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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, November 17, 2013

{Dutch American Heritage Day 2005 with Mom & Dad}

On October 22nd of 2005, when Pieter and I flew back home to Atlanta, USA from Amsterdam, we had Mom & Dad in tow with us. We'd gifted them another trip to the USA and they would stay with us in the Rose Suite till December 3rd.
So naturally when we got the invitation for the Dutch American Heritage Day celebration in Atlanta, we did take Mom & Dad along with us.
November 16, 2005 at the Oglethorpe Museum in Atlanta.
We had no clue that just a little over two years later, Mom would be on dialysis...
In this photo Mom already is having body swelling, caused by fluid retention due to kidney problems not yet known.... 
It took the local doctors years to figure out what was wrong. 
So much about socialized medicine in The Netherlands...
Wearing my Escada Leather Coat.
In the back, you see husband Pieter, me, Mom and Dad at the reception table.
The lady with the green vest is the wife of the former Dutch Consul whom Mom & Dad met already on May 1st of 1987, at the Consul's mansion in Atlanta for Dutch Queen's Day.
The very first official Dutch American Heritage Day reception was held in Atlanta at the Occidental Grand Hotel, now Four Seasons Hotel Atlanta
We went there on Tuesday, November 16, 1993 together with the Director of our Chamber of Commerce, Ms. Willie Paulk.
  • The 2-½ hour drive also yielded a nice door price!
  • I'm wearing my Escada leather coat and matching leather tote with Escada skirt and blouse.

  • The Holland Times in which Dutch American Heritage Day is explained.
  • Also is mentioned that in 2005 the Netherlands has become the second largest investor in the United States and the largest foreign employer in the State of Georgia!
  • Reason for bringing our Dublin Laurens County Chamber of Commerce director along!
  • I'm also a proud Chamber Member; just click on above link to see my listing:
  • Jewelry Store | Upscale French Gifts | Boutique
There are even 3 pictures of Mom & Dad with us, that got published in The Holland Times from the Atlanta Holland Club.
See bottom left and bottom center...
Again, husband Pieter to the right towards bottom with his door prize and me at the left center bottom.
This will be always a very special happy memory as we went there together with Mom & Dad!
That literally seals our Dutch American Heritage...

Related links:
Oglethorpe Museum in Atlanta where the Dutch American Heritage Day reception was held
Four Season Hotel in Atlanta used to be the Occidental Grand Hotel in 1993
The Atlanta Holland Club | link
{1903 Ladies Home Journal by Edward Bok - The Mother of America & Dutch American Heritage Day} | previous post by me
{Dutch - American Heritage Day: November 16 since 1991} | previous post by me
{The Dutch 1st to Salute to the Flag of The United States in 1776} | previous post by me
{Mom's 4th Dialysis Anniversary} | previous post by me
{Mom's 5th Dialysis Anniversary} | previous post by me
{Our Rose Suite Bedroom} | previous post by me


  1. how nice that they were able to attend with you then.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      That will leave a lasting memory of special and happy times together with my Dutch Parents and their American daughter and son-in-law!

  2. Looks like some great memories were made for sure. It was nice they were able to join you

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      You bet that great memories were made! Mom & Dad with their 'almost' 12-year old American daughter. I will turn 20 on December 3...

  3. Dearert Mariette
    wonderful pictures from you and your parents!
    Happy weekend to you,
    love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      At least we all have very fond memories...
      Hugs and happy weekend to both of you!

  4. Liebe Mariette,


    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Es ist ganz besonder und tolle Erinnerungen bleiben ein Leben lang!
      Lieber Gruss,

  5. Hej Mariëtte, fijn dat je ouders er toen bij konden zijn. Mooi verslag en foto's van jullie samen.
    Fijn weekend, lieve groet

    1. Beste Willy,
      Het was héél fijn en ik ben zó blij dat ze toen voor bijna 6 weken hier waren omdat het ook de laatste keer was. Dat wisten we toen nog niet maar ik wilde voor hun een hele relaxte periode. Ergens naar toe en weer een poos rust thuis. Heb met liefde voor hun gekookt en al en dat geeft een fijn gevoel voor de rest van m'n leven. Mijn moeder is nu aan de dialyse en kan dus nergens meer naar toe maar wij bezorgden hun vaker een mooie vakantie.
      Liefs en fijn weekend!

