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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, November 21, 2013

{My Hand Knitted Silk Lace Shawl in Peacock Pattern}

It is about time that I show you my Hand Knitted Silk Lace Shawl in Peacock Pattern. Most bloggers know that it takes time for styling things and it's even harder for items you have to wear! The weather at home had been quite dark and dreary so we thought we take all those pieces with us in the car to Florida - to the SUNSHINE STATE.
Well yeah, SUNSHINE behind those gray clouds...
Here we are again on September 19, at the Hyatt House Miami Airport, our favorite home away from home.
Never mind, their botanical garden is still great for making photos!
So here is my hand knitted (yes, by ME!) shawl from Swiss Lang Yarns in a 100% taupe silk, which  I had obtained from New York by the box, wholesale. 
Closeup of the Peacock Pattern in Silk
As a matter of fact, I did three of these silk shawls. One was a gift for a dear friend in Australia and one I donated to "THREADS OF LIFE: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S TEXTILE ART" from the Georgia State University. You can read more from my LinkedIn profile.
Knitted after this Anna Burda pattern.
The skirt is my own sewing creation in a matching tropical wool from Britex Fabrics, San Francisco with silk lining from Britex Notions.
Shoes are Charles Jourdan from the Outlet.
Pantyhose are Wolford from the Outlet
Bag is from Chanel, from I Magnin, San Francisco.
Cotton peplum shirt is by Escada from the Outlet.
Gold Cameo brooch is a gift from my Pieter, bought in Eindhoven, The Netherlands as an estate piece at a jewelry store.
Cane I used only because the model in the Anna Burda held one...
Watch is a Rado from Switzerland; tax free.
Pearl Majolica earrings are from Singapore airport; tax free.
Pearl bracelet by Majolica is from Neiman Marcus at Oahu in Hawaii.
When shopping frugally at Outlets and tax free, one can afford some little luxuries... 
Closing my eyes... dreaming of SUNSHINE.
That's a FULL size 4 or European 34
captured by photographer P.J.C. Vedder

Related links:
Rose lace pattern with rippled diamond edging | blog by Astrid from Sweden with lace knitting shawl
GEBREIDESJAALS | blog by Mieke who is a Dutch artist in fine lace shawl knitting
Faden Stille | blog by Anett who is German artist in lace knitting, living in France
Träumereien Angel Smile | blog by Brigitte from Germany who does also lace knitting
Bergzauber stricken | blog by Marlies from Switzerland showing a knitted silk lace shawl


  1. Replies
    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Thank you and it ought to be with this regal bird's pattern...

  2. Oh Mariette, you look beautiful, your scarf turned out simply stunning ;-)


    1. Dearest Mari,
      Thank you very much for your praise! This is certainly a keeper as I really loved the way it came out.
      Hugs to you,

  3. Dearest Mariette your whole outfit is gorgeous! and made only more grande by the fact that you created the scarf and skirt! You are amazing my friend ... I wish I had taken the time to learn how to work both the crochet and sewing needles. My mother has these skills. Hope the weather is sunshine filled for you in Pieter so you can enjoy your beautiful property... hugs C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Thank you so much for your praising words and coming from a Fashionista like yourself that means a lot! Well, going to a Catholic school we had still nuns to teach us the beginnings and at home Mom would show me how to and also both Grandmothers knew how to knit and crochet. Designing clothes I studied (not my free will though...) for three years but I never did regret it. However it is so much more fun to go to the Designer Outlets and by your clothes without having to start out from scratch!
      We do have very mild weather.
      Hugs to both of you and all fur babies!

  4. Beautiful scarf, Mariette. You look lovely!

  5. I think your scarf is very pretty. I can see you were knitting when you were not well.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Thanks you! These silk scarfs I have knitted years ago...

  6. You look very pretty dear mariette in your hand knitted silk lace shawl :) The botanic gardens of the Hyatt, Miami are the perfect canvas for your beautiful shots. Enjoy the lovely day !

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      Oh, any tropical setting does provide the perfect canvas for photos! Thank you for your sweet comment, this lace shawl is for sure a keepsake.

