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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, July 26, 2013

{Dinner for Friends using Nito Place Mats}

On Saturday, June 29, I did not like to use a linen table cloth or place mats for dinner with friends. After just having ironed lots of linens, I opted for the use of our woven Philippine Nito place mats instead. A gift from a dear friend who is like a sister to me. They are really elegant looking and also very easy to wipe clean, if needed. 
Hydrangeas in the Wedgwood vase are in a very special color and were given to us by one of the dinner guests.
Not as a cut flower but years ago as a starter to grow into a bush!
As a starter, we had mussels from Costco, served as amuse bouche, in little porcelain mini sauce pans and spoons.
To the left are two courser rattan place mats, same size.
My china is from the 70s my Seltmann Weiden Mirabell in white.
Crystal is Baccarat, Piccadilly.
Flatware is my Gero Zilmeta 528 Menuet and silver Alvin Bridal Rose gumbo soup and dessert spoons. Silber-und-Rosen-Shop; yes Johanna, you will LOVE this Rose silverware... Johanna is a dear friend from Germany who wrote a book about Silver Rose Flatware; 'Rosen-Bestecke' and also loves anything with roses, just like me!
A closeup of my octagonal china by Seltmann Weiden, Mirabell pattern in white and made in Germany.
The porcelain amuse bouche spoons we bought in Yogjakarta, Indonesia while working and living there.
The mini sauce pan amuse bouche servers I bought at a whole sale store in The Netherlands, with my best friend.
Silver napkin rings are custom made for us in Indonesia.
Napkins are from Horchow.
Overview of the table setting.
Yes, the month of June did yield some pretty Gardenias for gracing the dinner table.
Do you also opt for using place mats out of convenience?
The heat of summer is not that inviting for ironing table linens...
We are looking forward to coming Saturday when one of the dinner guests will be hosting at her place.
Always fun for not having to do all the work yourself! 


  1. i keep rectangular placements on the table all the time, but mine are utilitarian. yours are lovely!

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      This is in the dining room... and the Nita place mats are also very practical!

  2. Hey, dear Mariette...I'm arriving for dinner any minute now, so I hope you have a place for me and Alejandro; now, that's two!!! The food looks wonderful and the dinner setting with those great Nito placemats are awesome! I love Oriental stuff like this. Have a wonderful evening, lovely lady. Big hugs,

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Yeah, wish that could be true! It would be a great swap for sitting once at each other's dining table! You are the queen of table settings; no doubt about that.
      Thanks for liking these too, they do blend in nice with the solid French oak.

  3. Dearest MAriette,
    your tables always look great!
    I do use different placemats every day ;O)
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thanks for the compliment.
      Place mats are a lot easier than table cloths!
      Hugs to you,

  4. Liebe Mariette,


    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Gut dass es dir gefällt!
      Lieber Gruss,

  5. Cara Mariette, non so da che parte iniziare: io ho tonnellate di bucato da stirare e con il caldo non ne ho voglia quindi l'idea delle tovagliette è ottima..le tue sono veramente bellissime! Ma a dire il vero nella tua tavola è tutto meraviglioso...le posate,i portatovaglioli,i fiori (stupende quelle ortensie)..insomma, tutto un incanto...comprese le cozze...che squisitezza!
    Un caro, carissimo abbraccio!

    1. Carissima Anna,
      Oh, quando fa caldo, la stiratura non è la stessa cosa... E l'umidità è il fattore di uccisione. Abbiamo grazie a Dio la nostra aria condizionata per togliere l'umidità dall'aria. Abbiamo solo raffreddare fino a 25°C perché altrimenti lo shock è troppo grande da esterno all'interno... Augurandovi bene e spero che la tristezza sarà gestibile.
      Abbracci stretti,


  6. Dearest Mariette,
    What a charming table! I wish I was your guest.


    1. Dearest Marina,
      Oh you would be more than welcome to share a meal with us. Love to cook for company, it is always special.
      Hugs to you,

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    du machst dir immer so viel Arbeit - alles ist so liebevoll
    gedeckt. Ich verwende jeden Tag Sets. Für mich allein wäre
    Leinen- oder Seidentischwäsche einfach zu aufwendig.
    Einen sonnigen Tag wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja es macht einen Unterschied ob man für mehrere Personen oder nur für sich oder zur zweit eindeckt! Das Auge soll auch was haben und so bringt man Freude zu den Gästen.
      Lieber Gruss,

  8. Wow... not to late to add a seat Mariette? I can help with some washing up later! :-)

    1. Dearest Mei,
      Yeah, I would add a seat for you! No doubt and maybe on another day you could prepare some delicious Chinese food for us to feast on. This dinner I did Italian food, including Tiramisu for dessert...
      Hugs to you,

  9. une table sobre et appétissante
    j'opte bien facilement pour des sets de table
    le repassage est très long et fatiguant
    pour les nappes brodées je les donne au pressing
    tout dans la facilitée et le beau
    il ne faut pas que cela devienne une corvée::::

    1. Très chère Edith,
      Tu as bien raison, comme avec tes problèmes de santé, qu'il faut penser plus pratique. Ici la lessive ne fait pas le service superbe, que vous obtenez en Europe, avec appretage et donc. Mais jusqu'ici, j'ai réussi et bien sûr ne pas tous les jours j'utilise complet linge de table.
      Espérons que tu gérez votre été, te sentant raisonnablement bien.