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist wieder ein aufschlußreicher Post. Herrliche Fotos von Euch und den Eltern.
    Alle strahlen Fröhlichkeit und Freude aus.
    Ein schönes Wochenende wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja, solche Bilder sind so kostbar da es ja das letzte mal war dass sie überhaupt hier sein konnten. Alles hört mal auf. Schade dass meine Mutter solche Körper, Schwellungen hatte hier als Verursacher von Flüssigkeitsretention durch Nieren-Probleme, die noch nicht bekannt waren. Gute zwei Jahre später hatte sie schon Dialyse.
      Auch ein schönes Wochenende und alles liebe!

  7. Fijn dat je je ouders dat mee kon laten maken.
    Fijn weekend, Marianne

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Het is inderdaad heel erg fijn dat ze dit nog een keer konden meemaken. Papa was 6 keer hier en mijn Moeder 4 keer. Fijne herinneringen en met name deze Dutch American Heritage Day met de Consul en de Atlanta Holland Club.

  8. un bellissimo ricordo!!!!!!! un grande abbraccio e buon fine settimana Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Sono tanti bellissimi ricordi!!!
      Anche voi un buon fine settimana con un abbraccio molte grande.

  9. Dearest Mariette - such beautiful photos of you , Pieter and your lovely parents. Moments captured in photographs - are beautiful treasures of memories with our loved ones. hugs and blessings for a wonderful week-end .. Hugs, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      And guess who captured these beautiful photos? A woman that came from my hometown and is the VP of the Atlanta Holland Club. Small world at times. But I certainly do treasure these as they are about the last visit from my dear Parents.
      Hugs and blessings for the two of you + fur babies!

  10. Dear Mariette,
    such happy memories from your parents visiting you in USA!
    Very beautiful pictures!!And how homesick you must be!
    Just now,my daughter is flying back to her new country,the Netherlands!!
    I know how you must feel my friend!
    Wishing you a lovely new week!!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      These are very cherished photos from happy times together. That's all I could do for my Parents, spoiling them while they were here again. Dad made 6 trips and Mom 4 trips. But she cannot travel with her dialysis... But we got the memories and we have provided several unforgettable vacations for them with certain highlights as this gathering with the Dutch Consul and Atlanta Holland Club. You know the feeling too...

  11. Thank you for sharing these priceless images ... memories.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Your quite welcome and yes, those are the cushions for old age...

  12. Liebe Mariette ,ich lese immer wieder gerne bei Dir !!!Ich finde das sind so schöne Bilder und Erinnerungen !!Habt ein schönes gemütliches Wochenende .Liebe Grüße von Ina

    1. Liebe Ina,
      Danke für deine liebe Zeilen! Es sind auch sehr schöne Erinnerungen und damit kann man auch mit ein gutes Gewissen weiter leben. Wir haben alles mögliche für ihnen getan und sind 63 Mal rübergekommen zur Besuch. Natürlich verpasst man da einiges wo man nicht mit dabei sein kann aber im Herzen ist man nah und das ist wichtig!
      Lieber Gruss und auch ein schönes Wochenende noch.

  13. Hello Mariette, How nice to combine family heritage with national heritage in one day. Since you have lived in Asia I am sure you know the the Dutch ruled Taiwan in the Seventeenth Century, so we also have Dutch heritage and influence over here. In fact, just today I was walking in the historic area in which they built their fort.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      That indeed was a kind of double heritage day. Yes, I certainly do know about former Formosa as my most favorite Great-Uncle and Priest, often talked about it and I got Formosan stamps from him. I did write about him: http://bit.ly/10cGxtW
      The Dutch went right after those Portuguese into South East Asia... and they did leave their influence and marks on those cultures. Quite interesting to see those old forts we were in Curaçao in one of them.