  7. Liebe Mariette,


    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Wenn man sich konzentriert dann kommt so etwas von den Nadeln...
      Lieber Gruss,

  8. You are so stylish lady !! Your scarf is lovely and your talent is really !
    Have a nice day !

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Thank you and stylish dress style was always requested for attending banquets at International Conferences. But those investments are for life and I always managed to create some accessories myself.
      Hugs to you,

  9. Dearest Mariette;
    Oh, hand knitted Silk Lace Shawl and skirt; really LOVEY on you with your perfect physique. And the your gorgeous picture at the botanic gardens of the Hyatt was taken on the day of my birthday ,hehe♬♬♬

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      So glad you're back making the rounds; hope things have settled somewhat for you!
      Thank you for your kind reply with compliments. Botanical garden settings always work wonders and especially on your birthday! Never mind the gray sky.
      Lots of love and support back from your American friend!

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    dieser handgestrickte Schal ist wirklich wunderschön.
    Und er passt genau zu dem gesamten Outfit.
    Einen schönen Mittwoch wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Dankeschön! Ja, um etwas zusammen zu stellen kann man mit Geduld, nie impulsiv etwas kaufen. Wenn man über die ganze Welt herumreisen kann findet man alles was man möchte.
      Auch einen schönen Mitwoch abend noch.
      Lieber Gruss,

  11. Dat is prachtig gemaakt, de pauwensteek heb ik nooit geprobeerd, maar ik ken hem wel. Door de zijde valt de sjaal ook heel mooi. Een kunststuk.

    1. Mariette che carina che sei!La tua sciarpa è bellissima e ti sta molto bene!Baci,Rosetta

    2. Beste Marianne,
      Dank je en de zijde werkte ook heel erg fijn, zo soepel breit het en zo valt het ook. Ben er altijd blij mee geweest en die gaat ook nooit weg.

    3. Cara Rosetta,
      Grazie mille per i complimenti ed io amo questa sciarpa...

  12. Dear Mariette,
    i always enjoy,reading your posts!!!
    You show us so beautiful and interesting things!!!
    I like your gorgeous outfit!!!And the Chanel bag!!!
    You are so stylish lady!!!Your scarf is so beautiful made!!
    I know this pattern!!!Great work!!!Have a nice and bright day!!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you for your kind reply and compliments. Like you have done before when traveling it is a lot easier for obtaining luxury items; either at tax free or if you're lucky when they're on sale or her e in the USA at the Prime Designer Outlets. There is even a Chanel Outlet!
      Knitting those shawls was a pleasure and of course one of the three I kept myself and love to drape it around my neck.
      Happy day to you and lots of hugs.

  13. Hoi lieve Mariette,

    Je staat er weer van alle kanten mooi op,mis alleen de handschoentjes nog ;-))
    Tot in detail laat jij zien hoe je je garderobe op elkaar weet af te stemmen.
    Mooi handwerk je sjaal in pauwenstaartsteek!!
    Lang geleden breide ik voor mezelf een wit katoenen trui in die steek,het was in de tijd van boothals,brede boorden tot precies aan de taille,strak om het lijf passend etc.(in die tijd kon ik dat nog hebben:-))
    De trui was mooi maar ik had tijdens het dragen altijd het gevoel dat ik in een soort harnas zat,en helemaal wanneer trui net uit de was kwam,katoenen breisels kunnen dan hard en stug aanvoelen.
    Wat het dragen betreft heb ik geen fijne herinneringen aan die trui.
    Daar zal je tijdens het dragen van zijde geen last van hebben.
    Zie dat jou sjaal een mooie soepele valling heeft en door de geschulpte rand wordt dat nog eens extra geaccentueerd.
    Denk dat ik het al vaker schreef maar aan kledingmerken hecht ik weinig waarde,ik koop wat ik graag zie qua model en kleur.
    Draag wel een Rado klokje,gekregen van Harry paar jaar geleden,niet om het merk(kende dat niet eens voordat ik mijn oog op die horloge liet vallen) maar omdat het zwart is en ik het model mooi vind.

    Fijne dag gewenst en lieve groet!!

