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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, November 20, 2014

{Gift from T's Daily Treasures}

Early in August I did receive a surprise in the mail... A lovely card with a sweet hand crocheted gift from Tammy author of T's Daily Treasures blog.
Tammy, who lives in Kuwait, never did crochet before but about a year ago she started creating and LOOK what she is up to now.
This makes such a lovely doily for my little Japanese wooden tray for tea.
How did you know the exact size Tammy?
Enclosed was a lovely card from Tammy!
Thank you ever so much dear friend!
Just playing with it outside on the little table in front of the Rose Suite...
I've added the little Kyusu teapot for one.
Also for fun I  added the Red Buckeye nuts (Aesculus pavia), that are family of the horse chestnuts. They might look like chestnuts but they are deadly poisonous when eaten! Click above link.
On the table are some fallen down acorns and hulls from our live oak tree...
Those Red Buckeye nuts are huge this fall.
Playing with nature... Look after two days how much those hulls have opened up!
Shiny nuts, not edible but very nice looking ones!
Hope you also liked this lovely doily...
Related link:
{Our last Datura Angel's Trumpets and TEA with a Twist} | previous post by me showing my Kyusu teapot from Japan, pictured above
{TEA = Superb Fat Fighter} | previous post by me showing Kyuso teapot


  1. hola amiga querida !! que lindo ese centro de mesa a crochet!! lo hizo usted'espero que tengas un optimo resto de semana

    1. Dearest Angélica,
      Sure, friend Tammy from Kuwait did crochet a lovely doily for my wooden tea tray from Japan!
      Wishing you some lovely spring days; we have to brace for quite some frost here in the South!

  2. Replies
    1. Dearest Theresa,
      That is it indeed and just perfect for this wooden tray.

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    This is a lovely gift from your friend Tammy!!! It looks perfect on your tray!
    You must have a sudden weather change in your area, as I undestand. Take care!
    I went to the beach for swimming today, probably also tomorrow, but then, we also expect
    cold, starting from Friday.
    Have a nice day!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      It sure was a lovely gift and fits this wooden tray so well.
      We sure have quite a drop in temperature; -4°C around midnight and it is supposed to drop till -7°C.
      Oh, my if you could swim today, that is quite a difference with Georgia weather, even Florida gets some cold.
      Sending you hugs and stay cozy when the cold reaches your area.

  4. Deaerst Mariette,
    how kind of Zammy, a lovely knitted gift, and she really did so well with the size for your wooden plate!
    I also love the Chestnuts, wonderful! I would be happy to have such in my garden ;O)
    Have a wonderful week, stay warm and cozy and take care!
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Oh, Tammy must have known about my wooden tray as it fits so perfect!
      These are not edible chestnuts, they look like them but are deadly poisonous. We love their spring flowers, nice red and they attract the hummingbirds.
      We try to stay warm and cozy; indoors is no problem.
      Hugs and love to you,

  5. A nice surprise for you and you made some nice arrangements with it.

    1. Dearest Marianne,
      Indeed a very nice and welcome surprise. The arrangements are just for 'looks' as they are deadly poisonous!

  6. Lieve Mariette,

    Altijd leuk om een liefhebber blij te maken met eigengemaakte creatie.
    En jij hebt het cadeau gekregen kleedje al in gebruik samen met de cadeautjes van de herfst,wat zijn ze mooi deze kastanjes in gladde bolster.

    Stapels gehaakte kleedjes en lopers liggen in mijn linnenkast en dan heb ik er de ronde en ovale tafelkleden die ik weggaf nog niet eens bijgeteld, terwijl ik zelf geen steek kan haken,maar mijn lieve schoonmoeder in haar goede tijd des te beter.
    De tijd van overal gehaakte kleedjes op of onder leggen heb ik jaren geleden al achter me gelaten,gebruik heel af en toe de zeer fijn gehaakte tafelkleden als top kleed op blauw tafellaken voor buiten.
    Zal de gehaakte erfstukken maar goed bewaren,wie weet is er over een aantal jaren iemand heel blij mee uit de familie wanneer ze oma's linnenkast leeg moet ruimen.