  14. I found this to be a interesting post, I know nothing about the Dutch so it was really interesting to read this post

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Thank you and the Dutch did for sure leave their mark on Australia as well. There is a book: The Netherlands and Australia: Two Hundred Years of Friendship - http://amzn.to/1agDt7Q

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    I thinking your husband Pieter and you has happy Dutch American Hiritage Day,
    The Holland times, I would love to see high end silver items from Giovanni Raspini in Italy.
    It was very happy to see you we thinking both of US getting in strony.
    Hugs and love to both of you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      So far we did have a quiet but happy Dutch American Heritage Day today; with fond memories of the one with Mom & Dad together in 2005!
      Thank you for your vist and anyone that likes to see my Giovanni Raspini silver items; in my header, at the very top under the photo, next to {Home} you can click on {Mariette's Back to Basics | Zen Cart Boutique} and you're on my website already.
      Hugs and love to you,

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    These are indeed such precious and beautiful memories! Thank you for sharing them with us!
    I'm wishing you a happy and cozy weekend! Big hugs!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Guess such memories are life's most important ones. They will become our cushion for old age...
      Happy and cozy Sunday to you as well.

  17. You certainly have lived a well traveld life Mariette. And how wonderful to celebrate with your parents. Very special.
    WIshing you a most beautiful weekend my friend!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Oh, we traveled across the oceans but within the USA we did thousands and thousands of miles with and for family. For my Parents we did this with love of course and this last time created very fond memories!
      Wishing you too a happy Sunday.
      Hugs to you dear friend and stay cozy!

  18. Looks like you have great memories Mariette! Those are the great things in life.
    It was very nice that your parents were able to attend with you then and the pictures are lovely.
    It seems to me that you are a fan of Escada, am I wrong?
    Hope you're having a nice weekend.

    1. Dearest Seeker,
      We sure got great memories of this special day with Mom & Dad together. Especially since it was their very last time as Mom no longer can travel with her dialysis.
      Because the German designer clothes from Escada fit me like a glove, yes I'm very fond of them! We have plenty of Outlets nearby so this works great.
      Enjoy a happy Sunday.

  19. Dear Mariette,

    Yes, must be very happy memories looking back at the special time you had with your parents. Must have been a wonderful time having them come back to visit with you.
    Sending hugs and wishing you a happy weekend.

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      This will remain a very fond and lasting memory indeed. One last time for pampering them here on our side of the Ocean...
      Hugs and happy Sunday evening for you!

  20. Such splendid memories dear Mariette . So nice that your parents could join you on your visit :) Its disheartening to know that it took a while for the doctors to figure out your mum's kidney problem. . Sometimes medicine advancement just doesn't help.

    It was nice to reminisce the wonderful time you had with your parents. Lovely pictures. Much love.

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      Thank you for your kind and understanding words! We only can be grateful that despite this late analysis by the doctors, we still have my Mom alive.
      Always good to reminisce on wonderful times... thanks again.
      Enjoy a happy new week and lots of love to you.

  21. Hi Mariette,

    Super great memories. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Dearest Dee,
      Indeed, super great memories!
      Happy Sunday evening and new week.

  22. Sorry Mariette dan begrijp je echt mijn gevoel niet bij deze keigave paspop....vintage brocante oud en versleten...geweldig vind ik dat !! en dan ga je hem echt niet herstellen en opknappen...echt vreselijk ...sorry hoor......ik laat hem lekker zo...ik vind hem geweldig !! ieder zijn ding zullen we maar zeggen...en ik vertaal mijn blogs met passie en liefde.....en dat er dan af en toe een foutje inzit.....jij bent echt de enige die daar altijd over begint,....zo jammer....!!..ik ben echt geen vertaal talent.....de bedoeling is dat mensen het begrijpen...en ik weet zeker dat alle engelstaligen dat wel doen.......fijne week liefs Ria...x 1

