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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

SPRING in Our Garden — Post Accident

 This year's beautiful spring happens without me being IN it...
Can't walk, cannot go outside so Pieter captured it for me on my iPhone.
Hard to imagine what a driver without LOOKING can cause to another human being's life!
Our entire household is affected.
An elderly husband becomes the care taker...
Our kitties are unsettled...
Needing assistance with laundry and making the bed and on and on.
A very painful and also costly thing.
Needing a private driver to go to places where I used to drive.
On and on.
For missing the spring flowers, dear friend sent these on February 23, for enjoying indoors...
From my bed, I could see through the balcony door our Red bud Cercis Canadensis blooming on February 25.
Sending Pieter with my iPhone to capture them for me...
BUT my Pieter does NOT see the pink flowers due to being color blind!
This photo shows the wood trail below, that Pieter did newly built while I was in Limburg, The Netherlands one final time...
In front of our garage is this stunning Azalea pot plant, also on February 25.
Heavenly Azaleas...
Those stamens are so pretty!
Also on February 25th a sweet bouquet delivered by some kids from our Church and one street down from us.
You also see our pansies in our fiberglass window boxes happily blooming and more pot plants on the patio that bloom.

At least for me SOME spring flowers that I can enjoy without being outdoors...
My ugly rash and itch has subsided, a nasty side affect from the Medrol Dosepak, to reduce the swelling.
The swelling has gone down and cuts are healing with scabs formed.
My left leg hurts most around knee and ankle, where it is so severely cut and bruised aside from the Proxima fibula being fractured.
My calf is extremely tender and painful to the touch—hard to get any decent sleep with it and my right leg with the knee fracture and knee immobilizer.
BUT my nasty night sweats are also gone it seems—making progress!
Short legged and chunky Speckie girl on February 27, 2022...

Yesterday, our youngest senior kitty of 13, Speckie came home from the Animal Clinic after 3 nights, where Pieter brought her on Friday morning.
She was very sick.
Turned out after some blood work that her kidneys are not shutting down but in bad shape — just like mine. She also had a bacterial infection and got antibiotics and fluids.
Let's hope her Chronic Kidney Disease does not progress too fast...

Thanks for all your comments and prayers.


  1. All I can do is to keep praying for you and your household. It does make me mad that one negligent person can cause so much calamity on one household. Our pets pick up on the vibes - I truly believe this and its no wonder your sweet kitty got sick.

    All your flowers in the house and outside your window is beautiful. How long does your doctor say it will take for you to be up and around?

    1. Dearest Debby,
      And till today no word from this physician's wife... I just seemed road kill for her.
      Yes, kitties sure got very nervous from all this. Can't believe I'm totally cut off from my healthy and active lifestyle in regard to keeping my kidneys a bit longer...
      On the 22nd I will see my orthopedic surgeon again and hear abot my shoulder's MRI results...
      Flowers are lovely!

  2. I'm keeping YOU and Speckie in my own prayers, Mariette. Blessings.

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Thank you and the same for you and your sweet Mama—hoping you make it safely and timely to see her once more...

  3. A most beautiful bouquet in the first picture, and thank goodness for the kindness of friends. I hope you are feeling much better and in less pain by now; it can take a long time to heal after an accident. The Red bud and the Azaleas look forward to Spring. Nature is wonderful to lift the spirit.

    1. Dearest Patricia,
      Thank you and indeed for every negligent person causing such suffering there are kind friends!
      The pain is a lot less but sleeping remains very difficult.
      Spring is unfolding, without me in it for the very first time ever...

  4. Mi dispiace molto Mariette,ma ti capisco.Io da dicembre sono bloccata in casa,devo mettere la protesi al ginocchio .E' dura l'attesa...

    1. Cara Olga,
      Sì, aspettare così a lungo è molto difficile e sapere che arriverà la parte dolorosa e poi la terapia fisica ...

  5. Praying for your full and quick healing, Mariette. Be patient and trust in God,

    You have such beautiful flowers in your garden.

    God bless you and Pieter.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and indeed we have to trust God for giving me patience and strenght.
      The spring garden is always the best!

