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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

{Jealousy Stands in the Way of Success}

Often in life we read and see around us, people that always criticize and blame others for their failure.
As MaryEllen best described it: 'Eliminate The Jealousy Factor And Success Will Follow' ←click for link to her article.
The Success Indicator ←click for link
by MaryEllen Tribby

Successful People: Compliment - Forgive others - Accept responsibility for their failures - Keep a journal - Want others to succeed - Keep a 'to-be' list - Set goals and develop life plans - Continuously learn - Operate from a transformational perspective - Keep a 'to-do/project' list - Embrace change - Exude joy - Share information and data - Talk about ideas - Read everyday - Give other people credit for their victories - Have a sense of gratitude.

 Unsuccessful People: Criticize - Hold a grudge - Blame others for their failures - Say they keep a journal but really don't - Think they know it all - Operate from a transactional perspective - Secretly hope others fail - Don't know what they want to be - Never set goals - Exude anger - Hoard information and data (Yep, Scraped Content!) - Talk about people - Fly by their seat of their pants - Fear change - Watch TV everyday - Take all the credit for their victories - Have a sense of entitlement.

Guess we all can relate to the above!

From the above link of MaryEllen's article, she is citing the success of Ann Curry as read in the USA Today: 'Here's how working mom Ann Curry makes it all work' ←click the link to the article.

The message from highly successful Ann Curry about working Moms and their children:
Tell them you love them — a lot.
'You can never tell them too many times. Let them roll their eyes,' says Curry. 'Life can sometimes be, for all of us, a bully and you need to have money in the bank, that love is money, to get you through all the way to the end. Every time you say 'I love you,' you're putting money in the bank. You're not always going to be there to put money in the bank, so I say you got to stock up so it will last a long time.'

Some very valuable life's lessons!
In our career as International Consultants, we too have always emphasized the points that are listed to the left in this infographic.


  1. thanks for passing along a lot to think about.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Lots of things we all know already but this is such a great infographic!

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    Your post is amazing and informative at the same time. It is inspirational as well. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Dearest Munir,
      Thank you and it sure is an inspiration and gives a very clear insight into the positive actions of successful people, versus the negative thinking actions of unsuccesful people.

  3. Deaest Mariette,
    thank you for this funny indicator :O)
    Wishig you a happy week,
    Love and hugs
    P.S. I am almost done with your thing...;O)

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      It just gives some indication indeed but in general there is a difference between successful and unsuccessful people.
      Hugs and thanks for the great update!

  4. Unfortunately, many people do not realize is that they do not feel fulfilled in life. They should read your post. Regards.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      As we go through life, we encounter all sorts of people, at work and outside the work force.
      Wish we could keep them all happy and successful without jealousy.

  5. Our dear friend Mariette
    Good morning from Thessaloniki Greece !!!!!
    Morning in Dublin, Georgia in the USA !!!!!
    Thank you for your comment on the blog
    Saw your own blog and FB
    We're glad we met you.
    Get on your health.
    with friendship
    Paul & Marietta

    Our dear friend Mariette
    Congratulations on the blog the FB and google +
    We became your friends
    If you too want to become our friend.
    thank you

    1. Dearest Paul & Marietta,
      Thank you for your visit and I did visit your blog and enjoyed reading the history about your region. That has always been a favorite when I was in Highschool, living in The Netherlands still.
      Sending you hugs from Georgia/USA,

  6. Very good advice. Thank you for reminding us.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Thank you and all we did during our work as consultants, was trying to be team builders and motivate to function that way instead of the individual scoring. Together achieving some goals is far more rewarding.

  7. Exactly why I am leaving my job. Some people think that success means you have money and control over others. I don't play that game. And I give respect to those who deserve it, not those who feel they have the right to command it. I respect the Indian lady who works in the kitchen at school more than I do the owners or the Business Manager. In fact, I don't respect them at all and they show little respect for their staff. Everyone in their eyes is easily replaceable. I will be so glad when June 7th rolls around. Best wishes, Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      You are a very intelligent and warm person with a big heart. Yes, some only go by the greed of wanting more money as that gives them power and control over others. As has always been the case; you can demand courtesy but you have to earn respect!
      We have seen such situations all too often and I wish you good luck for finding better corporate culture on your next job. I've always taught my people on the job, worldwide that is, that we spend after all more time at work than we do at home with our loved ones... So it ought to be a pleasant environment!
      Sending you hugs and blessings,

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    ein lehrreicher Beitrag. Man sollte öfter mal darüber nachdenken,
    ob wir alles richtig machen in unserem Leben.Von der Eifersucht würfen wir uns nicht aufressen
    Einen sonnigen Wochenteiler wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja sowieso sind Eifersucht und Neid die meist negative Emotionen für die Menschheit.
      Sonnig ist es diese Woche leider nicht aber zwischen den Regen mit Gewitter gibt es helle Momente.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  9. Dear Mariette,

    Dank je wel voor je lieve berichtje op mijn blog. Ik zie dat ik bij jou weer heel wat heb gemist. Mooie foto's van de bloemen in jullie tuin. Ik hoop dat het in Georgia inmiddels ook prachtig voorjaarsweer is. Het voelt vandaag in Rotterdam als zomer. Echt genieten!