    Fijne dag die hopelijk bij jullie niet zo fris en grijs is als hier.

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja een leuk cadeautje inderdaad. Maar die Red Buckeye nuts, familie van de paardekastanje zijn dodelijk giftig en dus níet eetbaar! Ze zien er wel prachtig uit dit jaar, mooi glanzend en ook erg groot.
      Jij bent dus goed voorzien met allerlei prachtige gehaakte tafelkleden etc.
      Het is altijd mooi om die te gebruiken, fleurt elk interieur op en ik heb het ook altijd graag gewassen en gestreken, meestal zonder stijven is het al mooi.
      Wat betreft fris en grijs, hier was het om 6:00u vanmorgen -7°C en om 7:30u zelfs -8°C. Dus heel erg koud door deze onverwachte Polar Vortex die het hele zuiden nog bestreek.
      Maar alles is veilig in het kasje met een heater erbij.

  7. Lief en mooi cadeau van Tammy. Het komt dus ook nog helemaal van pas op de schaal. Mooi tafereeltje met de noten, leuk om die eens te zien. Fijne dag, lieve groet

    1. Dearest Willy,
      Ja, erg lief gebaar om zoiets te sturen. Past ook precies op het houten dienblad van Japan.
      Giftige noten maar wel erg mooi. Mijn ouders hebben ook zo'n struik in Horst, Limburg.
      Liefs en alvast fijn weekend.

  8. Mooi boek waar je een link naar plaatste. Veel lees- en kijkplezier alvast.

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, kreeg ze gisteren in de post en het is heel mooi gedaan; erg goed beschreven onze nederlandse tradities, die nu al eeuwen hier in de USA zijn overgenomen.

  9. How sweet of your friend Tammy to send you such a wonderful gift! And the doily is really the perfect size for your tray. Looks beautiful with kyusu and red buckeye nuts. I was about to wonder how the nuts taste like, then I read they are poisonous! But they sure look very pretty :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      That was indeed mighty sweet for mailing this.
      Something from Japan, something from Kuwait and Georgia Red Buckeye nuts. No, we better NOT taste these perfectly looking ones...

  10. Dear Mariette,what a lovely gift !!I like Tammy's doily!
    I have never seen those red buckeye nuts before!Look preety with the doily on the tray!
    Enjoy your gift!Have a relaxing evening!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you and it was a sweet little gift.
      Red Buckeye nuts look pretty and just like real chestnuts but they are deadly poisonous; that's the only difference.
      Hugs to you and happy weekend.

  11. Dat was een leuke verassing .en vooral als het nog eens
    zelfgemaakt is ...dan is het met liefde gemaakt ...
    je hebt er mooie foto's van gemaakt ..veel plezier ervan ...

    liefs nieneke

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja, zelfgemaakte dingen zijn altijd met liefde gemaakt! Erg lief gebaar.
      Daar zal ik zeker plezier van hebben.

  12. What a sweet friend, Mariette and her crochet skills are wonderful! The lace doily looks lovely in your tray. The buckeye nuts are really beautiful and I love your little tea pot, too. Have a lovely end of week, my Dear. Hugs xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Sweet little gifts from a far country and a wooden tray from yet another far away country make a perfect presentation together. Love that Japanese Kyusu teapot too, with its handle at a different spot.
      Weekend is around the corner; enjoy it and stay cozy.

  13. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist in gewohnter Schönheit.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, ein liebes Geschenk von eine Bloggerin!
      Liebe Grüsse zum Wochenende.

