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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, April 20, 2015


After our felines get their supper, we do love to do the CATWALK with them!
Crossing one bridge and walking the entire loop through the wood garden that is and back over the other bridge...
This is Spooky, following us as close as a doggy would do.
Loves to roll in the dry sand!
Tail up as his HAPPY SIGN...
Looking nice!
This is Barty, on his 11th Birthday... also rolling of course!
Nice, flipping over and looking like a DIRT DEVIL
They would love it if I did roll alongside with them!
Barty loves to play hide and seek between the daffodils.
This year we had so much green but few flowers...
Barty talking to me...
Spooky looking for Barty...
Watch out Spooky, as Barty will jump out from those daffodils and scare you!
Behind the home again and Barty looking happy. Still wanting some more snacks of course!
Spunky-girl was too lazy after supper to walk the CATWALK
She just engaged in her lazy driveway stretches!


  1. I love to see your kitties. What a nice life they have and they look very healthy. :) Deb

    1. Dearest Deb,
      Oh, our kitties live in heaven and they LOVE their special estate as much as we do with them in it... We take very good care of them, they see the vet and get good quality food and also we protect them against heart worm, fleas etc. It shows!

  2. Replies
    1. Dearest Theresa,
      You bet they are happy and cute in return...

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    herrlich deine Katzenbilder.
    Schön sie zu beobachten wenn sie sich auf dem Boden rollen und strecken. So ein Katzenleben ist schon toll in einem guten Zuhause. Bei euch haben sie einen riesigen Auslauf ums Haus.
    Grüsse sie von uns lieb mit einem Streichler. :-)
    Schönen Sonntag wünsche ich!


    1. Liebe Julia,
      Danke für deine lieben Zeilen und ja, hier haben sie einen riesigen Auslauf. Aber nicht Heute und dann werden sie etwas zankig wenn beim Regen sie nicht nach drausen können... Verwöhnt sind sie schon.
      Auch viele Streichler zurück an eure liebe Fiona!
      Schöne neue Woche und alles Liebe.

  4. Sono stupendi Mariette! Che bella compagnia per le tue passeggiate.
    Buona domenica,

    1. Cara V.,
      Grazie e i nostri gattini sono infatti dolci compagni per passeggiare a piedi, lavorando in giardino o qualsiasi altra cosa.
      Una felice settimana di nuovo,

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind niedliche Fotos, die Freude schenken.

    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke, ja uns schenken diese Katzenkinder ganz viel Freude.
      Danke für die sonnige Sonntagsgrüsse, es war ein dunkler Sonntag mit Gewitter und viel Regen.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  6. Dit is wat alle katten fijn vinden, lekker heen en weer rollen en stretchen. Fietje schuift 's zomers over het hele terras.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, bij ons liggen ze gelijk na hun ontbijt en/of avondeten ook over de oprit te schuiven. Vinden ze kennelijk héérlijk. Ze rollebollen dan en je zou af en toe mee willen doen...
      Lieve groetjes,

  7. Your happy kitty walk reminds me of past times when we were still comfortable with our guys going outside. Ours used to walk a loop through the woods with us. Being cats they ran back and forth and probably covered at least three times more ground than we did. Then they would get tired and we would have to carry them. That was okay, except that Zeke, our Maine Coon Cat, weighed in at twenty.three pounds (no fat, just a lot of cat)!
    Have a lovely week ahead.........*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Love your story about Zeke, the Main Coon Cat! Our Speckie (Spicy is her real name) we called just that because she is the heavy weight of our kittens. They are fun to be around and we enjoy them. Today they got cranky due to the heavy thunderstorms and rain. It was dark around 2:00 PM...
      You too a lovely week and hope with sunshine.

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    das sind wunderschöne Freunde, die du hast.
    Liebe Grüße!

    1. Liebe Michaela,
      Ja, es sind Freunde für's Leben und sie hängen auch sehr an uns.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  9. So cute Mariette, at the moment we have 3 cats, and except for the fattest and lazy cat, the others love to walk with us at night when we just go around the neighbourhood. Just like dogs! They just hide behind bushes if they hear a car coming, which isn't often at night.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Oh, we too have one that is fat and more lazy! But indeed, they act just like dogs and are always with us wherever we got in the garden. Very loyal companions and we do hope that we will never lose one again due to a car that hits them. We lost two so far... One was only 1-½ years old, she was so sweet and Pieter was treating ants on the lawn and he actually heard the bang... That driver never slowed down and was speeding like crazy. The 2nd one was 6 years old and our neighbor brought her home, he'd found her... Sad!

  10. Dear Mariette,such cute cats!!They look very happy and they are enjoying playing in your beautiful garden!
    Gorgeous pictures!!Have a lovely week!!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you and I guess they live in cat paradise and have plenty of room for playing, running and climbing.
      Happy new week and hugs to you.