    Mooie woorden in je bovenste post. Ik ben blij om te lezen dat ik meer onder de bovenste categorie val dan de onderste ;-)

    Een fijne week verder!

    Liefs, Madelief x

    1. Lieve Madelief,
      Graag gedaan en het is bij jou altijd een vreugde om binnen te komen... Altijd raak en ook zeer mooi altijd.
      Ja, hier was het ook zomers met al 32°C maar deze week veel regen en ook onweer dus het onkruid groeit ons over het hoofd... Alles is zó groen en zo weelderig, wel een goed begin voordat de hitte inzet. Maar jij weet beter dan wie ook dat het handenvol werk betekent om een mooie tuin te hebben en te houden.
      Liefs en ja, de bovenste categorie is diegene die ook het meeste voldoening schenkt. Zo hebben wij ook altijd gewerkt en geprobeerd het aan anderen over te dragen.
      Geniet ook van je week met mooi weer en heel veel liefs,

  10. Dear Mariette,your post is very interesting indeed!. It is inspirational as well !Thank you for sharing!
    Have a happy week!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Well, it is a subject that applies to the entire world, no matter which country. Jealousy and envy amongst people is always negative.
      Sending you hugs and blessings,

  11. Hello Mariette, I agree that people would do well to curb negative traits, but I am not 100% happy with the logic of this chart. I think that successful people have something important to offer, and the judgment to control their efforts. Many of those positive traits might therefore be the result of success, not its prerequisites.

    Also, I detect some subtle reverse sexism in that chart. The confident success figure is a woman (yes, I know the article was about a woman), but why is the pathetic loser who looks like he's about to do away with himself represented as a man?

    1. Dearest Jim,
      That would be a big win-win situation if people could curb their jealousy and envy. You are right about that chart and it is by no means a truth that can be preached like a gospel. There are some good elements in it and like you say the successful people are already by nature those that have leadership skills and that always goes hand in hand with intelligence.
      The article was indeed about a very successful woman and written by another woman that obviously likes to reverse certain things in her favor. Guess she needs it to inflate her own ego!
      But my message was plainly about the negative impacts of negative traits.
      Kindest regards and both, Pieter and I always enjoy your indepth reading skills!

  12. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind gute Anregungen zum Nachdenken.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja das sind es bestimmt da Eifersucht und Neid sehr negativ sind.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  13. Very interesting, I liked this it made me think

  14. Dearest Mariette; So inspirational and Interesting to read this indicator. It sure sounds logical and educational; we tend to have these negative trait. Thank you very much for sharing this information, my friend.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you and at least it makes us think and ponder about certain traits. Not that this chart is a water proof tool that we all should copy. There are even some bad examples in as Jim did already point out and I agree with him.
      Sending you hugs and love from Georgia to my dear Japanese friend.

  15. Dear Mariette,
    I believe this 100%! This is true success in life - taking responsibility, feeling grateful, acknowledging other's success, continually working to improve oneself - yes, this is true. So often I see people that are negative and resentful of other's success and feel entitled without putting any effort into their own success. Also, telling your children every day that you love them (or whenever you see them when they grow up) is so important for their success. Self esteem and knowing that you are loved and supported is so very important. Thank you for sharing!
    Hugs xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      You did sum it up very well here above, even better than what is shown in MaryEllen's chart above! Yes, it is all about self esteem and the foundation for that can only be laid at the base and that's the family.
      Sending you hugs,

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    Thank you for helping us sharing successful information. we need money in bank that was big valuable life's all our life untile our last a long time.It is a nice intemational all together Thank you very much!
    Hugs and Love to both of you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Yes, it is important for being successful in order to have some means of living and saving for later. Sure, this is valid for all of us, international we look for the very same goals.
      Sending you hugs and love from both of us.

  17. Good Evening Mariette, I agree, it is important to stop what we are doing and take the time to say I love you. Nowadays, life can be so busy that although we feel love in our hearts we do not always remember to say the words.
    As far as negative people are concerned, when I was younger I tried so hard with people who I knew weren't happy with life and were negative in their outlook. I tried to understand and put myself in their shoes, but to be honest, I usually ended up feeling exhausted. Nowadays I avoid negative people. Life is too short and the time I have left I want to surround myself with people who have the same values as I do. That may be selfish, but it is also self preservation.
    As always it is lovely to visit you.
    Best wishes

    1. Dearest Daphne,
      No that does not sound selfish at all. After all, you are taking care of your loved ones and for doing so you ought to be healthy and strong and not being dragged down to the level of those negative people. If others don't have the same morals and values as we have; that's just too bad but indeed, life is too short for wasting time.
      Hugs to you and enjoy a happy weekend together.

  18. What an interesting and useful post, dear Mariette! Thanks for sharing!
    I have trained many young people during my career, always giving them the directives of the left part of that chart! And those who followed them, were indeed very successful in their job!
    Lots of hugs!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you and I guess this is a mondial problem in a way. We all know of negative people in our lives, be it at work, in our social circle or even inside one's family. All we can do is like you did and like both of us did, teaching and training people to be courteous and for being a good team player. Together we accomplish far more than on our own.
      Happy weekend and lots of hugs,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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