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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, March 17, 2023

SPRING in Our Garden Continued

Some more Spring Garden images taken by husband Pieter to show me how it looks outside...
On March 3, Our Prunus triloba or Flowering Almond
Our still young Spiraea Cantoniensis or double Bridal Wreath Spirea.
See my header photo—that is one in full bloom!
Our Mazus Reptans alba is a loyal creeper that we have for decades now.
It lovely grows between the Dichondra repens or kidney weed that I love.
White azaleas near gazebo with Wood Trail visible on the left.
Better view of Spiraea Cantoniensis or double Bridal Wreath Spirea
On March 7, again our now fuller blossoms of Prunus triloba or Flowering Almond
Now looking towards our gazebo and behind it at the top, you also see the wood trail
Rose Arbor is visible in center and part of gazebo
On March 9, Prunus triloba or Flowering Almond
Our Gelsemium sempervirens or Carolina Jessamine
Our flower bulbs Hyacinthoides Hispanica Excelsior — Spanish Blue Bell or Wood Hyacinth putting on its yearly show.
White and pink azaleas near gazebo on March 9
Pink azaleas on March 9
Bouquet of fresh flowers from dear friends on March 13
Detail of flower bouquet...

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  1. Olá, Mariette, parabéns ao distinto casal pela ótima postagem
    com fotos tiradas pelo Pieter, uma homenagem de ambos à Primavera,
    a estação mais colorida e perfumada do ano.
    Votos de uma boa recuperação pra Mariette e um abraço ao casal.

    1. Prezado Pedro,
      Obrigado e sim, esta é uma linda primavera se desenrolando.
      Através das fotos de Pieter eu sou capaz de desfrutar de parte dele também.
      Tentando o meu melhor para curar bem – obrigado pelos bons desejos.

  2. The pink flowering tree is very pretty. I used to see the blossom trees grace the streets in my old town, but there are only a few here in the mountains. Your bouquet is lovely, Mariette. You know, carnations are one of my favorite flowers. They're sturdy, have a wonderful scent, and last a long time. I hope you are feeling better with each new day.


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Yes, that flowering almond is indeed a beauty in early spring!
      At your altitude it will be harder for flowering trees to thrive.
      Our friends' bouquet is indeed very lovely and you are absolutely right about the carnation's qualities.
      Yesterday after breakfast I had such an energizing and long nap. This night also I slept deeper and feel more rested—slowly I notice improvements.

  3. It really does look like Spring at your place. I am in love with the Flowering Almond - aren't they just gorgeous! Of course, your pink and white Azaleas are lovely too, and the other blooms. I hope you are recovering well, and will be able to walk among the Blue Bells before too long.

    1. Dearest Patricia,
      Oh, the Flowering Almond with the Azaleas are indeed spring stunners.
      Recovery is setting in and now the severe pain is down, it is noticeable.

  4. Such beautiful flowers gladden the heart.

    God bless you and Pieter.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      They sure do and show us every spring the miracle of new life!
      Nature is stunning and it lifts our spirits up.

  5. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Thank you and for you at a distance and still in ice and snow covered Finland a glimpse of hope!

  6. It's such a joy to see your garden spring to life.
    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Yes, it is a great joy to see spring blossoms.
      They mean new life and HOPE.
      Even if we had –1°C frost on the 15th, that did brown and curl some of the outer leaves of our Japanese magnolia, spring is slowly getting there to stay!

  7. Herrliche Blütenpracht... tut der Seele gut... hier bei uns blühen die Krokusse...
    Alle guten Wünsche zu dir liebe Mariette.
    Eine Umarmung von Viola

    1. Liebe Viola,
      Ja stimmt—tut der Seele gut nach dem Winter!
      Ihr seid ja etwa zwei Monate hinter uns aber es fängt an.
      Vielen Dank für die guten Wünsche!
      Alles Liebe,

  8. Absolutely lovely, Mariette!

  9. Liebe Mariette, die Frühlingsblumenpracht in Eurem Garten ist wunderschön. Die rosafarbenen Puschelblüten vom Mandelbaum mag ich auch sehr, wir haben leider keinen in unserem Garten, der zu klein dafür ist. Sind das Azaleenblüten in Deinem Header? Ich lese, dass Du auf dem Wege der Besserung bist, das freut mich sehr. Alle guten Wünsche schicke ich Dir.
    Herzlich Traudi.♥

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Danke und ja im Frühling ist unser Garten ein Traum,
      Unter mein zweites Bild kannst du den Nahmen vom Header lesen!
      Ja, es geht voraus und die schlimme Schmerzen sind vorbei.
      Liebe Grüße,

  10. Ya está floreciendo tu jardín. Puedes estar contenta.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Sí, ver todas estas imágenes me hizo muy feliz.

