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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, July 20, 2013

{Our Victorian hybrid Pelargonium Rosebuds}

Regardless the heavy rain that we got from the beginning of June till now, we managed to have beautiful Victorian hybrid Pelargonium Rosebuds on June 7. Victorian hybrid features clusters of tiny double blossoms, like a mini bouquet of roses. In years past, the blooms were used for small corsages or to decorate a buttonhole. Have you ever seen them? 
Here you see in my silver Rose vase from left to right: the Geranium 'Pink Rosebud' (Pelargonium hybrid); 'Appleblossom Rosebud' and the 'Red Rosebud'. Below post you find link with address in Connecticut where we obtained also ours. There also is a link to a blogger in Norway with an even more extensive collection.
Not so easy to capture them during cloudy weather but this photo does show them clearly.
'Pink Rosebud' at the bottom; 'Appleblossum Rosebud' in the center and 'Red Rosebud' at the top.
Here is the 'Appleblossum Rosebud' Pelargonium budding inside our greenhouse...
'Pink Rosebud' Pelargonium budding inside our greenhouse.
This is a previous photo with the 'Red Rosebud' Pelargonium hybrid.
Yup, that's what my tiny silver vase is; from an antique silver handled walking stick...
Hope you enjoyed these mini rose bouquets!

Related links:
Geranium 'Appleblossum Rosebud' (Pelargonium Hybrid) | information from Logee's Greenhouses for buying 
Wenche's Pelargoniumblog | in Norway extensive list of Rosebud Pelargoniums at Wenche's Pelargoniumblog.


  1. they are really beautiful! i did think of apple blossoms on the one photo. :)

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      One can only admire those that hybridize a simple plant and create such romantic blossoms!

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    These are beautiful. I have not seen Pelargonium Roses before. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Dearest Munir,
      Those beauties can surprise lots of people! Hope some will find out and buy them as they are great.

  3. Beautiful roses. You must have a green thumb and a passion to have such a variety of flowers and trees.

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      Both of us are the son and daughter of a market gardener; so we got dirt under our finger nails. YES, it is a passion and we will keep that alive for as long as we live. It is so rewarding!

  4. So beautiful, Mariette! You are so good with flowers.

    1. Thank you Linda, these look so romantic and like real roses. One cannot resist them.

  5. Wonderful Pelargoniums, dearest Mariette,
    I have never seen this kind before!
    Happy weekend to you,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Glad I could introduce this special Rosebud Pelargonium to you.
      Enjoy your weekend as well!

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist wieder besonders schön und schenkt Freude.

    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Eine ganz kleine aber schöne Freude...
      Sonniger Gruss zurück.

  7. They are very beautiful, Mariette! They compliment your lovely vase so perfectly. I do love the colors - so rich. They look like velvet. Hugs xoxo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Such Victorian Rosebud Geraniums are lovely. Indeed do they stand out in those silver rose vases.

  8. Bellissimi questi fiori e stanno benissimo nel vasetto!Baci e buon fine settimana!Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Sì, sono davvero belle piccole rose e quella di un geranio. I vasi sottolineanola così bella...

  9. Dearest Mariette,
    Such beautiful roses; they all look happy in your marvelous pictures and arrangement♡♡♡
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Happy geraniums in the form of true roses indeed!
      Hugs and sunshine from Georgia,

  10. Wow Mariette sono bellissimi questi fiori,regalano armonia,stupendi anche i vasi!!;D
    Un bacio cara amica e buon weekend!!

    1. Cara Sabry,
      Insieme con i vasi è certamente sottolineato la bellezza di questi gerani come mini rose...
      Anche voi un buon weekend e bacio,

  11. Mooie bloemen en zo prachtig opgemaakt in de vazen.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Deze geraniums hebben echt mini-roosjes. Dat kun je ook goed zien met de 5 Dollar cents die naast het kleine zilveren vaasje liggen.
      Fijn weekend en liefs,

  12. Your flowers are amazing , your vases too dear Mariette!
    I'm sending you a sweet kiss!

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Thank you for your compliment. Those geraniums produce the sweetest little rosebuds and in the tiny vases they look so sweet!
      Hugs and kiss to you,

  13. Liebe Mariette,
    wundervolle Blüten in teuren, einmaligen Vasen.
    Ein Arrangement, das nicht zu überbieten ist.
    Einen sonnigen Start ins Wochenende wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Die Vasen sind so klein aber sehr fein. Die kleinste ist eigentlich eine silbere Schaltfläche von einen Spazierstock die ich auf eBay ganz preisgünstig gefunden habe. Niemanden hat geboten und ich hatte sofort einen Zweck im Gedanken!
      Auch ein schöner sonniger Start in dein Wochenende.
      Lieber Gruss,

  14. Dearest Mariette, these are beautiful!! what a lovely way to start my day of catching up on blog reading and social media. The extreme heat has been a challenge in our rose garden too ~ Mr. G. has managed to bring a few precious blooms into my writing studio.

    Your renovations are looking fabulous! Love that you now have proper lighting going to your gorgeous gazebo - wow truly a labour of love to have it moved. Pieter is such a wonderful soul to be taking on all these projects, creating the perfect setting for you both and your furbabies. The colour choice is brilliant ~ we too are having to decide a colour for our home in the country. The renos at my city home continue and have me driving back and forth between city and countryside ... sorry I haven't been by as much as I would like to. Hopefully I can get back into my regular reading/visits soon. Keeping you in thought and prayers. HUgs and blessings, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Once you are in that reno-mode it takes up almost all of your energy. Glad it is getting done and as for the roses, there will be other years coming. It is hard to fight the elements! But for having such sweet geraniums that produce mini-rosebuds is a true joy. I just mentioned in German that I found that mini rosebud vase on eBay as a lone cap for a walking cane, that nobody bid on. With its flat top part I knew right away what I would use it for! Thanks for your visits and you will get to see more of the home revealed.
      Hugs to you and make sure you rest up!