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Bedankt voor je altijd lieve kommentaar! Ja, die handschoentjes zaten in de auto... had ik ook nog kunnen doen! Die sjaal daar was ik echt trots op; geen makkelijk patroon maar de zijde verwerkte zich toch heel makkelijk dus gewoon een kwestie van concentratie. Jammer dat jou zelfgebreide pauwestaartsteek trui niet echt soepel bleef. Na al het werk is dat teleurstellend.
      Zijde valt altijd heel erg mooi, net zoals ook rayon en viscose.
      Ja, jij had het geluk om kleding te kunnen kopen die je leuk vond. Ik vond ook wel dingen leuk in Nederland maar dat kwam nóóit in maatje 34. Altijd kinderkleding moeten dragen, maatje 158 = 34. Dus zo kom je noodgedwongen bij deze kledingmerken terecht en hier in de USA zitten veel aziatische vrouwtjes dus ze hebben zelfs maatje 32! Ben er zó blij mee en nog blijer dat het in een Outlet te koop is voor de helf van de boutique prijzen en ik snut het meestal voor 40 - 60 of zelfs 80% korting van die originele helft! Dat is té gek, daarvoor kun je niet eens de knopen, stof en voering kopen.
      Wij vielen op Rado ook qua model, zo sierlijk en ik heb ook een zwarte Rado coupole van Singapore, tax free. Pieter kreeg zijn Rado cadeau van zwitserse vrienden op zijn verjaardag voor het jarenlang gratis helpen met bedrijfsproblemen. Hij brulde; zó blij met zo'n vorstelijk cadeau. Dus zo kun je soms héle mooie en luxe dingen op een speciale manier in je bezit krijgen.
      Wij moesten ook vaker formeel gekleed voor de dag komen tijdens internationale conferences en de meeste mensen hoeven dat beroepshalve ook niet. Grappig was dat in Canada op een van deze conferences er maar liefst 5 aan tafel zaten voor lunch met een Rado horloge. En toen een zwitser wilde aansluiten zei ik adrem: 'Dat hangt er vanaf, of je óók een Rado horloge draagt.' Hij zei: 'Als zwitser moet ik tot mijn schande bekennen dat ik voor het reizen een heel goedkope draag...' Geinig!

  14. Dearest Mariette....That is a beautiful pattern. As always your ensemble is elegant, but then I think you would look elegant in a hurricane.

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Thank you for your kind words. Well our years of having to present ourselves semi-formal and/or formal at international conferences are now behind us but it is a pleasure for being able to create part of your own accessories and sometimes even sew your own. But no more with the finding of those Prime Designer Outlets. In my home country I never could find any clothing in my size, they mainly carry size 8 and up. So I belong here in the USA!

  15. That is one stylish outfit. The skirt and the knitted scarf match perfectly. Lovely work! Best wishes,Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Thank you dear. Yeah, no big deal for walking into a huge store like Britex Fabrics in San Francisco with the shawl in your hand and finding a matching fabric for sewing the skirt! But I no longer do sew clothes. Outlet steals of a deal are far better!

  16. My dearest friend Mariette:
    OMG! You look so beautiful and elegant, Everything you are wearing it is just exquisite and good taste. You rock my friend!!!
    Send you a big hug, with lots of love

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Thank you friend! Nowadays there is a lot less need to dress like this but before when we attended international conferences, yes, there was a certain dress code that came with it. It always gave me pleasure finding things to combine a nice outfit and trying to be still on the frugal side.
      Hugs to you,

  17. Let me know the secret of your gorgeous silhouette Mariette! And you know what to put on you.I have a similar Cameo brooch.It's really pretty perfect on your handmade scarf.

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      The secret to my silhouette is for the biggest part genetic I guess but also the discipline for not smoking nor drinking and eating sensibly. Since I'm diabetes type II the sugar is out of my diet and also both of us had high cholesterol. That proves that also slim looking people can have the same health issues but we try to avoid fat cheeses and anything with heavy cream in it or fatty meats. It works fine with eating fish and lean chicken breasts or even getting the daily protein from soy products. Nowadays they can make meat-like soy products that don't contain cholesterol. So far it did pay off and I have stayed this way since I'm 15, with only a few fluctuations in-between due to medical treatment.
      Those hand carved shell cameo are such beautiful artwork and mine is so sweet, I should have shown a closeup... It is a pendant and a brooch at once since the bale can be bent down.
      Well, knowing what to put on me is related to my Fashion Design School where they put your nose for three years on the works of top designers. You learn how to combine things and maybe I had a natural eye for it to begin with. That scarf is a very special piece and I will definitely hold on to it; like onto my Chanel bag and the Charles Jourdan matching shoes.
      Hugs to you,

  18. Dit staat je prachtig Mariëtte. Een hele mooie sjaal, zowel kleur als patroon. Helemaal geschikt voor een zomerse dag. Lieve groet,

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja dank je en inderdaad hoort er een zomerse dag bij.

  19. Well my friend, you are the best model for cloths, you do have great genes you look beautiful in the gorgeous outfit with matching lovely scarf! I love the hand made cameo brooche, lovely too! I love Chanel and Charles Jourdan shoes...I also own some CHJ shoes. Thanks for your sweet visit, dear Mariette.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Thank you for your compliments and certainly my genes worked well so far. Those Italian cameo brooches are so lovely indeed. Funny that we both have Charles Jourdan shoes. Kindred spirits.
      Hugs to you and thank you for your always loyal visits and great comments.