  10. Lieve Mariette,

    Het hoeft niet altijd kaviaar of damast te zijn om aan een mooi gedekte tafel als gast plaats te mogen nemen en te genieten....

    Op deze manier met placemats gedekt ziet het er ook heel sfeervol en uitnodigend uit.

    Zeker op zomerse dagen mag de tafel, bij mij in elk geval, ook een zomerse ongedwongen uitstraling hebben en als het niet te warm is mag het ook het liefste buiten plaatsvinden.

    Fijne dag en lieve groet!!

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Zeker geen kaviaar, die vind ik niet eens lekker... Met gasten aan een mooi gedekte tafel met damasten tafelkleed is wel altijd iets feestelijks!
      Maar in de zomer blijven we practisch. Buiten hebben we deze zomer nog niet kunnen genieten. De regen heeft het hele tuinprieeltje bij de ingang vol modder laten drijven; uit de tuin... Dat is een hele klus om alles schoon te maken en we zijn al zo ver achter met het onkruid en al. Je weet niet waar je het eerste moet beginnen. Dus voorlopig blijven dingen hier heel praktisch!
      Liefs en beste wensen voor jullie beiden.

  11. Dear Mariette,what a wonderful dinner setting!And the food looks so delicious!!
    You are full of talents!!And i'm sure you're guests had a great time!!!
    Have a lovely day!!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      It was a very special time and we had great Italian food; everybody loves that I guess.
      For friends you go the extra mile and it always is rewarding.

  12. Liebe Mariette,
    ein ganz wunderbar gedeckter Tisch - herrliches Porzellan - duftende Blüten - tolle Serviettenringe - sehr schöne Tisch-Sets und so schöne Stühle sehe ich -
    ein gelungener Abend -
    ich habe keine Tisch-Sets - aber die Idee finde ich gut -

    liebe Grüße -


    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Ja, so ab und zu kann es sehr praktisch sein mit solchen Tisch-Sets und auch schön. Aber Kerzen und Blumen machen es immer festlich.
      Lieber Gruss,

  13. Beautiful table setting!!! Loving your china and your flowers from the garden perfect accent to your white china and crystal. Your guests must have been thrilled to sit and enjoy their meal in such a fabulous, thoughtful put together evening. Enjoy your time at your friends' dinner. I agree it's always wonderful when someone else is planning and cooking... happy week my friend, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Thank you for your compliments. When we have fragrant flowers from our own garden, that makes for special and happy times. It lends such an exotic touch to any setting, even a less formal one.
      Don't we all look forward to go to someone else's table?
      Enjoy your week and sending you hugs,

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    Thank you for sharing the table setting. The Gardenias are gorgeous and the place mats are neat. Perfect arrangement!

    1. Dearest Munir,
      Thank you and it turned out to be a practical but pretty arrangement indeed.

  15. Good Evening Mariette, Your table setting is so very pretty and I love the fact that the hydrangea which you placed in the Wedgewood vase was from a plant which was given to you as a gift. What can I say about Gardenias, except to say that the perfume which this plant emits is so very beautiful.
    I really like your Nito place mats, they have a casual feel about them, but they also sit well with your beautiful china and glasses.
    It sounds like you all had a wonderful time together, with beautiful food to enjoy. Next time, you can put your feet up and relax and enjoy your friends cooking.
    Best Wishes to you,

    1. Dearest Daphne,
      How did you know that I would read this in the evening...? Thanks for your comment, you at least got all the details and glad to know you enjoy Gardenias as much as I do. It always is a pleasure to pull off such a dinner for friends. Sure I will enjoy the next one where I don't have to cook... Always great.

  16. Beautiful setting, Mariette. I use place mats more often than table cloths for several reasons. Fist, I like the patina of the wood which actually adds another layer of texture. Secondly, our tale is oval and it's difficult to find clots that look nice on it. Thirdly, using a place mat can add color, texture, and interest that a simple cloth can't. So yes, I like to use placemats. Thanks for sharing this lovely table.

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      Having an oval dining room table certainly is not easy for finding a fitting tablecloth, other than custom ordered. Placemats can be very nice looking and practical.
      Hugs to you and thanks for stopping by!