  6. Como tu no puedes salir, la primavera ha entrado en tu casa.
    Yo nunca me he decidido a sacarme el carnet de conducir y siempre me he valido de transportes públicos. me gusta viajar en el tren, para largas distancias de la península. A Madrid, se tarda menos de 2 horas en llegar y si es a Zaragoza, he tardado 3 horas y hay bastante distancia entre Córdoba y Zaragoza.
    Espero que haya mejoría y puedas valerte por ti misma. Mientras tanto una buena opción sería contratar a una persona, que te haga las tareas propias de la casa.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Sí, en el Viejo Mundo tienes la opción de viajar en tren o autobús.
      ¡No es así aquí y las distancias son tan grandes!
      ¡Sí, contratamos a tres mujeres para ayudar!

  7. Ja het valt niet mee ,gelukkig heb daar lieve vrienden.💞🥰😘🍀👍

    1. Beste Ellie,
      Nauwelijks te geloven dat ik al in de vierde week ben...
      Heel lieve vrienden en een goed netwerk!
      Pieter is op weg naar Atlanta sinds half negen, met privé chauffeur.

  8. Hi, Mariette!
    I'm so sorry to hear that you are still unable to go outside. Our lives can be changed in a second, so we must enjoy and cherish every minute of it. Praying that you recover and that soon, you can go outside and enjoy Spring at it's fullest.
    Those flowers (the ones inside and ouside of the house) are beautiful and they brong at least a pop of colour to brighten your day.
    Lots of love, hugs and prayers from Nuno and I to you and Pieter and especially your Speckie girl!

    1. Dearest Paula,
      Thank you and yes, we can try hard to live healthy but others can thwart that in a very negative way...
      Flowers always bring happiness!
      Thanks for your prayers and love, also for Speckie girl.

    2. Exactly, so we have to always do our best and leave the rest (that we can't control) in God's Hands.
      Your Speckie girls is so cute!

  9. My heart really hurts for you dear Mariette - Bob’s too. We pray you will heal quickly. Sad knowing the woman has ignored you so far! Tell Pieter he took good photos. So cold here - concerned for the blooming shrubs - azaleas just opening and have been hit with below freezing temps the past few nights🥲

    1. Dearest Mary,
      Thank you and yes, we had near freezing too after heavy rain.
      Lets hope no damage, every year that risk arises...
      Pieter will read these comments tonight on his iPad, when he returns with his private chauffeur from Atlanta. Hope they manage to get his hearing aid working again at Costco!

  10. It's wonderful that the healing has progressed!

  11. You are certainly going through the wringer, Mariette! I will keep praying for a full recovery for you and for your sweet kitty. Glad Pieter could bring the outdoors inside for you. What a guy!

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Thank you for your prayers!
      Not many at his age can do what Pieter does...

  12. Sending you prayers for continual healing. So glad to read of healing progress. Gorgeous azalea, love that color, the stamens are pretty! Your pansies peeking through your window, bright and color of sunshine. Hugs, Betsy

    1. Dearest Betsy,
      Yes, in over three weeks there is some improvement!
      Thanks for your prayers.
      The sun is out on this crisp day, with 32°F this morning...

  13. Bloody nice photos, just saying
    Recovery is often slow and frustrating but as long as you are going forward and not sliding backwards

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Thank you and at least I get to see some of this spring.
      You know about that as you struggle yourself and someone with a car hit your husband who also rode his bicycle.

  14. I am so sorry to read of your horrible accident. A sleeping driver hit my car head on 22 years ago, and the results still linger today. Thankfully not bad enough to keep me down except for the first 3 or 4 years. I pray you recover and can return to what is your normal life. The flowers and the kitty are very uplifting to see up here in colder Ohio. Rest well, Lynn

    1. Dearest Lynn,
      Thank you for your visit and sharing your own horrendous accident—caused by someone else.
      We all long to live our normal life and being free to move about...
      Oh, Ohio no doubt is still cold, even here it was 32°F this early morning.

  15. Hello Speckie. You look a lot like me. I am so happy that you are home and doing so much better. Your mamma and papa missed you very very much and we were all worried. I am happy that you are recovering so well Mariette. It's been so terrible what you and Pieter too, in his way, have been through. Hugs always.