  20. Dear Mariette,

    You are looking very stylish in your gorgeous outfit - love the scarf and the skirt you made and the taupe colour.
    Happy week
    Sending hugs

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Thank you for your compliment about my taupe shawl and skirt. It was a joy to make them and even more so for wearing them.
      Enjoy your remainder of the week and sending you hugs,

  21. Dearest Mariette,
    Your scarf is beautiful and you do wear it so well - so talented and lovely you are in your pretty outfit. The colors are so soft and flattering, too. So good of you to donate to a worthy cause and I am sure the recipient was delighted. You look happy to enjoy some sunshine. We are having sunshine today, but cool.
    Hugs and happy rest of your week,
    xo Karen

    1. Dearest Beatrice,
      Thank you so much for your kind comment and compliment. I kind of fell for this taupe color and it did not disappoint me.
      We had a rather dark and cloudy day here, not cold but the summer sunshine is gone it looks like.
      Enjoy your evenings inside the cozy nest you created!

  22. Mooie sjaal Mariette, ik weet dat het een bewerkelijke steek is, de pauwverensteek, heb vroeger daar eens een pierrotkraag van gebreid voor een trui. Hij staat je mooi Mariette.

    Groetjes Janny

    1. Beste Janny,
      Ja, dit is een erg bewerkelijke steek; gewoon concentreren en opletten! Het is me gelukt om er drie te maken van die hele doos met zijde van Lang. Zelf heb ik er ook veel plezier van gehad en het is een hele lichte sjaal om te dragen ook.

  23. Dearest Mariette..... what can I say, because words are falling to tell you how much I love your outfit. Amazing that you did your scarf and the skirt. My Mom taught me to do crochet and also tried to teach me to sew. But I was more focused on another things.......
    But back to your outfit it is so elegant with the soft colours and all the beautiful details and accessories.
    Hope you'll get the sunshine and will enjoy it.
    Best wishes, hugs

    1. Dearest Seeker,
      You are very kind! I was lucky that we got taught how to crochet and knit by the nuns at fist grade. At home some more example and help by Mom and from Grandmothers on both sides, that motivated me to TRY some more complicated things. It's a matter of concentration.
      But my eyes are not as good as they used to be so I'm glad that I have this beautiful piece and I will enjoy it for years to come. The taupe color is indeed a very nice color. No matter what we have in our wardrobe, the accessories are a very important aspect of an outfit.
      Hugs to you and wishing you a nice remainder of the week and a happy weekend to come!

  24. Ma chère Mariette, You look so chic in that outfit. The scarf is so lovely, and you know how I love my scarves. Is there no end to your talents? Love the walking stick. I suggest you keep it as an accessory, whether you need it or not. It has such panache!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Thérèse,
      Oh, my talents are about to dry up... wait and see! No, this was a rather complicated pattern but I mastered it and had to repeat it three times, due to the wholesale amount. But there was no other way. I could have ordered it from Europe but than risking the chance that I would have a little short and with the shipping combined it also would add up. Glad I found it in New York and it worked out well. Oh, that walking stick is a keeper too, it is in our Dutch 'paraplu' stand in the hallway. Dutch is close to French 'parapluie'...
      Hope you are having a happy time with the cooler weather.
      We got the tickets for the Nutcracker on December 15; something to look forward too. Thanks for the link of that 9 year old Dutch opera singer. I had heard her already but she IS incredible.
      Hugs to you,

  25. Dearest Mariette,
    You has lat of things your show us. you are all those ietes with in the car to flolida.
    Your boatancal gaden and still great making photos
    and your hand kiitled from you! these silk shawls. One of a gift of dear friend in Australia.Knitted after this Anna burda pattern!
    Cane I used the model in the Anna Burda whtch is redo from switzerland TAX free held one.
    I hope you will has wonderful time with both of you!
    Thank you for coming to see me.
    Hugs and love to you always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      It is always a joy to see you reading my posts so well. You do such an extraordinary job in practicing your reading AND writing skills. You steadily keep improving from your dreadful accident and I keep admiring you for doing what you do!
      Sending you oodles of love - always!