  17. Ziet er goed uit hoor......gezellig ...liefs Ria...x!

    1. Beste Ria,
      Ja, dit was vóór jou verjaardag dus té vroeg ingedekt voor dat doel.

  18. Dinner at your house looks like a wonderful treat Mariette! Everything looks so pretty and the food looks delicious. Linen is quite a job to iron so I think the mats you chose were a good choice after all that work:)

    1. Dearest Victoria,
      At least for the time that the summer heat is on, let the ironing 'rest'... This works fine and is so practical.
      We did have a great dinner time together with Italian food being served.

  19. Dearest Mariette,
    WOW! Your table looks amazing!!!! I would certainly enjoy being your guest! :) Your place mats are very beautiful and practical at the same time!
    Sending hugs over from the Alps!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Okay, if you happen to end up in our area; be our guest! This was just a happy gathering with Italian food. We will repeat another dinner this Saturday and I don't have to cook this time...

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    OMG, what a Lovely Table Setting♡♡♡ Your place mats gifted from your dear friend, flower(especially, the color of hydrogen), Silver napkin rings all arranged perfectly! Mussel looks SO delicious; sure I wish to be a gust to your dinner. In return, you are really welcome for soba guest at my tiny house p;)
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Wow, we all keep inviting each other back and forth! Wouldn't that be fun to experience different food cultures! Let's dream...
      Thanks for stopping by and wetting your appetite and for your kind words.
      Hugs to you from Georgia,

  21. Oh I love your place mats! They have tropical look and cheer the table! And no need for ironing...perfect for summer :-) And I adore your table setting! Beautiful fresh flowers and your dish looks yummy and pretty!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thanks for loving my placemats. When we lived and worked in Indonesia, the Japanese Sogo Department in Jakarta did carry them as well, always loved things woven from Nito. You are not that far away, so why not join us at table one day?

    2. I had no idea Sogo carries these placemats! Must be popular among Japanese, too :-) It will be really lovely if we can get together one day!

    3. The sad thing is that Sogo no longer is in Jakarta, so many of its stores closed. I LOVED it; also for the food they sold. By the way, after his on-going wet monsoon, in the fall we have to kill that bottle of Umeshu.
      Hugs to you,

  22. tavola perfetta comprese le cozze come antipasto!

    1. Cara Daniela,
      Sì e dopo le cozze ho servito una zuppa organici basso sodio di Trader Giotto da pomodoro e peperone rosso arrostito. Ho fatto la salsa fresca per la pasta, seguendo la tua ricetta, sopra la pasta di grano intero con manzo vegetariano da Trader Giotto. Per dessert, ho fatto il tiramisù con caffè.

  23. Dearest Mariette,
    You having All over the words just like Italian food & Chinese wonderful sitting with those Great nito placemats are awesome!
    Experience diffeent food at all over the contry place words.


    1. Dearest Michiko,
      At our home it always is a blend of exotic items from all over the world. We are kind of gypsies and our lifestyle is also a mix, as well as the food.

  24. Your table settings are lovely, Mariette! I do love the white china on the woven mats - a simple and beautiful contrast. It does remind me of a lovely tropical setting with your gorgeous gardenia's. Very special for lucky guests. <3 xoxo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Those mats are already a tropical treasure, coming from a dear friend that brought them home from visiting her Mom in the Philippines. Those I treasure and we often had seen them at the Japanese Sogo Department store in Jakarta, while living and working in Indonesia. Gardenias are a dream all through summer and often even in November when they bloom for a second time. Guess I have practiced all my life to go the extra mile when cooking for my guests. Love to do that.

  25. Una mesa estupenda...un beso desde Murcia...

    1. Alp,
      Gracias por tu visita y estaría bien ir juntos a la mesa y hablar sobre tus fotos geniales!

  26. Liebe Mariette,
    sehr schön und einladend hast du den Tisch gestaltet - und die Muscheln sehen in deinen hübschen Porzellan-Geschirrteilen sehr verlockend aus (ich liebe Meeresfrüchte :o))!
    Ganz liebe rostrosige Grüße & gute Wünsche für das Wochenende! Und herzlichen Dank für deine Glückwünsche an Jana!!! Ja, wir sind nun alle sehr erleichtert! :o))

    1. Liebe Traude,
      Danke und ja wir lieben auch die Meeresfrüchte oder wie es in Italien heisst: Frutti di Mare.
      Ihr könnt auch in Ruhe geniessen von euer Wochenende und besonders die Jana! Sie hat es verdient.
      Leiber Gruss,

  27. The table looks very nice, almost like a picture in a magazine!

    1. Dearest Marianne,
      Thank you for your compliment. It sure is a joy for having friends share around the table with us.
      Happy weekend to you!

    2. Dearest Mariette,

      So Fabulous table setting. the Gardenia flower beautify perfectly with the setting.
      the rattan place mats quite familiar to me;).
      the white napkins I adore so much.
      wishing you a great weekend
      hugs to you

    3. Dearest Ayu,
      Guess you make similar place mats in Bali as well. Thanks for your visit and enjoy your weekend too; with baby in your tummy.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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