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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, December 31, 2021

WORST Ever USPS Experience

 What can you do if something you mailed out does not arrive?!
You cannot shoot them... or? 
Well, this resides at my Pinterest board; GIFTS of LOVE and it is titled 'Amazing Origami Using Only Dollar Bills'
Sure, mailing out a GIFT of LOVE to my youngest brother and using ONLY 16.25 Dollar Bills... Haha!
But what can we do?
USPS Tracking ←click link for viewing this INCREDIBLE journey, crossing trice the Atlantic Ocean and still not going anywhere...
You have to scroll down to the very bottom, to start out.
From Miami, Florida it departed on May 31, 2021.
BUT on June 23, 2021 it got processed through international mail facility in San Francisco, California!
July 16, 2021 it got processed in Amsterdam, The Netherlands... 😊
A MINUTE later it reads 'attempted delivery'!
My brother lives a good two hour drive away from Amsterdam, in the South and to the East 😳

It got processed again in Amsterdam, wonder what they did in those hours...?!
August 17, 2021 the 'row boat' must have made it back to San Francisco, California again.
Five days later it arrived in Macon, Georgia = one hour from us.
So we expected it to go: return sender!

Two days later it was again in Miami, Florida at International distribution center.
Three days later it came once more to Macon, Georgia...
And good six hours later it was at Seminola-Orlando, Florida distribution center.
Hours later it was back in Miami, Florida for the umpteenth time!
It went back to Atlanta, Georgia and from there to Macon, Georgia AGAIN!
Two days later on September 6, 2021 it arrived at the Boston, Massachusetts and it dissipated...
Isn't that all GREAT?!

Blogger friend Mary, already mentioned in November that parcel postage is a nightmare...
A busy week........and postage! ←click to go to her post.
When trying to mail something out to my nephew, via UPS, having driven 43 miles to hand them the parcel, I nearly fainted when they calculated the price. 'Just $ 121.00' and believe me it was NOT heavy.
So I gave up. They used to say, only the birds can fly cheaper but now it is almost cheaper for buying an airline ticket and to deliver it in person.

So much fun being an immigrant!

Wishing ALL of our readers a Happy New Year

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  1. Oh how awful! I have given up on the postal service. Twice we have mailed birthday cards with checks in them to grandkids. One took three weeks to get from Colorado to Texas., and recently one took a month to get from Texas to Seattle. These were not even packages. I think it is a deliberate slowdown…..
    Hope in spite of this that you enjoyed Christmas and that you have a happy and healthy New Year. Janey

    1. Dearest Janey,
      We also have given up on mailing things across the big pond; way too much stress.
      So sorry to learn from your experience with cards and checks for the grandkids.
      Yes, our Christmas was a wonderful quiet time with lots of music due to Händel's Messiah and attending Mass with lots of caroling.
      Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!

  2. Buon Anno Nuovo Mariette,tanta salute e serenità.

    1. Cara Olga,
      Buon Capo d'Anno a Buon Anno Nuovo a tutti voi!

  3. Oh my goodness, I thought Canada Post was awful. I think this is the worst I've ever read about, except for news stories about mail carriers that end up stealing and hoarding the packages they're supposed to deliver. 😕

    Anyway, I wish you and Pieter a very happy new year, Mariette. Take care!

    P.S. Derry now has eye drops, three to four times per day for a week. Good luck to me with that! I struggled to get one drop in earlier this afternoon; Derry now is upstairs hiding under the bed. Oh boy....

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Yes, this was the worst experience for us too. Guess it also got stolen in the end. But one wonders if those workers are all illiterate and cannot read.
      Thank you for the happy new year wishes and to you and Derry as well. Oh, we both handled all five kitties for their heart worm/flea treatment. They hate it being squeezed in their neck and Spunky Tiger girl hid in the wood garden, not coming near me for her noon snack. They will avoid me for a couple of days...
      But having our first male Spooky die from heart worm at age 4.5 forced us to go ahead and prevent that!

  4. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      That sure IS but what can we do?
      Hugs and Happy New Year to all of you down under.

  5. Replies
    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Grazie e anche cari auguri per tutti voi!

  6. Good Grief!! All I can add is HAPPY NEW YEAR💥

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Thank you and the same to you and yours!

  7. Hello Mariette, I am not sure what the purpose of tracking is if not to keep the package moving in the right direction. I was a systems analyst in the U.S. and I sense a major problem here. As regards lost and damaged packages, I could write a book. It is one thing if a utility bill goes astray, because it can always be duplicated, but when we send important presents or antiques, there is no possibility of replacing the item or fixing the problem. And if you make a claim, they refuse it and deny responsibility!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      You are so right about that and this is so rotten, one wonders who is handling our parcels? Sad for you personally also having had bad experience with lost and damaged packages.

  8. Das tut mir leid, so ein Pech.
    Es ist wahr, die Paketsendungen sind immer teurer geworden, so daß es sich manchmal gar nicht lohnt eines zu verschicken. Ich habe in letzter Zeit, kleinere Dinge in dicken Briefumschlägen versendet,
    so das das Porto noch verträglich ist. Wenn nun etwas abhanden kommt, ist das besonders ärgerlich.
    Ist mir noch nicht passiert, ich hatte Glück bisher.
    Laß dich nicht verdrießen.
    Ich wünsche Euch ein gutes, fröhliches 2022. Herzliche Grüsse von Viola

    1. Liebe Viola,
      Es ist hier leider nicht anders so lange die Post noch unter die Staat ist. Bei euch ist es ja ab 1994 privatisiert worden und DHL ist generell gut.
      Ganz liebe Grüße und das allerbeste für 2022.

  9. Deliveries are getting more and more expensive, it's true. And in some cases, in addition to being expensive, they are late.
    I ship but only within Portugal, as I'm afraid of shipping costs.
    I wish your year to be magnificent, in great health.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Yes, you are so right about that. When they get lost or whatever, that is BAD.
      Here nationally we do ship but no longer abroad.
      Thank you and all the very best for you and yours in 2022!

  10. It is so frustrating, and expensive, when an item posted does not arrive at the other end.

    Happy New Year to you and your family. God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      It indeed is and often it is irreplaceable.
      Wishing you a Happy 2022!

  11. That's horrible! I sent a blogging friend a birthday package in the UK. She did get it..and sooner than I expected. I sent a blogging friend in Canada several small things(books) and it took FOREVERRRRRR!

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Yes, it is horrible.
      One never knows but our trust in the USPS is gone.
      No wonder that IngramSpark with whom we self-published our book, ONLY uses UPS.
      We wanted to gift those that wrote a foreword with a personally signed copy of our hardcover. Shipping one book with UPS to Australia was 'only' US $ 150.00...
      To The Netherlands it was about the same cost.
      Those prices are nearly impossible for sending gift parcels as we used to do a lot in the 80s and 90s.

  12. If it wasn't so frustrating it would be funny. That is crazy. Thanks for sharing this with me.

    1. Dearest Debby,
      Just like your experience it IS frustrating and one wonders if they can read at all...


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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