  15. che spettacolo!!!!!!! fiori meravigliosi!!!!! un abbraccio e buon w.e. Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Non pensi che queste sono in realtà i gerani invece di Rose.
      Sono piccole gemme in forma de rose...
      Buon weekend a voi e baci,

  16. Oh, my! These are exquisite. I've not seen this rose before. I must look for these. Thank you for sharing these special blooms.

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      It is not a rose however; but instead it is a geranium in the form of mini-rosebuds. You can see the 5 dollar cents that I placed next to that tiny silver vase. Links for buying these you find under my post.
      Hugs to you,

  17. Preciosa flores Mariette. Disfrútalas porque alegran mucho la vida. Tienen un colorido especial y maravilloso. Besos.

    1. Querida Enma,
      Por cierto voy a disfrútalas y con su color os alegran mucho. Son siempre pequeños cosas que danos alegria.

  18. Beuatiful flowers and I love the vases.


    1. Dearest Elna,
      Thanks for your visit and for liking these geraniums.
      Those vases are a treasure find!

  19. Fiori incantevoli, sicuramente ti regalano bellezza e profumo negli angoli della tua meravigliosa casa. A presto. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Grazie per le tue parole. Sono le piccole cose nella vita che ne regalano belleza...

  20. Oh they are gorgeous!! I love pink, apple, and red combination very much. Makes them look very sweet :-) The arrangement of only red is beautiful and gives such elegant look! The rose vase is so beautiful, too. Oh I enjoyed your photos very much!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Once again this is living proof how very little things can give so much pleasure. That tiny vase next to the 5 cent coin, is actually the handle of a walking cane. Guess an old Victorian model in silver from which the cane deteriorated and I could snatch it for almost nothing as nobody bid on it but I saw a potential for a cute mini vase for these tiny Rosbud geraniums. Thanks for liking and enjoying them too!

  21. Your flowers are gorgeous and Oh my goodness, that vase is to die for!!!

    1. Dearest Victoria,
      Glad you too love them. I have three very special silver rose vases; all small to very small but they are forever keepsakes and with just one single flower in them they do stand out.
      Hugs to you and happy weekend!

  22. Dearest Mariette,
    Your Victorin hybrid feature clusters of tiny double blossoms.
    The silver rose vese pink rosebud with all yours also blogger in Norway extensive collection.
    1. Red roseburd
    2. Appleb-lossum rosebud.
    3. Red Rosebud
    4. pink Rosebud inside at inside the bottm the greenhouse.
    5. Pele
    I love you and Pieter has wonderful renovations with all of in the contryside your home.

    Yesterday I has not happy with the dentist but nothing wrong in my tooth and next 29th July day I will has new tooth after that last days of August.
    this is nothing to do anymore....
    Hugs and love to you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you for visiting and for the special love! So your teeth will get done by the end of August. Finally that has been taken care of too. You went through so much for having to replace many of your teeth. If they say that motor biking is the most dangerous hobby, it also statistically causes fatal accidents; 35 times more than a passenger car. But you became a victim too, as a pedestrian. So sorry for what you had to live through. But you are a strong lady and have come a long way. For that I admire you a lot.

  23. Liebe Mariette,
    wunderschön sind die Blüten und ganz zauberhaft das Väs´chen -
    die Pelargonien sind so romantisch in Form und Farbe -

    ich habe übrigens versucht, meine Daten bezüglich der Kommentare zu ändern - ich hoffe, ich hab es richtig gemacht -

    ich schicke dir liebe Grüße -


    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Danke und ja beide sind sehr schön die Pelargonien und die Väschen!
      Über die Kommentaren schreibe ich noch via Email zu dir.
      Lieber Gruss,

  24. These flowers are so gorgeous!! Any of these photos could be framed and become a cherished work of art.

    Beautiful, ma chère.

    Big hugs, M-T

    1. Dearest Marie-Thérèse,
      They certainly do cheer us up. Thanks for your kind words.
      Happy weekend.

  25. Really beautiful, Mariette! Love them!


    1. Dearest Marina,
      Glad you love them too. Have a lovely weekend in Jerez, Spain!

  26. Wunderschöne Blüten sind das, liebe Mariette! Manchmal grenzt es doch an ein Wunder, wie manche Pflanzen Unwetter überleben.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, die Natur ist stark und sie erholt sich auf wundersame Weise.
      Lieber Gruss,

  27. Dearest Mariette
    I like pelargoniums very much.
    You should give yourself time to look closely at the flowers because they are stunning
    Hugs to you

    1. Dearest Kajsa,
      Pelargoniums are very rewarding flowers and also can have lovely scents.
      We all should stop more frequently to smell the roses...
      Hugs to you,

  28. Dear Mariette,so beautiful flowers!!
    Gorgeous colours!!
    I love your photos!!!!
    Have a lovely afternoon!!!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Tiny but beautiful indeed and they are perfect for being photographed in a pretty way.
      Enjoy your Sunday evening.

  29. Dearest Mariette,

    mawarnya sangat cantik, hybrid color such amazing ya.
    with that silver vase really beautiful.

    hugs to you

    1. Dearest Ayu,
      Oh, in Bali they could make a beautiful replica of that silver vase; no doubt! The colors are very beautiful!
      Hugs and best wishes,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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