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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, April 4, 2015

{Fragrant Narcissus Obdam}

One of our most favorite Heirloom Narcissus are the Obdam. They are also fully double and a dream in a vase...
Lovely cream with yellow and I love the greenish petals!
They really make a lovely vase and are so fragrant for enjoying indoors.
You clearly see the hint of green...
Let me show you these greenish petals more up close.
Such a beauty; don't you agree?
They should stay like that for weeks, why are flowers wilting so quickly?
The Obdam is really multi-colored!
Wish I could reproduce the fragrance for you...
Here is where they live, in our wood garden, across the center bridge.
This year they did yield twice a nice filled vase but some years, the buds just dry up and never open...
Do you have some fragrant double heirloom Narcissus like these Obdam?


  1. Such pretty flowers. I also like your new blog header photo.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Thank you and Easter is a perfect time for daffodils and narcissus!

  2. Cara Mariette, anche nel mio giardino i narcisi sono fioriti, ma si tratta di quelli a fiore semplice, meno appariscenti dei tuoi ma altrettanto belli. Siccome sono tra i primi a colorare di giallo il prato accolgo sempre volentieri il loro benvenuto alla primavera.

    1. Narcisi guardano così perfettamente insieme a Pasqua e li amo, soprattutto questi quelli sono profumati. Ti auguro una buona Pasqua con i tuoi cari.

  3. spero che tu stia molto meglio, che sia guarita!!!!!! questi narcisi sono meravigliosi!!!!!! auguri di buona e santa Pasqua con la tua famiglia Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Grazie Lory ed io posso vivere con il mio dito così che com'è ora. Voglio augurarti e i tuoi cari anche una molto buona Pasqua.

  4. Deaest Mariette,
    those Narcisses are wonderful! I am sure, the fragrance is lovely ....
    I only have the very simple and plain yellow ones in our little garden, but I love this bright yellow, like sunshine :O)
    Have lovely Easterdays, you both,
    Love and hugs,

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Indeed, their fragrance is heavenly and especially in the evening it sends wafts of perfume through the home whenever you move. Whatever daffodils you have, they are such welcome flowers for spring; just enjoy!
      Wishing you and yours also a lovely Easter!

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    deine schöne Blütenpracht erfreut mein Herz.
    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke, es freut mich zu lesen dass sie so weit weg auch noch Freude bringen.
      Liebe Grüsse mit Sonne,

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    diese gefüllten Narzissen sind wirklich ein Traum.
    Wunderschön. Du hast sie uns gut nahegebracht.
    Einen besinnlichen Karfreitag wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja danke, sie sind auch zum fotografieren ein wirklicher Traum!
      Auch einen besinnlichen Karfreitag wünsche ich Dir mit alles Liebe,

  7. Deze zien er prachtig uit en zo mooi geschikt in de juiste vaas komen ze helemaal tot hun recht.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja dank je en dat is nog een oud vaasje uit Nederland van Keraflor uit Reuver, Limburg die destijds door Steenbok werden verkocht in 3 maten. Steenbok handelt nog steeds in tegels en marmer. Heb in de jaren 80 veel van hun geïmporteerd, ze hadden hier in Atlanta een filiaal totdat de dollar koers wijzigde.

  8. Hello Mariette,
    These narcissuses are great beauties, your garden must be very beautiful by now!
    You took wonderful pictures, showing "your" spring!! :)
    Enjoy the Easter weekend, hugs from France!

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      Thank you and yes, we do enjoy this time of the year very much as in our garden each day you almost find new things blooming. Nothing does last for long though but we enjoy it!
      Happy Easter weekend to you and yours as well.

  9. truly gorgeous! thanks, mariette!

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      In our opinion, all heirloom narcissus are gorgeous and have fragrance too!

  10. ⋰˚هჱܓ Belíssimas flores!!!
    ╰ჱ ╮

    1. Dearest Inês,
      Thank you and happy Easter for you and yours!

  11. Bonsoir Mariette
    Joli bouquet avec ces très belles fleurs. Tu as un joli par terre.
    J'aime tes deux lapins sur ta bannière de site :))

    1. Bonsoir Nathalie,
      Merci beaucoup, nous aimons notre jardin très bien et il est gratifiant d'avoir un beau vase plein! Oh, ces lapins sont tellement drôles, et nous les aimons trop.