  26. Liebe Mariette,
    Dein Outfit gefällt mir sehr und Du siehst sehr chic darin aus. Sehr edel ist dieser beige Farbton und passt so sehr zu Deiner weißen, hübschen Bluse. Dein Lächeln zeigt mir, dass Du glücklich und zufrieden bist (auch wenn die Sonne hinter Floridas Wolken verschwunden ist *smile*).
    Das Pfauenmuster stricke ich auch sehr gerne; ich habe es in meinem Sommerpulli aus Lacegarn gestrickt.

    ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Tag und schicke liebe Grüße aus dem kalten, aber ungewöhnlich sonnigen Ostfriesland.

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Schön zu lesen das es zwar kalt aber ungewöhnlich sonnig ist bei euch. Hier gibt es diesen Tagen keine Sonne...
      Danke für deine lobende Wörter und ja ich glaube gern das auch deinen Sommerpulli aus Lacegarn schön aussieht im Pfauenmuster! Es lohnt sich immer die extra Arbeit oder das schwierige. Ja, zufrieden sein hat nicht alles mit Sonne zu tun; es hilft aber ist nicht alles.
      Lieber Gruss,

  27. Erg mooi Mariette, de sjaal die je hebt gebreid! Ook n erg mooie kleur!
    Wat fijn dat jullie zo´n mooi weer hadden!
    Lieve groet

    1. Beste Nicole,
      Dank je en taupe is een mooie kleur inderdaad.
      Wat het weer betreft, we hadden drie dagen regen in Miami dus helemaal geen mooi weer. De laatste dag was het droog maar erg bewolkt.

  28. Hallo mrs Mariette..thank for the visit on my blog and for the lovely comment in this post

  29. oh i go to Florida, years ago...what lovely and quiet place..sunshine..there i see first time in my life dolphins... i will be happy if you want to become each other members on our blogs...
    i have christmas competition if you wish :)

    1. Dearest Delfinaki,
      Well, it might be quiet where the dolphins are but certainly not in the Miami area as it is a very busy and bustling city. Sunshine is not guaranteed either as we had bad luck with three rainy days and only one day without. But it still was great!
      Hugs to you,

    2. Goodmorning,welcome to my blog...i just become member , on your blog.. hope talk each other on our posts... :)

  30. Oh dear Mariette
    I love your beautiful shawl - very chic!
    Peacock pattern looks quite complex - it's a work of art and it's wonderful you donated one to the Threads of Life - it will be treasured.

    1. Dearest Shane,
      This was a complex pattern indeed but I finished those three without problems.
      Thanks for your kind words!

  31. Wat leuk om te zien, het geeft veel voldoening iets te maken voor je zelf he ? hartelijke groeten van mieke ( nice to see your beautiful shawl. Knitted by yourself gives much pleasure I think ? kind regards mieke

    1. Dearest Mieke,
      Well, you are a PRO at lace knitting and even far larger shawls than mine. But I appreciate your comment and it sure gives lots of satisfaction.

  32. Dearest Mariette,
    Thanks for the link to my blog!
    I love your shawl and your skirt is also beautiful!
    Hugs, Astrid

    1. Dearest Astrid,
      Thank you for your compliment and your are more than welcome for linking you to my blog. You certainly are a fabulous knitter yourself; one that I admire!

  33. Dearest Mariette,

    I love the color scheme and you are so talented!!! and you know it's always good to have the privilege to shop around the world:)

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      That color is very attractive and Chanel knew that too. If you can shop around the world you always will find great accessories!

  34. I love your scarf Mariette! Wish I can knit again! I am a crazy knitter... used too! :-)

    1. Dearest Mei,
      Like you; I used to knit a LOT... But this one I will keep forever as it was such a difficult one and it is all silk and pretty - timeless.
      Hugs to you,

  35. Per poco mi sfuggiva questa meraviglia! Non solo la sciarpa in seta (divina) ma tutto il tuo look é molto chic. E il tuo stile é sempre di gusto raffinato. Complimenti.ogni cosa che fai é bella!
    Un bacio
    P.S il punto pavone é molto piú bello on seta che in lana!

    1. Cara Mimma,
      Grazie mille, sei così gentile... Davvero il punto pavone è molto più bello che in lana e anche più facile!
      Uno potrebbe vedere che ho vissuto per un anno in Italia e ha ottenuto i migliori esempi di eleganza!

  36. Mariette,

    Wat een prachtige sjaal en de camee past er zo mooi bij.
    De witte blouse is een plaatje.
    Staat je geweldig!

    Lieve groeten,

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Dank je wel en die camee is inderdaad een erg lief antiek sieraad.
      De rok was wel een van mijn laatste naai creaties... Outlet koopjes zijn veel makkelijker.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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