heel veel sterkte en dat het gauw een keer verbeterd. Ja, dan mis je wel een huis met air-conditioning. Alleen al het ontvochten van de lucht is een zégen. Wij zetten het nooit kouder dan 25°C in de zomer maar genieten van de gezonde ontvochte lucht. Dit is een belangrijke werking van de air-conditioning unit en het geeft je zo een fijn en gezond leefklimaat. Althans bínnen. Buiten is het transpireren tot en met maar dan geniet je van je douche.

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    I'm more of a coffee drinker than tea drinker... but your post really made me think about the healthy benefits of tea! I must drink more too :) Have a lovely day!
    Hugs from the Alps :)

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Oh, when we lived in Italy we were addicted to cappuccinos and espressos... They did help me through my study and my work for doing training and classes in Italian. But we did kick-off somewhat and now only coffee in the morning for me. Tea is very healthy indeed and as we age, we must pay more attention to the health factors.
      Hugs from a hot and humid Georgia,

  14. Your teas setting is lovely. It look like it's a part of a serene ritual.
    I drink tea day round-year round. All the reasons above are good ones for drinking tea, but the best reason is that is simply tastes so good. I drink it hot (year round) cold (cold green tea by itself is an excellent thirst quencher) with milk (in the morning) I even make a frozen chai latte with almond milk that is like an ice cream treat.

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Very healthy lifestyle you describe here! Yes, it is good for us and especially for our more 'mature' age!
      Hugs to you,

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    Naturally, as a Japanese I drink tea everyday. Maybe 3 cups (or yunomi-cup) a day. Just avoiding to have it at least a few hours before going to bed. I'm not sure if coffee has more caffeine than green tea. Coffee prevents me from sleeping, constitutional thing p;)
    Japanese Kyusu teapot and wooden tray are wonderful♡♡♡ And I appreciate you treasuring them, my friend. Thank you very much for sharing the healthy benefits they have♬♬♬

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Sure, you are the green tea guru to us and yes, coffee has a lot more caffeine and it does affect my ability to sleep. So for me, I only drink coffee in the morning.
      Certainly I do treasure that Japanese Kyusu teapot and wooden tray very much. Such fond memories of Japan!
      Hugs and love from Georgia,

  16. eine tolle Info, liebe Mariette

    habe ich richtig gelesen: 85 % der US-Bürger trinken schwarzen Tee...

    auch wir Ostfriesen trinken sehr viel Tee, am liebsten schwarz... und meine Großmutter ist dabei 99 Jahre alt geworden...

    Bei dieser großen Hitze aber auch sehr gerne Blüten- und Kräutertee.

    sonnige Grüße aus dem Drosselgarten schickt Dir Traudi

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja, du lebst in eine sehr besondere Tee Gegend. Die Freundin Ger vom 'Hoorn des Overvloeds' hat öfters darüber geschrieben wenn sie zu euch im Urlaub gefahren war.
      Du hast ein gutes Vorbild mit eine 99-jahrige Grossmutter! Super und du hast recht, alle arten von Tee sind gut und erfrischen uns besonders im Sommer.
      Auch liebe sonnige Grüsse zurück aus Georgia,

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    ich bekomme Lust auf Tee. Besonders auf den Grünen Tee. Danke für deine guten Informationen. Gerade bei dieser Hitze tut eine Tasse Tee sehr gut.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Hitze oder nicht, Tee ist immer gesund. Nach Wasser ist es ja auch das meist getrunkene in der ganzen Welt; neben Wasser!
      Hoffentlich hast du eine gute Nacht.
      Lieber Gruss,

  18. Fabulous post my friend. Tea is something that I make part of my day along with the benefits you mentioned it's a great opportunity to sit and take a little time for one's self.

    Your tea setting is brilliant ... loving the teacup and the Japanese teapot what fabulous memories it must bring each time you use it.

    Thank you for the mention my friend. Hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      These words, coming from you mean a lot to me. Indeed, fond memories for a relaxing time.
      Hugs to you and I will mention you any time when it is relevant!

  19. Tea is so good for the body if only I drank it..............lol

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      You better do; it is too good for not drinking it...

  20. Ik drink iedere dag groene thee met vanille, heerlijk!
    Alleen afvallen...ho maar...maar ik denk dat je dan ook
    liters ervan moet drinken...
    Fijne dag!

    1. Beste Nicole,
      Als de thee gezoet wortdt, ook met vanille, dan zal de pure werking wel afnemen.

  21. My dear, Mariette I drink every day, 2 cups coffee, but after your post...!!!:)
    Have a beautiful day!Kisses!

    1. Dearest Georgia,
      You might want to give it a try too!
      Hugs to you,

  22. Hello Mariette, Taiwan is the home of much superb green and oolong tea. I have tasted many kinds from my friends who own a tea farm and shop. Still, I find it hard to break my morning habit of coffee, and usually later in the day I want water--iced, American-style.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      You certainly are living right in the cradle where superb green and oolong tea have been born. Funny how one can adhere to cultural customs. We never got used to iced water for the same cultural customs we were brought up with. One might give it a second thought, in regard to the many health benefits!

  23. Jammer dat ik groene thee niet zo lekker vind, anders zou ik het vaker drinken. Ik heb net een kop mangothee op, maar niet uit zo'n mooi kopje. Fijne dag, lieve groet

    1. Lieve Willy,
      Mangothee hebben wij ook nog van Pickwick, uit Nederland... Het maakt niet uit welke, thee is altijd gezond, waarvan groene thee het allermeeste.
      Liefs en fijn weekend.

  24. Dearest Mariette, I couldn't live without tea ;)
    Tea is a must for my daily life.
    hugs to you

    1. Dearest Ayu,
      Oh, we also drank tea for as long as we can recall. Not my parents though... I was not raised on tea.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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