  12. BeaBeautiful and feel their scent. In winter we want to go and flowers do not grow. Regards.utiful and feel their scent. In winter we want to go and flowers do not grow. Regards.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      Oh, such scented narcissus are a joy right after winter!
      Thank you for your visit and kindest regards,

  13. What a beauty, dearest Mariette!!!! These double narcissi are just lovely!!!!!! We do have some in the garden, but not the double ones, and ours are all gone, about ten days ago!!!
    Your Easter header is so cute!!!!! I wish you and Pieter a very happy Easter, my dear friend!!!!!
    Many hugs and kisses!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you, we surely did enjoy these and ours did not make it to the Easter season either. Very tricky to manage that; depending on the weather.
      We sure enjoy this time of the year, with a blue sky and sunshine it feels just great. Very festive time of the year. You will reach that next week in Greece.
      Sending you hugs and blessings,

  14. Dearest Mariette; Beautiful yellow Narcisses♡♡♡ Happy for youthat you had a good year of this beauty, my friend♪ Oh, must have the wonderful scent!

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you, and yes this year we got very lucky for having enough of these fragrant beauties.
      Hugs and love from Georgia/USA across the ocean to my Japanese friend!

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    Your beautiful Nareissus are the obdam and the lovely cream with a yealow greenish petals.
    Fregrant for enjoying indooora.
    Your wood garden alsoss the center bridge some of buds a dry up and never open ...
    I had nothing of any good one too much hot days of this years.
    Have a happy Easter!
    Hugs and Love from both of you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you for your visit and glad you came to enjoy these beauties.
      Sometimes we don't get any of these Obdam narcissus to bloom either, just got lucky this year.
      Wishing you a lovely Easter in Melbourne, Australia and happy family time.
      Love, admiration and hugs from both of us.

  16. Wow, they are so pretty! I love the hint of green on yellow! It adds beauty on them :-)
    And I admire your vase, too. It looks like a whipped cream....such a sweet looking vase!
    Happy Easter, Mariette. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, this sure is a WOW variety of heirloom narcissus. Anything with such a hint of green looks lovely, like white roses that have a greenish tint. A very old vase from my previous imports from The Netherlands that I did in the 80s for my business. They came in a small; medium and large size.
      Happy Easter weekend to you both!

  17. Dear Mariette,such beautiful flowers!
    Gorgeous pictures of the narcissuses in your garden!
    Wishing to you and Pieter Happy Easter and a lovely weekend!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Yes they truly are, amazing beauties IF they manage to bloom. Some years they don't even open up...
      Thank you and you are now very close to your Holy Week and Easter in Greece.

  18. Hoi Mariette,
    Zo zo.., jij zit goed in de bloemen. Erg mooi hoor. En zo te zien staan er buiten nog meer. Prachtig!!
    Grappige banner heb je ook bovenaan je blog.

    Groetjes en hele fijne paasdagen,

    1. Beste Marco,
      Ja, dit jaar was het een treffer met deze práchtige dubbele heirloom narcissen en ze geuren ook heerlijk. Maar ze hebben het niet tot Pasen gered, dat is al heel toevallig om ook dat te redden. Daar zijn foto's goed voor. Ja, die banner is inderdaad van een heel grappig duo. Mijn Vader vertelde vroeger altijd verhaaltjes over konijntjes die op brommertjes rond reden bij het land wat wij hadden. Wij genóten van die verhalen en járen later kom ik deze hier dus tegen. Mooie herinneringen!
      Ook lieve groetjes en fijne Paasdagen nog.

  19. Liebe Mariette,
    die Narzissen sind ein Frühlingstraum!

    Dir und Pieter alles Liebe zu Ostern.
    herzliche Grüße aus dem nicht mehr so stürmischen Ostfriesland von Traudi

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Oh, sie sind wirklich wie ein Traum da sie auch noch so herrlich duftend.
      Auch euch beide alles Liebe zu Ostern. Gott sei Dank ist das Wetter bei euch etwas kalmiert...
      Liebe Grüsse,

  20. Liebe Mariette,
    es gibt so viele wundervolle Sorten Narzissen - was für ein herrlicher Strauß -

    alles Liebe und ein paar wundervolle Tage -


    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Ja, besonders die ganz alte Heirloom Sorten mag ich so sehr auch wegen den Duft.
      Ganz liebe Grüsse und ein schönes Osterwochenende.

  21. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      That's a perfectly strong Aussie word for it!

  22. Een prachtige volle bloem Mariette. Mooi vaasje ook. Zo'n groot veld met narcissen is ook een prachtig gezicht. Ik had een aantal bakjes met witte narcissen binnen staan (weet de naam niet meer). Nu ze uitgebloeid zijn hebben we ze in de tuin (lees tuintje) geplant, dat doen we elk jaar, dan hebben we er volgend jaar weer plezier van. Fijne paasdagen, lieve groet

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, hier op zo'n groot landgoed verdwijnt heel wat aan bollen en plantgoed maar in een klein tuintje is het zichtbaarder en narcissen vermeerderen zich ook. Zo halen we de mooie lente ook in huis met een geurende vaas van zulke ouderwetse variëteiten!
      Ook een fijn Paasweekend en liefs,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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