  11. Servus Marietta, eine Blütenpracht in eurem Garten. Hier bei uns kommt erst langsam Wärme und Frühling damit auch bald wieder grüne Vegetation und bunte Blüten.
    Liebe Grüße aus Wien

    1. Liebe Frau Mayer,
      Danke und ja wir leben ja auch auf die Höhe von Tunesien also sind wir voraus mit der Natur.
      Es ist aber noch kein richtiger Frühling!
      Liebe Grüße,

  12. Hello, new friend! Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos of your garden. It was just what I needed as I sit here in Pennsylvania, watching the snow swirl around outside. Your floral bouquet is lovely, and I am sure it brings you great joy! Have a cozy evening!

    1. Dearest Billie Jo,
      Glad to read that you enjoyed our garden photos taken by husband Pieter.
      We did live for half a year in Shillington, PA and know about winter there.
      Yes, the bouquet is a joyful sight every day.

  13. My mother had bridal's wreath and flowering almond in Southern Indiana. How I loved to pick just a tiny few and use them for my dolls when playing. Thank you for reminding me of these. Your pictures look simply beautiful on this 17 degree day with snow coming down. But it is not to accumulate, just be white grass for a bit. Lynn

    1. Dearest Lynn,
      Thank you for your happy comment here and glad it brought back fond memories for you!
      Tuesday it will get 28.4°F and it only proves that spring is not yet there.
      Our tender Japanese magnolia leaves got frost damage earlier this week and are curled and browned in spots where the drying wind got them frost bitten...

  14. Spring is a lovely time of year with such pretty flowers

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Yes, a happy and uplifting time that reminds us of new life!

    2. Spirea flowers are cute. Owing to your photo, I watched these white ones carefully for the first time.

    3. Dearest RTC,
      Thank you and when fully open they are a stunning blossom.

  15. Dag mariette,

    Ik heb meegenoten van die prachtige bloesems en bloemen.
    Een heerlijke tijd de lente.
    Ik hoop dat het wat beter met je gaat.

    Liefs en groetjes,

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Fijn dat je mee kon genieten—daar is de lente met zijn bloemenpracht ook voor.
      Ja, het gaat wat beter en het slapen blijkt ook wat beter te lukken nu.
      Het zeer gekneusde linkerbeen heelt langzaam.
      Nog twee nachtjes slapen en dan hoor ik ook de uitslag van de MRI van 1 maart, van mijn rechter schouder.
      Het duurt èrg lang allemaal—zal wel een reden voor zijn.

  16. Hallo Mariette, heerlijke foto's van de lentebloeiers in jullie tuin. Echt genieten. Ik begrijp dat je veel pijn hebt. Veel sterkte en voorspoedig herstel gewenst. Lieve groet!

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, de lente is serieus aan het door komen, nog een keer vorst gehad vanmorgen maar hopelijk voor de laatste keer.
      De meeste pijn is denk ik achter de rug en woensdag krijg ik de uitslag van de MRI van mijn rechter schouder, waarop ik geland ben... Hopelijk valt het mee.

  17. Loving your blooms. Can't wait till I can get out and plant.

    1. Dearest Pam,
      Thank you and yes, we all long for new growth and flowers after winter.

  18. Hello Mariette, Spring flowers have such a delicate presence, and your garden is a delight, the way it looks like a natural woods with especially beautiful blossoms. I hope the flowers are cheering you up in your recovery! --Jim

    1. Dearest Jim,
      It is a yearly delight around this time of the year. Glad we have big French doors to our balcony from the bedroom so I could see it unfolding.
      Also when reading in our veranda I can enjoy them and from the bay window in our kitchen.
      Have been reading a lot... killing the time is good.
      Two more nights and FINALLY I hear the outcome of the March 1 MRI—ridiculous long wait.
      Then we know more and I can take better action. ⚖

  19. Spring is just around the corner and it shows. At the weekend I went for a walk in the countryside and it's amazing how nature is waking up.
    I wish you the best of health.

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Yes, once nature comes into motion things unfold before our very eyes in a miraculous—rapid way. That's the beauty of nature!
      Thank you so much for your well wishes.

  20. Grazie per questo post meraviglioso.E' un'esplosione di colori e profumi!

  21. Beautiful flowers. Your new header is lovely.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Thank you and that picture from the Spiraea Cantoniensis or double Bridal Wreath Spirea truely is a GEM!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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