  14. I'm also a beginner to crochet and I find very sweet and nice this present. A hand made doily , what would be prettier? Love your teapot on the tray.
    Wish you a wonderful weekend, hope you don't have problems with the weather, a lot of snow in some parts of America.
    Hugs, Olympia

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Thank you and yes, this is a thoughtful and sweet gift.
      The teapot on the tray, with doily make a very nice presentation.
      We had quite some frost for the South but no snow, that is very rare for our area.
      Plants are safe inside the greenhouse and we stay warm and cozy.
      Hugs and happy weekend!

  15. Wish I can have my mind back to knitting and crochet again! Leave mind off the laptop! But there is so much to do and think, I lost my concentration now on knitting. Still dreaming I can knit one day for the future... LOL! It's lovely to have a friend thinking of you and a little present make the heart feel warm. I have a lovely silk purse from Thailand once, a lovely thai friend I make in my English class, I was very ill in hospital, family only sow me the purse when I got home. I feel too shame to write back. Still up and down like yoyo, don't know what to write in the letter, I just let it drag... I want to write many time, just dont know what to say, I lost her friendship her contact and I feel guity all my life! And family jealous or hate me or don't like me to have friends... I think they worry I will tell friends about my illness. Dad look me down on friend's I make. I love my dad very much, but think back some old stuff, I just can't anymore, yes, there is still some love inside me, but it hurts. Sorry I got this all out here, don't mean it. Delete if you want Mariette! Better stop now, gosh rivertear flood again! I am ok, feel good let it out. Have a good weekend coming my friend. Mei

    1. Dearest Mei,
      Thank you for your comment and yes, such a precious gift that you received from a sweet Thai friend while you were very sick and hospitalized, is quite emotional. Too bad your family showed that precious purse only after you got home... It could have perked you up at a time you needed it most! Try to trace this friend, you might find her and still can write her. Understandable that you were not up to it at that time!
      Sending you hugs and hope you feel better; always look at the bright side and try to feel positive about life, about little things.
      Happy weekend to you!

  16. Dearest Mariette; Hello my friend♪  I'm back for friends' blog :-) Wow, how generous of your friend Tammy crocheted you doily perfect for your ”Japanese wooden tray for tea”♡♡♡ Great work for only about a year experience, isn't it☆☆☆ Your arrangement with Kyusu teapot and the Red Buckeye nuts is wonderful; Oh My! kind of unbelievable that they are poisonous as they look SO beautifuland delicious :-)

    PS> Thank you very much for sharing your experience from Java. Surely, blogging made me re-acknowledge the mystery of Nature as well♪

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Glad you made it back to doing the rounds of blogging. Yes, this doily fits the Japanese wooden tray just perfect! A sweet and thoughtful gift; labor of love.
      At times there are similarities between volcanic mountain areas and it did remind me of Central Java where we lived and worked for almost three years.
      Sending you hugs and love for the weekend.

  17. How lovely that the doily fits that tray perfectly. Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend. Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Thank you again; looks almost like telepathy as you made it fit perfectly!
      Sending you hugs and blessings,

  18. Belo presente...Espectacular....

    1. Dearest Fernando,
      Thank you very much.
      Kindest regards,

  19. Dear Mariette, reading this post remind me tomorrow's farm shop... the shop only open for Christmas, they do their own wool, love the scarf I saw when I visit Upton house, they have a little stand in the house. I hope we can make it tomorrow to the farm shop, they only open few days during Christmas. I hope you are keeping well, and thanks for all your support and kind words. I don't blog much now, need to slow down, hoping pick up knitting again, do some simple scarf! :-)

    1. Dearest Katy Mei,
      Sounds lovely for already making that trip, aside from finding some sweet little hand made gifts!
      Yes, I too did slow down with blogging and divide my time between my business and some hardworking. Have soon to start crocheting again, after 3 more choir performances. Rehearsals and performances also take up time. And the days are getting real short!
      Glad you are able to do what you do and you don't have to thank me; that's quite natural for supporting where I can!
      Sending you hugs,

  20. O... forgot to say, the doily is lovely! Very nice!

    1. Dearest Katy Mei,
      Thank you and it sure is lovely and made with LOVE!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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