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    ihr habt aber eine Menge Katzen - zuerst dachte ich, es wären alles schwarze Katzen - aber
    dann hab ich die getigerte gesehen - Katzen lieben es, sich zu räkeln und zu wälzen - das tut ihnen offensichtlich gut - ganz süß ist deine Schar - ich wünsche dir weiterhin viel Freude mit den niedlichen Pelznasen -

    herzliche Grüße - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Wir haben drei schwarzen und noch eine tuxedo Katze die auch schwarz ist und zwei getigerten. Auf so ein Landgut von 1-½ Hectare können wir auch gut mehrere haben, es ist genug Platz da für jede Katze. So weit geniessen wir unsere Pelznasen und sie sind auch sehr glücklich bei uns.
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  12. Bonsoir Mariette,
    Mais oui, pourquoi les chats ou les chiens aiment se rouler dans le sable ou la terre. De vieux reflex de la vie sauvage. Ma chatte faire pareil.
    Grosses bises Mariette et bonne soirée

    1. Chère Nathalie,
      Oh oui, c'est un rituel préféré qui roulent... comme dans la nature et nous avons jamais peut changer que je devine et pourquoi devrions-nous? C'est amusant de les voir heureux!

  13. Lieve Mariette ,
    Een echte Catwalk was dat hahaha
    En wat poseren ze mooi voor de foto's ...
    ik wens je een hele fijne week toe ..
    veel liefs

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja, dat was het zéker en ik genoot ook van je video op FB... had ik nooit eerder gezien maar leuk!
      Oh, volgens mij weten ze best dat ze op de foto komen; ze zijn super smart hoor.
      Ook een fijne week en lieve groetjes,

  14. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Yes , you're right and I've always loved them...

  15. Hi dear Mariette !, que lindos gatitos ! Que tengas un buen comienzo de semana

    1. Dearest Angélica,
      Thank you and the very same for you; enjoy your fall weather.

  16. They look healthy and happy. Always a great sign!

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      They sure are healthy and happy; like their owners!

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    wonderful pictures of your beautiful Cats!
    Have a happy and wonderful new week,
    Love and hugs,

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you and our beautiful furbabies live a healthy and happy life here!
      Our week remains clouded and rainy... so the weeds will grow taller.

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    Your cat welk Barty on his Birthday! but looking a dirt devil when you did roll alongside with them.
    You had few flowers,Barty to play hide and seek in the daffodils and looking for more snacks!
    Spunky-girl was laze after walk the cat welk in her lagel driveway..her feet was stretckes!
    You are love cat so muchs.
    Hugs and Love both of you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Haha, I did not roll alongside with them; even if they would love me doing that!
      They are funny and create a lot of laughs too.
      Hugs and love from both of us.

  19. Dearest Mariette; Your kitties look really happy enjoying after supper walk with you♡♡♡ I LOVED to see the last "lazy driveway stretches" of your Spunky-girl♬♬♬ Aren't they the ones enrich your life as well as your great garden(^_^)v

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you and yes, all of them, together with our garden do very much enrich our life. We enjoy it and seeing our kitties frolicking in that garden is so rewarding. They live in paradise and are perfectly happy.
      Love and hugs back from across the ocean to my Japanese friend.

  20. Dear Mariette, BIG cat lover over here, so what's not to like about this post... Can see they are so relaxed and happy - stretching out there. Made me smile:-) Big hugs sweetie

    1. Dearest Eli,
      Thank you and yes, we too are BIG cat lovers and enjoy watching them being happy in this environment.
      Hugs to you,

  21. Your kitten is certainly nice to play in the garden, and later return home. Regards.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      Yes indeed they can come and go, through their cat door and with good weather they always are outdoors; that's what they love most.

  22. Loved the series of fun shots. Sadly I am very allergic to cats...so I can only look at pictures :( Janey

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Oh, they are such a happy family and having them mostly outdoors is a lot easier. No litter boxes inside either. Sorry that you are allergic to them as they can give so much love and joy.

  23. Can't believe your cats go for walks with you. Most cats wouldn't do that. Sounds really sweet. Love your lazy tabby :)

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      Oh yes they do and I wish we would have had an iPhone in 2007 when they were little , they followed us every day. Now not all walk together but still they do it. In our memory we have it but a video would have been so fun!
      Spunky always has been lazy. She would cross the bridge with us, and with all others, only to remain on the other side and than walk a short cut to the last bridge where we would end the full loop...

  24. Lieve Mariette,

    Dat wordt vast veel likken,wassen en poetsen na zo'n plezierige en heerlijke avond katten wandeling.


    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja, toilet maken doen ze altijd ná de maaltijd, op de oprit. Een leuk gezicht en dan ergens lekker lui gaan liggen...
      Dat samen wandelen is best geinig! Wij moeten vaak snel zijn als we alléén willen wandelen. Hun iets in het bakje doen en snél weg voordat ze meelopen de weg op...

  25. Hello sweet Mariette
    Spooky and Barty are soo cute and both look like my son's Snowball!
    How gorgeous that they follow you on their walk around the garden - their beautiful domain!
    Thank you for visiting me and leaving your sweet comment. x
    Shane x

    1. Dearest Shane,
      Thank you and yes, they follow us always like a magnet. Not all of them at the same time like they used to do when little but it is such a joy. Bet you miss Snowball...
      Hugs to you,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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