    1. Beste Ria,
      Goed zo; een keer een echte reactie, alleen zou je die op je eigen blog ónder het onderwerp moeten plaatsen. Zo zou je 'web presence' ook beter scoren. http://bonnature.blogspot.com/2013/11/eindelijk-gevondenfinnaly-found.html
      Maar evengoed fijn dat je een gedeeltelijke correctie hebt aangebracht, al blijft het oude nog wel altijd zichtbaar in de URL...
      Brocante, oftewel second hand junk in het engels, in een dergelijke groezelige staat is zeker niet mijn stijl en een ieder is vrij om zijn eigen mening te hebben.
      Het ga je goed en natuurlijk ken ik je stijl erg goed, anders hadden we die oude vormpjes ook niet bij je op de zaak bezorgd destijds in september 2011

    2. Je moet niet altijd alles willen invullen bij een ander hoe jij het zou willen zien...ik heb bewust geen reply op mijn blog....mijn keuze..ik hoef geen hoge scoren !!..ik wil mensen die met plezier mijn blog lezen.....wat heb je nou aan cijfers...wees jij daar lekker druk mee dat mag van mij...geen probleem.....maar laat mij zijn zoals ik ben .....ik ben wie ik ben en daar horen de taalfouten bij...als mensen me maar begrijpen daar gaat hem..ik hoef echt niet perfect te zijn.....heb voor de gezelligheid een blog .....en dat wil ik zo houden....dus laat me zijn wie ik ben en hou eens op met al die correcties telkens weer.....groetjes Ria

    3. Dear Ria,
      When having a business, as you do, your writing style is important, just read here what professionals say: Why Poor Grammar and Spelling Are Bad for Your Blog - http://www.momcomm.com/2012/05/grammar-spelling-blogging/
      All those years, I've been rather courteous towards you and gave you several shout outs after we visited you at your store in The Netherlands for hand delivering you those lovely square Rose Cups & Saucers with pink spoons that you purchased from my Zen Cart boutique on line. Hope you still enjoy them! http://bit.ly/I1KG1n
      {Visiting Ria from IT'S ME} http://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2011/09/visiting-ria-from-its-me.html
      {Chocolates from Ria IT'S ME...} http://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2011/10/chocolates-from-ria-its-me.html

  23. Lieve Mariette,

    Jij verkeerde in goed gezelschap en met een hapje en drankje werd het nog gezelliger op deze heuglijke dag.
    Wat fantastisch dat je lieve vader en moeder hierbij aanwezig konden zijn.
    En ze zullen vast genoten hebben van die gastvrije tijd in jullie mooie landhuis, kan niet anders dat ze er met veel goede herinneringen op terug kijken en trots op jou en je aardige man Pieter zijn.

    Ik wens jullie alle goeds wat de gezondheid betreft en lieve groeten!!!

    1. Lieve Ger,
      We hebben het er vandaag nog met hun over gehad en natuurlijk herinneren ze zich deze bijzondere tijd samen. In 1987 op Koninginnedag zong Papa als 1ste tenor uit volle borst het Wilhelmus bij het landhuis van de Consul. Ze hebben de oud Consul en zijn vrouw nog vaker getroffen als ze met ons naar de Hollandse Hap gingen. Gezellig en zeker als je ontdekt dat zowel de vrouw van de Consul en Papa een bepaalde persoon kennen. De wereld wordt soms erg klein!
      Ook jou wens ik het allerbeste voor je ogen en verdere gezondeid; voor beiden!

  24. Dearest Mariette, how nice of you to share your precious memories with us!!! You must have been very happy to have your parents with you. I wish you a very nice new week!!!!!!!! Hugs!!!!!!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      That was indeed a very happy time together and today when we called them via our iPhone we did reminisce about it...
      Happy new week to you as well.

  25. What precious memories you are sharing with us all.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      They sure were very precious memories relived and shared!

  26. Hooray for the Netherlands! I've only been there once, but I was enchanted by it. You're such a sweet daughter - how lucky your parents are, Mariette! <3

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      You are very sweet but I know you speak from the heart as you've lived abroad yourself and know the feelings that come with that. Others that never have lived abroad have no inkling. It is a great feeling for having done the utmost for my Parents and that's all what matters.