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Yes, Speckie could be a fur–cousin. She was nervous at the Animal Hospital, Vet Amanda said.
      When she got home her brother Spooky was growling at her because she smelled like medicine and he panics about going to the vet—Amanda comes to our home instead.
      Speckie got her litterbox in the shower as she needs to use it frequently,
      But she's so happy and slept a lot.
      I've taken out the extra pillows for under my legs and slept better without them.
      That knee immobilizer is torture... for how long I need to wear that?
      But after 6 more sleeps I will hear my shoulder MRI results...
      Pieter got his hearing aid repaired yesterday at Costco in Atlanta—that helps!
      My hit bike got dropped off as well and will be assessed. Want to trade it in anyway due to my most painful memory attached to it...

  16. Thank goodness for Pieter and your iPhone ... the images are scrumptious. My heart goes out to you, Mariette ... the pain you are suffering could have been avoided had the driver not been careless. Please take good care.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Yes, Pieter captured spring 2023 well for me!
      Started on Tuesday my 4th week... hard to imagine. Yes, careless and still... up till now not a word or sign from her!

  17. Oh my goodness! I am so very sorry! Prayers for your recovery.

  18. Dag Mariette,

    Wat fijn dat jouw man de lente naar binnen haalt voor jou, geweldig.
    Ik hoop dat je weer snel zelf heerlijk naar buiten kunt.
    Wat een mooie Azalea!

    Och arme poes, ook haar wens ik beterschap.

    Beginnende lentegroetjes voor jullie,

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Ja, geweldig om zo toch te kunnen zien wat er bloeit en groeit in onze tuin!
      Als die knee immobilizer maar eens af kan...
      Ja, Speckie was erg ziek.
      Ook lieve lentegroetjes terug!

  19. love this time of nature

  20. Hopefully, your healing goes on steadily, and you'll soon join the upcoming Spring with its growings and fragrances. Wishing Speckie as well, a quick recovery!

    1. Dearest Duta,
      Well, I'm now walking on my late Mother–in–law's teak cane and left my walker in the bathroom. With that stupid knee immobilizer it is nearly impossible to sit down and get up...
      But, not feeling well before breakfast time, I proceeded to lay down after eating half of my food. Guess what I slept so deep, with three of our kitties, Speckie beside me, for 3.5 hours.
      That feels a lot better!

  21. Vejo que as coisas estão se arrumando, acho que estão melhorando, não é Mariette?
    Que você fique sem dor logo, isso é o principal. E força para Pieter! Tudo vai ficar bom!
    Deixo um abraço e votos de melhoras em tudo por aí! 🌹🌼🌷🌹

    1. Prezados Taís,
      Obrigado e a dor é muito menor agora! Dormiu após o café da manhã por 3,5 horas – muito profundamente. Grato por isso, pois as noites têm sido terríveis até agora.
      Grandes abraços e obrigado pelo seu amor,

  22. The Azaleas in the yellow pot are gorgeous. I hope your cat feels better soon, Mariette. I understand how hard it's been for you since your accident. Affects so many areas in your life. Do take care, and know your blog friend is wishing you well. : )


    1. Dearest Sheri,
      Yes, that azalea is indeed a stunner.
      Speckie is doing a little bit better and she is so happy for being home again after her 3 nights at the Animal Clinic.
      Thank you very much for your love!

  23. You are the strongest and most spirited woman I know and I am confident that you will be back on your feet very soon.
    Stay strong, dearest Mariette.

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Thank you—coming from you, this means a lot to me!
      With the help of God when asked for strength, we indeed can become very strong.

  24. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. Let's hope your kitten can get well too.

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Well, kitty and I live the same dilemma and there is no cure for it—only trying hard to stay alive a little longer.

  25. So very sorry to hear that you are still in such pain. What was the result of your shoulder scan? The azalea in the yellow pot is so beautiful. The colors really look nice together. Poor Speckie. Sending you both a lot of light and love.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Well, this will be a very long road to full recovery, just like in 2018 when I had my double—closed pelvic bone fracture. But luckily time is passing faster and with less pain I'm able to focus on reading books!
      You ask for the result of my shoulder scan—another closed fracture but I don't need surgery.
      Oh, Pieter picked that azalea up at Home Depot and it sure is stunning!
      Speckie has recovered some, she was really sick and then her siblings were growling at her because she smelled of medicine and they all dread going to the Vet.
      Thanks for your love!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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