  27. You continue to amaze me with your memory of dates and special events and even having the photos and clippings to go along with it all. I barely remember last week. It's a special thing that you were able to share these cultural occasions with your parents. Have a wonderful day. Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Well, since we kept a diary most of our life it is fairly easy for recalling events. As for the Dutch American Heritage info, that is from the Atlanta Holland Club's website. That's in a pdf format so I saved it of course after downloading it. Very special memories of that day!
      Hugs to you and hope you enjoyed your day off.

  28. Dearest Mariette;
    Oh, Dutch American Heritage Day! What a SPECIAL and SWEET memory for you, my dear friend♬♬♬ All 4 of you lined up in the picture and even published in The Holland Times from the Atlanta Holland Club. And your parents sure must have enjoyed being together with you two; your Rose Suite also must have been the far better place to stay♡♡♡ Blessing to all of your family☆☆☆

    ps> I wish to thank you for your heartwarming comments for me; Each word warmed my heart so much. We stayed in Osaka for 3 days and resuming the Formalities now, taking much more time than we expected, p;) This post of yours kind of made me in tears thinking back my own memories with my parents!!! It got really cold today here, please take care of yourselves.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you so much for your always thoughtful replies. You are a very keen reader and also a person with a big and caring heart. I can understand how such a photo did bring tears for you, especially in the early grieving period. That's one more reason for me to post this while my Parents are still alive. We did reminisce about this day with them via iPhone when we called hem. That brings back fond memories of happy times together. Even though we never ever can repeat those...
      Hope you will manage all the Formalities and I am sending you strength for coping with it all and receive a very warm embrace from your American virtual friend!

  29. Liebe Mariette,
    jetzt bin ich doch in einem alten Post gelandet. Aber er kam mir gleich so bekannt vor, auch wenn ich damals hier wohl nicht kommentierte.
    Hier bei uns läuft es oft nicht anders mit den Ärzten. Meine Mutti hat auch eine lange Odysee hinter sich, bis man erkannt hat, woran sie leidet. Nicht ohne Grund gibt es hier so relativ viele Heilpraktiker. Am besten ist, man kann sich selbst helfen. Die Schulmedizin ist oft nur Reparaturmedizin, die aber keine wirkliche Heilung bringt. Wobei die Patienten oft auch nichts an ihrem Lebensstil ändern wollen. Bitte nicht falsch verstehen!
    Sport, zum Beispiel, Bewegung oder Ernährung schon bei jungen Menschen ...

    Viele liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, bei ganz vielen Menschen würde das ändern vom Lebensstil sehr viel tun und besonders im Anfang. Aber wenn die Nieren nicht gut oder schlimmer, nicht mehr funktionieren kann man dagegen wenig tun. Ich kann meine Nieren mit Sport oder Bewegung auch nich mehr besser machen. Mit gute Ernährung und ohne über die Theke-Medikamente versuche ich jedoch meine Nieren noch lange in diesem Zustand zu behalten. Ich bin Gott sei Dank gesegnet es viele Jahrzehnte früher zu wissen als meine Mutti. Wenn es bei ihr entlich entdeckt wurde war es schon zu spät...
      Aber trotzdem bleiben noch viele wunderschöne Erinnerungen an ihre vier Ferien hier bei uns. Und wem kann schon sagen zusammen mit dem Konsul und sogar während Mutti's erster Besuch beim Konsul in seiner Wohnung gefeiert zu haben?
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  30. Liebe Mariette,
    das sind wunderschöne Erinnerungen und die Fotos könnt Ihr immer wieder genießen - auch wenn es schmerzt - aber auch Schmerz und Trauer werden vergehen. Was bleibt, ist das Licht und das Leben, das Eure Eltern in diese Welt brachten.

    Viele liebe Grüße zu Dir
    von Traudi

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja es gibt soviele liebe Bilder und auch Videos, Briefe von meiner Mutter. Alles wunderschöne Erinnerungen von unseren 64 Besuche an den Eltern und auch die 4 Ferien die meine Mutter hier bei uns in der USA hatte. Das ist wieder ein Vorteil wenn man Immigrant ist; wir sind besser darauf eingestellt und es bleibt deswegen auch viel schönes übrich!
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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